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Posts posted by sportsman69

  1. Annabel [......] You are so right and I really wish I could be there with the parents to offer whatever help or comfort possible being that I am myself a French Canadian and want them to DEMAND that the bodies be brought back to Canada for a proper autopsy and not cremated here without consent as has been done in the past ... I just hope they have enough strength left in them to demand this after this extraordinary and traumatizing event and travel to Thailand on top of it... I would even get on a plane to Phiphi Island to help if I were given the necessary info to contact them and I mean it !!! Does anybody know how I could contact the parents ...?? If so please let me know ... I'll be there in a blink

    PM sent

  2. THIS IS THE MOST SICKENING and stupid video news reoort I have seen so far and this from a UK news site at that ...??? http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1yACAO0Wu

    Really ?? It is despicable .. these are times when censorship is needed

    Annabel. I was just about to go to bed and I saw there was one more page. Having devoted so much time to this today, talking to a Hon Consul, emailing friends etc to try to get as much publicity to this case as possible so there is no carpet to sweep it under.

    I totally agree, it is absolute BS. Pictures of "rescue vehicles" that don't even exist, scenes of bodies being dragged in bags, local paramedics that look dressed like roadside scavengers pillaging for valuables, disgusting. Cut and paste tabloid journalism at it's worst. A classic example of " never let the truth get in the way of a good story."

    The only good thing that could be said it is publicity of an event, incorrectly reported and offensive to most especially the bereaved, but is publicity none the less. It is often said there is no such thing a bad publicity. Any cause that makes this story go viral must be accepted as the price to pay for possible justice and hopefully a change for the better. Knowing a little bit about how these islands are run my hopes are slim. They had the chance after the tsunami as did Patong. end result ....Worse.


  3. but for me it is perfect as im not into Thai girls and agogo bars and i cant remember seeing any on the island last year, also was blown away with the mix of nationalities that i meet.

    Still no girlie bars, just tons of hot Swedes. thumbsup.gif

    fingers crossed biggrin.png

    iv just read the story you refer to, absolutely shocking, if they had eaten something then you would think a bunch of people would have got sick .. very worrying but wont let it change my plans of course, just make me bit more aware ..

    Good to hear that you've read the full story as is here ........


    and the not too accurate press reports from various sources. You seem to have your head on straight and are aware of the risks. I wouldn't pony up an upfront booking but would rather wait until the story unfolds a little more and take it on the fly.

    I'm sure there will be a vacancy which will suit your needs. if your travel plans are a few weeks away and you for any reason happen to miss out on the bucket brigade experience there, you still have the option of the full moon party on Kho Phanghan, which apparently goes for days, The same rules apply there. For me they would involve buying my own alcohol and other ingredients, red bull etc; before arriving on the island, and as much as you would feel necessary to " make your own buckets " for your anticipated stay. If you drink beer I would suspect no problem direct from the can or bottle carefully wiping the neck after it being opened in front of you. Ice should be OK as long as it's Nam kang unique in sealed bags from the supermarket as should be drinking water. Be very careful where and what you eat. Where and with the locals is usually a good guide. Be as paranoid as possible without upsetting your holiday.

    Hopefully you will have a great time, I sincerely would like to hear of your experiences.

  4. Pretty sure that aircon units recirculate the air in the room and not pull air from outside. I could be wrong on that.

    All the wall units I have seen in Thailand rooms, yes. The compressor is separated from the fan unit. Mono-bloc, mobile A/C are rare, and all the block is indoors. I have seen in other countries, or industrial installations, small units which pump from outside.

    Yeah....got that wrong I think....we dont have aircon here so been awhile associated with it.

    I was thinking along the lines of my car though where you have the vent to open or close......not sure now if home aircons have this type of feature.

    Nah. only possibly commercial installations.

  5. Pretty sure that aircon units recirculate the air in the room and not pull air from outside. I could be wrong on that.

    what would the then need that monstrous outside-units with a fan for?

    Well, I am am not a qualified HVAC guy.. but my understanding is that the compressor (which is outside) is used to compress the refrigerant and it is piped into the radiator fans inside as it's uncompressed causing the refrigerant to cool. The fans inside blow recirculated air across the cooled radiator blades and the heat from the air is transferred to the refrigerant that is carried back outside. The fans outside are to remove the heat that is being removed from the room via the refrigerant. Then the compressor re compresses the gas (this also creates heat) and the cycle continues. It's the decompression of the refrigerant that is what causes the gas to get cold.

    Correct.Very well explained.

  6. brownish fingernails can be (for my googling) a result of mercury poisoning (causes bleeding gums, too)

    dark green can be a bacteria http://en.wikipedia....onas_aeruginosa

    but no source said, it kills quickly, rather is a slow poisoning, but might depend on the dose...

    with arsenic poisoning, nails seem violet-blueish...

