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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. Price of KFC in Bangkok about 130 baht

    Price is KFC in New Zealand 140 Baht

    Wages for staff in New Zealand $13 hour = 290 baht an hour

    Wages for staff in Bangkok 27 baht an hour

    KFC, restaurant brands in New Zealand still make a profit when they pay 10 times more in wages than thailand and charge the same price

    Also the chicken is no doubt sourced cheaper here too

    I am a capitalist but when I see the disgusting super profits these businessmen make while paying their staff nothing so they can buy their latest merc to show their friends

    it makes me want to be a socialist

    Same goes for McD.

    As long as their is cheap supply of labour in Thailand the chinese will continue to make massive profits

    Thank you for posting and you are hitting the point. Love your Comment and I want to be a Socialist so I do not have to see this type of Business practice in front of my eyes...I am standing tall.....

  2. Wow..What great investigative journalism. Well done. My condolences to all the family of those destroyed by the actions of those involved. I think its time to call on our respective Governments to call on the Thai Government to catch up with the rest of the world and ban this stuff in any confined space and especially against 'bed bugs'. Its not good for health and it is certainly no good for tourism. If its banned, and used, its murder, or at the least..manslaughter. Good work Journalists. Thank You.

    Thank you for posting and you did say the right thing. I feel so sad, my heart and soul go with the families. Thank you the journalist investigate team who shed this light.. thank you Thai Visa for alerting her members about the danger of chemical and Bed bugs. I am sure the Thai Government will act and does the right thing. If not Thai Visa member should gang up and sign our petitions to the Prime Minister of Thailand..my take and an opinion.

  3. One of the areas of conflict between myself and my good lady is her watching that crap they call TV here in Thailand when my kid is awake...it just seems to be incessant screaming and fighting

    I hear you loud and clear. ( thank you for sharing ) You are not alone and many homemakers in America spend every minute of their free time with SOAP instead of watching NPR or KQED. The Thai SOAP is the same story..as such mother in law beats daughter in law, the rich man marries the poor girl, and the ugly women jealous a good looking gal Plus " it just seem incessant screaming and fighting " as you mentioned....my heaven now you know the rest of my answer why I never watch Any SOAP in America except tune in NPR and KQED...my take and I am standing tall.

  4. Funny the survey was only conducted in Bkk.

    You are right and the polls should ask many populations in several provinces in order to gather more information and details. If I live in Thailand I will want to elect the honest citizens to serve my people. Unfortunately, I am in a dream land. Politician whom I know, half of them buy their own elections and use their positions to corrupt instead of serving the poor and disadvantage. Sad and I guarantee that not only happens in Thailand but, almost every corner of the World. People forget where he or she comes from. I am surprised that the more Politicians cheat and corrupt, the better they be and they are even more famous as such the super stars. Money talks and it can buy anything in life...My take and an opinion.

  5. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    Like your post..Keep it up...so Awesome Comment...thanks for posting.

  6. Double the minimum wage, all business owners raise prices, instant inflation with value of savings eroded. Magic!

    Political promises for morons.

    Politic in Thailand is very complex and I do not live in Thailand except visiting here and there. Too bad, and I have to read and re -read from the Economist before I can discuss with you. So, far I know Thailand has many groups of political power and someone can buy the election as such in America...Money talks....

    My take and an opinion.

  7. Hmmm, No wonder there were so many protests in Pakistan about the U.S using drones, they were perhaps closing in on target. Now for Ahmedinajad.

    I like your Comment and the power of Drone helps the US fight the war in Afghanistan. The Americans are too nice toward President Ahmedinajad. In my opinion the American should help the Iranians plot the new Revolution.

    The Wars against terrorism never goes away and the American has to be caution about the retaliation after the terrorists leaders got killed.I have no ideas what is the next chapter for the Americans.

  8. if they come here once and start being ripped of by the taxi maffia as a starter and paying double for everything the long of the stay + different tourist traps (tuk tuk, gems, jetski, ...) I guess not many will return a second time

    I like your Post very much. You are Right about the gangsters who try to Rip the tourists off and they never get into trouble because, no one cares. Plus there are so many tourist victums who always end up in Thailand no matter what. If the Thai Authority does not crack down then Thailand will pay her Price. No more tourists and I am warning the Thais that do not cry so hard over tourist income because some of your people Cheat, Lie and Dishonest. Time to clean house and Good Farang and Thai please do your part...report or take someone to court..and jail. Do not tolerate this type of Behavior. I urge you all to speak out...Bad Farangs or Bad Thais....time to pay the price...jail, fine and deportation. I am standing Tall.

  9. It will only work when the PAD and alike are being kept out. Lots of work to do internally I think.

    Did anyone notice picture 2 generals toasting each other with champagne. This is a bloody champagne. Are they toasting to the 14 dead people?

    This is what you die for in the Thai or Cambodia army?

    Good post you both hit the spot. I do feel Sad for 14 dead. It is a Bloody champagne alright. I love the Army no matter where but, this is not a great Cause to Die...I feel for the families, friends and relatives. What can they do for serving the country, remember they Army will always send solders to die, injure and alive with honor. Take a pick.?? My take and an opinion.

