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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Much ago about nothing. It is a set of boobs. Such misplaced prudishness. Such inane silliness.
  2. I know the difference. And I used to pick up civilians. Later, I found it to be far more honest and simpler to do PFP. Most women here who charge for their services, are infinitely more honest and straight forward than alot of women back in the US. Alot less of a song and dance.
  3. The only change in the disparity of relative quality in years of life since the proclaimed defeat of communism and fascist authoritarianism since ww2 are the flags of sycophantic nations that bow to the flag featuring an endangered eagle. Was that not a critique of a nation that holds elections and has some free press? And does not assassinate its citizens when critical? And a bizarre statement that somehow the people of Cuba, Russia, Yemen, North Korea and China have the same quality of life as those in the US and the West? I've been to Cuba many times I can tell you first hand that 99% of Cubans have an incredibly low quality of life, live in great poverty, earn very little money, have terrible health care (despite Michael Moores nonsense to the contrary) and have some of the worst agrarian environments to be found anywhere.
  4. Well there is an area of science that believes that very long-term behavioral patterns become part of one's genetics. We're talking about centuries and centuries of misbehavior murder, and pillaging, from the Cossack raiders, all the way through to Lenin, Stalin and Putin. All maniacs. So perhaps it is a combination of both.
  5. Well this administration be able to find it within themselves to be decent and compassionate toward political refugees, who are being slaughtered, raped and maimed in their homelands by a pig army? Or will they be sent back in a nasty and not so neighborly fashion?
  6. Whatever you do, do not curtail our power, we are used to having nearly unlimited power, access to ridiculous amounts of money in our budgets, and being told nothing by anybody. Nobody should get in our business, we are above the law, we are the most important institution in the land, and we provide so much for the Thai people. Thailand could not exist without us, so do not meddle in our affairs. Or else.
  7. Asking a Russian to be respectful and to not be rude is like asking an indigenous Alaskan to not eat fish. It's a bit like asking a Frenchman to demonstrate affection toward an American, or asking a Thai government official to show warmth and hospitality toward an expat living here.
  8. Let us know which one of those four countries you're moving to, since you seem to have an affection for communist nations. Please follow up and let us know how it works out. That assumes that you're able to access email or online platforms.
  9. I tend to agree with that, and I usually use the word foreigner. Don't even respond to this guy, his level of ignorance is so astonishing that he's been elevated to the top of the heap, when it comes to the dumbest and most inane reply of the week. Granted there is a percentage of foreigners who come here and marry bar girls or prostitutes. But my guess is that it's the minority. And even so I don't hold it against the guy. Many of the younger and prettier women that have been with in America have slept with hundreds of men, so what's the difference? They usually slept with them for cash, gifts, and rewards. To imply that Western women are innocent and Thai women are guilty of being cunning manipulative and using their sexuality is fairly strange. Yes, Thais are more skillful, but only because they're in touch with their femininity and they realize how incredibly sexy that is to most men.
  10. You told us all what we need to know and you revealed exactly who you are when you characterized every expat who lives here as being old, worthless and married to a prostitute. Hard to even reply to such bizarre, and ignorant nonsense. Get some education. Please.
  11. I always like to say relationships are much like a ship, and every ship needs a captain. If the man's not willing to be the captain the woman has to step in and take over the helm. Someone needs to establish control. If a guy is too wimpy to assert control over his life, and make his own decisions, he gets what is coming to him. And that applies much more here than it does in the West.
  12. Carlson would not know truth if it bit him on the ankles. He is a master of disinformation. One of the reasons he is being considered as VP candidate by Trump, as astonishing as that sounds.
  13. Let things play out and see if China becomes a true world leader, at that time and only at that time will you be able to make a correct determination as to what China's intentions are. I believe they are aggressive, and not to be trusted, obviously you don't.
  14. That is an insane and unhinged reply. Are you saying you would prefer living in Russia, North Korea, Cuba or Yemen, over the US or Europe? Go for it. It's a very high quality of life there. I dare you to move there.
