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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. But at least I can spell and abide by elementary grammatical rules. You are the educated adult in the room, your delivery needs to reflect that, it will help your relevance a lot.
  2. I would say it is a pretty straightforward clue and well within your grasp. Read the text you replied to, then your reply, and spot the dialectic flaw.
  3. The 4 previous ones were far better.
  4. He is the son and designated heir of one of the most infamous purveyors of destabilisation of all kinds throughout the world. It matters not where he was born, these people don't believe in nations and Alex has been instructed to use the 25 billion $ empire he inherited to further the One World Government his dad worked tirelessly to implement throughout his existence. From 2020: George Soros pledged $1 billion to fund a new university network to tackle the spread of nationalism in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where the financier and philanthropist also condemned President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping. https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddawkins/2020/01/24/billionaire-george-soros-pledges-1-billion-university-fund-to-fight-would-be-dictators/
  5. How many American billionaires decide what goes into our body with no oversight ot accountability? How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/14/global-covid-pandemic-response-bill-gates-partners-00053969
  6. If the autopsy concludes he just "died in his sleep" with no other reason given, then that will indeed be a possibility.
  7. I also found it quite amusing to see the hordes of leftists suddenly taking offence at a billionnaire getting involved in politics. Shows you how much they've been paying attention these past decades. I guess as long as it isn't under Trump, it's OK…
  8. An interesting book to read is Times of Feast, Times of Famine: A History of Climate Since the Year 1000 by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. Climate has evolved in cycles for as far as we can remember, and there is nothing fundamentally abnormal about the current situation. The Climate industry is, for all intents and purposes, a scam. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Times-Feast-Famine-History-Climate/dp/0374521220
  9. It's bloody freezing at the moment. But I'm sure that if I was "smart and educated", I would understand this is actually a symptom of global warming, kind of like when not having any symptoms was a symptom of Covid.
  10. So sad… and there are many such examples.
  11. And it's a figure provided by certified liars so it has virtually no value.
  12. Before we get to that part, women need to get pregnant… I have seen maybe three or four pregnant women in the past three years. This, of course, is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with the nefarious effects of the Spike protein on the reproductive system.
  13. It was understood until 2020… when they rewrote history and all they needed to do was publish it in The Lancet for all the "smart educated" people to follow.
  14. That's the problem indeed, the sunk cost fallacy.
  15. It really is, isn't it? One has to laugh… though it's a somewhat dark, cynical laugh.
  16. This is what happens when you "move at the speed of science" (a.k.a. make stuff up as you go to and rewrite history to fit your agenda), you end up with contradictions. The FDA forgot to memory-hole this 2015 paper.
  17. Barely a day goes by without you implying you have superior intelligence, yet you blindly believe and/or abide by figures and rules edicted and imposed by entities which have repeatedly been caught lying , omitting or distorting facts in favour of the pharmaceutical cartel. That's not very smart, is it?
  18. That's over 70 million US people who can't read according to you. Do you think this is a relevant and/or serious comment to make? Times have changed and you are now part of a minority.
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