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Posts posted by ryladie99

  1. This kind of suicide is pretty common in Japan. If you live there, you will realize it is just a regular news report

    Wow?? thanks for telling. I was not sure about the fan who was falling in love with Jackie Chan. She found out that Mr. Chan is married then she killed herself so the producer and production company wowed not to tell and the girl was from Japan. I overheard about 3 Japanese Fans killed themselves over this Star. and not sure is it true? or it is promotion for the Movies. Feel free to inject my opinion. Thanks.

  2. I

    Poor girl, that's just awful. Someone really needs to try to educate Thai women to take it down a notch... i realize it's a generalization, but they're some of the most fiery-hearted, vengeful people I've met and the culture seems to aggrandize the 'crazy girl' mentality. It's not romantic, or charmingly tragic, period. Of course who knows what motivated this girl to do what she did, and of course it happens all over the world, but I can't help but blame society a little bit.

    I want to add my 2 cents. The Chines-American girl I knew had broke up with her boyfriend. She was so upset and jumped off the dorm building to pretest her boyfriend. She died for nothing. This is an educated student who came from a wealthy family and had it all. We We do need to educate women or men who are in love to understand that he or she can have a relationship and they can walk away when thing does not work out. It is alright and nothing wrong with it. My take and experience.

  3. I look around the world we live in and see the bubble slowly bursting for the welfare states and the so called Democracies ,. The parasite level of people on freebies is growing to the point where no one wants to work . The fiscal mess is almost insurmountable and still the fools think that it can continue on . Thailand and other countries are looked down on by these same fools , but I respect the Asian culture and the people who work so hard to live . They usually dont have major issues and problems until the Foriegners interfere and want to impose their particular cultures on these lovely people . I dont see a problem with being poor and living on what you earn from real work and making your own way .'

    I hear about pollution , drugs , prostitution , crime and all the other issues , But I dont see real help coming forth to solve the problems . I just see people who live on welfare whining like dogs when they dont get a free bone , and all this is in the democratic , financially stuffed , welfare states .

    I work , pay taxes , employ people and grow more angry every day with the number of parasites myself and others have to support . This is where the money comes from , Not the government , not the bank CEO or Microsoft and I havent seen a money tree in ages .

    I see a massive problem in countries where the welfare is considered to be a lifelong entitlement and it is your right even if you never contributed to the system that provides it . I see a big problem where drug use is almost normal and is paid for via welfare and criminal activities . I see a bigger problem where those in Government and big business rape the finances of a Nation and think they earn it for a very dismal performance and a complete non benefit to the National interest . The financial crisis is only real for those living beyond their means , individuals or Nations alike . yes I live in Australia and it is becoming the biggest parasitical culture on the planet , everything is for free except if your working middle class, Teens dont work , they live on drugs , sex and get paid by us , they get handouts for having babies , underage as well , they get free housing , they get paid for never having worked , they get allowances for anything and everything , They arent worth feeding , because they have never contributed and neither have most of their parents . Maybe the Grandparents did !!! Does this give a parasite rights ????

    Leave Asian people alone and let them work out what they can afford . They don't need advice from people who can't even manage a household budget let alone a national economy .

    Welcome to America we are facing the same problem you are talking about. I am worry about Thailand and other developing countries that love Hollywood culture... 21th century is getting ugly for Western countries..2% of the Rich are subsidized by 98% of the poor and Middle class. In America you can get help if you are a low income person. So, the Middle class has to pay for everything while the Rich is looking so cute and do nothing to help except making sure they gain most of their earnings. This year President Bush taxes cut for the Rich will expire at the end of this year and the Congress are working on this Bill. Hopefully the Congress will not extend free ride for the Rich. 2011 will be the best year to come...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours...my take.

  4. Why the do the sting op in Thailand? Because that is where Bout finally agreed to meet. Stupid Bout...he did not research that the DEA and CIA were always based in Thailand.

    That many AKs? FARC should know not to make themselves a target by using a different weapon system vs the ones carried by the US-supported Colombian army - M16s. Bout should have noted this discrepancy before placing the order or flying to meet the customer.

    Scopes to kill pilots... Really? The ones flying at 30K feet?

    The order was too good to be true.

    Lesson: Never agree to meet. Use the www. Still there always watching.