    Latest story I just read somewhere is that the fingernails were black....

    Next thing it will be any colour of the rainbow all with a different cause but rest assured the autopsy will state

    " Nock off copy Revlon nail polish made in China that changes colour because of it's inferior quality."

    Can't we leave all this speculation aside until there is an official announcement at least then we can all go hell for leather in the pursuit of our beliefs.

    • Like 1
  7. All the speculation that is being made here on poisons, cause of death, motives are just that, pure speculation and give no real help or solace to anybody, least of all the grieving parents.

    Not true. The speculation on this forum serves a useful purpose. The parents probably don't have a clue about the lying, face-saving, cover-up methods the Thais will employ to make these deaths appear 'natural' and 'excusable'. Family or friends of the family can read these posts and learn of the Thai penchant for cover-up, plus learn about the other 'mysterious' deaths on Phi Phi and Chiang Mai and thereby develop a healthy scepticism for whatever BS the Thais throw at them.

    It is only useful when we can discuss and speculate, and every time you turn back up on thread nobody can do that! Here we go again for an other evening of you posting however many links you can to bleeding gums and warfarin and ignoring all the links that may argue against your obsessive theory.

    Dear God and Mediators ... where are you ?? Can anyone get this "guyinthailand" guy OFF the TV posts ...? Really he is the most annoying poster I have ever seen .... Pluueeeaaase ! Get him off of here !!! Meant moderators !!! not mediators ... Sorry !

    Button left hand bottom corner labelled report. Hit It Anabell

    • Like 1
  8. All the speculation that is being made here on poisons, cause of death, motives are just that, pure speculation and give no real help or solace to anybody, least of all the grieving parents.

    Not true. The speculation on this forum serves a useful purpose. The parents probably don't have a clue about the lying, face-saving, cover-up methods the Thais will employ to make these deaths appear 'natural' and 'excusable'. Family or friends of the family can read these posts and learn of the Thai penchant for cover-up, plus learn about the other 'mysterious' deaths on Phi Phi and Chiang Mai and thereby develop a healthy scepticism for whatever BS the Thais throw at them.

    I wont get into an argument but if yours is that speculation, and I was referring to types of poisons etc, that caused the deaths and the gory details that have been posted is this might benefit the grieving parents. If after reading soon to be more than 400 posts they cannot read between the lines that, maybe unknown to them before, it certainly is now quite apparent, that Thailand is indeed, without dispute the world Hub of Official cover ups.

    Please consider the next of kin, Thanks.

  9. That's an interesting possibility that it was chemical poisoning in or around the room rather than food poisoning. Whatever the cause its sure that koh Pi Pi is fairly low on my list of idyllic Thai places to visit. Hope they shut the bungalow down and clean the place up

    Already done. Not shut down but all neat and tidy, not long after they found the bodies. All washed down with chlorine, sprayed with room freshener, destroying any residual evidence if any, waiting for new arrivals, if you can believe the eyewitness accounts of someone staying next door, according to a source we can't mention, and which I personally have no reason to doubt.

    I do believe we can mention the name of the source just not post direct links....

    It helps no one to say "a source we can't mention" as none of us can use google to find that source and read for ourselves.

    Ok Jayman.

    I'll give it a try owing to the fact that your avatar states you are a doctor and can be trusted together with the fact that you have over 1,200 more posts and thus more experience with posting than I.

    Moderators, please forgive me if I have sinned, a simple removal of this post will be sufficient warning.

    The online name of the link we cannot mention is Phuket Wan and the egotistical editors name is............., you have enough clues to look it up.

    • Like 1
  10. Has anyone suggested that it could be Shellfish poisoning? Where toxins produced by algae can build up and cause death to those who eat shellfish.

    Symptoms sound possible.


    Certainly ASP


    or Cyanotoxin.


    I remember cases of Phuket locals dying from consuming turtle.

    For shellfish poisoning I suppose many more cases would likely occur. For consuming a bad turtle, maybe only one case is possible?

    Who knows?

    Yeah I think this has been already covered by the forums toxicology experts. Done and dusted.

    I personally think we should wait until the Thai experts ( oxymoron ) come up with the results they think will please us best.

  11. I admit I have never been to Phi Phi and have no idea what a "special" bucket is.

    Half a bottle of Samsung mixed with Coke and Redbull served in a small plastic bucket. A cheap and efficient way of getting very drunk, very quickly,, just what the youngsters want.


    My wife's got a Samsung Mini 5570. Will she die if she puts in her mouth instead of to her ear.

