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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. Excuse me however many farangs do a vast amount of volunteer work in Thailand, everything from helping to care for the aged to working to support orphans. This remark is therefore highly offensive.

    Thai Visa members need to recognize that many Farangs are doing volunteer and helping out around the World not just Thailand..but, we seldom hear about them and their kindness...my opinion...

  2. Stealing money , overstaying his visa , illegally renting out rented cars/bikes , running a business without a work permit , trying to "buy" a work permit ,

    telling more lies than the average Thai bargirl ...... i think (hope) we're not gonna see him around for a while .

    I am so Happy one crook goes down and time to find another one. Hope this guy stays in jail for a long long time..my take and opinion.

  3. This guy looks flamilar, I think I had a argument with him on the golf course at one time, he was an arragant SOB, great now They'll ship him back to Sweden, one less MFA_sshole on the courses here in Hua Hin.:thumbsup:

    I feel for your and unfortunately you encountered him around the golf course. I bet that day you felt lousy and upset. Hope he will be in jail for long. I have no idea about the Swedish system and will have to read more from Google. My take.

  4. This guy looks flamilar, I think I had a argument with him on the golf course at one time, he was an arragant SOB, great now They'll ship him back to Sweden, one less MFA_sshole on the courses here in Hua Hin.:thumbsup:

    LOL Not for long. He'll get a few years in a Swedish prison and be back in no time...:rolleyes:

    It is not fair if he gets out so fast. People whom he cheated need to do more. Well Money talks and something needs to be done. My opinion.

  5. Swedish Nationals. Who knew?

    Hello all Farangs in Thailand

    Now this guy got caught and why took it so long? How many people he cheated from hacking into the Banking system 9 years ago? Do we know what happen to the European people whom he cheated ? I myself feel for them. I will not live near by his house and believe me many people will feel the same. At last there is justice for the Cause of his crime.

    For the jobs in Thailand if anyone does according to the Thai Laws then I do not see any trouble. Do thing right and everything will be alright no matter where you stay. My take and opinion.

  6. The job nobody wants: next foreign minister

    Nobody? Oh, really???

    Where should I submit my application then? :rolleyes:

    Sorry mate. Already applied and they took me. Will change all laws for us soon.................:bah:

    Good try and thanks for your Sense of humor. What kind of laws can you change? Feel free to spite out for the members. I am serious about this matter. Thanks for sharing in advance.

  7. The job nobody wants: next foreign minister

    Nobody? Oh, really???

    Where should I submit my application then? :rolleyes:

    If we can not comment on thai politics,whats the use of a toppic like this?

    Just yap yapping arrount?

    They dont need advice,they will do whatever they like annyway.

    So discussing other peoples business is pointless.

    Well, does anyone submit the advice to the Thai official and get any respond. I do understand talk is cheap and performance speaking of itself. Why not keep the discussion alive and well. We Farangs who live in Thailand should help the Thai people and the country. My opinion and I am standing tall.

  8. if the deployment of troops do not need parliamentary approval than the withdrawal can be done without approval either. Besides with a big majority it is a non issue.

    Being FM in Thailand is a God's gift. You could make a deal with the international criminal court and deliver justice by giving them Suthep and Prayuth. You could solve the border problem in a minute to drink coffee with hun Sen and put the MOU in place that was already negotiated, which is good for the Thai and Cambodian people. Border demarcation in exchange for pile found near the Cambodian border and it is good for the standing of Thailand. Deducting 30 million Euro from the bonuses of the generals gives you the airplane back and makes it appear that Thailand honors trade contracts and so on. Every disadvantage has its advantages

    Excellent post!


    Wow??? my take and opinion.

  9. The job nobody wants: next foreign minister

    Nobody? Oh, really???

    Where should I submit my application then? :rolleyes:

    Go for it my friend and let Thai Visa members know if you need our support. Time to make a difference. May be you can turn thing up side down and get rid of the Corruption. It is a disease for every country and I do not understand at all. Am I too much??

