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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. Spot on. And that is exactly what made his crimes and behavior so obnoxious. He wanted those he couldn't have. A true sicko.
  2. One of my greatest fears is that US influence will continue to wane, and China will pick up the ball. They are not, nor will they ever be responsible guardians of the "public trust", as long as the CCP is in control. Not that America was always that. But, the CCP has nothing but evil intentions, in my opinion. World domination. And not what I would call "an overlord that wears their power lightly". Xi is an updated version of Mao, with alot less power. Probably a bit less insane too, thankfully. And so far less homicidal. But very dangerous.
  3. With China it is a one way street. Ever tried to sell an item and send it to China? Nearly impossible. All imports are govt. controlled. It is all about exporting anything and everything they can and very selective importing. A highly controlled market with thousands of companies getting govt. subsidies. They don't believe in a level playing field, nor playing fair. I hope the Tiktok ban sticks. It is a dreadful platform and this ban would be great fun.
  4. Seems as if his legal team has been working overtime. Justice can be easily subverted in America, with enough money to work the system. Thankfully, his other convictions still stand. This guy is a pig. He had enough money and power to get all the action he needed. He just got off on preying on women who had no interest in getting with him. Hoping he dies in prison and never sees the light of day. He deserves that.
  5. They seemed to be living in a parallel universe, drinking alot of Don's kool-aid, and felt they were all above the law, on some sort of bizarre holy mission. Now, it is time to get some convictions and lock up the entire cabal. Including their Master. Clean the swamp. Lock up Bannon, Meadows and Trump.
  6. This construction project had been going on for how long? 16 years? And they are only to km. 36. I estimate 20 years to go. So, how will they finish by next iear, unless they just abandon the project?
  7. They chose quantity over quality. What did they think was going to happen, if they succeeded? Or did they not contemplate that?
  8. Now it would appear he is showing signs of significant mental health issues. His grandstanding with the media all these years demonstrated a huge ego. Guess all of this is just too humiliating for him, and he is breaking down. Oh well. Can't say I feel alot of sympathy for him.
  9. I am normally not into government interference and control, but when it comes to Tiktok I do consider it to be the most toxic social media platform on the planet. The damage that it's doing to the youth is astonishing, so kudos to the US government on this particular call. Get rid of this garbage, it is not doing anybody any good.
  10. I absolutely adore air conditioning technology. I have this fantastic AC in a rather large living room, and kitchen area, and it cranks from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and then I have this great Panasonic Inverter in my bedroom which is whisper quiet, and it keeps that room at a rather fantastic 23 all night. I can't even imagine trying to live here at this time of year without the wonderful luxury of air conditioning.
  11. There is no question that Russian history, culture and art is incredibly deep and incredibly rich, this is the land that has produced the Bolshoi and the Kirov, Nobokov, Stravinsky, Malevich, Popova, Kandinski, etc. But most of that is ancient history, these days they're producing munitions, they're creating warfare, they are sponsoring corruption, they're creating oligarchs out of thin air from state enterprises, they have a leader who's one of the richest men in the world from extortion and pure corruption, who also happens to be a serial killer, and they just do not seem to be contributing much in the way of positivity to the planet as a whole. If I'm wrong, if you are aware of some wonderful things that the Russian nation is doing for the planet, please let me know. I would love to hear about that. There are a multitude of reasons why very few around the world have sympathy for the Russians. Those reasons are not limited to their serial killing, despot, thieving multi billionaire dictator for life. It is more about their nature, their history as ruthless, homicidal Cossack warriors, and their total lack of manners, and class. Not to mention the dignity, class, decency, civility, and social skills decades of Leninism, Stalinism, and now Putinism has stripped them of. Some observations on why Russians seem to be so grumpy, annoying and unhappy: In one series of studies with Helena Slobodskaya, a psychologist at Novosibirsk State University Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine, we found that mothers in Russia, compared to American caregivers, reported that their infants and toddlers were more likely to demonstrate negative emotions, such as anger or frustration. The Russian mothers also reported that their young children exhibited lower levels of positive emotional expression, including smiling and laughter. https://theconversation.com/why-are-russians-so-stingy-with-their-smiles-98799 Thailand has invited them in freely and without limitations, and they are now paying the price for this kind of foolish rush for quantity over quality.
