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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. the floods really frightened the sh#* out of everyone this time, and the economic damage to the economy might finally wake them up to the consequences of all the over clearing.

    Yes the hill tribes are responsible for some but so are the generals and police colonels who have had access and ability to loot the teak forests for the past 50 years.

    One thing is for sure, with expected climate change, the wet seasons could be much wetter and that means more floods unless they rehabilitate the headforests in the hills.

    The idea of paying the hill tribes is a practical and cheap alternative to forced re-location.

    I can remember the princess talking about the negative effects of overclearing thirty years ago, with demonstrations of clear streams running through pristine rainforests and muddy streams running through clearfelled areas.

    It's incredible that they didn't pay heed to her wise words.

    Money the root of all evil.

    You are 100% right about this issue. I am sure the Thai and Farang who live in Thailand are waking up..Time to help each others..why not everyone pitch in and get help from the environment organization from other countries..I do not think the Thai government can relocate so many people.The government, people and the environmentalists can replant the trees plus educate the people who lives near by the mountain as well as the Hill tribes. Time to stop logging and has a new tough law about logging. The teak business owners should stop logging and make money somewhere else. No more corruption because of climate changes and flooding will impact everyone's life. My take and opinion.

  2. Iphone 4S costs from 20,900 to 28,900

    Ipad 2 costs from 15,900 to 25, 900

    using the top prices by 700 still gives under 40 million, so where is the other 10 million going?

    And that's not taking account of any bulk discount.

    I know you were asking the question for fun.

    Hello I know one Apple Executive and can find out what was going on??? Actually Apple Rep will automatically give a discount for buying so many items from the company..

    We need Money for the Flood compensation so badly and it is my take and opinion...thanks so much for posting...

  3. I hope some guy in the prison he will end up in has a child and makes sure this sick man can never abuse a child again.

    Now just take it a few steps step further...

    1. find out how he got access to the kids, and once that is accomplished

    2. Have a look at the back-alley brothels with under age kids being raised to become pros in the bars later, which are frequented by Thais pretty much exclusively.

    It's always easy to point a finger at an Internationally known and wanted child abuser, is still doesn't change the fact that child abuse is a regular thing here.

    Sorry for bashing... but this topic really gets under my skin.

    No need to be sorry ,I reckon its quite a normal reaction from a normal person when writing about these low life's .

    Child abused and Human Trafficking are the Main issues around the World. Wake up and smell our coffee..( it is not just Thailand )

    Poor people should get help and be educated instead of let them be by pushing and abusing them over and over again..Time for an action in the area we are living..

    If we think it is a Norm then it will be a Norm. No one cares because..Money talks. Time for wealthy foreigners to help the poor souls,.. You all can alert Thai authority and international agency. It is not an easy task but, we educated foreigners should come up with a solution...going somewhere...in a positive note. Make our difference every day.

    At the same token this English-Indian guy can take DNA test to prove his innocent. The Kit only costs about $500 and it works very well. He can orders through the Internet and ship overnight Fed-Ex..

    By the way, every 2-3 minutes the women in America will get rape and no one will know..this is a fact, I try to educate every woman I meet. We have more then 100,000 Porn sites in the wide wide webs. 97% of men in jail while 3% of women commit crimes. I am standing tall.

  4. Another piece of filth off the streets.

    Yeah, its very good but the problem is still have thousands more... Would be nice if some expat ex-policemen or who have some power or courage (Balls) make some group to catch this crazy people and give them some lessons.....

    Just setup a young girl's fake profile on Thaifriendly.com and let see how they feel then if they meet some body builder instead of the young girls... Maybe will teach lessons for the rest guys too a leaked video about the kindly threatment...

    No offense, just an idea, definitly will reduce the number of pedophiles very very quickly and they can organize with the local police after or take the guy to immigration.

    Wow?? Love your idea Keep it up and thank a million. It is about time..the Bad and Ugly have to live in jail for a long long time..My take and opinion..