    According to U.S. intelligence (such as CIA), the FARC-EP has purchased thousands of AK-47 rifles from Russia, through connections with the Russian mafia. Colombian and regional authorities believe that the FARC has bought possibly greater quantities of such weapons from black market dealers in Peru and Central America, as well as corrupt military officials.

    Based on these facts and believing that the FARC is looking for additional AK-47 suppliers, the United States opposed the 2004 announcement of Venezuelan arms purchase of 100,000 AK-103 rifles from Russia, for the purposes of upgrading the military equipment in Venezuelan army. Despite US opposition the purchase went ahead as planned. The United States has not been able to show any link between the democratic socialist government of Venezuela and the Marxist-Leninist FARC.

    Prices for black-market guns vary. A new AK-47 will cost you $250 in Russia. A Chinese built weapon will cost $100. Second hand AKs in Baghdad cost just $10!

    A fully transferrable M16, that is one made before the 1986 machinegun ban and thus ownable by a civilian with the correct tax stamp, sells in the neighborhood of $10,000.

    US military contract price for the M16 was $420 per unit in 1988 when Fabrique Nationale won the contract from Colt.

    You are so right and tonight I was watching 60 minutes from CBS and if anyone wants to see..try CBS.com

    Thanks for posting and Happy Thanksgiving to all....

  5. A police report is necessary.

    What to do when you lose your Passport?

    • Lost/stolen domestically: must file a police report then bring that report to apply for a new e-Passport and cancel the misplaced Passport.
    • Lost/stolen in a foreign country: must file a lost Passport report to local authorities and bring that report together with documents proving the applicant's Thai nationality or other Residential Registration documents such as Citizenship I.D.Card and House Registration to the nearest Thai embassy or consulate-general to apply for a new e-Passport.
    • Certificate of Identity (CI) : If the Passport is lost and a new e-Passport has not been issued but there is an urgent need to return to Thailand, the applicable Thai embassy or consulate-general will issue a Certificate of Identity (CI). The CI only allows the distressed person to return to Thailand and will expire once the CI holder arrives in Thailand.


    Thank you so much and I will tell my friends about this information...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  6. <br /><br /><br />

    It is a shame that this guy was setup by the Thai and US authoraties in a sting opperation. Ok so maybe he took the bait, but if some people offered you millions to do a deal could you resist. Its a load of BS. About time the US took care of the thugs in it's own country rather tan trying to set up foreign nationals, in foeriegn countries.

    How many millions was the Thai government offered to allow the extradition? The whole thing stinks.

    Geez, were you born naive, or is it an acquired attribute from the Book of Winnie the Pooh and Hot Chocolate??? How else would go about nabbing someone as crafty and shrewd as Bout???

    If the US were so sure thay have a case against this guy then they should have gone through an international agency like interpol to get this guy. Though frankly it isn't about whether this guy is guilty or not! it's about the way the US conducts itself on the world stage, Frankly even Freinds of the US ar fed up with thier anticts.

    Another classic case is the US's attempt to extradite a UK citizen for hacking into US defence computers while looking for information on UFO's. The guy is slightly mentaly disturbed, but even so Why doesn't the US have him trieds in the UK? which I think I'm right in saying was offered by the UK, but turned down by the US.

    You Yanks &lt;deleted&gt; up your own country and think it's cool to do they same in other countries, using lies, deceit, and offers of dollars to get what you want.

    Guessing you're a not so bright brit who's forgotten his own country's history.

    Hello everyone

    The truth will go free and no one is above it. Anyone who hides it will not keep it for long. American people who are progressive will not tolerate and let go. This is 21th century and the power of Google goes everywhere.I suggest everyone does his or her own library research then you can make your own conclusion and announce to the world. Unfortunately, certain thing you can not do and if you dare your life will not be the same. Take your pick and see if anyone wants tobe against the Money power. My take and opinion.

  7. It was only a matter of time.

    Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

    I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

    the target removed from his forehead.

    It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.

    Have you seen the movie about the Arm dealer, Lord of War 2005, by Nicolas Cage... it was awesome story and I urged your guys seeing it. I then researched after that I have learned so much about Arm dealer, war, Money, weapons, and elite groups who control the world...my take and opinion.

