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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. I think the LAST thing you want to do is be near ANY Thai politicians in the next 3 weeks.

    Except Chuan Leek Pai, No rally campaign in Lampang, he visited the local markets, spoke to everyone, listened to everyone (PTP voters included), No visible security protection. My wife told me that a Thaksin addicted family before will vote for Chuan Leek Pai.

    I like Khun Chuan Leek Pai very much. When he was a Prime Minister I sent him a letter, he answered and I still saved his note. I will urge everyone to check him out . I myself have no knowledge about Thai politicians since I never have a chance to follow them or read newspapers except the Economist. I am not in Thailand so it is not fair for me to praise or criticize anyone who is public servants from far away. If I want to analyze them I have to do more as such gathering the information, survey, public opinion and etc. My take and opinion.

  2. This is another example of how fast Thailand is progressing, backwards! While other neighboring countries like Malaysia are putting great resources into building a very credible police force, and fighting corruption, and dealing with the freaks that feel they are above the law, Thailand is doing little about that. Samui, in particular has perhaps less talent, and skill than a police department in a town of 500 people in the US. Although the Thai people like to use the excuse that this is a poor country, and we cannot afford the personnel and training required, we all know that is completely false. They have the money. They could have the resources if it was desired. I have heard from experts, that have worked with the Thai police, and the stories are shocking, about the lack of talent. In Samui, I doubt they have a single investigator who would qualify to work for a small town police department, anywhere in the world. And this is a tourist mecca. Unfortunately, Samui is going backwards, and I am afraid it will only be a matter of a decade or two, until it is no longer a real tourist destination. What the Thai people are going to do with the tens of thousands of hotel rooms that have been built there remains to be seen. Will Samui become an abandoned tourist destination museum? The lack of focus on police (and the attendant problems with murders such as these, jet ski scam operators, and the out of control taxi mafia), road improvement, sewage, electric, enforcement of the no smoking ban in effect throughout Thailand, local culture, improving travel options to and from the island (the bangkok air fiasco), etc, etc, etc, is causing a general decline on the island, and that is only going to get worse. In addition, there is a general lack of awareness, on the part of the Thai hotel, restaurant, club, and bar operators that these issues even exist. Sure, they see that tourism is down dramatically, but that is being caused by low season! It has nothing to do with any of these issues. There is no sign whatsoever that anything is being done to address ANY of these issues. On top of all of this, there is little environmental awareness on the part of any of the local authorities. I recently ate at a restaurant just north of Nathon, on the water. Though the view was gorgeous, the entire area, as far as the eye could see, was littered with plastic bottles and bags. Hundreds, and hundreds of them, everywhere. For the minor cost of 75,000 baht per month, the leader of the island, our trusted mayor, could put together a crew of 9 people. One foreman, being paid 15,000 baht per month, and 8 workers at 7,500 baht per month each, and they could circle around the island, cleaning a different beach every day. Every 60 days, the entire coast could be cleaned. For only $2,500 per month. Do you think he has ever even thought of that? Why is it not being done? Where does the lack of motivation, initiative, pride in the environment, and creativity come from? Why is it allowed to persist. Why is there no supervision of this mismanagement on the part of the central, or provincial government? Why doesn't anyone care? Who is the representative for Samui, in Bangkok, and why is he also out to lunch? The local authorities, including the mayor Jaikwong, are either completely incompetent, do not care, or are making too much money to want to change anything. Well, the problems are coming home to roost. It is only a matter of time. Samui is quickly becoming a historical footnote.

    In my personal opinion I like your post and would like to see you forwarding it to the Mayor Mr. Jaikwong . All Farang and Thai citizens in Samui should form a volunteer group to help cleaning up since you all live in this town. Time to clean up, unite and helping hand then you all have a wonderful place on earth.

  3. Everybody knows that farang deaths and disappearances are part of everyday life throughout Thailand. I know farangs who have died or disappeared with questions going unanswered.Was this Briton involved in business regardless of its legality ? Koh Samui ,Phuket and Pattaya are notorious for their unsavoury characters Thai and western man alike.You get involved in businesses and marry local bar girls at your own peril.

