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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. It's very funny to me that so many people suddenly take offence at billionnaires getting involved in politics just because Trump is doing it.
  2. "Time will tell, but don't sell the Thai's short when it comes to making a quick and easy baht out of foreigners." They are also very sensitive about their image abroad. Currently, this tax thing is very negatively perceived and neighbouring countries are increasingly presented as better alternatives. We should never forget about face-saving and its influence on the Thais' behaviour: IMO this will weigh in the process and final decision on how to proceed.
  3. I think that if they try to implement it, the Thai administration will have a lot of trouble managing the DTA issues, checking who owes what and/or managing claims and refund requests, enforcing payment on those who don't file anything, and ultimately, this is going to be an inextricable entanglement of problems which I anticipate will result in many offices simply not enforcing it because they won't even begin to understand and/or agree amongst each other what needs to be done and how. I think you are correct in your assessment that increasing revenue is the key driver in this process: when the Thai authorities realise that this endeavour is having the opposite effect, i.e. people leaving in droves (and I know several who have already left), combined with a negative image compared to more welcoming neighbouring countries, I anticipate this law will join (or remain in) the long list of laws which are not applied. I would not be surprised if they ended up charging a flat tax of 1,000 baht as a "processing fee" to every long-staying farang extending their visa, and all we would need to do is check a box stating "I certify being a resident of a country having a DTA with Thailand". If, say, 200,000 people are liable to the tax, that's 20 million extra per year for Thailand, just 1,000 baht extra per year for us, face is saved and everybody comes out satisfied. Now that, IMO, sounds a lot more Thai-realistic.
  4. The minute he supports Trump, he become à supervillain. You guys are funny.
  5. These scumbags don't follow any religious precepts, or if they do they do it wrongly, merely out of provocation or in a futile quest for identity. Their only true relation to Islam is through their cultural heritage. I would say they are much closer to the American ghetto/gangster model (drugs, prostitutes, theft, vulgarity… you won't find any of that in the Quran) than to Islam.
  6. Come on Jing, put your money where your mouth is and move on.
  7. No choice, they have French passports and were born in France. I think the only viable solution for these people is remigration. Political solutions have to be worked out with the countries of origin of their parents, who were imported as labour during the 60s and 70s. It would be very difficult, but not impossible, deals can be worked out which satisfy both parties. Strong financial incentives can be implemented against the relinquishing of French nationality, and programs can be financed to support them over there for the first few years. Large infrastructure projects could be financed in these countries which are still underdeveloped (this could be an incentive for their governments). It wouldn't be that expensive considering what is spent on these people currently in France, and the French people would agree with it. Of course, it isn't Macron or any of the globalist clique who would ever consider doing that, first there would need to be a deep political shift. And also Frexit, as EU laws prevent any sovereign decision.
  8. Yes indeed. A few months ago, I watched Zombieland, a 30-minute documentary on the destruction of Germany. The last time I was there was in 2009 and it was still the clean, pleasant country I'd always known. Now it's become this:
  9. Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, owner of the LA Times and a renowned transplant surgeon, is raising alarms about the fallout from mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines,” linking them to unprecedented deaths and cancers in children. “For the first time in my career, I’ve seen an 8-year-old, 9-year-old, and 10-year-old with colon cancer.” “A 13-year-old child died of metastatic pancreatic cancer.” He has thrown his support behind Robert F. Kennedy Jr., stating Kennedy “knows more about the science than most doctors.” VID_20250117_222632_003.mp4
  10. Yes, it was such a beautiful country and it is now in tatters… Maddening indeed… and sad.
  11. I am French and grew up with them. Then I lived in Phuket for a year and ended up moving because of them. They are worse in France because they know they can get away with anything. But they are definitely becoming confident in Thailand, it's time they were taught a lesson by the authorities IMO.
  12. They will not do it if it is complicated to do. At the first difficulty, they will prefer to drop everything than spend one second struggling, it's a cultural thing.
  13. Yeah, but here you're dealing with people who only question things when Trump does them. They had a "President" for four years who literally took showers with his daughter and they were fine with it.
  14. Yeah, the guidestones were taken out with military precision… To my knowledge we don't know who did it.
  15. Interesting… Deagel predicted in 2020 that the world population would drop massively by 2025… which is most likely not happening (though there are concerning trends) and the report has since been removed. But when one looks at who is behind Deagel, it gets very interesting as those are some of the most powerful people in the world. The Exposé did a paper on it in 2023: Dark Secrets Exposed: CIA is behind Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast & Official Excess Death Figures in the Millions prove it’s on Target & not just an Estimation We can confirm that Dr. Edwin A. Deagle Jr., who passed away on February 16th 2021, is the confirmed figurehead authorities would like you to believe is solely behind Deagel.com. During his life, Dr Edwin served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He was also the Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation, an influential global philanthropic organization. https://expose-news.com/2023/08/06/cia-deagel-2025-depopulation-on-target/
  16. That's a pretty compelling speech she made there. There is no more stopping the truth at this point. What happened these past few years was terrible. I hope it will be possible to help all the injured people who are still alive, and hold the criminals accountable.
  17. Indeed, and we know what's causing it.
  18. I look forward to his speech. To me, the 2017 inaugural speech (written by Steve Bannon) was one of the greatest political speeches ever made. It's worth rewatching. And Obama's face, priceless! "Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, the American people."
  19. It's happening everywhere. Trump started working on this during admin 1 and let's hope it will continue. January 2021: Trump Creates New Position Dedicated to Fighting Human Trafficking https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/trump-creates-new-position-dedicated-to-fighting-human-trafficking-3223105
  20. Back to his country, US taxpayers shouldn't pay for this.
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