  12. I believe it's never too late to accept your true self and be open about it with others. Congratulations to your brother, kudos to him for the courage to live an open life, and may he be happy and well. The best thing for you to do is just give him all the support you possibly can.
  13. I agree the ADV350 is an incredible bike. I just got my gal a new ADV 160 and it's it's a great little scooter. I will likely get a new ADV350 when it's time to trade this one in, which is still a couple of years away.
  14. When I was back in the US and I was dating, I preferred young and pretty women. Unfortunately I was living in Southern California where the demand for young and pretty women was very high, and they could therefore demand gifts, prizes, and all kinds of support, and the local men were more than willing to put out in order to get them to put out. Granted, there are probably places in the US where that's not the case, but there are many places where it is, and I think the same applies to many areas in the West, if you're going for young and hot.
  15. Their relationship with truth is such a strange and bizarre thing to witness. This out of control road construction has been going on for how long 15 years already? And they're only to kilometer 37. My understanding is that the first leg of this is supposed to go to Petchaburi, which is another hundred kilometers or more, and this is going to be done in 12 months? I have a bridge to sell you and I can offer you a really good deal.
  16. True financial security. One day with a group of 10 19-26 year old gorgeous Japanese gals, who are all very, very open minded and playful. Outstanding health. Peace on earth. The elimination of corruption, most politicians, and most evil people. The youth of Thailand and Burma taking control of their nations. The kinds of reforms Pita spoke of, and dreamed of. Clean air, water and oceans. Shall I keep dreaming?
  17. Look into the Seagate One touch SSD. They are tiny, fast, and I have several that are 1-2TB each. Amazing for storage of movies, photos, music and data that requires alot of space.
  18. Justice Minister Tawee Sodsong, you are guilty as the day is long, there is nothing you can say to us, there is nothing you can say to the Thai people that will convince more than a handful of people otherwise. We all realize this was a quid pro quo between the army and PT, to steal the election from Pita and the people, allow Thaksin to return, and provide him with guarantees that he would never serve time in prison. This deal was filthy, you are a morally bankrupt and complicit man, and you are guilty as charged. You and your cronies have no honor, sir.
  19. Well for some reason they appointed Srettha as Finance Minister in addition to PM. He's now revealing his level of absolute genius. Always a visionary move to stimulate the economy with more debt.
  20. Corruption and extortion within the RTP, this is absolutely extraordinary news. Maybe we should get big joke involved, oh I forgot he's corrupt as the rest of them. Let's get some convictions and lock these guys up. Oh, I forgot, they are above the law.
  21. I have a fairly high-end Panasonic Inverter in my bedroom and it's absolutely fantastic, best AC I've ever used.
  22. So ironic. Unhinged and semi-senile Don Don wanted 1000's to show up. He got 10 people. Perhaps his pleas are going unheeded. Over the last week, demonstrators visibly identifying as supporting Mr. Trump — with red hats or clothing, or banners and flags — have never totaled more than a dozen. On most days, the number of people total in the portion of the park designated for protesters for or against Mr. Trump has never been more than two or three dozen. They have included tourists, locals coming to gawk, more than a few supporters of Mr. Biden, and proponents of conspiracy theories — including Max Azzarello, the man who, struggling with mental health issues, self-immolated on Friday.
  23. You couldn't fit 1 hours profit from what this guy was likely making, at the very top of the pyramid, into a large brown envelope. These are the kind of funds that are wired into Cayman accounts. We're likely talking billions upon billions of baht per year.
  24. A criminal attorney told me a long time ago that the way to tell when a case is getting really serious, is when they remove the name plate from the door. This is an incredible development.
  25. I agree, I find them lightweight, and quite stiff, and it feels as if they're made for people 60 kilos or less, without a passenger on board. I prefer something like this which is technically still a scooter, but it's powerful, super comfortable and a lot of fun to drive, and it really suits somebody with a larger frame.
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