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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. Okay, candide, you have the last word… Enjoy!
  2. Ah, but as this isn't the "Off the beaten track" section, my proof is most likely to be invalidated as "misinformation", you see… No matter, this ridiculous debate will soon be a thing of the past.
  3. That was funny, thanks!
  4. What prevents them from voting if they don't need to show ID?
  5. So your rationale is that they are allowed to vote, but they don't do it. Thanks for your input. It's good that Trump admin 2 is going to do this.
  6. Please explain how that works. From the Newsweek article posted above: Fifteen states, including California and Hawaii, do not generally require voters to show ID.
  7. Map Shows Voter ID Laws by State Blue: Photo ID required Purple: Non-photo ID required Red: No ID required https://www.newsweek.com/map-shows-voter-id-laws-state-1950691
  8. Definitely looks like a female-to-male transgender.
  9. As a Frenchman, I can say that Charlie Hebdo is a piece of trash, anything but funny, disrespectful and in very poor taste. Very few people actually read it and they survive on government subsisidies. Furthermore, one of the few talented artists they still had, Siné, was sacked in 2008 when he published a picture of Nicolas Sarkozy's son Jean converting to Judaism, captioned "This kid will go far". Because it was "antisemtitic", you see. So there you have your "freedom of speech".
  10. This is correct, Wahhabism is a heresy.
  11. Second result after googling his name + 'Thailand accident':
  12. It is elementary decency to refrain from calling a recently deceased person an idiot on a public thread which their family and friends could be reading.
  13. Yes of course he has. Is he going to jail, too?
  14. But… but I thought this was crazy conspiracy theory… The next four years are going to be very interesting. P.S. Check out Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian the CIA hypnotised to kill Bobby Kennedy.
  15. So logically, going forward, you will refrain from saying that being an epidemiologist is a legitimacy criterion in your eyes, as it is not. The criterion is being an epidemiologist who says what you want to hear.
  16. Those really are three of the most obvious villains ever, as if to really insist and get the message through to the remaining doubters: yes, we are a nefarious, warmongering, self-serving clique and we just laugh at you plebs. As I said several times before, the "Biden" character (who doesn't look a bit like Joseph Robinette Biden Jr) has been our greatest ally these past four years.
  17. And there is a good chance his family and friends will be reading this thread. Though I am generally in favour of free speech, I would support the removal of all messages insulting him, it's just in really bad taste IMO.
  18. Yes, they enforced that system during Covid for the Thailand Pass and it worked well, so it's possible. It shouldn't even be possible to set foot on Thai soil without an insurance that covers you for everything, even dumb things, from a selection of Thai government-approved providers.
  19. Oh just reached this bit… That answers my previous post
  20. Indeed, which is why this really should be addressed by the Thai authorities. Legal liability for any rental shop renting a bike to a foreigner without a valid licence and insurance would be a start. Maybe such a provision already exists. In that case it should be enforced.
  21. Those of us who ride motorbikes know just how dangerous they can be when they decide to chase you out of the blue for no reason. It has nothing to do with being aggressive or not, if one of them decides he doesn't like the look of you for a reason only he knows, he will often trigger his mates and launch a pack hunt on you. It also happened to me back in the day when I used to go out for jogs (now I have a treadmill at home). I had a friend in Phuket whose beloved cat was mangled to death by the dogs outside her house. She was heartbroken. She would never have poisoned them, but she hated the damn things and ended up moving because of them. Some dogs are a real problem in Thailand and it is something which should be addressed through public policy, IMO.
  22. If you actually believe (or are inclined to believe) that we are living in a simulation as described here by Neil DeGrasse Tyson or as depicted in The Matrix, then you and I are not as opposed as you think we are. You are conceptually open to the possibility that the reality we live in does not actually exist and is artifically created by an entity we are then de facto subjected to. This is what I posit in my refutation of the heliocentric model. The ongoing deception which I believe is taking place is, for all intents and purposes, a simulation. The interviewer mentions The Truman Show, this is an analogy I have used myself at times.
  23. Okay, so based on this rationale, you also take into consideration this then too then, right? Nicolas Hulscher MPH (Master of Public Health), epidemiologist:
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