  10. Yes and why would you be afraid unless you owe alimony, child support, back taxes, estimated taxes, student loans, customs duty, have a warrant, might have a warrant in a similar name, be mistaken for someone who has a warrant, owes back property taxes, owes back medical bills, owes a debt to a court, has a similar name to someone who might owe a debt to a court, are considered a "terrorist" because you accidently put leaves into the yard of someone who works for homeland security, the FBI, the NSA, the NRO, or the TSA, or someone on the "no fly list" or someone who could have his/her passport denied, detained, or encumbered for ANY reason conceivable by any reason thought up by ANY bureaucrat by ANY reason. Indeed why would anyone have reason to question this? How stupid are you exactly?

    Like (except the "stupid" part - unnecessary)

    I like your post and it is something that every US Farang has to understand. Computer never lies and it will get anyone in trouble. If he or she does not clear it with the Government. Even I myself in US has to behave as such otherwise I can not fly or travel unless I drive. But, if I have a driving violation then the cops will not hesitate book me to jail. It is not easy to get a bail that fast and if my lawyer is out of town then I am spending the night in jail. Watch out?? my take and opinion.

  11. A good idea in some respects. It also enables Big Brother to know where you are.

    Yes and No. Yes, they can help many Farangs when they get into trouble if they trust the American Embassy in Thailand. No if Farangs want to live alone and do not trust the Embassy. I myself have no idea since I only visit the country and I never stay longer than 2 weeks. Now you Farangs have to make the decision. Take Pro and Con and remember this model will not work for everyone. My take and opinion.

  12. Does not sound as a random shooting. What was behind it??

    Hope she pulls through ok, especially mentally

    I was actually thinking that too. Just leaving a night market and getting shot at by armed gunmen doesn't sound right, does it?

    The night market always has crowd of walking tourists and busy cars traffic. I have no idea why these two teachers got shot near death. Something is not right. May be someone knows should alert the police station. Hope she still makes it and I am sorry it should not happen for people who are vacationing in Thailand. My take and opinion.

  13. Here we go again

    In 1980 President Reagan said " here we go again " we the American were laughing. Now you say here we go again in Bangkok I can not laugh because, it is going to be political conflict and turmoil. Frankly I am not affiliate with any Thai political group. I can predict and give my 90% accurate feedback because, I have no interest in Thailand except come and go as a tourist for a week. My take and opinion.

  14. plus it sucks to be in thailand and not speak thai now i understand what some people say about us while smiling at us.. you would be surprised at what some say..

    Its funny you should say that...

    i have lived here 7 years now - i'm not great at speaking Thai but i can understand a fair bit...

    But its just like you said...

    One of the main reasons i never wanted to learn Thai is - i really do not want to know what they are talking about...

    Because i know dam_n well that they can blatently talk about you and say some really nasty and ruse stuff that may just make me hate the place that little bit more...

    I guess i like those fake smiles and thinking they are all so kind and beautiful and peaceful...

    Ignorance is bliss - and thats why im still here...

    Time to fight back and learn how to speak Thai and at least you can talk back at them. I went to vacation in Thailand long time ago. I went to eat at the restaurant the owner charged my food bill high price but, I went back and spoke Thai to her. So, the owner had to change the price. My take and opinion.

  15. All you people who are cheering this are absolute scum, you know that? At least people who use ED visa's are trying to do something to stay here legitimately.

    Some of you lot forget that we are essentially all here for similar reasons, it's just that not all of us are lucky enough to have a job or be over a certain age so that we can get the visa we need...

    You might laugh now while you have your comfortable retirement visa or whatever it is, but one day they'll clamp down on those as well - then perhaps you'll wish you weren't quite so gleeful about the struggles of the rest of us to stay here. Morons. Shameful

    Fully agree with you here - the fact that people are doing this, is only a symptom of a problem.

