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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. Wat Rong Khun



    Description below from discoverythailand.com:

    Wat Rong Khun is very different to any of temple you are likely to see in Thailand. A lifetime project of artist Chalermchai Kositpipat, the temple has a fine blend of traditional Buddhist art with contemporary themes. The temple is almost entirely white – no other colours are used at all. It is though decorated with small pieces of mirrored glass which add substantially to the temple's spacious and airy feel. Designed to be viewed in moonlight, if you can manage to get there when the moon is out it's worth the effort – very nice indeed.

    Wow? wow and wow?? Thanks for posting these pictures...they are awesome.....

  2. It is not directly a community event of the usual kind, but I got confirmed by a very reliable

    source that we, in about 5 years, will be able to travel from Chiangrai to Bangkok by train.

    More than thirty years it has been tried over and over again to get this project on the rails,

    read: to get the budget to realise it.

    Every year at the Mengrai Fair there was this stand with maps and all other information related

    to the project untill five or six years ago. Then it became silent.

    A couple of months ago suddenly banners appeared in town depicting a train and a typical

    railroad 'Chiangrai' sign. Many serious faces on the banner as well: we recognized the former

    president of Mae Fah Luang University, the unsurpassable Dr. Wanchai, we saw the omnipresent

    grey hair of our former mayor with the same name and his evenso omnipresent wife, head of the

    provincial administration Khun Ratana. Several other high ranking officers on municipal and provincial

    level completed the group.

    They finally did it! Chapeau!

    Finally the railroad from Den Chai to Chiang Khong will be built. The land is bought (a part of the traject

    will pass over crown property) and now the plans are developed for a gigantic terminal in Chiang Khong.

    Japan is the main provider of the necessary financial support.

    At the same time, at other desks, discussions are going on about high speed trains.

    Limbo :)

    Wow?? you are lucky to have a high speed train so soon. I have to attend several Public hearings before it can be build in the Bay area San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Because the Riches do not want any train to pass by their lands and homes...

    Amazing in America..my take and opinion.

  3. Not much happening in Chiang Rai today....except for the biggest event in all of Thailand at this time of the year....RICE HARVEST!!!

    I wish I were there...Rice Harvest event in Chiang Rai...too bad I have to work for my family....

    Have a good night..and enjoy your Rice Harvest...

  4. What a way to start life in your twenties?

    Have they actually tried and failed at something legit before this?

    Or they could just be on commission just for withdrawing the cash, now left cold holding the baby, while the repeat offenders are on their yacht somewhere on the Indian ocean.

    Love your post and it is very very serious crime in 21 TH century...more to come especially from Russia gangs. America has her own problem as well...Good job for the Thai Policemen. I hope the Thai will do more to get rid of those outlaws..America does her jobs but, the Insurance companies will foot the bills and the Policemen will not do as much as the Thai...

    I am so happy after reading this article....thanks for posting.

  5. Many countries have even wider gaps between rich and poor, USA is a good example. You really don't want a totally flat country, that is impossible and will only result in misery.

    Good point for an outstanding post..thanks.

    Remember anyone who is abused others will pay the price by the end.....everything is matter and time will tell. History always repeats itself.

    People who have no conscious will never be able to prosper and be happy...( living and walking in hel_l ) Cheat, lie and taking advantage from others without feeling guilty.. and these people are parasites in our society...they should not be born.....

    These are mentality of the nasty Rich who are evils.....wait until the Poor raise up and call for an Equality...money talk means nothing....Do not think by throwing the legitimate votes in the trash cans will be forever. People knows and they will talk when the time is right.

    The world will turn and no more nasty rich except the people class and everyone has same thing....and live in Compounds..

    21 TH century is around the corner and anything is possible in my opinion.

    For the Good Rich who do good deed no offense because you are good to society....people know what you do???

    My take.

  6. <br>Why do the Thai Police pity this self confessed murderer?<br><br>He has committed murder and should be treated the same as any Thai that commits the same crime at home. Using the intoxication and stress excuses really don't wash - he was ex military and as such should have known his own limits both physically (in terms of consumption, presumably having ample time to drink in the service) and mentally.<br><br>Some men do get violent when they are under extreme stress and drunk, but the smart ones know not to drink more than a few small bottles when this is the case.<br><br>I sincerely hope that this man does life, and suffers for what he has done. This man saw the bar girl as something less than he was, and the murder was a show of power - let the hand of justice now show its full power in return.<br>
    <br><br>Good point and Does this man try to sell his life story to Bollywood?? <br>Amazing amazing and amazing story...... in my personal opinion it happened only in Thailand???<br>
  7. Remember innocent untill proven guilty .

    I for one think they may have the wrong man . I mean if you did what he did , surly you would leave the country ?

