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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. The farmers must be stopped. Crop burning may have worked centuries ago. It is not viable now. Thailand needs a leader who will stand up to Big Agra. We know Srettha is far too weak and compromised. This will only get worse, and the well being of the nation is at stake. Where is the moral authority?
  2. Incorrect. These types of engines tend to operate in more severe conditions than gasoline engines, so the oil plays a crucial role in capturing and containing pollutants. This prevents the accumulation of sediment in the engine, improving its efficiency and, of course, prolonging its useful life. https://lubricants.repsol.com/en/news/como-afecta-aceite-de-coche-a-motor-diesel/ Diesel exhaust is incredibly toxic, and filthy, and there is no place for diesel cars in this day and age. The press releases state that in 2010, 223,000 deaths from lung cancer worldwide resulted from air pollution. An article on the Environmental Health News website (EHN is a non-profit, independent organization) states that an estimated 6% of lung cancer deaths in the US and in the UK may be due to diesel exhaust, according to a study released in November 2013. https://www.acfa.org.sg/newsletters/clean-diesel-dirty-truth
  3. True, but also more importantly incredibly insincere. Srettha for instance seems to have zero interest in cleaning up the air, and has not put forth a single proposal that would do anything to improve the quality of life for the Thai people. He is simply too compromised, morally bankrupt and sold out, to stand up to Big Agra.
  4. This is extraordinary, there should be a national holiday devoted to these guys. After all, this may be the first time that the Armed Forces has done anything for the Thai people in the last decade.
  5. Good idea. A while back they had a campaign and they had posters with phone numbers that you could call to report vehicles that were polluting. We were driving and we saw this truck that was pumping out huge black clouds of smoke and I copied down their license plate and I dialed the number, and handed my phone to my Thai woman, and asked her to speak to the department. She asked the person who answered the phone what can they do? He asked her why are you calling us, and she said, well you have phone numbers posted to report polluting vehicles? Right? The guy said well I don't know who I would report it to, and she said well that's not really our issue is it? You're supposed to be monitoring polluting vehicles. He said OK, give me the license plate number and I'll see what I can do. My wife said are you going to do anything? He said, I don't know I need to look at the regulations first and see who I'm supposed to report it to, and then maybe somebody will do something.
  6. And Israel seems to have as much comprehension about the concept of Palestinian blowback as the Thais have about the conflict in the south. History has either been rewritten or completely forgotten, and ignorance abounds.
  7. Hold on a minute, we were told us that we were above the law, we were told that we will never be held accountable, we were told that we had a personal franchise, and we could do anything with it, to the absolute limits of our creativity. How could we be arrested, we are RTP! Oh I forgot, that's right the charges will be dropped, and we will never see a day in prison. Okay, well I guess that's a consolation.
  8. You seem to be confused about the nations of a democracy. When freedom of the press is taken away, and the false flag of national security is used, you know morality, truth and ethics have gone out the window. Woe is Israel.
  9. Israel is no longer a democracy. Stop pretending otherwise. The orthodox, extremist fascists have taken over. Don't allow a counter narrative of pro Israel news. Don't report on civilian casualties. Keep pretending you are not slaughtering women and children. “Israel’s ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the Gaza Strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law,” the network said. “Israel’s direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter Al Jazeera.” I hate Hamas. But, I hate the disproportionate IDF response too. Perhaps Israel couldn't handle peace at home?
  10. People are still kind and friendly here. But, they react to what you put out, and it is possible you have shut down and you are not projecting cheerful, positive vibes. So, try harder. You want to see unfriendly? Just encounter a Russian.
  11. Hawaii is infinitely worse than Phuket, I totally agree with you. The people in Hawaii are not warm at all, they do not like the white man. There are just a lot of people on Phuket that are jaded and they have to deal with these foreigners all day, everyday, and unfortunately some of the people that they deal with are not the best example of what we have to offer.
  12. I lived on Samui for nearly a decade and I felt like many of the locals did not like us much. I think one of the sad aspects of living in a tourist area is that the locals simply get jaded, they have to put up with a lot of numskulls and some of them tend to lump us all into one category. It's one of the reasons why I'll never live in a tourist area again.
  13. Completely false, I don't have a racist bone in my body. I lived and working in India for a couple of years and I adore Indian people. Same applies to people of color. So, stop being ignorant.
  14. So are you saying that I should take personal responsibility for the decisions that my country has made over the last 60 years? Is that correct, is that what you're saying? Please explain that one to me, please explain why as an American I can't have an opinion about ongoing wars around the world. And by the way I very much opposed the Vietnam War, to this day I thought it was a horrendous mistake and genocidal. I feel the same way about Afghanistan and Iraq. Are you happy now? Am I exonerated?
  15. You are correct. And that is a very sad truth. US support for Israel under the present circumstances is bad news, and will likely cost Biden the election, which is worse news.
  16. It is unlikely they are tourists. Far more likely to be some sort of scam or money making opportunity. Just say no. I have no interest in talking to you. Bug off. See ya.
  17. Improvement would require solutions. It will not happen in a vacuum. The govt. needs to grow a set of cajones, and stand up to Big Agra. Much harm is being done by local agricultural fires and forest fires caused by local burning. Also, using a poorly maintained diesel car or truck needs to result in a very harsh penalty. When extremely cheap and ignorant people refuse to change their oil for years in a diesel, the harm to the air is horrific. They need to meet an unpleasant fate. There are solutions. Srettha sloth is not helping.
  18. I understand that. But a sustained and highly disproportionate response and war are causing a great deal of anxiety throughout the world, and that is having a horrific effect on many economies. Israel and Russia are the sabateurs here.
  19. Nope. Hamas started this present conflict. But, the disproportion and sustained response from Israel is costing the world economy tens of billions of dollars. Consumer confidence is destroyed by sustained conflicts. Israel needs to realize this has to be resolved.
  20. One other option would be for him to take a trip to Oregon and have a doctor there just end his life. He would be making the ultimate sacrifice by sparing the world years and years of his nonsense.
  21. Israel and Russia are the leading sabateurs of the world economy at this present time. There's nothing like a war to create just enough uncertainty to damage consumer confidence, and dramatically reduce spending. You can see that in multiple areas of the economy and throughout the retail sectors. Stop the insane wars and allow people to lead decent lives.
  22. Perhaps you need to step it up, move to a place that has real apartments instead of crappy little rooms, and you will then have a higher caliber of expat either engaging you, or not.
  23. I don't mind feeling some pain but I just don't need to be tortured. And if I feel like a fun massage, a young and beautiful gal, who has not had her body disfigured by kids, is what I am looking for.
  24. What's the matter you can't stand any criticism of your Master? Is your sense of humor as dry and lacking as his?
  25. Elites, such a cute slogan. There are quite a few "elites" that are more conservative than you think. But, even most of the people I know that support Trump, hate him. Not much to like about the man. They just like his policies more than the dems. As a dem, I felt there was not much to like about Hillary, and she was a dreadful candidate.
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