    There are people, wealthy enough to fund a lifestyle WITHOUT working, or at least work over the phone/internet or run their own business and can do so from Thailand (servicing customers in their home countries), whom are under 45, or whatever the Non B retirement visa requirement for age is. Thailand does not understand, that in many western countries having a degree is not automatic - it is actually a huge challenge both financially and academically to graduate. In my country (New Zealand), only 25% of the population have a bachelors degree, 10% have a masters degree, and 4% have a PHd. We cannot buy degrees, or fake test scores unlike certain universities in Thailand have been caught doing, and some of my friends have taken advantage of to come here to NZ on.

    I have worked since I was 15 years old, and am in the top 10% of earners in my country - I have no degree. Why? My parents abandoned me at a young age, and it would cost me more to stop working and graduate, than to continue what I am doing until I am 45 and quality for the retirement visa. If it is not 45, I know it is in the Phils.

    Just like Thai doctors (another issue), stop attacking the symptoms, understand the cause and fix it. The cause is, you do not offer a long term opportunity for financially well off earners under 45 to remain in Thailand 100% legally more than the tourist visa will allow them to. Fix it?

    Farangs need to help each others. The retirement visa should advice the new Ed Visa. They should form a group of people to help each other. May be they already have many groups I do not know. If so I apologize. People come to Thailand because, they love the weather, food and the Thai people. They want to stay longer since the cost of living is inexpensive when compare to their own countries. I do not mind to live in Thailand for 6 months and fly back to America another 6 months. My take and opinion.

  16. I'm surprised by all the questions and speculation. We all know how this is going to end.

    Thaksin's private jet will land at Suvarnabhumi where millions of his followers will be waiting with flowers and signs welcoming home their persecuted leader.

    He will walk from the plane, kiss the tarmac and be whisked away in his fleet of b limousines along the police enforced empty tollways to his welcome party at Government House.

    Then he will address the media into a frenzy of nationalism and rhetoric...and Yingluck will wipe away a tear, applaud his speech and fade away in the final scene. Her job, complete.

    Welcome home Mr. Thaksin, we've been expecting you...

    Wow? you are so good visualizing the future, I have no idea what is next after the election. Many American and International friends are asking many questions that I am unable to fill the blanks. Now I am forcing myself reading from Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, New York Time and the Economist. But, over all I enjoy reading comment and opinion the most from Thai Visa Members. You all are so true to yourself and others. Thank you and now I am something to go on.

    a lot of people guess the "Elite" and the Invisible Hand need a little time to prepare the next Coup.....which is probably the next step....

    Thailand is very famous through out the world about her Coup...and the Army Elite. Hopefully, the Rad and Yellow shirt members are talking and moving on for the sake of the people and country. I feel uneasy, hate to see the Coup Headline and the world eyes on Thailand again. Thank you for your feedback.

  17. I'm surprised by all the questions and speculation. We all know how this is going to end.

    Thaksin's private jet will land at Suvarnabhumi where millions of his followers will be waiting with flowers and signs welcoming home their persecuted leader.

    He will walk from the plane, kiss the tarmac and be whisked away in his fleet of b limousines along the police enforced empty tollways to his welcome party at Government House.

    Then he will address the media into a frenzy of nationalism and rhetoric...and Yingluck will wipe away a tear, applaud his speech and fade away in the final scene. Her job, complete.

    Welcome home Mr. Thaksin, we've been expecting you...

    Wow? you are so good visualizing the future, I have no idea what is next after the election. Many American and International friends are asking many questions that I am unable to fill the blanks. Now I am forcing myself reading from Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, New York Time and the Economist. But, over all I enjoy reading comment and opinion the most from Thai Visa Members. You all are so true to yourself and others. Thank you and now I am something to go on.

  18. All Thai people who currently own land need to realize that the value of their land is at stake in this situation. The resale value of their land would be slashed dramatically if a significant segment of the market was eliminated. It is simple supply and demand economics.

    - Assuming the official wasn't just chest beating (he was) any fall in value would be from an inflated foreigner price anyway so who cares?

