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Posts posted by sanmiguel

  1. We enter a team every month in the Bangkok Vets league, which is for players 35 years and over. We are currently looking for a couple more players, so If you fancy a game on the 3rd of May drop me a PM.

    I'm almost old enough but if i were to play i'd get found out, and not be able to tell people how good i was at football when i was a kid without being called a bullsh7tter.

    The joys of being able to exaggerate how good i was at football to people that never knew me as a kid means a lot to me.

    I was brilliant and the older i get the better i was!

    Well, if you are nearly 35 then it's not a problem, as we are able to declare underage players.

    Im coming to BKK from Pattaya on the 4th for a few days so i wouldnt miss the Hatton fight (3rd May), but im possibly/probably going to be living in BKK shortly for 6 months of the year once i get a job offshore sorted, i'd definitely be interested in playing for a team when settled, i'll send you a pm when im settled there.

  2. We enter a team every month in the Bangkok Vets league, which is for players 35 years and over. We are currently looking for a couple more players, so If you fancy a game on the 3rd of May drop me a PM.

    I'm almost old enough but if i were to play i'd get found out, and not be able to tell people how good i was at football when i was a kid without being called a bullsh7tter.

    The joys of being able to exaggerate how good i was at football to people that never knew me as a kid means a lot to me.

    I was brilliant and the older i get the better i was!

  3. Well I just bought a THai airways ticket reurn for 3900 DKK = 684 USD in end of MAY. This is around 20 to 25 % cheaper than low season TG tickets were last year. So they are certainly trying to fill their empty planes.

    This is for return CPH-BKK-CPH.

    I flew in from London via Dubia with Emirates as the price was 400GBP and 75GBP to change the date, this ticket is open for 1 year.

    Thai Airways cheapest flight was about 600GBP for a ticket that was open for 1 month only, and it was 100GBP to change the date, hardly encouraging tourism it would seem, and Thai airways planes and service are crap compared to Emirates.

    Im able to stay for 3 months if need be and have about 2500GBP a month to spend, they arent going to make it easy for me to dump this money in their economy.

  4. I thought i'd be a hero and get some 1 on 1 boxing training everyday for a month here in Patts, its literally torture doing 5 x 3 minute rounds in this heat.

    If 7-11 new how good it felt to open their fridge doors and stand by as the coolness oozes out theyd start charging.

  5. Look at what Hughes went through earlier in the season, City were in turmoil and a bigger joke than Newcastle but he just kept doing the job he signed on for.

    Hughes went from getting millions of Taxins money albeit with the owner spending a vast amount of money on a Brazilian to being bought out by the even richer albeit with the owner spending a vast amount of money on a Brazilian, Hughes has fallen in a bucket of thumbs and came out sucking a sweet slender 19yo girls breast.

  6. But why would customs/immigration get involved in a hotel billing dispute.

    Thats what i thought but you can never be 100% sure about anything in Thailand, surely this is the reason why they take your passport number so they can potentially make problems for people.

  7. I wouldnt say he had a pop at either of them there more a reflection of how it is, managers in Italy, Spain and Germany occasionally manage to get lowly similar to Blackburn and Wigan in the top 4 places but no manager seems to be able to do so here, staying up for a few seasons in England is considered a great success.

    Read somewhere today that he is meant to be getting 25 million to get them promoted, kind of takes away the ability to prove himself as this great manager he potentially sees himself as if this is the case.

  8. Any chance your Mrs (is in the UK correct?) can run out to Old Trafford before coming and picking up some red devil newborn wear. The lil one is due mid may and I want to be sure he is properly attired for the final of the Champs League. :D

    Poor kid!icon4.gif

    Would be classed as Child Abuse where i come from... :D

    Perhaps Singer, but unlike where you come from, my lil one will at least have some :o

    To be able to sh7t and p7ss and dribble on a ManU shirt teaches the kid well from an early age though, he'll be years ahead of the other kids icon4.gif

  9. Hotels take everyone's ID, Thai and Farang.

    If you steal / damage something without paying or do a runner, why shouldn't they report you to the proper authorities?

    But thats the point it was already in that state when i checked in the hotel, if it was my doings then i'd pay and apologise, in this case i only paid and the fact they wouldnt return it to me to wash showed there was nothing wrong with it and it was a case of make some easy money of rich farang.

  10. Any chance your Mrs (is in the UK correct?) can run out to Old Trafford before coming and picking up some red devil newborn wear. The lil one is due mid may and I want to be sure he is properly attired for the final of the Champs League. :o

    Poor kid!icon4.gif

  11. For years ive gladly handed over my passport at hotels for them to take a photocopy of.

    However i just moved hotels as the one i was in were trying to charge me 500bht for a towel that had some kind of faint red mark on, i noticed it after showering on my first day, put it to oneside and housekeeping took it, ...... then i didnt think anything of it until yesterday when they started wanting money at reception .