    Time to reunite and stand tall for all Farangs at the same token try to help the local citizens. When bad thing happens Farangs will have help and support. My take and opinion.

  4. I think most expats in Thailand know that mysterious deaths are part of the risks of living in Thailand, on a par with road accidents, malaria, dengue etc. Integrating with the local community is not a protection, Thais are probably more at risk than expats, it is simply that expats have a higher profile in the media.

    Farangs from every country should form a Non Profit Activist Group in order to have a voice. They all are far away from homes and it is about time to reunite and stand tall. Farang Members can demand their Right and protection from the Thai government beside the Embassy. At the same time, they can extend their hands to the Thai citizens who are in trouble. Then the relationship between Farangs and Thais are better. It is a good thing. My take and opinion.

  5. I don't trust the Thai police one iota. But then again, if they 'insist'...........

    "We want to know how Kevin died. At the moment the signals coming back are confusing. But I have been told that is what to expect," added Mrs. Deary who received the news from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office."

    I feel truly sorry for this lady and the family.

    My Heart and Soul go with Mrs. Deary and her family.

    I will urge her to hire a private investigator to do the job since the polices give up. It will not cost her arms and legs. Please take my advice and do it. My take and opinion.

  6. Quite aside from property damage, it is a nerve shattering experience.

    yes, you are right and I know what you are talking about. I live in California and I experience Earth Quake so many times. As a matter of fact I am preparing my family every day. No one will help us at least 3 days or might be a week if it hit my town.

  7. Just a funny story - but related to the topic.....

    When we visited Europe, my wife and i went to Tenerife.

    We stayed in a hotel filled with british.

    Comment of my wife:

    oh? europe have issaan people too?

    and no, my wife is not a racist, but after meeting me she developed a rather monty pythonesk sense of humour

    survival strategy , no doubt......

    I am sorry you met people who were mean and pick on your wife. I could not believe this. This is 21 TH century. luckily your wife has her sense of humor.

  8. What a crock, European tourists do not go to Pattaya to learn about the Thai culture they go for sex, if they arrive totally unaware that Pattaya is the biggest brothel in the world they pretty soon find out and have a disappointing holiday. I must add I admire the large expensive hotel chains that are moving in, but being a cynic I suspect they have their eye on the rich middle East guys rather than mum, dad, granny and the three kids from Birmingham.I must add this guy sounds a little crazy ( read a lot ) to suggest Mexico will be a rival to Thiland ref tourism, nobody dare go to Mexico because of the drug murders. I have Mexican relatives living in LA who are too afraid to cross the border to visit their own family. does this guy work for TOT //???????

    You are so honest and have gut speaking your mind. I admire your courage. I want to take my family to Mexico this summer and no hope because of Drug War. We can not afford to pay for Hawaii. I hope the Americans stop consume the drugs then no more drug War. My heart go to your relatives who are living in LA and unable to cross the border. For the Thai I am always worry about her. There is no place on earth that is very special like Thailand and her people.

  9. It's totally crazy that the average Thai earns about 8000 baht a month, but they expect farangs to have pension incomes of 65,000 baht a month to live there.

    Thanks for posting and Farangs do not need 65,000 baht to live in Thailand. Too much money and in my opinion someone needs to explain the reason for doing this. I feel for many Farangs and hope you all can get the issue settle. Good luck.

  10. About time the authorities investigated these rip-off merchants in time share. The way these unscrupulous touts working illegally without work permits in Patong hassle and scam naive and unsuspecting tourists is an absolute disgrace

    I agree with you 100% and thank for posting. I do not understand those crook people. I feel for people who get rip off. The Thai government has to step in and crack these fraud cases. Use deportation and Ban them for life. My take and opinion.

  11. When Cambodia won the last case we have abided by it?

    I was unaware a legal ruling had a time limit, or in Thai this is this just until it suits me?

    And a legal representation does not have to be bitter, merely a request for clarification.

    When will these people ever grow up.