  8. Suu Kyi's 22 years in political spotlight - Chrono

    YANGON, November 13, 2010 (AFP) - Aung San Suu Kyi, the Myanmar opposition leader who was released Sunday after seven years of house arrest, was a political newcomer when she took up the struggle for democracy in 1988.

    Following are the major events in the history of her role in Myanmar's politics since a military crackdown in 1988 and the formation of her National League for Democracy (NLD) party that followed.


    -- August: Thousands of people are believed killed after troops open fire on mass protests. Suu Kyi, daughter of independence hero Aung San, delivers a speech at Yangon's Shwedagon Pagoda to a crowd of 500,000

    -- September: Military takes charge with the creation of the State Law and Order Restoration Council

    -- Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) is formed


    -- July: Suu Kyi is placed under house arrest


    -- May: Her NLD wins 392 out of 485 seats in parliamentary elections but the junta refuses to recognise the results


    -- October: Suu Kyi wins Nobel Peace Prize


    -- September/October: Talks with junta number one and three, Senior General Than Shwe and Lieutenant General Khin Nyunt


    -- July: Released after six years under house arrest


    -- May: Some 10,000 supporters of Suu Kyi march in Yangon in the biggest demonstration since 1990, which the junta declares illegal


    -- March: Her husband Michael Aris, a British academic, dies from cancer having not seen his wife in four years


    -- August: Suu Kyi defies order confining her to Yangon. Again placed under house arrest the following month after attempting to travel to Mandalay


    -- May: Released after 19 months under house arrest


    -- May: Arrested in the country's north after a violent clash between her supporters and a pro-junta group

    -- September: Moved to her Yangon home and placed under house arrest for a third time


    -- September: Suu Kyi prays with Buddhist monks allowed to walk past her home during mass protests against escalating fuel costs, in her first public appearance since 2003


    -- May: Her detention is extended again three days after a referendum is held to confirm a new constitution that paves the way for an election in 2010

    -- August/September: Refuses food and placed on intravenous drip

    -- October: Appeals through her lawyers against her detention


    -- May: Appeal against detention is rejected

    -- Shortly before her expected release, Suu Kyi is put on trial over a bizarre incident in which an American man swims uninvited to her lakeside home. She is sentenced to another 18 months of house arrest.

    -- November: Appeals detention at Supreme Court


    -- February: Supreme Court rejects appeal

    -- March: Suu Kyi says she opposes contesting the first election in 20 years because the rules are unfair. Her party announces it will boycott the vote and is disbanded

    -- May: Lodges last-ditch appeal with Supreme Court against detention

    -- November: Suu Kyi remains in detention at her lakeside mansion on election day. Her final appeal is rejected but hopes for her release remain when her current sentence is completed

    -- Supporters gather as officials say her release is imminent

    - November 13: Suu Kyi walks free, appearing outside her crumbling lakeside home and calling on a sea of jubilant supporters to "work together in unison."


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-11-13

    Thank you so much for the information...wow??

  9. Great news ... and I wish her a safe future.

    I am concerned however that the evil government may have a well plotted out plan to end her time on this earth. Now if she were to be killed by a robbers bullet or staged accident the government can claim that they had nothing to do with it. Also the undercover police were out taking pictures of the supporters that suggest to me that some ugly times are ahead for these people.

    Not leaving me with a good feeling! :ph34r:

    I do not trust the Junta but, rest assure ASSK is too well known. The Junta has to pause at this moment, she is on the eye of the World and every one is paying attention. The Junta dictator was over the conflict with 200 tribes along Thai borders, so, he will take a short break and let alone our leader. However, the game must go on and to tell you the truth I have no idea until I check with the State Department... my take.

  10. I was in Yangon this summer and had a few opportunity to drive by her house.

    I really wish I was in BKK right now. I would fly over and give my support.

    You were lucky to drive by her house and sorry you could not make this trip. I am watching what is going on in Yangon?..I never think she will be Free. By the way, I do not trust this Government. Last time the America gave food and money. The Burmese government did not give any credit to the American but, covered the boxes of food with the name of her leader, so her people thought they were from their own. ( Shocked me ) My take and opinion.

  11. For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

    I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

    treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

    After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

    I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.