    If it is really the case that a significant percentage of Thai land is controlled by foreigners and that segment of the market has their land confiscated or is forced to sell, then this will have the tragic consequences for all legitimate Thai owners. In order for property prices to remain stable and Thai investors to realize a gain on their real estate investments, the market needs the same or *more* buyers, and increased capital inflow, not the opposite. Thailand's Xenophobic, protectionist tendencies are archaic and actually hurt the Thai economy.

    - Its actually corruption which hurts the 'Thai economy' most but those with the power are only interested in helping their own economies.

    Investors are quite hesitant to invest in any asset unless they know they will have some serious degree of control over that asset.

    - The foreigner section of the Thai real estate markets shows there is no such hesitancy.

    Therefore, Thailand must seriously re-evaluate the outdated notion that foreigners should not be allowed to directly invest in Thai property. Why are Thai investors any better for Thailand than foreign investors? Does being born in this country somehow make them inherently loyal or lacking in corruption.

    - It's protectionism for the sake of interested parties. There is no need to re-evaluate anything (seriously or otherwise) for as long as the right Thai pockets get filled.

    Looking at certain recent Thai political leaders, it seems quite the opposite is true.

    - Only recent political leaders and what about other types of leaders?

    Yet, many foreigners chose to leave their home countries forever because they love Thailand and Thai people -- many of these people are fiercely loyal to Thailand.

    - So loyal they break the law. Even if they were loyal who cares what they think?

    Most all first world nations, including the USA have allowed direct ownership of land by foreigners for years; this has not hurt food production there at all. However, regardless, if that is a concern for Thailand, then they should have special protections for rice fields and farmland. But ownership of beachfront property in Phuket has no relationship whatsoever to food production.

    - Sovereignty allows for differing and non-reciprocal laws. As to the mention of the USA they are hardly the paradigm.

    Thailand made the right move a few years ago when the government created the condominium act, wherein foreigners can directly own up to 49% of the units in a condo complex with the other 51% owned by Thais.

    - Unit floor space not units.

    That has brought in countless billions of baht to Thailand from foreigners who otherwise would never have invested here.

    - It's not 'countless' and is not that significant anyway. You overstae the importance of condos.

    This is all good for the Thai economy. Why not offer additional special options for foreigners along these same lines in order to promote sales of larger, higher-end real estate. For example, why not allow developers who meet certain requirements to build communities of homes/villas for which 49% of those properties can be sold to foreigners directly in their own name, so long as the other 51% of those homes are sold to Thais.

    - Because they can't be trusted, they already can't refrain from breaking the current law.

    Additionally, the Thai legislature should enact laws to further protect Thai people's right to enter into long-term leases or renewals of a land lease. Currently, Thai leases are limited to just 30 years, which is much too short a time for any investor to be interested. Even 90 years is too short, because it means that once inherited by the lessee's children, their possession of the property may terminate in the middle of their life. Therefore, leases can only have approximately the same value as ownership if their length can be long enough to protect subsequent inheritance by the lessee's heirs. Leases should be protected by statute for as many terms as the Thai owner wants to offer -- this will have the effect of increasing the value of their property and increasing the capital inflow to Thailand. Since under a lease the property remains owned by a Thai person, there are no ownership issues, so the government needs to codify these inherent rights of the Thai land owners, providing a law which clearly states they have the right to renew their lease any number of times they wish, or more simply, offer a lease of any length they want. The Thai land owner's right to offer a lease of say, 180 years or whatever term they want, should be legislatively protected.

    - Why 'should' they? Foreigners have bought without longer leases. Sure more could be sold but can you imagine the THB price given the already hyper inflated figures for dwindling assets. Set that off against the price of giving foreigners anymore rights and comfort and you'll see why it won't happen.

    Big assumption here is the Thai thinks logically like the Westerner. This where the argument breaks down. Most Thais will think about whats in it for them before they think about the greater good (like the country or benefit to Thai people). You can be sure some Thais will personally benefit from a land grab back from foreigners. The foreigners will loose their investment and more than likely the transfer of ownership will quietly happen at a considerably less than market price. Some involved in this will most certainly sell the land on and make a sizeable profit. So like most things in Thailand this is about money, with a small handful of people benefiting. The foreigner with no rights is an easy target. Even Abhisit with his British upbringing and education has to bend his ways to the Thai mindset.