    Sorry if humour is a little out of place here but I'm becoming more depressed as I go further, just need to lighten up a little

  12. That's an interesting possibility that it was chemical poisoning in or around the room rather than food poisoning. Whatever the cause its sure that koh Pi Pi is fairly low on my list of idyllic Thai places to visit. Hope they shut the bungalow down and clean the place up

    Already done. Not shut down but all neat and tidy, not long after they found the bodies. All washed down with chlorine, sprayed with room freshener, destroying any residual evidence if any, waiting for new arrivals, if you can believe the eyewitness accounts of someone staying next door, according to a source we can't mention, and which I personally have no reason to doubt.

  13. Does anybody know who, if anybody, is OFFICIALLY in charge of the investigation, I thought the bodies were already on their way to BKK for autopsy at this time. Nails have now turned to black BTW.

    [........] However, if it were found that they had died because of contaminated food, the image of the area would inevitably be affected.

    I think that it's pretty much on the cards already whatever the outcome.

  14. A trama center nearer to me sounds great! I hope for the sake of everyone near the southern end of Phuket it goes through.

    If you mean drama centre there's probably one nearby anyway. If you mean trauma centre, agreed good idea.

    edit. yeah I have days with everyone nit pick'n on me too.

  15. Can only speak from the experience but I've been using a Remington MB-45 that I bought in Bne. Duty free at least 6 years ago, maybe more. About 3 years ago the batteries failed although it still worked if the charger was plugged in. Instead of getting the batteries replaced I foolishly bought a new PG - 350 from the same location by just looking at the box. What a piece of schitt. Wife uses it now with its snout attachment to mow inside the dogs ears, for anything else useless.

    Luckily I had kept the old MB-45 but any where I took it to be repaired standard answer was no can do. No other choice but to have a go myself, It took a bit of working out how it came apart but eventually all was well. The ni-cad batteries, 2 x AA cost about 100 baht from Southern Dynatech. Krabi Rd., my labour free. Still sharp as a razor, pun intended. If you can get the same or equivalent, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

    Just looked on this web site http://www.shavingst...ives/000832.php

    and also found http://www.remington...WhereToBuy.aspx

    Good luck.

    Ps. the photos of the MB-50 look identical.

  16. NomadJoe

    [.......] Not that big a concern as the ambulances will drive down the middle of the road or drive counter flow. I have even seen them do this around the center divider between the school and the circle.

    Sure I agree but I'm sure there's been more than one accident caused by an emergency vehicle driving

    " illegally. " In one the seriously injured patient finally made it to heaven in the second accident along with his assistants, Lotus intersection IRC.

  17. They possibly have that chemical in the water that makes it turn red if you take a piss. = Blacklist,

    Or worse. The brown list.

    Thanks for the reminder, yea it's a classic. In OZ we call them blind brown mullet, same as you see in the waters off Patong. Marine members of the Schitt family, a very common species .

    At least here's a topic with a bit of comedy that hasn't developed into total S....t fight ..............yet

    To take my post # 39 a bit further has anyone arrived at the Marina Bay Sands Casino on foot, suitably attired but not a penguin suit, and neither a guest, with the equivalent of 625 baht in local currency to spend on the tables. On a scale of 1 to 10 what would be my chances ?? What would the minimum dress requirements be, I realise a mankini wouldn't cut it. To take it further would there be a chance of a dip in the infinity edge pool, fully clothed in a Muslim burka if necessary ??.

    If the answer is zero to the above how much of the available 5655 baht would it take to be, In like Flynn, so as to speak ?? I don't really need to know what to do when I get there, been going to the university of life for more than a few years, just if anyone has had first hand experience with the joint or can offer any advice.

    This is a serious enquiry, firstly, 1. to answer Snamos's question post # 44 and 2. to give a serious opinion to members if this is a worthwhile, safe, quick and economical way to do a visa run, maybe even take the bride. As I said to someone today, at worst I'd rather be stuck 6 hrs. in Sing international terminal than 6 hrs. in a Mosque ( KL ) so is this a viable option to make the best of a bad trip ??

    Comments please, promise I shall report back next Sunday.

  18. Hey, here's the article, name, photo, and all. Just a dumb 21 year old bogan girl who thought she could get away with blaming "evil foreigners"


    Top Crumpet, an apt name for this topic. Hey Yea.

    Just had a look at the link. Could leave her shoes under my bed anytime..............but...............Now thinking with the big head, would it be worth the risk. Nah Nah.......Eastern Suburbs is a subtle clue

  19. Would have better for all for her to have entered on her Brit passport

    Why? and how u know she had a Brit passport?