    Life is for life only in the U.S I think. Life in Australia is generally 20 yrs with the possiblity of parole after 12 yrs. I love the American punishments and wish a few were handed out in Australia. If this guy was facing trial in Australia I would say the maximum he would get was 5 yrs and parole in 2 yrs less time already served. If he is proven to have a psych problem which I think he does he will be lucky if he get 2 yrs. Maybe a community based order that he seek psych assessments every month for the next 12 months if the courts are really hard on him.

    This is recently news in California...it will have the fifth death penalty to review. A couple day ago the case in Connecticut has been ruled out. Here is the detail in brief...this man and his young friend went to commit a late night home invasion. In the morning they forced the wife going to the bank and withdrawn the cash. The mother thought she gave big amount of money and her misery was over In return the Robbers raped 17 years oldest daughter and the 47 year old mother and let alone the eleven year old after beaten and tied up the father in the basement. Before these gangs left the house they killed the 3 females and set a house on fire. The father survived and was able to help the polices captured the Robbers...this case was number ninth of death penalty the State of Connecticut at the same time the State of Texas sent the wrong man to execute according to Yahoo news.

    Thank you for giving your feedback about Australia...I share your interest and pain over the unfair practice of laws and punishment against women in our society.

  12. I love the numbers in this poll. They are all below 50%. Does this mean they are all corrupt and dishonest :unsure:

    Wow?? I do not understand the mentality of developing and under developing countries leaders. Does a campaign slogan mean anything to them? Where is his or her conscious?

    I wonder why so many leaders wow to lead but, can not be trust. ( marking with corruption )

    The history will always remember a good leader who is honest and clean. ( very very few, sad and shame )

    My take and opinion.

  13. In foreign newspapers I read: Burmese refugees FORCED to go home by the Thai government.

    "I hope they get out of 'my' country soon" is what one Thai person told me.

    Of course this Thai person would be in a minority of Thai people who feel like this. Right?

    Of course, a very very large minority.

    "I hope they get out of 'my' country soon" is what one Thai person told me.

    Its' HIS country, isn't it, not a part of EU where ne'er do well may roam freely ?

    surely LOS wants to stay LOS, not a dump?

    Hello everyone

    Thailand does not have budget to feed the refugees and no support from the U.N. ( U.N. broke, too many corruption cases in the world ) The Thai government will not deal with the Burmese and both countries seldom interfere with each other. Actually many Thais citizens want to help the Refugees but they are afraid of their jobs loss.The conflict between the minority ( 200 tribes ) and the Burmese government are always on and off situation. These people fought among each other since the day I was born...as I recalled I did ask the Red Cross to set a temporary station near the MaeSai border 4 years ago. Prior to that I was witnessing the fight broke off while I went to Thailand in 1992. It was the worst moment I have experienced. I urge everyone here to do something productive....as such donate any amount to Red Cross,or helping the refugees in case they cross the border and help save the young refugees who will be slave by the Thai pimps. ( human trafficking, sad and shame ) The Burmese government wows to genocide the 200 tribes whenever she has an opportunity....my take and opinion.

  14. Really quite shocked by this case, but more shocked by the numerous 'give him death.' posts Clearly this person is mentally unstable - to what degree we'll probably never know. But to demand death for a mentally sick person is unforgivable. Why did he stay in the apartment, was he in shock? Was he waiting for her to wake up? If he's KP it's possible he thought she might wake up and was just sleeping.

    If he is full control of his faculties and this murder was premeditated then i'm sure the NZ courts will find a punishment which is suitable to the civilised world and not the rabid dogs of TV

    Wow,wow and wow...I am standing tall for your opinion...

  15. This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard of. This man is a criminal in the worst sense - death penalty as a minimum!!!

    I would say that he is more sick then anything, needs to be in a hospital, sounds like he either lost it, through drugs, alcohol or both and a jealous rage gone bad and to scared to seek help for fear of the end results.

    May she rest in peace.

    could not agree more he is sick. But what to do with him?

    if it was a rage brought on by anything it would not last a month!

    If I had to decide I think he should not be walking the streets even in ten years time! and why keep him alive I think he is beyond any reasoned thought; no good to anybody or himself.