  15. Of course. They won the election. PT stole it and appointed a proxy PM, who is failing miserably. The people know when they have been smoked and disrespected. The day will come when the youth will control this nation, and the toxic, foul, corrupt army will be reduced to defense only, and prevented from entering politics, which they know nothing about.
  16. How many people die every year from the flu? And how many of them were old and had issues? Some simply do not want to let this go, even though it became endemic long ago. I am over 60 and got Covid. I have had worse flu bugs and remain more concerned over getting a flu, than covid.
  17. Anyone who is not willing to really take their time to get to know somebody and who is even discussing the possibility of marriage three months into a relationship needs serious psychoanalysis. It's just a problem waiting to happen. Try to do everything in your power to discourage him from moving that quickly. I always like to say if it's good it's only going to get better, if there are issues they're going to reveal themselves over time. You really don't know who you're dealing with until you're at least one or two years into the relationship. The next question I would have is who's making the decisions in his life? If it's not him it's going to be her.
  18. The only reasonable way to deal with people involved in human trafficking, sex trafficking, or child prostitution is the death penalty. Carried out one way or another.
  19. You are right, with China it's very much a one-way street. For instance trying to ship a product to China is an absolute nightmare. Unless their government is involved importation into China is nearly impossible. They are not a reasonable, nor a fair trading partner.
  20. Well China's powerful but to say that they are the world's power I think is a great exaggeration. They have a handful of deep sea ports and they have no deep sea Navy thus far. The US has the most powerful deep sea Navy on the planet and far more deep sea ports around the world. The other big factor is that they're very afraid of having their currency traded outside of China, and therefore it's not a negotiable currency around the world. They will never be a major player until they give up that intense need for control.
  21. Israel has the single largest lobby within the US, and this one of the primary reasons why they continue to get funding.
  22. Exactly. Perhaps ex-pats should be given a bit more credit, in this formula? We do bring in alot of stable income. Even the rural folks benefit. Alot of the nicer houses in the poorer farming areas were built with money from expats. Alot of trucks, cars and income is from expats. Countless businesses, employing many. To say it is insignificant, is a blatant misunderstanding of Thai economics. Thousands of hotels, restaurants, countless airlines and many tour companies, also benefit. By comparison, an average ex-pat spends how much per month? I would say alot of us spend 50,000 to upwards of 100,000 baht a month. I know I do. No value in that? I know some live on less. However, since the average GDP of the nation is around $570, that means about 20,000 baht a month? I think xenophobia is utterly rampant, in all segments of the government here, from the feds right on down to the local amphur. However, I do not think most Thai people are that way. I think most either like us, or are indifferent to us. Which I can handle. I think ex-pats should be treated with the kind of respect and acknowledgement we deserve. If there was decency abs wisdom within the govt. they should say we have decided to change our policies, and we now realize how much you guys bring to the table. An immigration officer will now come to your home to renew your visa, to show our appreciation, of your continued support. You will only be required to sign one form, and we will give you a five year, multiple entry visa. Free of charge. And we will include a 10,000 baht voucher, good for any hotel in the country, for one year. Princely treatment. Thank you so much for helping to rescue our economy and our people. We appreciate it, and aim to show it for a change! We are past the era of thugs like the big joke. And we apologize for all of his abuse. We realize we have been moving the country backwards. And Covid has given us all some time to reflect. We are going to start changing things, and attempt to move the nation forward, instead of backwards.
  23. Well whether I'm influenced by the US government or not, I do everything in my power to avoid buying Chinese products, supporting Chinese companies, and supporting the CCP, which I consider to be a heinous political organization. I believe they have nothing but foul intentions so they're not getting my support. At least as little as possible, as it's hard to avoid buying Chinese products entirely. But one can make an effort, if they care. I believe that if China were to become a significant world power they would not wear their power lightly, nor gracefully. If you need an example of that just look at the South China Sea.
  24. OK, time to go after the govt. ministers, the army generals who are misbehaving, corrupt customs, immigration and other officers. Or, perhaps as usual you are not being serious and sincere, Mr. Stretta?
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