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Everything posted by spidermike007

  1. I don't see many Thais bragging on this forum, actually I see very few posters bragging on this forum. You are bragging enough for all of them. So very tiresome. So boring.
  2. My guess is that the majority of people who disapprove of Europe, and are lecturing Europeans tend to be American, just like the very dull man Vance. Does America really have the moral authority to lecture Europe on democracy? Is America even a democracy anymore? If it is democracy is barely hanging on. And it may not be a democracy at all after a few more years of the goon.
  3. The only time most men enjoy the moaning of a woman is during the act of sex when she moaning in passion. Baby, baby!
  4. Bragging is like coughing without covering your mouth. It sends the virus of separateness and arrogance everywhere and makes everyone weaker. Nothing edifies less in an ingenious conversation, than boasting and rattle. It is as it were the dropsy of the mind, and swells a man like a bubble into nothing at last. The irony of bragging is what it communicates --you're a needy guy who craves approval. Why else would you have to talk yourself up like that? Bragging is often merely a ladder we build for ourselves out of words when we are afraid we are not tall enough in the eyes of the world. It is an unwitting confession to low self-esteem. Bragging is not merely designed to impress. Bragging is designed to produce envy and assert superiority. It is, therefore, an act of hostility. Bragging is also a transparent ploy. It reveals your lack of self-confidence. "I am not enough," you feel. So you resort to showering me with your "achievements," in order to mask your perceived deficiencies.
  5. There is no doubt about the fact that you are a legendary man, but only within the confines of your own mind. You will never hear a good word said about a bragger, unless you hear him talk about himself.
  6. Anytime a stranger tells me about how successful or how wealthy they are I just roll my eyes, the most successful and the wealthiest people I've known have also been quite discreet about what they have. In shallow men the fish of little thoughts cause much commotion. In oceanic minds the whales of inspiration make hardly a ruffle. Certainly the same could be said about a braggart.
  7. Again it's a pinhead of the people who visit, so while a warning about caution is likely prudent it's not really something that Taiwanese or Chinese people have to worry about too much. I saw the news I just didn't pay it a lot of regard. Though being kidnapped and made to work in a scam center would be a terrible fate, it's very likely that getting hurt while crossing the street at home is far more dangerous.
  8. They might use different fats but they're also using things that resemble wax, and I know low quality when I taste it.
  9. One thing many of us know is that the RTP are involved in a multiplicity of criminal activity, smuggling, drug running, and who knows what else? The one thing that they're not doing much of is law enforcement and engaging in anything that even remotely resembles Traffic Safety or Public Safety.
  10. I would not call that schooling, I would call that embarrassing the American people to no end, with his completely ridiculous lecture on democracy. He does not have any leadership ability, he does not possess a nanogram of moral authority, and he's in totally over his head. This man has very little skill, it's very likely that world leaders were laughing at him during the speech, and continue laughing afterwards, he made a complete butthead of himself. He would be qualified to run the state chapter of the Boy Scouts but as vice president he is way over his head.
  11. As his wealth continues to grow Musk seems to be a more obnoxious individual by the day, the last thing in the world he needed was more power and yet due to the horrifically poor Judgment of Trump, that's exactly what he got. But then again he more or less bought the presidency didn't he? So maybe he's the real president.
  12. I think this is a somewhat silly warning considering the fact that 99% of crime here is Thai on Thai, any scams seem to affect a tiny pinhead of people who visit. But timidity seems to be an ever-growing trend in this bizarre world of ours.
  13. It always feels like there are multiple interests that conflict with each other here. TAT is desperately clawing its way back to a high volume tourism destination, then you have other elements within this hapless and spectacularly incompetent administration that are doing the opposite, and sabotaging tourism. Then of course you have daily reports about the RTP and immigration, and other factions that again hurting tourism, in addition to the daily reports about crime which really don't affect us too much, but nonetheless likely have some sort of impact on tourism. I always tell my friends who are visiting here for the first time to keep in mind one thing - Thailand is not a foreign country, Thailand is a distant planet. Which works for me, I find the incomprehensible and unpredictable aspect of this place quite refreshing.
  14. No, what I'm saying is I'm very capable of independent thinking but I've never had really low end chocolate like Ritter before, so it was a interesting to see how much filler and how much junk they had added, to create some sort of artificial texture. It was nasty.
  15. A few years back I bought some Ritter chocolate and a friend of mine who was a chocolate connoisseur had one bite and he said this tastes like wax, this is the worst chocolate I've ever had in my life. I think that after his observation I have to agree with him. All governments, and all government officials are at the very top of my list of things that I don't like.
  16. Fortunately Vance has zero chance of ever being president unless Trump croaks. I believe that the American people are going to be very sick of Donald Trump within the next year or two, and I believe his policies are going to run the country into the ground. Vance is a true empty suit. He makes Tim Walz look like a heavyweight.
  17. Dimon is a criminal who should be in prison and was never asked to pay a price for his voracious greed and partial responsibility for the housing collapse of 2007. Then again America seems to be getting used to having criminals as leaders.
  18. My sense of it is that when we were younger we just don't seem to mind the crowds. I think some people even seek out the crowds, but as we get older we realize that the crowds have no allure, and some of us run in the other direction when it comes to avoiding the crowds. I read about cities like Barcelona that are staggering under the weight of tens of millions of tourists, and it just sounds absolutely horrific. The Thai government seems to have an intense desire to attract as many tourists as is humanly possible, and their hunger for tourism seems insatiable. But the people are paying a huge price for that unquenchable greed.
  19. Thank you for outing Elon. His insincerity is only topped by his boss. Wait. Who is the real boss?
  20. Seems like there might be a larger man in the room than Don. He complained that we were betraying the Afghan people, so how would one describe his current behavior? Giving away the store to a serial killing dictator friend? He has always been highly compromised, when it comes to despots. He adores them.
  21. The real questions are why was he in such a hurry and why was he willing to take such chances with his life and with his safety? Did he not consider even for a moment that his life may have been at stake?
  22. We can assure you that we're going to surrender all the gains in territory that Russia has made. We can assure you that we want to negotiate directly with a dictator without your presence. Furthermore we can assure you that we're putting horrendously bad negotiators on the job in the form of both Trump and Hegseth. Lastly, we can assure you that Trump adores Putin and he will do his bidding, and we will give away our negotiating positions prior to the beginning of negotiations, like a terrible negotiator does. Those are our assurances to you the Ukrainian people. And Trump was complaining that we betrayed the Afghan people, what exactly is he doing now?
  23. Looks like a pretty horrendous scene, when a place becomes that popular and gets that crowded it's just not fun anymore. Who on earth would want to be there hanging out with such massive sweaty crowds? I don't think so. I just don't understsnd sheeples anymore. The government should not complain, they're constantly talking about wanting to increase tourist numbers, and they've made the visa process so simple. What on earth are they expecting?
  24. Is Bob really back? Or is someone trying to claim his pedestal? Some thought I was long winded. He is setting a new bar.
  25. Great point. The big question, is Trump the change that we needed? Is Trump the man that he says he is? Is Trump the man that his supporters think he is? Is Trump sincere about the well-being of the nation and its people? Will Trump put the well-being of the nation above himself? Will he destroy alliances and will he coddle dictators? Will he golf less than 150 times a year on the nation's dime? All that remains to be seen. I do have some friends that will come right out and say the man is a butthead, he's an idiot, and he's an absolute clown, but I like his policies. Those are the Republicans I admire.
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