  5. I was watching the Chinese Three kingdoms ( 95 episodes ) and tried to understand why people are corrupted. Believe me corruption spreads around the World not only in Thailand. The World of citizens are good in nature but few are crooks. These crook people will last long. They live well and never be afraid of doing evil thing. The corruption seems to go on forever but at the end the person who commits a crime will pay dearly. If not their family members will pick up the prices. According to the Law of Universe someone up there is watching... no one escapes his or her crime. My take and opinion.

  6. This guy escaped Switzerland with millions of Baths, and he do the same illegal business in Thailand? He could stay quiet and do nothing and not get in trouble. What a stupid guy.:bah: I hope he get long time in Thai prison.

    I will watch his case very closely and hope this guy goes to jail for a long long time..I am so sick and tired of Bad Farangs.. Hope many Farangs know how to behave when they decide to work and live in Thailand...

    They need to be grateful and if they choose to live in the state at this point..They have to pay taxes and these taxes money can buy them Mansions and servants in Thailand. My take and opinion.

  7. <br>I agree that it isn't very often that they shut the border down, but it sure does suck when they <i>do</i> <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":o"> .<br>
    <br><br>Thanks so much for posting..you are right about the Burmese government who seldom shut down the Border. My last trip at the border was in the year 2008. Many tourists traveled to the Border and the business was blooming. Prior to that I was witnessing the border closed in the year 2000. There were so many homeless who were starving and wondering on the streets. I felt for them and was unable to do much until I came back to the state seven days later. I contacted the Red Cross and the Administrator promised to send helping hand to the Burmese borders. I donated money to the Red cross...then I went on with my life...however, I did hear last time the fight between the Burmese with 200 tribes are still going on... the border will shut down on and off... due to their fighting...my take and opinion. <br>
  8. ... this is as watching a train wreck, in slow motion ... and billions of m3 of water still to pass ... we evacuated, then returned in the middle of last week.

    ... now believing only what we see and but half of what we hear, we are preparing to re-evacuate.

    ... our lives and businesses are suspended in a vacuum of freakish incompetence ... what could possibly sabotage the resources available in this modern age of technology and communication?

    ... this is all so ... absurd.

    I am in the same situation: re-evacuate. The kind of information is freacky, unreliable and made by incompetents! When will we finally know the real situation? Is there anyone at FROC competent enough to tell the truth to the people? It is reaaly absurd...

    WOW! so sorry to hear for both of you. Where do you live?

    I am so Sorry for you both, Keep your sanity alive at least you have the ability to evacuate Good luck and this is the way every Government and politicians tell you bit by bit...My family and I are preparing for the Earthquake that will happen pretty soon after I heard the news today. The city hall is telling me every time I attend the meeting to be ready for the Big one 8 to 9 points and no helps at least the whole 2 weeks. We are alone..if the building is falling apart...at least my family and I can camp in our backyard but, we are not sure about our safety anything can goes when the disaster happens. My take and opinion..

  9. A city the size of BKK must have several huge garbage dumps/landfills.

    Does anybody know where they are and if they are flooded???

    Good question and posting...I have no idea about the Garbage and what to do with it...Right now the American is worry about trashes from Japan Earthquake...University of Hawaii is tracking the ton of trashes that will reach the shores of Hawaii and the Coasts of California 3 years from now...

    Hope the Thai government has the right answer..I do know the American sends her trashes to the landfill plus she ships some to China...By the way, I saw the Thai people burn their trashes when I was in the country 4-5 years ago Plus the Thai did recycle 60 years ago..sorry not sure about now...thing might change we never know..my take.

  10. "The department surveyed groundwater in 18 spots and found that 6 per cent was poor, 11 per cent was fair and 6 per cent was of good quality".

    I'm no math whiz but shouldn't these numbers add up to 100 per cent? huh.gif

    Thanks so much for posting..you make me laugh at the moment after I had to work today...plus I am worst when it comes to Math..

    I would urge everyone not to drink water without boiling it...unless people have money to buy bottles water...hope Beer Singha gives them for free...my take and opinion.