    I never took it out of my room, never took 1 girl back who would have used it, i go to the gym where they supply me with towels.... But for the sake of this amount of money i paid them whilst telling them i was checking out purely because of this and they are losing out on 20000bht in rent because of it.

    After paying the money i asked for the towel to prove it could be cleaned as now i presumed id bough it (they told me the previous day that their housekeeping wouldnt clean it) to which this morning they replied housekeeping have it, if you want it back give us another 500baht.

    Now all i wish to know is, If i had done the decent thing and not paid is it possible for them to report my passport number to customs at the airport and for me to be stopped there? As if this is the case they can demand all sorts as we've got to bend over and do as they please.

  12. i don't disagree either. what happened to luton, leeds and now saints is harsh and the big clubs do seem to be immune to it. liverpool, united and chelsea are all hundreds of millions in debt but don't suffer any penalties for it.

    The difference is ManU, Liverpool, Chelsea are servicing their debt...... just!

    The other teams have been giving themselves an unfair advantage in the League by spending money they have been unable to repay, if there was no punishment all teams would rack up even more debt buying players they couldnt afford and when things go tits up just go into administration.

    I believe if these 10 points dont relegate them this season theyll be taken off next season.

    What happened to Luton was a joke they should have just relegated them and now Luton would more then likely be going back up a division as opposed to down one.

    Maybe they should make the punishment automatic relegation, as this unfair advantage teams are giving themselves may well have relegated another team.

  13. I would think Shay Given would be on the list. Not sure how EVS is bottom considering the number of clean sheets. I think Cesar should be #1 or #2.

    Oh my Buddha. Me and James agree on something :D

    :o Well, Given IMO is the best keeper in the Premiership.

    I wish to join the Shay Given apprectiation society.

    I always thought he was the best in the world and now seeing Harper in goal who isnt a bad keeper you notice how in comparison his positional play was outstanding aswell. Plus he's as good a professional as there is.

    7 million for him is the best buy ManCity will ever make with this new money.

  14. Always thought of him as a jumped up thug who had 2 big chips on his shoulders and was paid far, far too much for kicking a ball about. Though that's just my opinion and I don't do football that much. But what do I know ??????????????? :o

    For someone who doesnt do football you seem to have a good point.

    This man takes all the fun out of football, but sometimes his deluded spoilt millionaire brutal honesty in interviews is hillarious.

  15. Just remember that if we didn't have unbiased reporting from the BBC we would be left with the likes of FOX NEWS to tell us how it is or other big networks owned by large corporations,God help us if they are the only ones left reporting the news! :o

    Dont you like the free market?

    Whats wrong with Fox? Should news only be from one perspective at least they have debate on there.

    Channel 4 news is run by ITN and is the most impartial, most indepth news coverage there is, we dont need to be taxed for BBC news.

  16. Deviating from a 100% pro-USA or Israel reporting is bound to make you a few enemies, so I understand your anger.

    Im from England if anything the news on the whole backs Palestine in this conflict and was vehimently opposed to the recent war, it has also been anti US and anti Bush for 8 years.

    I believe in less govt and low taxation hence my desire for this propoganda station to be privatised and the money given to the taxpayer.

  17. Hate to admit it but I watch Bloomberg and Al Jahzeera these days.. Better reporting, less bias and most important.

    I used to think Al Jazeera was ok, but they constantly criticise the west most notably America and never not once would criticise any Arab or Middle Eastern country or barbaric Muslim practice, at a guess and i dont mean this as an insult but your views are probably left of centre hence why you see it as impartial, as theyre representing your views.

    You are aware that many journalists who helped set up this station are ex BBC workers, the BBC is institutionally left wing of that there is no doubt.

    yes I agree they aren't certainly aren't perfect..And I was aware many of their staff are ex BBB and CNN. Actually my views are a long way right of center.. That's why I can't abide the BBC's leftist bias...In fact all the leftist and liberal wimpering about the disadvantaged and how we should all help the poor gets right on my tits... :o Me ? I'm just a bloke from a workng class background who got off his arse and worked... Thru perseverance, distance learning and luck I'm now a granduate engineer with a 6 figure income.... Nowt to do with class... just the mindset and willingness to 'better' myself and no need for a handout or pity from the liberals and apologists.. If you want something.. work for it.. simple really... :D

    Take my hat off to that reply!

  18. funny, my memory might be playing tricks. i could've sworn it was two games per day in the 2006 world cup.

    It would seem for the first 10 days weve 3 games a day (except day 1) if its the same running order as in Germany -


    Anyone got any ideas on how to fill this summer though? <deleted> me its going to be a long wait but at least we're as good as qualified.

  19. Ashton will be there ..

    Possibly Keiron Dyer, both depending on fitness..

    So what youre trying to say is they wont be there.

    Dyer could have been a great player but he wont be there even if he is fit next year, he had twice the natural ability of Lampard when they both came on the scene, pity he didnt have a tenth of Lampards ability to try.

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