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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. My weight loss is on track with a good diet and increasing exercise but I saw something about the benefits of colon cleansing and Googled around until I came up with this.

    Systematic Scare Tactics

    Parasites. Toxins. Pounds of backed-up fecal matter stewing in your intestines. These are the common reasons the manufacturers of colon cleansers give you to buy their product. Is your fear justified? Or are you simply being manipulated?

    Colon cleanse websites like Blessed Herbs, HPS Online, and Dr. Natura, which sells the popular "Colonix" product, contain photo galleries designed to panic the viewer. Accompanied by quotes like, "I can't believe this came out of me," these visual testimonials are some of the most effective advertising I've ever seen. But effective advertising doesn't necessarily indicate an effective product, as consumers too often for

    Achieving Enlightenment

    I agree, the prospects are frightening. But before you fork over hundreds of dollars and sacrifice countless hours with your behind glued to the toilet seat, think skeptically for a moment:

    * I start taking this product.

    * I start passing odd-looking stools.

    The logician's immediate reaction would be, what you're putting in your body is, in fact, creating the foul bowel movements.

    Browse those picture galleries one more time, then take a critical look at a diagram of your large intestine, such as the cross-section shown at right. The shape is remarkably similar. And since when did your stools have a consistancy that allowed them to be hooked over a newspaper or plastic spoon?

    Before you write me off as a conspiracy theorist, try this experiment: Take a glass and fill it 1/4 full of water. Add several tablespoons of Metameucil powder, or several of their capsules. Stir and let sit for a day or two. The mixture will settle, then gradually begin to form into a gel, which takes the shape of the glass.

    You know what's coming next. Check your favorite colon cleanse product's list of ingredients. More likely than not, one of the first on the list will be some form of psyllium husk, which is, you guessed it, the main component of Metameucil, and many other fiber supplements.


    Wow?? I am shocked and knocked my socks off. Let's educate each other and make our difference in our lives. if you are 50 years old then I urge you to check up your colon and you are alright..no junk and nonsense stuff. This is my take and personal opinion..Thanks for reading and I apreciate the ad but, no Thanks....

  2. Banks to protect ATMs against skimming scams

    BANGKOK: -- A special device to prevent the theft of information embedded in ATM cards is being installed in more than 30,000 ATM machines nationwide, Phol Thanachote, chairman of the Automated Teller Machines' businesses community, said Tuesday.

    The community is also considering installing devices that jam wireless signals in areas near ATM machines, to prevent stolen information from being relayed wirelessly, he said. Stickers will help ATM users determine which machine has been protected.

    Skimming techniques have been in use for the past few years, though it has become more difficult to come up with protective measures due to fastdeveloping technology. However, he said, educated users should be able to protect themselves because they know about the tricks being used by scammers.

    -- The Nation 2009-03-10

    Hello every one in Bangkok. You all are lucky. In America we have no choice and my husband and I are on our own. The Bank would refund total of our scam money back. I wish the American does like the Thai. Please send a thank you note to the Honorable Phol Thanachote. I am so proud of him for his vision. Well, we did got cheated for so much money but, the Bank did not charge my husband anythings because, we had a police report. and we informed the bank early. Surprized I wore a ring that costed $3.99 and everyone loved it. No one knew the price and I do not revael. however, in the past the thieft stole $15,000 dollars to buy dimond ring from my husband credit card and luckily we did not pay any dime.My husband and I felt horrible for the crime that others commited and got away. I believe in Krama and I am sure his or her family will end up paying for as such divorce, bankrupcy, home forclosure, depression, drug, drink, and finally comit suiside. I am so peace now and the law of nature are there. Honesty, integrity and principle are the quality of a decent human being while the cheat, lie, and stele are not acceptable in society, he or she will pay the price by the end...

    No one gets away with anything, think twice before committ a crime...my take and personal opinion.

  3. I booked friday to fly in 3 weeks to BKK from Sydney and they were a couple of dollars more expensive than BA ... when I say a couple I mean $25 .... I was absolutly wrapped ... I would prefer Thai to BA at any cost ...

    BA are a lousy service and cramped seats, stodgy food, ...... :o


    Sorry forgot to add ..... and the Hosties are all TOOT YAI !


    Thank you so much for understanding about Thai airline. I love it very much but, I have to fly to LA in order for me to go to Thailand. I use United Air Line that I board from Sanfrancisco and I would prefer Thai. However, I will write the President and suggest him to do as such

    fixing the price and miles then the customers will be back at no time. Meanwhile, I urge you all to write and make our difference.We can help the Thais. They all in political crisis and the situation seems going no where in my personal opinion. My take....thank so much for reading my comment, Have a wonderful day???

  4. how about something to put a smile on the faces of the people who are here long term, add to the local economy and pay taxes?

    as usual the only gifts we get are more stringent rules.

    good point there.

    i put over 4 million baht into the Thai economy last year feeding clothing and housing my wife's family, friends, etc lol


    I urge you write to the Prime Minister of Thailand and ask him to do something about the Visa and pay more fee for it. ( 3 to 9 months ) I am sure the Prime Minister will listen. Right now the political climate is not very good but, you need to state about your family, friends and foreigners' well being. It is economy and helping hand. Common Sense that you need to inject. I am sure you get some where. My heart and soul feel for all who love to live in Thailand while I am happy in America. Good Luck and enjoy your stay. My take and opinion.

  5. Hi Girls

    I'm hoping that you can help me, over a difficult time in my life.