    I am reading both of your comments and will inject my 2 cents here...many people I talk to do not agree with " death penalty ' and a few like me still think it is alright...for example 20 years ago a young man killed several immigrants and American teenagers by cutting their bodies into pieces and save the body parts in the refrigerator for dinners...he got a dead roll and it did spark a question for a civilized society...he did not last long after that he got murdered by several jail mates. Another example the highway patrol in San Diego murdered several women after picking them up on the freeway. It took investigators so long to crack this case and several women died...this guy was in the dead roll... I urge you all take a pick...Death or alive....after reading my 2 examples...my take and opinion.

  16. For all the would be executioners New Zealand, like ALL civilized countries, does not have the death penalty.

    I am not a bleeding heart but if forced to jump to conclusions I would think that this man needs serious psychiatric

    treatment. Or at least some serious ENT work to restore his sense of smell!

    After reading your comment you make me think about " all civilized countries " and in my opinion...death penalty does exit in the world because, it does give a Message to all criminals. Life is for life....then you and I will not have to witness as such headline..93% of male in jails while only 3% female are serving time. ( American statistic ) The man who is accusing of this crime will have to defense, I believe in Karma...and the truth will reveal. America still has a death penalty in several states, the government have to spend 3 million for a death roll but, only one million for a life without parole...take a pick...( money talks )

    I am sorry for her loss and my heart and soul go to her families and friends.

  17. I believe this is what was meant:

    Immigration police have arrested a 65-year-old Briton for having allegedly raped his adopted daughter repeatedly for eight years from when she was eight years old.

    The arrest of Roger Stone was announced at a press conference at the Immigration Bureau.

    Stone was arrested under the arrest warrant issued by the Criminal Court on March 9.

    He was charged with repeatedly raping his adopted daughter when she was eight years old until 15 years old. She then fled from home and filed a complaint with police.

    Immigration Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Wibul Bangthamai said Stone had fled to somewhere in Thailand in 2005.

    Thanks for posting....this is a serious case in my opinion...we all have to wait and see about the truth. Anyone have more info please do post it for us....

    I do not like to point my finger to anybody or form my opinion until I read more and find out more from all my friends in Thailand....I am taking a stand.....

  18. I love Bangkok and this will probably be my home until I die - but World Best City?

    haha I think not...

    I'd probably give the nod to Paris.

    I like your post but if I can stand people who are smoking then I will vote for Paris....

    This is going to be best for the Thais, she needs many tourists at this time... and .I urge everyone to help???

    New York has so many tourists and she never steeps...she also has plenty of credits to go around...We need to promote Thailand and Bangkok......

    My take and opinion.

  19. It's an act of nature; how could the Thai government have mitigated against it? What are you suggesting they should have done, ask god to turn the tap off?!

    I think you'll find theyre 95% Buddhists 5% others so he would only have saved 5% at most.

    Two years ago I have been told from American Scientists about the water will travel from the North to the South...especially to the developing countries...Thailand also one of them....

    I spoke with several relatives and friends. No one paid attention except my second sister who bought high ground properties in towns. She gave the site for me in case I want to retire in Thailand.

    But, Governments in the developing countries do not have Money to take care all the business due to Corruption and domestic problems....look at Haiti as an example..it is so obvious......

    The poor is the one who pays the price and the Middle class like you and I will pay Most of the Taxes while 2% of the rich pay nothing except looking good....example as such America.....

    Now we have to push the legislators for the new Prevention and flood bills.....Fa rang can do and believe me anything is possible...my take and I am standing tall.

    My heart and Soul go with the families...sorry....for your loss.....

  20. Suvarnabhumi Airport was built on swamp land. It was 'firmed up' by a vacuum consolidation process that draws water out of the swamp, thereby allowing the soil particles to draw closer together. By superimposing another couple of metres of fill during this process the ground consolidates further, until it is compact enough that the water cannot get back in (in the same volume), thus in effect stopping off a water-collection area. However, I cannot see that this would affect Bangkok, as there are many more suitable catchments closer to the city.

    Drawing up artesian water can cause subsidence. It is much the same process as outlined above, without the surcharge.

    Going to Ha Noi for advice about controlling flooding is not clever. Every year there, in the centre of town, I see people wheeling their motorbikes through waist-deep water. Some try to ride, but for some strange reason the electrics don't work well, and the holes in the roads cannot be seen.