    The 1962 judgement ruled on the temple. It specifically didn't rule on the land around it. The Thai's have abided by that ruling (on the temple) and are negotiating terms on the still disputed land. It appears that the Cambodians are spending a lot of time on the disputed land, and even have troops IN the temple, which is against the 2000 MOU signed between Cambodia and Thailand.

    Thanks for posting and I agree with your Awesome thought. I have zero hope from the World Court. When will this conflict solve? May be next life.. I wish Thai government concentrated on Economy and citizens' well being . I feel so bad when I see Vietnam, Indonesia and Laos do well while The Thai people are suffering with so many domestic and International problems.

  12. Qantas 747s seem to be going through a rough patch with their engines -- about 2 weeks ago a Sydney - Singapore QF flight had an engine shut-down over Bali, but the crew decided to carry on to Singapore as it was only 2 hours to go.

    May I suggest to the FAA an urgent security audit of Qantas Airline before their africanization is complete.

    Let's do it my friend, and I am sure every airline has to update its product. Anyone reports to FAA the agency will not hesitate to shut any Airline down. Last month Southwest Airline flew with a hole in the middle of the plane. FAA grounded 375 planes almost 5 days, 535 flights had to cancel and many people missed the flights left and right. My family and I will not fly for a while. Our next trip to LA will be 8 hours by car instead of 1 hour fly from South West Airline. I feel better already.

  13. had

    Qantas 747s seem to be going through a rough patch with their engines -- about 2 weeks ago a Sydney - Singapore QF flight had an engine shut-down over Bali, but the crew decided to carry on to Singapore as it was only 2 hours to go.

    May I suggest to the FAA an urgent security audit of Qantas Airline before their africanization is complete.

    let's do it my friend and FAA will investigate if they get a report. It is about time we all need to be informed no matter Airlines. Public Safety is the key and none of them can not get away from FAA. Recently, Southwest Airline had a hole in the middle of the plane that prompted an emergency landing. Within 4 days FAA grounded 375 South West Airplanes in the United States. I recalled many passengers missed their flights left and right. But, FAA did the right thing and it was an example for any Airline that violates the FAA rules. The FAA team will not tolerate and they will shut any Airline down at no time....my take and opinion.

  14. Qantas 747s seem to be going through a rough patch with their engines -- about 2 weeks ago a Sydney - Singapore QF flight had an engine shut-down over Bali, but the crew decided to carry on to Singapore as it was only 2 hours to go.

    Thanks for telling and I will urge everyone to be careful about 747 Airplanes. I recalled when I took 747 China Airline back to US in 1975, it flew so smooth and now 36 years later 747 airplanes needs to replace and I see no one does anything yet? Help? and explain to me please. The week before I heard the New airplane that carried 535 passengers came to San Francisco but, I was too busy to visit the Airport. Hope to see it in service soon. I will report to you all...

  15. That link did not work. Please try this one.

    USGS changed the link. Now updated.

    Thanks for posting and I am so worry about the Big one in Chiang Rai since it situates nears Shan State, Burma. Many poor people live around those lands. Amphur Mae Rim, Chiang Mai was shaking bad when February Eathquake in Laos happening this year . Mae Rim was located the same zone with Laos but, who knows if it strikes higher in the future. Watch out and I hope the Thais prepare for her people. My take and opinion.

  16. Dont tell me the bus was driving fast I would not believe it . :annoyed: Those buses drivers are totally insane, going to the sea very often I see those buses , mini van driving like maniacs with of course over speed , using the right lane all the time .... I cannot believe the passengers are in such "hands" , but as usual nothing will ever change here , how many dead , how many accidents ?

    i got caught speeding 65/km/h in 60 zone and ended up with a big fine.

    as serious as that...

    hope they can do the same in TiT.

    many cowboy drivers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    showing off Rodeo riding skills?

    My little brothers told me that he went to Thai funeral several times in a year when his hometown friends bought their first cars. They gained profits from selling the lands to those Rich folks from Bangkok. His friends drove so fast without wearing the seat belts. I will urge the Government to crack down these ugly bus drivers and to those good bus drivers I salute them for doing the Right thing...