    I agree with you until the Thai Government had enough proved about the killer...we do not know until the end...

    The same situation was happening in the town near by my home. The lady met this killer at the bar and she went back to his place. He finished her off and hid the body. Fortunately, he threw a bloody rug in the apartment trash's bin. Someone, recognized a rug in picture of a crime scene from news.. and called the detective. This man denied left and right. He did have a lawyer to defend him before the cop pressed any charge. I felt so good for THIS CASE AND ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO HARMS A WOMAN SHOULD DIE IN JAIL FOR LIFE. This is not one case. There are so many Rape cases happens and the Victims never report to the polices because of fear about their lives. Good News the DNA can prove every single thing at the Crime scene...many garbage criminals who abused Women go to jail like crazy in California. Recently one guy raped 9 women and got caught. Now he is in jail. The American taxes payers have to feed him for $ 45,000 per year...it cost less than a dead roll. Well this is my take and personal opinion.

  8. I find this subject at least mildly amusing. I recall a somewhat tongue-in-cheek article in one of the English language newspapers back in 1970 or 71 making the case that short skirts were becoming one of the leading causes of traffic accidents in Bangkok. There is about a five year memory retention period for government officials, oftentimes even less. They tackle the same subjects with regularity seeing to have no memory of the past endeavors, or possibly believing that there is something special about their effort.

    On the other hand it should be observed that many Thai women have managed to bend and even squat without exposing a millimetre of additional flesh to the passing crowd. (more's the pity)

    Actually, compared to Western standards, Thai women dress very modestly outside the entertainment venues.

    Love your Awesome Post and it did trickle my memory when I was in Thailand in 1970.History always repeats ifself again.

    In California I see college students wearing short skirt but adding thick stockings to cover their flesh even summer...you can check them out on Berkeley campus...or Art colleges in San Francisco...

    My take.

  9. Are these dress rules written by fat, unattractive women who want equal opportunities?

    Thailand needs an "Education Revolution" today! The Thai Government should place emphasis on education in Thailand and make it it's top priority. I see today in the Singapore Straits Times that China is making English a must to learn in there education system.

    Thailand must do the same going forward.

    Yes, your post is Awesome. Thailand needs to be able to complete and she needs to train her people for higher Education....not wearing short skirts to schools. Are Thai women in general still wearing long skirts and behave well in public like the old day ? I have been told from the recruiters that College students can not fully function in the world market.. from my own experience Thai students are very bright and can do...they just need extra training then they will do well..my take and opinion.

    P.S. the Dress Rule must belong to unattractive women who are smart and they can earn their honest living without wearing short skirts..I am standing tall. Opp forget to tell you that I am a good looking woman and never wear any short skirt in public. I have almost everything. I am trying to keep them all. Knock, knock my wood....

  10. As the words to the song go: "When will they ever learn?"

    These drug smugglers never learn. They should know that when they purchase drugs from the Drug Cartel they are in danger. Because, the Drug Cartels are making money both ways. They sell you and I drugs then they call the polices for the Award money.

    Now anyone wants to smuggle should know the outcome...he or she is the joke of the Cartel. It is so sad 30 billion dollars spending for drugs at US and Mexican Border. I do not understand why people are so weak and addict to drugs...

    Right now Arizona has so much problem with Drug cartel because, they sent the hit men to kill 800- 1000 Mexican National. Right along US and Mexican borders several Mexican citizens were dying from the Drug Wars. My heart felt for the families...and the addicts for 30 billion dollars should be blame for. Today in San Francisco the polices confistigate 350,000 worth of marijuana plants that grow right next to the Kindergarten school. It is about time We legalize drugs and educate people to use drug in medicines. I will be the most happy person if marijuana legalizes in California so the government can taxes people who smoke it. Well drugs kill people, family and the country. Only the drug cartels are rich and these people are unproductive population in society..... my personal opinion.

  11. <br>People are always so quick to jump on the "silly farang" bandwagon. Just because he is a foreigner this does not mean he forfeits his right to the truth. Imagine spending 9 year in a prison for a crime that you never commited? My hat goes off to this man. <br><br><br>
    <br><br>Good post and I agree with your outstanding opinion.<br>Let's get a campaign word of mouth to support this unlucky Farang.  This is a bright man and knows his Right. He should have make money from Hollywood that will be set for life. Why he has to prove his case?? I am sure he has a good reason. ..Remember there were so many cases in America that the judges had to apologize for sending the wrong men to die.<br>Well, I wish him well and hope for the Best...my take. <br>
  12. The worrying question here is whether or not politicians and civil servants are still eligible for further Education funding,

    ........................or if not eligible, what are the reasons for denying them these channels of development.

