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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. Oh no, the same fellow predicts Cullifornia's next! ph34r.gif


    Thank you so much and you know I live in California with my family. We take Earthquake seriously and we know it is coming. The Question is When?? In 1989 we experienced 7.1 and now we hear it going to be higher...Well I have to be ready at all time. My hometown the City manager is doing so much for Earth quake and disaster preparation. My husband always reminds me to stock up can food, and water plus candle etc....Well let wait and see..about Thailand and Tsunami...this coming weekend.....

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Wow?? it happened 6 months ago in my town, and I was about to go to my bank but, I saw 5 police cars park around the bank I changed my mind. Later on I found out 2 men came in and the bank teller gave them a bag of money bomb. The two thefts got away and Money bomb blown up in the car and the thefts got nothing. The next day we had a no nonsense security guard in front of the bank. He guarded the bank all day long with a real gun...no more drama after that....I love it.....

  3. Me and my Thai wife and her two boys from a previous marriage moved to my homecountry a year and half ago. And the boys

    education level from Thailand is causing some problems for them in school here.

    Maths - They are miles ahead of their peers in my country. So much so that they have become lazy in that subject has the school do not seem to able to give them a challenge. The teacher says they are at least 2 years ahead of their class mates. They have both gone to Isaan village schools.

    In other subjects they are a virtual blank....so perhaps they just had a particularily good math teachers.

    world History: They had no knowledge at all.

    English: They could spell, and the older who was an 8th grader could read a few words.

    Geography: Could find Thailand on a map...but not where Europe or America was. And did not understand how to read f.eks a road map at all.

    They could sing every song in the Thai universe though.

    Here in my country though they are starting to shine, and both are doing fine in school. The younger struggling a bit with his reading though, since he virtueally ahd to start from scratch.

    And finally...I only came into their life 3 years ago....

    You are a super Dad and I urge you find an English ELD tutor then you will be happy after 6 months. Kids learn well and it does not take long for them to master in school.. Good luck to you all...

  4. People in glass houses..................! I'm in the UK just now and I despair of the standard of English here in ALL spheres of life. It appears that all the rules of grammar are totally forgotten. Split infinitives, using between instead of amongst, or aggravate instead of annoy, the misuse of the appostrophe; the list is endless. Ask a school kid nowadays about general analysis or parsing and you are looked upon as either cursing or talking a foreign language. Also the amount of Americanisms creeping into everyday usage is worrying as everyone knows the Yanks can't spell and their speech philosophy seems to be 'Why say something in two words when ten will do?!' My favourite hate, which is meaningless to boot, being 'At this moment in time' - urgh! What's wrong with - now?

    Yes I agree Americans are killing the english language and as I have said if these thai english teachers are being taught by Americans then they may very well fail and no fault of thier own. If an American was to sit an english exam in an english school they to may surely fail because they have been taught American. Just look on your microsoft word program you have a choice between the American language and the english language.

    Love Both of your comments. You both are so Right 100%. ( honest and well done )


  5. Also see the article in Newsweek: The Destruction of Thailand's Global Brand - Newsweek

    "Thailand's scores on the TOEFL exam, the test of English skills for students heading to university, now consistently rank amongthe lowest in Asia"

    I agree with your post but, I urge everyone to educate Thai government changing the curriculum as such in order to complete with the 21th century. TOEFL is not an easy subject for the Thais. Remember, Thailand had never been colonized by anyone so, it is no way Thai students will do well with English plus if you go to elementary schools you will see how little the Thais teach English. ( less than 3 hours per week ) English is not an easy language to learn and it takes a person so much time and energy to master. Learning another language is problem for the Thais..so, The Thais need qualify teachers who can read, write and communicate effectively in English. These will apply to TOEFL centers as well. Now it is about time for the Thais to demand the outcome before paying handsome for schools or the TOEFL training placees....