    Please use my full quote which IIRC or similar was " Would have better for all concerned for her not to have entered at all or on her Brit passport "

    1. It would have passed the buck to the Brit Embassy instead of Larry Cunningham the overworked Aus. Hon. Consul. whose got enough on his plate dealing with real Aussie Bogans with real Aussie names.

    2. Was reported on another site we can't mention but I have no reason to doubt the fact. If you like I'll give Larry a call to find out for sure. PM me if you like if it's so important to you.

    As was also reported somewhere else.

    " will have Bamford deported after she completes her sentence at Bang Jo detention centre, in a rural part of eastern Phuket where fruit and vegetables for Phuket Prison inmates are grown."

    My reply would have been.

    Should have done 15 months, not days, in the " Big House " Phuket Prison, subject to the attention to some of the inmates who "really like" other females, existing solely on a diet of rape and the produce from Bang Jo, would have died from starvation. That would have been more appropriate.

  20. [ ,,,,,] “Most casualties that die in transit have either been involved in a road accident, a violent assault or have been rescued from the sea,” she added."

    If and that is a big IF it happens to at least be to a standard where an accident / trauma victim , can be stabilised to the point to where they can be moved to a more advanced facility for complete recovery, it's a splendid idea. Traffic delays from the southern areas mentioned to where the main facilities are located are becoming legendary with I see NO CHANCE of getting better now, or in the future, with the band-aid approach to the future of the various road Dept's.

    Unfortunately it wont save the problem of the gridlock on Viset Rd where in high season, and that's when the most accidents / problems happen, where I've encountered tailbacks from the Lemon Green gas pump and further, to the circle, taking 1/2 hr or more to go 1.2 km. You can run out of blood in that time. I run out of patience, turn around and go back home, a victim doesn't have that option. Thai traffic never has any regard or concern for emergency vehicles so how to get there in a hurry still isn't solved. A helicopter on standby is the only answer I can see. So I guess my post is a bit self defeating in a way so maybe the money is better spent on existing facilities serviced by helio to " outlying areas. " I dunno.


  21. The solution to this puzzle is very simple. The families / Canadian government must DEMAND the bodies be flown back to Canada where a full unbiased autopsy can be conducted, and the results can be believed. This would have the benefit of casting off any shadow of doubt about what happened. If Thailand refuses to release the bodies, or cremates them forcibly , then I leave you to draw your own conclusions.....wai.gif

    I agree entirely. Unfortunately but flying the bodies back to Canada and even if the cause of death is established beyond doubt, only solves part of the problem. What are the repercussions for the place where it happened. Palm guest house, Phi Phi, Thailand ???

    The right thing according to normal crime scene protocol should have happened the moment the maid opened the door.

    As I see it the maid has naturally reported this scene she witnessed and reported the not so good news to the ' resort ' owner. He / she in all good faith has reported it to the local Sergeant Plod who was disturbed from his pastime of watching Thai soaps on the telly. He makes a call to the local " Phi Phi Hospital "( can anyone give me an update on this facility, is it now up to world standard or still a one room slaughter house as I remember it) who rouse a couple of orderlies ( oxymoron ) who grab a hand trolley and a bit of kit which will be of absolutely no use to the poor, now 12 hr. + deceased victims, the only witnesses to what actually happened. The bodies are thus removed via hand cart to " hospital ", where after a fair amount of discussion, it is conformed they are in fact deceased. A scheduled ferry to the Krabi Hospital because it is in the same province the " accident " not to the superior facilities of Hospitals in Phuket ( possibly another oxymoron. ) Or were they transported sloshing around in the bilge of a speed boat. For both questions probably not, as there was no surviving member of their group to pay the bill as was the boyfriend of Jill Onge who was ripped of for the speed boat fare after a similar occurrence on Phi Phi. I believe his story is on face book the link which appeared on this thread or one similar.

    Sgt. Plod realising that the whole scene is a bit beyond his capabilities and the fact the bodies have been removed, washes his hands in the bathroom, destroying possible evidence, announces " move along, nothing to see here " closes the door and goes back to his telly. Plod washing his hands is of no consequence as the owners wish to clean up the room from it's obvious sorid state for the next pair of unsuspecting holiday makers who have a confirmed booking. All worthwhile evidence gone forever.

    Whatever follows on from now will only be a true testament to the incompetence and or unconcerned attitude of the Thai Authorities. as my Thai wife said today, they just don't care.

    I would appreciate if the relatives and friends of the poor girls read this post please accept that no disrespect is meant by me, it simply is my way of expressing how I feel from my own personal experiences of a similar nature and the fact of living 22 years in toyland.

    I agree with a previous poster, that at least and if not more countries, Canada should impose a travel ban or at least a severe travel warning until a satisfactory explanation given to satisfy an impartial organisation such as the WHO.

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