    Rather than concentrating on ineffective measures to punish the vulnerable and to disenfranchise them,

    would it not be more effective to

    1. Ensure proper and informed effective and efficient health and sex education for the young, uncorrupted by personal religious belief.

    2. Acknowledge that the millions of youth living in present-day cities do not have the supportive networks of communal and village life anymore.

    3. Setting up a Child Support Agency with the facilities of pre- and post-birth DNA testing to establish paternity.

    4. Informing potential fathers of all ages and all social positions that in fathering a child will mean providing a minimum of financial support every month for that child ( say, 3,000 baht ) until they reach the age of 18 and that this legislation will be enforced by the Courts of Law and monitored independently by a U.N. delegation representing the Rights of the Child.

    .........0r if a student gets pregnant whilst attending school or University,

    a Government Cultural Agency could shut down the institution for 9 months or until the child is born, ( whichever is the sooner. )

    Love the ideas and you should send your comment to the Thai official. Hope they listen and do the Right thing for Thai children...

    This is not only Thai has problem but, it is a global crisis of 21 TH century....

    Excellent post and you deserve to be recognized..

  13. Whether to put the horse in front or behind the carriage.... Unwanted pregnancy is the main problem here. If these young ladies knew more about preventing unwanted pregnancies, you would have less problems. Preventing access to birth control is one cause of unwanted pregnancies. Another is poor education. Since sex education and acess to contraceptive measures are not up to par, the bill will have to do - for now.

    Not really a good start for producing QUALITY Children - don't you think? ;)

    Love the post and you are right about Quality children with quality parents....

    Education is a key for Sex education....prevention prevention and prevention.... Common Sense is a key to raise a child??? ( birth control pills, RU47 ) Children need to behave and parents need to be parents.

    Students go to school to learn not to have fun and get pregnant..no excuse for parenting. The children need to understand about Social and Responsibility..by getting education..earning their honest living...

    There is no way for a child to raise a child...we need a good citizen for the Thai....

    Who is to blame?? Television, newspaper, parents, schools or society...?? My concern is about children who make mistake...over and over again...history always repeats itself.....

    It is about time our Panels start to make the difference...my take and opinion.

  14. <br>"Quote" "Students who overly expose their flesh could become the victims of crime, he said, and urged parents to watch what their children were wearing."<BR>Is this charnwit's words or&nbsp; a bit of Thai journalism. Seems someone is trying to encourage people to commit crimes.&nbsp; The girls skirts in the picture are a lot longer than what is seen on television and the newspapers everyday including Bangkok streets. Funny enough in the north they are a lot longer than in Bangkok, usually below the knees.<br>
    <br><br>Love this post and you have an excellent idea. However, it is a Hot fashion in Paris at this point for Mini and Micro skirt. I, myself  ever done that..not because I do not have good figure but, I do believe in woman's Right of Brain than showing my merchandise. Crime can happens anytime if any woman allows herself to be in the wrong place and wrong time. plus wearing mini and micro skirt will not help.  I urge your girls to learn self defense and Kung &lt;deleted&gt;. Remember the world is so different.  97 percents of males commit crime and 3% of females still in jails...none of them never be out for a long long time....( stay there until you all die I do not understand  why you all can not be honest and good citizens )<br>You did say it right about television and newspaper. These two institutions should be example for citizens but , they choose to sell their souls for Money...Wow?? I can not fight this War...my comment is very mean and I am standing tall about my opinion.<br>
  15. Let's keep this Thailand related shall we. As Lin Ping, the Chiang Mai panda cub has also gone for Spain.

    Anything an octopus can do, so can a panda. ( Although I think she may just have copied Paul's result.)


    Thanks for posting...and I do agree with your post as well....

    The Panda is so cute.

  16. The big squid is German. You expected him to predict the Dutch to win? Red card!

    Wow?? I do believe Paul because,he never makes a mistake...

    Spain I am with you all the way, and let's take this Glory home....

    Thanks for posting you are so right about it.

  17. I hope they catch the low life

    the 50,000 bhat reward is a good idea, but only if everyone mainly thais know about it.

    i thought it was law to have cctv footage in all bars resteraunts hotels guesthouses,

    this man didnt just spring out of no where, sure he puts gasoline in his bike and sure he go's in a 711 and stays in a hotel/ guesthouse?? maybe even footage of a street cctv unit and follow his route backwards, they need to put some ie plenty of bobby's on the job and the girls 2 mates looking at cctv footage from around any location that had a man with a beard in that area on that day!

    hope they get him and string him up, these girls have a hard enough job as it is!

    I feel for her family and relative. Thanks the police for the reward..I am not sure he is in Thailand. He might travel outside Thailand already...Our job is passing information to all Farang and Thai people. Sorry that the lady had to take it from this monster. It is very common now and there were many cases happening in the world..watch out?? all ladies....and not all gentlemen are bad like this monster....my take and opinion.