    By the way, how many Thais can afford paying 50,000 dollars for studying in America??? ( foreign students ) Now, that why Thais never pay attention to English...... Some Thais say to me that they have fish in the water and rice in the field so they are happy and doing fine. Why do they need others unless they want to own Louis Vutiton or Chanel coutours. My point and I am standing tall.

  6. Thai's will gamble. Nothing can stop them.

    If you says to a child: DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!

    what you think will happen?

    Thank for posting and I do agree with your comment. Remember it is the World event and people in America will do the same thing...now tell me who will benefit this gambling?? The people or the ??? The betting businesses are from offshore and the American Authority can not touch them so anyone can bet on line with credit cards...

    I let everyone thinks about it?? Wow 1.1 billion for Gambling from Thailand ??? This kind of behavior is really knocked my head off...what about America?? Just has illegal drugs cocain, and heroin smuggle from Mexico.....it is 30 billion dollar business. I love to find out how much he or she spends on betting??? Well anyone complaints why these people are so poor then we all know the answer why??? ( drink, drug and gambling ) It is the Nation decease that never can get over...my opinion and I am standing tall...

  7. My heart goes out to you both! It would seem on the face of it that this crime--kidnapping--should not be difficult for Thai authorities to solve. Your wife's relatives ought to be easy enough to track down and once all family members are interrogated, the whereabouts of your son should become well known. It also seems that they should be jumping on this and rigorously pursuing the perpetrators...one has to assume that kidnapping is a capital crime in Thailand (I certainly hope so!) and it is deplorable that the Police have acted so shamefully...and it is sad to say...but so typically. I trust that I am joined by other TV members in pryaing for a speedy resolution and that your boy is returned safely and quickly.

    Good point and I agree with your post?? My heart and soul are with this couple who are looking for their son. I urge everyone to help. Thanking for posting and I will telephone my closed friend in Bangkok to pass the word around. Keep looking and do not stop until the boy is coming home....

  8. I must agree, I have been spending hours daily following the action on Thaivisa while I'm away, I am very appreciative to those who worked so hard to keep me up to date.............. THANKS GUYS !!!!!!

    Wow,wow and wow to all Thai Visa staff...I was so far from Bangkok but, you all keep me informed. I appreciated of what you all did. Thank you so much....

  9. I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

    Wow?? you have a long sight in my personal opinion. Thailand does not have a group of man power to investigate the bombs like America. So, we all can only speculate. I am sure it was the third party who was waiting for his game. The sad part is Thailand will lose her tourists for Summer break and investors will not want anything to do with. The poor will pay the price while the rich is doing well. My heart and soul feel for good Thai citizen who are not involve with the Protesting and bombing. let's educate the Thai about the impact afterward. Extremely crazy and have no love for his or her country, this is my personal opinion and I take a stand.

  10. So what happens to them now, I wonder how long they have to wait to be sent back to their homeland?

    Now that they have faced court on this overstay, surely they will be unable to obtain visas to return to Thailand?

    I wonder if they are members of Thai Visa? :)

    I am so sorry to hear their bad luck and I wonder if we all can do anything for them at this point. Are there any Farang organization in Bangkok to help them out. I know it is a tough call and everyone has no money to make any change. Well I have a high hope for all Farangs in Thailand to help each others. I am not Farang but, I did my deed here for 28 years and I do not get pay for my volunteer jobs ( full time ) as well as donating my husband money to several charities... the money I give coming from our working salary. ( not from our parents will...we never have any. Happy new you 2010 and May all your Christmas dreams come true.

  11. Please excuse me if this is perhaps a little too comical, and I will try to think of more suitably serious replies as they come along, but today for lunch, I was lucky to have a good example to follow in learning how to eat my first KFC burger gai with a knife and fork.

    I see now how barbaric I must have looked at A&W yesterday. It's actually less greasy on the fingers to eat KFC the civilised way. :)

    Thanks for posting, I am sure the Thai will not mind eating KFC with fork and knife. I myself will do the same. Less work and I save money to buy wipe paper for my hand??? Let's hear more opinion then I will inject my comment later...Merry Christmas...and Happy New you 2010...