  11. I just got back from Chatuchak. The MRT (Chatuchak) has been closed. BTS is open but some wading required to get to/from it. The road surrounding the market is flooded to 0.5 m but the market is dry thanks to contrete flood walls across the entrance. I didn't enter but there were no open stalls visible from the park.<br><br>Walked/waded up to Lat Phrao: Central Mall is closed, Tesco Lotus is open.<br><br>


    See: http://tyfon.info/TV/latphrao.htm

    Which totally belies the report from MRT authority stating that "everything is operating normally at all stations" -- total bulls**t when Lad Prao MRT (for one) has had most entrances closed for days now....

    I find out that not many people in everywhere are willing to tell the whole truth. They will give you information bit by bit and that is Norma for this day eventually the whole truth is surface while the damage already has been done...

    You and I need to check and double check the source before doing anything and more time to waste for nonsense stuff. My take and opinion and...thanks so much for posting.

  12. I just got back from Chatuchak. The MRT (Chatuchak) has been closed. BTS is open but some wading required to get to/from it. The road surrounding the market is flooded to 0.5 m but the market is dry thanks to contrete flood walls across the entrance. I didn't enter but there were no open stalls visible from the park.<br><br>Walked/waded up to Lat Phrao: Central Mall is closed, Tesco Lotus is open.<br><br>


    See: http://tyfon.info/TV/latphrao.htm

    Thanks so much for posting the news...my heart and soul go with the people....I would like Thai Visa members help donating money to the Red Cross or non profits that help the people...I myself already did my share in America..hope everyone can do whatever amount they can...

    My take and opinion...

  13. If it was Texas the guy would probably be on death row.

    Instead he got 10 years in a Thai prison.

    If everything we hear about Thai prisons is true , he'll be wishing after 6 months he was in Texas and it was execution day.

    10 years, 20 years, life does it really matter? He killed a Thai mother and will be hated by other inmates for it

    In principal yes it matters but in reality he'll probably be a vegetable by the time he gets out if he survives at all.

    Good post and agree with you 100%. Hope several women in Thailand report their abusive relationship to the policemen so, the crimes against women will reduce. It is about time women learn how to survive by themselves and earn their own livings in case abusive situation. My take and opinion.

  14. 10 years, because?

    she put herself at risk

    it was a daytime crime, Thai law separates between daytime and night time crime

    he claimed it was an accident

    would really like to read this sentence

    was in court a few weeks ago, and a young Thai drug dealer got 27 years. He smiled when they took him away

    Thanks for posting...

    Amazing about this crime,... The crazy man who killed the lady can got away for 10 years..while the drug dealers would get 27 years...Thai law is different from other countries. The law sees that the drug dealer will kill more people while she is not in jails and sells drug on the street. You will not believe how many addictive people in Thailand who try so hard and unable to get over...it is a life and death situation...some are able to get treatment from the monks but some are dying on the streets. The families are suffering and there are very few help from the social services in Thailand..I may not live there but, I do have friends who told me so many things that happened in Thailand..my opinion and I am standing tall.

  15. I guess he would have had more if it was in the US. But there, prisons are more comfortable... 10 years - 400 days is not too bad for taking someone's life, who has done nothing wrong and is the mother of a baby! But he will come out mad as everybody else... <_<

    Sounds like to me that he already has mental problems & ten years in Prison he will probaly not get any mental help, He will probably develope symptoms of major depression, mania or psychotic disorders such as hallucinations or delusions too , we all just- Hope someone is taking care of his Son!!

    In US depends on where he lives and how good his lawyer is..Now American jails are full of inmates with..all kind of problems...I am sure he will be in America jail as the same time he serves in Thailand..The juries can convict him for life but, since the US jails are so crowd he can be out after 10 years..at least he can get help such as proper health care, psychologists, doctors and lawyers. I am not sure he has support very much from the US Embassy and the Thai jail. Well I hope his son is taking care by the lady family who passed away..It is very sad and tragic story...sorry for such ugly thing Happened to a working woman in Thailand. I hope this will be the example of an abusive relationship that any woman needs to stand tall and fight for her equality. Unfortunately, there are so many incidents happen to many women and no reports...the abusers will not punish by laws.. The tide is changing and several women around the world will not allow any man or men to beat, slap and rape them. Right now the women in the developing countries as such India and Philippine are facing acid throwing to their faces when their personal relationships turn sour. Sad but, true..my take and opinion..I am standing tall.