    Another Thai 'engineering' discussion with no substance, no research and no understanding of the subject. No wonder I went bankrupt when I employed Thai engineers. Doing much better with Vietnamese. May not be up to Western standards, but they are very willing to listen and learn.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge and honest opinion to the Thai Visa members. Bangkok is sinking every year no matter what? The Thai government needs to do more for preventing...flooding in Bangkok every year is not normal and the attitude I can't do is not acceptable either. My take and opinion.

  21. RIP Lars.

    Sad way to end what should have been a joyous family-oriented holiday by going out on the piss and mixing it up with other drunks. Three week old baby that will never know his dad. I imagine the wife is inconsolable, especially if their home was in Denmark which very much appears to be the case here (pub owner in Denmark and son born there).

    Sounds like banging his head on the pavement after being knocked down was a contributing factor. How many times have we read about drunks picking themselves up after a bit of head trauma, going off to bed and waking up dead (if you know what I mean)? The unconfirmed bit about carrying on drinking and possibly being robbed (assaulted) by some Thai villains is to be expected... it is a party town and Soi Diana is in the middle of it.

    The police charged the English guys because they had already attended the initial bar fracas and had witness accounts. The ongoing binge and further assaults are all conjecture and nobody gets banged up for long on conjecture... usually.

    I agree with your post 100%.The Danish guy was banging his head on the pavement had something to do with his dead...however, the 2 Brits have to fight in court. The Medical Examinator has to testify after examined the body....I am sure the truth will prevail...if the Dane got rob then the doctor will find out...from DNA and the wound... from new technology. Anyone who knows about this case should report....well my heart and soul go with his wife and son...I am so sorry....thing like this should not happen?? my take and opinion.

  22. This is one of the funniest statements government has made lately.

    In Thailand even doctors and lawyers hardly speak English and they want to make it second language?! LMAO-WHAT A JOKE.

    In banks, corporations, business-hardly any senior managers speak any English and those are with extremly good education and background

    English is the easiest language in the world and yet 99.9% of the locals can not string few words together.

    The ones that do, just butcher the language.

    For example, can anyone explain to me how the following works

    "My friend you" or My dog you"

    In Thai, assuming they are translating word for word, it would be "puan kong khun" or "maa kong khun" which word for word is "friend of you" or "dog of you" So how the hel_l do some arrive at "my friend you"??

    To further add, one of my Thai teachers at school who supposedly studied in UK, can nto even explain the different between what and which, while the other one studied in Singapore( and correct me if i am wrong but English is the language used at uni) and she does not know what break up means.

    I forget to tell everyone that we have 2 kinds of English languages....American English and English English.....

    Which one the Thai Government wants to use???

    Slangs will be hard for the Thai to learn and That why the people do not understand Break up means??

    My opinion....

  23. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

    I sincerely hope not.

    Like your guys' comments and Everyone should know How dangerous ICE is..?.

    Laws in US punish the people who take ICE more than any type of illegal....

    If he is guilty as charged then he should stay in jail for life.....may be The Thai government can send him back home and let his country pays for the jail time....lot lot of money.

    My take and opinion.

  24. It's the mention of "influential people" in a story that always has me reaching for the sick bag.

    Isn't there anybody in this country wielding a bigger stick so to speak with the morals and clout to bury these cancerous cockroaches?

    Exactly the point.

    How influential are these people, that thais can not find someone so much more powerful to put the hammer down on them for this degenerate degradation of their own society?

    What adults do is their business, if it isn't violent or physically oppressive to those

    who do not wish it. But when they involve children, that is another level of depravity

    that no society should ever tolerate.

    I like your guys' opinion...but, if you surf the Internet Kid Porn, then you will shock knocking your socks off...( thousand sites )

    Something needs to be done...selling women already hurts any woman ...when it comes to children I can not handle.

    I have no idea what kind of people who like to molest children?? Plus the Gangs who pimp and profit a living from children.....Sad

    I have been told they bought the children from Hill tribes and Burmese border. These Pimp Gang will not do this to the Thais.

    The Hilltribe parents think their children are working in the retail stores, serving food at restaurants or working as maids for the Thais.

    Is there any Help on the way for this type of behavior??? My take and opinion.

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