  10. I would think both Thailand and Cambodia should be excludedfrom participating in ASEAN countries till they stopfighting and do real negotiation. They both have a lot to lose but I thinkCambodia has most to lose

    I like your Post and in my personal opinion...both are losers. Look at Indonesia is growing so fast in Economy as well as Laos and Vietnam. I am so sad when I read about their countries....Anyone can get mad about my comment and I will not debate because, I love the Thai and her people.

  11. They crack down on this but Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy go full speed ahead. It confuses me!blink.gif

    You are so right about this?? It confused me as well? Help??

    Poverty in Thailand is rising every day and no one addresses the issue except doing quick thing for quick money. This couple will be in jail for a while and I wonder who takes care of the children. May be their parents or relatives have to rescue. My take and opinion.

  12. Here is a quote from the Thailand Tourist Mafia Flick Page.


    Every morning at 9AM the Tourist mafia blanket the tourist/hotel/shopping districts with a network of english speaking scammers.

    They work in teams of 2 or 3 and are positioned near the entrance to tourist sites, hotels, shopping centers, on the BTS skywalks, MRT stations, tourist information booths, busy corners, temples, museums, and shopping centers.

    They pose as helpful, friendly strangers and strike up conversations with novice tourists.

    Their goal? They are there to lie and defraud every tourist they meet.

    I call them the Thai Tourist Mafia.

    They are participating in elaborate scams on tourists, including the Thai Gem Scam.

    Many of the scam shops apparently are operated by influential people and have been in "business" for years defrauding tourists.

    Tourists arriving at the airport, leaving their hotels or just walking around town are approached by these people all day long.

    They are everywhere and apparently protected as they work in plain view of Police Boxes, Security Guards and Managers of these facilities.

    Some of these scammers have been seen riding police motorbikes or going inside police boxes....

    A nice lady at the Tourist Authority tells me they are "cooperating with the Police....and are dangerous."

    Photos here:



    Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I urge you sending these pictures, information and etc to Deputy Prime Minister Suthep, the Bangkok post, and Thai newspapers...Keep educating...keep posting on the Net..and face book.. You are doing the Right thing. It is about time these Rats need to be in jails. Then the tourists do not have to put up with them. Sad but true. I am standing tall.

  13. When it comes to cheating tourists, Cambodia, Lao and Malaysia are a lot worse.


    Have you actually been there? Not once have I ever been a victim, so to speak. Sure some have 'tried it on' but it is nowhere near as endemic as it is in THailand.

    I use to live and work in Malaysia and I still go back rather frequently. Taxis are a serious rip off in the big cities such as KL and Butterworth/Penang. And they are not friendly either! You'll pay ten times the going rate of the biggest scam you'll likely experience in Thailand!

    I went to many countries...and now it is about time for Any government to crack down no matter who Thai, Malay, Laos, Cambodia, or Farang??

    Tourist business is the Best for any country and the government needs to keep an eye on her people. Cheating tourist is unacceptable and no one likes to be abused. My take and opinion.

  14. Amazing Thailand

    I wonder how many ppl in Thailand will agree to get shot few times to get 1.7 mil baht and license plate 88 that could cost half of the car by today prices..:) Amazing Thailand indeed !

    You are right on the spot and everyone will do anything for license plate No. 88. it is a lucky charm. But, a few will agree to get shot. My take and an opinion.

  15. The issue really is, are Sanoh and Chavalit just positioning themselves for a more powerful place as PTP allies, while distancing themselves from the violence of the reds and the strengthening ties of UDD/PTP? Not much changes in this scenario as those voting blocs would have been PTP already and now just a PTP coalition.


    Are Chavalit and Sanoh positioning themselves for whoever offers them the best deal? If so, then it could be a crushing blow to PTP. Chavalit and Sanoh between them probably account for 40+ MP positions and Mingkwan another 10-15. If they split with Thaksin it is the death knell for the 2001/2005 buy up of regional political machines under TRT.

    Wow? you do analyze this action of General Chavalit and Mr. Sanoh real well but, Thai politic is not that simple believe me More to come and the show must go on. let's watch and see. My take and an opinion..

  16. I get it - everyone has to 'run the gauntlet' to get to a safety area, by which time you're soaking wet and covered in flour and well pissed off. You sit down behind the barricade, thoroughly disgruntled to read a wet paperback, dry your telephone, and smoke a few soggy fags with a bottle of soda paid for with dripping wet money. A little time later, once you've dried off nicely and wish you'd stayed at home, you leave, crouching beside little old ladies or stray monks for protection, and run the water gauntlet all over again. I can't stand the water throwing business, but I'm warming to the idea of sitting at the nearest bar to do a bit of ice-cold squirting at the inmates intimates.

    Well said and you make me feel left out since I do not have my Songkran in America....thanks for posting.

  17. I wonder if Andrew Drummond actually spoke to this guy and the quotes were to him. I only ask because it seems a good deal of information is missing as to what is the hold up or red tape. As I understand it ... even if you are picked up for overstaying your time then you get thrown in detention until you can pay the fine and airfare to get out of the country. Since he doesn't appear to be being held in detention he should just be able to go to the airport and pay his fine. If they have taken his passport then he should simply go to the embassy and get a new one as there doesn't seem to be any legal reason to take his passport unless there are charges against him we don't know about.