  18. sure sounds implausible all round ...

    but still..anywhere you go in this world surely at least lock your car even without valubles inside..

    basic common sense i would think....then again common sense is a rareity now..

    You are so right and I agree with your comment. In my town, the policemen have no jobs except giving tickets and filing reports of stole goods because, people leave the cars unlock. Some even left handbags and laptops. Well, what can I say and now no one has money to go around. 12% unemployment in California..I will not dress well and walk around...people at this century are another world?? Everyone wakes up an smells the coffee...the world is not the same as 10 years ago. My take and opinion.

  19. <br>IMO, I have no problem with charging an old man with rape, if there is evidence pointing in that direction. The man will get a fair chance to defend himself in court. If he is found guilty, then he should get the standard sentence that such a crime normally warrant regardless of if it means that he most likely will die in jail while sitting out his sentence. If he is unable to stand trial due to mental state, then his legal representative can persue that path and it will be investigated in accordance with Thai law<br><br>I have a similar true story for you - My mother was in charge of a home for retired people where a 90 year old ex sailor raped another retiree. It happened numerous times before it came to light. Lawyers employeed by the administration of the city gave their opinion and my mother confronted the 90 year old rapist privately with a very simple message: If you ever touch that woman again, then I will make sure that this goes to court and the result will be that you will not be let out again before you are 100. The man never touched another woman and it didn't go to court<br>
    <br><br>I am so proud of your Mom...she has gut to do the Right thing...<br>For this case I have no idea?? I do not understand why the father of 3 children allows his kids to visit this 90 years old man alone?? <br>Why it takes 2 years to find a complaint?? Remember any man and age, his sex drive will never go away?? ( until the coffin door shut )   <br>Well Karma will do it?? The truth never is always there, and keep looking???<br>My take.<br>
  20. <br>The Public Health Ministry has issued a warning to people to protect themselves from infection by eating cooked and hot food, using <u><i>a middle spoon</i></u> and washing hands frequently.<br><br>I presume that means a METAL spoon <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
    <br><br>Good post and tell everyone to watch his or her hands every time after using the restroom...<br>Hot food and Middle spoon are the main problem and it is about time for Common Sense.<br>My opinion...Hope everyone is safe and healthy...<br>
  21. I take my own cloth bags to Tesco, Carrefour, etc. They look at me like I'm crazy! And it's hard to tell the clerks at 7/11, etc., that you don't want a plastic bag. It's only a can of coke! I don't need a bag for it.

    My wife says it's a Thai thing...they feel if they don't get a bag, they are getting ripped off...go figure...

    I am so proud of you for doing the right thing, and remember to watch your cloth bag after using a couple time...

    Your wife is right?? I could help laughing about it. By the way, the Americans do the same thing. My take and opinion.

  22. Tourism to recover in 6 months ............ Hmmmmmmmm

    The western world is broke, unemployment high, wages down.

    Air fares to Thailand are two to three time what they were (2009 I paid 245UKP for a return LHR to BKK, 2010 cheapest was 650UKP)

    The Baht is 20 percent more expensive (2009 I got 54Bht to 1 UKP, 2010 47bht to 1 UKP)

    Western news portrayed Thailand as a war zone

    None of Thailand's problems have been resolved

    I don't think tourism will ever recover in Thailand, in fact I think it will get worse as new bookings are unlikely to be made.

    UK travel agents don't advertise holidays to Thailand any more, and the Baht is not listed in UK currency exchange shops.

    If I didn't have a Thai wife, I would have left last month.

    Agree with your perception from a western view, but since 55% (Source: Tourism in Thailand) of tourists are from the relatively strong economies of Asian countries, an increase in tourists may well be expected from the Asia pacific region to offset a reduction of revenue from the west, so a recovery is not out of the question.

    Good post?? I am going to Thailand with my family no matter what?? It will cost me more to vacation in Hawaii than Bangkok. Well, the tourists have to go somewhere that he or she can make the best of their money. My take and opinion.

  23. 20 years ago, stolen traveler check and personal belonging insurance claim scams were a big thing among backpackers in SE -Asia.

    You always had your -claimed- money back within 24 hours... And without any question... Thanks to Amex and Thomas Cook cool.gif

    Maybe, she just followed her "Nimbin" mother steps... without knowing that they are all computerized now !?!

    Good post and I do agree with you 100%. Around my state now there were many people who committed all kinds of fraud, and some people even burned down their homes and businesses. One case a person did not buy a new home but, filed a claim to the IRS in order to get $8000, free money from the government. You know the rest of my story about what happened to this man...( serving time in jail for lying to an IRS agent )

    I was so surprised why people did such bad things and had no conscious at all. My take and opinion.

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