    Sir..I am sorry for your find and the police pick the wrong man...( just 5 miles extra? )

    Will the policemen write ticket to the ugly Bus drivers who speed up??

    My take and an opinion.

  17. This is called Disputed Land. Why should either side occupy the land prior to the dispute being settled. Thailand is right to ask the Cambodians to withdraw.

    They should issue a reasonable timeframe for withdrawal, say 48 to 72 hours, and if this is not complied with, then they should decimate the entire 4.6 square kilometers, making it unusable.

    Why should one side of the dispute be permitted to occupy and build on the disputed land before an agreement has been reached?

    Makes no sense.It's is just as bad as the Israelis building settlements on Palestinian land. How many people on this board support that?

    You are so Right about this Matter?? The Cambodia does more damage to claim the culture, temple, dancing that similar to The Thai. These were originated from Cambodia but the Thai copied their stuffs. Recently the Cambodia did file her claim to UNESSCO, and more to come in the future. I hope many people understand this issue...I remembered when I was 8 years old, all my friends were marching on the Streets after the World Court gave the temple to the Cambodia and allowing the Thai to access the other site by helicopter. Many Thai people were crying. Sad and you are right about building settlements on Palestine Land same as Cambodians occupy the 4.6 squares kilometers. The Thai has her Right and this show never be over. let's watch and see. I am so amazed how the Cambodians never stop making more trouble. Why don't they do good thing to heel the country and people. By the way, some gangsters, Cambodian born in America had to ship back to Cambodians because the parents did not know how to be parents and do more for their children...I am standing tall for my opinion.

  18. Maybe the mayor can prove this by taking a spoonful during the press conference.

    Good Idea. This is going to blow up in their faces because they're trying to smooth everything over and not being forthcoming (they haven't been since this first began). Another thing their "health expert" failed to mention is that the route of exposure is very critical in terms of health effects. The insecticide used did not kill the people because they took teaspoons of it. It killed them because they inhaled it all night in close proximity to the vapors. He also failed to mention that many other factors are involved in explaining why the hotel manager or others did not die from exposure (ventilation, length of exposure, concentration differences, etc.)... he also did not say whether or not every room was sprayed with that particular organochloride. Why doesn't he just come out and say that somebody made the concentration too strong and thus inadvertently poisoned the guests at his hotel (and probably at other nearby hotels). Land of massive censorship.ph34r.gif

    Wow?? you are saying the Right thing and I do agree with your Post 100%. Awesome Post. But one thing I do know many of my Thai friends do not know how dangerous particular...Organochloride and you will be shocked how little they pay no attention to deadly chemicals that they use Day in and day out Careless...Now this is a case that will be a Life Lesson for many people. I feel for the families who lost...( broke my heart and soul ) Hope the Thai government Bans deadly Chemicals. We need Public outcry to Make a New law...my take and an opinion.

  19. There is always more to the story, he knew exactly what was involved and what he was doing, he was confident he would get away with it.

    It is beyond comprehension to put a price on your life, and drug smuggling not just here, but anywhere in the world is crazy.

    Live by the sword, and you will die by it.

    I feel no pity for fools like this.

    I Hope the Thai polices investigate him and find out more who is behind the whole story......it is very Serious in my point of view...Why not catch the Big Fish who is destroying several families and the Druggies???

    Some one was hiring him to smuggle and he got caught so he Used the Press to clear his name but, it would not work...$200,000 of Drug...well what can I say...he needed Money so bad then he was walking through the Wall... but, how many times he went through this type of work??

    Sad...if he gets away What kind of damage he will do to others?? How many pp will addict to his Drug? How many families will have to go through Hell with his drug?? Is the Big Fish is going to help him?? I don't think so...$6000 worth for many years in Jail??

    Now I can understand many Negative Comments toward him?? I hope all Farangs give Feed back toward the One who was hiring the Swiss guy?? We do not know??? My take and an opinion.

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