  16. Batten down the hatches, get ready for the biggest floating markets of all time. Sure hope that the quality of the goods is high.

    As A foreigner I was the trend setter in our village. We have had the sand bags in place for a week now, bedding in. The personal belongings have been up stairs for a week, and all the while we were being looked at by the neighbours wondering what we were doing. Some in the village still haven't done anything to secure their belongings, and have refused our assistance.

    Best of luck for all. See what happens hey?

    Good planning and an awesome thinker. Is it about time for you and the family to educate the neighbors about what you guys are doing...your will make a difference by helping and save many lives who live near by...

    Meanwhile, help donate money in any baht you can to the Thai Red Cross because there are so many people who lost too much from the Flood..I myself have donate 30 years for charity organizations. This year I do donate money to several of them..including the American Red Cross...

    My take and opinion...

  17. <br>"On October 15, a small ten-man team of US Marines traveled to Thailand to deliver thousands of sandbags and to assess how the American military could help with relief efforts"<br>sending sandbags is the least, what US government should be doing, in such situation. Much more important are basic medical supplies, medicines and equipment.<br><br>but, of course, it's a very strange position, not to accept an offer of help. Those marines could be used in rescue work, which is so much needed.<br><br>looks, life thai foreign ministry made a big mistake, because there weren't any diplomatic favours in exchange for help.<br>
    <br><br>I do agree with you 100% and you are hitting the Target. Thai people can get help from the US Navy..so much the Navy can do. I do not understand Thai Foreign Ministry...What is this Excellency thinking about?  Well I only can send money through US Red Cross..I would urge everyone helping the Thai, Philippine, and Turkey. They do need your guys help and support...do whatever you all can...my take and opinion...<br>
  18. I believe people who write a post like this should be required to begin with, I am from *name of country* Clearly, you can not be an American and hold this view. In Hurricane Katrina 1,836 people died, and property losses exceeded $81 billion. Lets not even talk about the oil disaster in the Gulf. Perhaps the UK? OMG...where to begin?

    The question is, "Who are you to judge?" By the way, Thailand began planning for this in the 1990's, developed some clever plans, implemented them...and frankly...they are working! Really, you have no idea what you are talking about. Instead of pointing the finger, why not instead "lift it" to help someone today?

    The way Thailand has dealt with and dealing with this is a joke, No preparation, Politicians and beauarcrats who are not up to the their jobs, a country where image is everything, substance non exsistent

    Well said.

    NO preparation? Not true. A joke? No, look at the hundreds of people going to flooded areas to help.

    Although the authorities could have done more to prevent flooding, I am actually surprised they have been holding up this well. Keep in mind that 16 BILLION CBM of water is on the way South. The effort required to deal with that amount of water is a major challenge for any country.

    I am from Norway, but have lived in Holland for most of my life. I have seen a little of what it takes to deal with massive amounts of water.

    Disaster from Nature is not an easy task to deal with..the Thai has no resource and money to cope with. I would urge everyone to help donate money to the Thai Rad Cross...then the poor and hopeless people can survive this crisis...My heart and soul go with the Thai people...I myself already donate money to the Red Cross in America...and Hope everyone will lending his or her own hands.

  19. This is really sad. For the sake of Bangkok residents I hope the government isn't relying just on this plan to alleviate the flood waters....

    Thanks for posting.. and I agree with you 100% .I would urge the Farangs in Thailand to help donating money to he or she's Red Cross...so we can help the Thai...any amount will do you all can send to the Red Cross in your country...and make sure where the money goes..

    I myself will do the same...I am going to donate to the flood in the Philippine as well as Thailand...

    Any amount will make a difference...time to help people who are suffering and some lost everything...

    Thank you and I appreciate everyone who read my post..


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