  12. And police must watch out for dastardly Northern Europeans as well..
    The suspects are British national Ahoor Rambarak Fath, 45, and Swedish woman Masobukwe Moiseng Patricia Segage, 45

    Thanks for posting and I am sure more to come...Thailand is very inexpensive place to live and the government has to crack down deep inch by inch..trust me last time the Thai lady got money from President Bush homeland security and one top terrorist got caught. ( the bad guy went to buy ice coffee and the lady saw him ) The American paid soo.... much money?? and I am sure the lady can retire. Wow Kudo for the investigator team...

  13. Samak Sundaravej (June 13, 1935 - November 24, 2009) (Thai: สมัคร สุนทรเวช; RTGS: Samak Sunthorawet).

    He was the Prime Minister of Thailand and Minister of Defense in 2008, as well as the leader of the People's Power Party in 2008. Sundaravej is Chinese.

    Early life and family

    Samak was born in Bangkok, Thailand to Sewok Eak Phraya Bumrungrajabhariphan (Samien Sundaravej) and his wife Khunying Umphan Bumrungrajabhariphan (Umphan Sundaravej). He is of Chinese descent (ancestral surname Lee (李)).[1] He has five siblings. Samak studied at Saint Gabriel's College, Assumption Commercial College and Thammasat University. He also received diplomas from Chulalongkorn University and Bryant & Stratton College.[2]

    As well as being a politician, Samak is a well-known television chef. For seven years until the military coup of September 2006, he hosted a cooking show called Tasting, Ranting on the Thailand ITV television network and Royal Thai Army Radio and Television. He said that once he became prime minister, he would also resume his career as a TV chef and has done so. On September 9, 2008, the full bench of the Constitutional Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for Samak to maintain his television career, and disqualified him from office. .[3][4]

    Samak is married to Khunying Surat Sundaravej, a financial adviser to the Charoen Pokphand Group. They have 2 children.

    -- Wikipedia

    Thank you for Posting...I am so sorry. My heart and soul go with his families and friends...

  14. Here's few from my travels around.














    WowoWow???Thanks for posting???

    The Thais love cars as well as Farangs...you are awesome??? Have a good Thanksgivng???

    My little brother has an old BMW with the whole new engine and he enjoys his life in Thailand...I am crazy about the French car and only one place I see this car is in Bangkok.

  15. definitely do laos, but if just to view poverty I'm sure you can find that in CM area fairly easily just as can be done in BKK...

    or refer your 'guidebook' LOL

    I urge you going to Chiang Rai and cross the Burmese Border. I love it there. You will see a beautiful city far away from Bangkok and less money for hotel. It will take 2 hours by bus from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai. Then you can get a rental to go to Mae Sai and cross the Burmese borders. You can book a flight from Chiang Rai to Laos..seeing poor people ( I agree with Worldfun ) will give you some feedback about how lucky you are. I am 100% sure that you will appreciate life more....enjoy your free time and Happy Thanksgiving....my take...

  16. This Mercedes driving Policeman owns a 12 million bt condo in our building.

    He refuses to pay the maintenance fees. His overdue bill is 300,000 bt.

    He refused to respond to registered mail and a legal notice so we shut off his water supply.

    Now he is attempting to extort a another resident to pay off his unpaid balance.

    He being abusive and threatening to the building staff too.

    We checked him out and discovered he owes another acquaintance 8 million bt.

    I would of thought the phad thai guy would of known exactly what to do about this. :)

    Here is my take and opinion...

    I am so sorry to hear this sad story. Now is my 2 cents to fight back...

    I urge you and your friends go to The English Newspaper and Thai Newspaper and ask the Press for helping. ( public outcry and opinion will matter )

    Go to the Prime Minister in Bangkok...and also if your friend is Farang I urge he she contact his or her embassy...and Lawyer as well.