    Not sure how the UK works but I met one kid in a bar from the US who says he ran out of money and had no way home. He went to the embassy and said the process takes like 4 to 6 weeks to get them to send you home and involved calling many family and friends to try to get the money for the ticket from them first. Once the embassy does pay they mark your passport for only being valid to return to the US and you are still responsible for paying the US back for the cost of the airline ticket. That is what the kid told me but I also suspected he was telling me a sob story to get me to help him.

    The story you mention about An American kid is true. The Embassy will take 4-6 weeks to process before thing turns around. The Embassy workers will contact his US family and issue him the US Visa only. He has to pay back...for the cost of an airline ticket...Believe me it is better than to let him fight alone. I do know most of Americans are quite honest. They say of what they mean. They are so independence and do not want to bather anyone. I would love to see Farangs form a non profit to help in case they can not get any support . Everyone helps whatever he or she can then this fund can make the difference. My take and an opinion...

    P.S. I will urge the non profit to be clean and post every penny on line. ( the donors are happy and it will attract the new donors because, it is an honest cause )

  18. Very amusing, for the Thai government (yes, he is a minster, so a representitive of the government) referring to foreigners with less than 400,000 baht as a "burden" on Thai society. Tell me the ratio of Thais vs. Farang over the age of 50 with less than 400,000 in the bank?

    This, if passed will be a huge economic blow for Thailand - a large percentage of Farang business owners in Thailand are 45+, and many buy those businesses and run it with their partner. Many own land with their partners. Most of these girls are not rich when they meet the "old burden" Farang. Infact, sadly most of these girls meet their Farang in the go go bars. Who was it that was the burden again?

    I have never said this before, but this move really does look discriminatory against non-Thai nationals, and will be a huge blow both to the future development, educational and economic growth to Thailand if passed. Maybe Thailands politicians needs to learn when passing law, that you have the power to make the decisions but with that power you must execute vision, or your power is worthless and often destructive rather than constructive.

    Awesome Post, and you have Gut to stand tall. Believe me I have no idea what is going on in Thailand...while...her neighbors Laos and Vietnam are doing so well. They are surpassing Thailand in every turn. All I hear about Thailand are Conflict and negative publicity. To our Thai Visa Farang members please wake up and smell the coffee. My take and an opinion.

  19. I am in the UK at the moment, But have just spoken to my wife in Samui and she says the situation is very grave in the Lamai beach area, Directly fronting the beach and up as far as Lamai pearl resort.

    Peoples restaurants and bars are being swamped by rain and large waves, I hope this eases soon.

    I am in California and we have rain 4-5 days non stop, day in and day out and now we will have super Quake. My house is not far from the quake zone. My family and I are preparing for the strike. Now I am worry about the Thai people. Hope their government are preparing for the worst.Sorry to hear about the grave situation in 5 provinces. Hope the waves and rain stop soon. So, everyone has time to earn the living. My take and an opinion.

  20. Over 60 people were killed, 90 injured after a strong quake struck Burma Thurs as some affected areas remained cut off. : AFP /RT @marisa_nt:

    Thank you for posting and I urge everyone donates money to Red Cross. Try to get in touch with the Real Red Cross officers. Do not donate on line because, the Pimps are working on the Crisis of others... Shame and Embarrass.... I have to be nasty and mean in order to get my point across. My take and I am standing tall...

    PS be careful when you donate to the Burmese government. We, Americans learned our lesson so well. The American taxes payer donated food, medicine etc to the Burmese government last year. The Burmese government did not tell her people the real truth, Instead the Burmese government taped the package over and wrote on top of the Relief packages......gifts from a big short of Burma... ( I was shocked and disbelieved after I heard from my uncle-in law who was a Nobel prize winner in 1997 )

  21. Preliminary report from USGS


    Earthquake Details

    • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.

    Magnitude7.0 (Preliminary magnitude — update expected within 15 minutes) Date-Time

    • Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 13:55:36 UTC
    • Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 08:25:36 PM at epicenter

    Location20.898°N, 99.883°E Depth229.4 km (142.5 miles) set by location program RegionMYANMAR Distances

    • 111 km (69 miles) N (3°) from Chiang Rai, Thailand
    • 155 km (96 miles) SW (219°) from Yunjinghong, Yunnan, China
    • 252 km (156 miles) NNE (22°) from Chiang Mai, Thailand
    • 434 km (270 miles) NW (319°) from VIENTIANE, Laos

    Location UncertaintyError estimate not available ParametersNST= 14, Nph=0, Dmin=0 km, Rmss=0 sec, Gp=104°,

    M-type="moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi/Mwp), Version=B Source

    Event IDpt11083001


    Now you know why I can not live without Thai Visa.com..... I will try to call my family in Thailand. Your Post is Awesome and I thank you with my heart and Soul.

    I hope the poor does not have to pay this Price....

    My take and an opinion.,

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