    Farang and Thai land owners need to reunite and help each other by Exchanging information and standing tall for their interests. Do not allow the Rich to grab what is not belong to them. We all know they have enough to go around and I do not understand Why do land owners in Thailand want to give them even more. Time to lobby, block and stop this nonsense law to initiate or pass. I have live in America many years and we do not have as such laws. My take and opinion.

  19. I wonder how this will affect married couples. The authorities know that when a foreigner marries a poor Thai woman, and they buy a house together, which is put in her name, that the money came from the foreigner. I suppose we all have to find ways to make it look like the money came from her. The silly consequence is that if the land is confiscated, the Thai wife will lose both her home and husband. Then the rich can buy the land at a bargain basement price. Have the officials been on a study trip to Zimbabwe, by any chance?

    Good point? thank you for your feedback. I do not own any property in Thailand except in America. Otherwise, I will get headache and do not know what to do ? My heart goes with all farangs who own properties and please find the ways to keep whatever you all have. Talk to Good Thai lawyers who are honest and sincere. Do not go for the crook one. Share information with each other then you all can survive. My take and opinion.

  20. Russians dont drink more than any body else , look at the drunken english in Patong area or Patpong ..... I know Russia very well and yes they might drink a bit more than others but I dont think that is the case here .. Probably the guy who rented a motorbike and who had the passport wanted more money for some scratches on the bike , same as jet ski ... I dont know ... You can be drunk but not want to kill yourself with gasoline ... My guess is this , he probably had to pay a huge amount of money to the motorcycle rental and those Russian coming in Thailand for holidays , are here on very low budget and dont have much money, the shame of asking to the family etc .... can be that reason. Another "fishy" story involving one more time tourists and operators ( motorcycle,jet ski etc ..) . Not the best place to come for quiet holidays anymore apparently .

    "Russians dont drink more than any body else"

    It would appear that you haven't spent a lot of time in the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation. Alcoholism is very high as are deaths by suicide. Neither however has yet to be proven to be a factor in respect of this particular event.

    On the subject of suicide Thai's themselves were not too long ago resorting to the "final solution" at the rate of just under 50 every 24 hours AND that was just in the Big Mango.

    I guess it helps to keep the population down.

    You are right on target and many people in the state of deny about the harmful of Alcohol. In America if the person can not go through AAA meeting then he or she never admits that they have problem. Russia has drinking problem and it is well known. Please accept it as a fact. My take and opinion.

  21. phuket,shame city will die in a lot of sufferings when such inhumain horrible events happen on a daily basis . Be prepaired to the end of the scams soon...

    Farangs in Phuket should help protect each other from the bad guys. Do not let the bad local gangs cheat, lie, and bully Time to reunite and stand tall. I am sure many good local people want to help Farangs. Time to connect and take an action. No excuse and it takes a village to fight many bad gangs. Please keep your individual at bay. My take and opinion.

  22. Russians dont drink more than any body else , look at the drunken english in Patong area or Patpong ..... I know Russia very well and yes they might drink a bit more than others but I dont think that is the case here .. Probably the guy who rented a motorbike and who had the passport wanted more money for some scratches on the bike , same as jet ski ... I dont know ... You can be drunk but not want to kill yourself with gasoline ... My guess is this , he probably had to pay a huge amount of money to the motorcycle rental and those Russian coming in Thailand for holidays , are here on very low budget and dont have much money, the shame of asking to the family etc .... can be that reason. Another "fishy" story involving one more time tourists and operators ( motorcycle,jet ski etc ..) . Not the best place to come for quiet holidays anymore apparently .

    Good point and I am so sorry to hear a sad story. This young man lost his life for something that can be fixed. Can Farang in the town help each other? My take and opinion.

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