    I've been with my husband for over 23 years, which I thought were happy years. We have 2 kids.

    As we have certain commitments over in the UK, which has been taking it's toll on my husbands health. We prevoiusley had been to Thailand on family holidays, which he totally chilled out.

    So probably (naively) thought that, time away in Pattaya would do him the world of good, we didn't want him 6ft under. Gut instinct told me something was amiss, and at xmas we went away as a family to Pattaya again. Only this time he got caught, I left him there.

    So back here in UK, he has addmitted he's been unfaithfull. Only the once!!

    Anyway, I never at any stage in our married life stopped loving him and I still do now. We've talked and talked, I found a way in my own head to get over this BIT OF FLUFF (bar girl). But he's told me he still has feelings for me, but he loves her!

    He say's he dosen't trust her, I've told him she only loves you for your back pocked and trying to feed the family in the back of beyond somewhere. But he knows all this, yet he still loves her!! If any of you ladies have been through this, how the hel_l did you cope?

    I'm sorry if i've offended anyone by calling the girls a BIT OF FLUFF.

    We also are in the process of purchasing a property over there, can a UK will have any bearing on assetts over there? Or if they shacked up and got married what does she stand to gain? All of what we as a couple have worked for, I don't want the BIT OF FLUFF getting a bar of any of it, thats our kids not her's.

    Sorry for the ramble and hoping you can help


    time to get even


    Time to get even dear,

    I hear you loud and clear. I thank everyone for helping you. I feel you pain and my heart and soul will be with you until you solve this problem. I urge you get counseling, see doctor for HIV check up, consult Thai lawyer since you have a proerty in Thailand, Keep cool and do not give up your space for the Bitch. You have to know where is your husband at all time?? Do not pick a fight and walk off from your best 23 marriage year?? Right at this moment you are sad, angry and unhappy. But, if you sit down and search your soul trying to get even I am 100% sure you know how to get your husband back??? Good luck and I wish the best for you...Ryladie99

  6. I am asking for some reasonable comments for a situation which happens time and time again and one I have myself, fallen into. As you will see however, the advice is not for myself.

    Background - In early 2007 I met a Thai girl from Isaan when visiting Thailand. Yes, she worked in a bar, behind the bar and pretty well ran the place but all the same, she worked in a bar. We corresponded after the event and of course a relationship grew. I have been to visit her again and we kept in daily contact through phone, sms, email. I was moving towards a position of being able to build on the relationship because my own marriage was at an end so I was effectively free to do as I wished. We talked often of the future and of course I sent her the obligatory ATM card for access to funds to help her and her family. I was constantly assured that she had no other person in her life as a relationship partner, and if she ever did, that she would tell me and we could part company.

    I spent two or three weeks staying with her in her apartment getting to know her even better and we travelled a bit around Thailand. Whilst I had my suspicions of someone else in the background at times, I took her word that she was totally honest and would at least tell me the truth about this.

    The problem I had was that my business and main source of income was in another country and I was certainly not wealthy enough to support her if I left my business. We looked at opportunities of a business in Thailand and this was a possibility. She said that she would be prepared to live part of her life in my country but of course needed to support her own family.

    We were working well towards this and towards the end of last year things were stating to take shape.

    I followed this forum a lot and in doing so many alarm bells rang. She spent a lot of time with her brother, phone turned off many times, disappeared for days on end and of course when I asked pointed questions, I always got the standard answer of "Don't think too much'.

    It is true that in the back of my mind I always felt something was wrong but i chose to not believe it.

    Just prior to Christmas I received an email from her with some photos. The problem was that the email was one that had previously been sent to another guy with the same photos. Cutting a long story short, it turned out that she had this guy in exactly the same position as me since before I had met her and was running at least two of us.

    I discussed this and she of course had to come clean to some degree and I ended the relationship as it was, but agreed to retain the friendship. I further agreed to not make contact with the other guy. I felt it was not my place to do so and seriously wanted her to be happy.

    About four weeks later I got an email from the other guy. He had apparently already discovered about me some months ago by finding one of my printed e-mails in her apparement. He had asked her about this and she had told him that the relaitonship with me was over and he had nothing to worry about.

    the guy is a very reasonable guy and made contact with me to ask me to help him by not making further contact with her. He stated he loves her and wants to try and put all of this behind him and move on. He has asked me some detail which i am happy to give but the problem is that anything I say in relation to advising him on future protection will seem like sour grapes or a desire to hurt their relationship.

    He is currently hurting very badly, as of course am I but at least I have made my decision and walked away. He intends to stay the course. I have advised him to make decisions with his head and not with his heart, but I thought that if I posted this message on here there may be some independant advice which would follow and I can point him to the thread. I really want to help this guy to make the right decision, whatever that may be.

    At least then he can make his own mind up with the benefit of decent informaiton rather than simpy following his heart and maybe getting it wrong.

    It is possible of course that once she has a man in her life 100%, she will change. The fact that she ran a least two of us may just be her method of fishing, place a few hooks out, play with the fish and take any that truly bite. If this is so, he may have a wonderful life ahead with her. My experience through reading this board says otherwise.

    I am happy to add informtion if it is needed to clarify any points.



    I am so happy that you are bright and mature. You walked off without a broken heart. Interesting that you are nice to help out. Cheer?? My advice as such let him be and she will run him off by dating a new guy at the same time. My experience tells me that she never changes and all she wants is Money and taking advantage of Farang...My opinion and I take a stance...

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