    Make sure your friend has documents and withness??? Make sure you have???

    It is time to fight back....be firm...I am going to sue you....let's go to court with me???

    Get our Thai Visa to gang up with you...it is too bad I am not in Bangkok...I won't mind to raise hel_l..

    Make sure you all are strong and stand tall..my take..

  17. Phuket Police crack down on loan sharks


    IN THE RED: The four suspects were all male.

    The young woman shown to their right was arrested on an unrelated charge.

    PHUKET CITY: Police are cracking down on loan sharks who offer desperate people high interest loans, sometimes backed up with the threat of violence against those who fail to pay back their debts.

    Four men are accused of offering loans with interest above the legally permissible rates.

    They were paraded before a press conference at Phuket City Police Station yesterday.

    Phuket Provincial Police Commander Pekad Tantipong said police are also looking for another group of loan sharks who recently put a number of debtors in Vachira Phuket Hospital after they failed to meet their repayments.

    All four suspect were picked up at Ban Koh Kaew police checkpoint on Monday and Tuesday.

    Police identified the four as follows:

    Pattanachat Kayasit, 33, from Chantaburi, arrested in possession of a list of debtors, 50 phone cards and 150 baht in cash;

    Danai Labliem, 41, from Surat Thani, arrested in possession of a list of debtors, two mobile phones and name cards advertising loan services;

    Natthapon Mungtorkij, age unknown, from Rayong;

    Sakda Pannark, age unknown, arrested in possession of 3,000 baht and name cards advertising loan services.

    Gen Pekad said the men were charging interest rates of 30 percent per month.

    All four suspects confessed to charges of usury.

    Back in June, Chalong Police arrested a gang of loan sharks extracting money from Rawai's sea gypsy community.

    Pol Maj Jaran Bangprisarit of Chalong Police said at the time that he believed there were an estimated 40 loan shark gangs operating in Phuket.

    Advertisements for loan services are a common sight in Phuket, where they are commonly pasted onto telephone booths and utility poles.


    -- Phuket Gazette 2009/11/04

    without private lenders ( loan sharks) the low income thais will be in a bind.

    stopping a few won't make a difference ( IMHO)

    Thanks for sharing, this is a price of being poor. The crooks always knows the way around and please to everyone reports any suspect of loan sharks. If our Farangs help the local, I am sure economy will be better off. 30% is so much money for the Thais..help and report, please make the difference and we all can reduce crimes against Farangs and Poor Thais...my opinion...

  18. You mean with confessing the same kind of confession that was extracted from that self proclaimed American pedophile which was flown back first class only to figure out that he was not even in the country?

    The problem with confessions is, especially in Thailand, that they hardly bear any weight. Half the poor inside prisons have confessed to a crime they did not or not commit on their own. The justice system is so flawed that you would ask Hun Sen to repair it. Without a lawyer present people get sentenced to life or worse. Have a look at how many times a Prime Minister, Minister of Justice or other hi-rake appears on TV and promises to catch someone within the next week. They always catch someone... not necessarily the one who did it. Besides if you have no money and appear in court you have two possibilities. Fighting the case, which you will lose due to lack of funds, or confessing which will half your sentence. Got the point?

    I concur.

    Keep talking and let the pressure goes on, this is fishy in my view and I am so surprised that a serious crime can solve within a short period of time. Thanks for sharing and here is my take.

  19. That's weird. Even though it's a Chase card it still uses Visa, right? It's probably a case of fake credit cards from these issuers being used a lot.

    Thanks so much for posting. Right now Bank of America will charge fee even a customer pay the credit card bill in full. It is a new term at this point. I have been told from many friends that they will run away from B of A. It is not fair for consummer??

    Chase bank I was told that it cracks down the theft idenities and I hope the Airline knows what to do with the clients?? Chases and B of A are the most big banks at this time...my take and opinion.

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