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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Hire a good attorney immediately. She is more than likely only entitled to half of earnings and profits for the few years you have been married. Doubt if she would have any legal claim on your previous assets. Taking her to the UK was a huge mistake, but we all make mistakes. She sounds like a very foul person, and there is no need to spend any more time with her. You may want to use timing, and the element of surprise to your benefit here, so be a bit calculating about this.


    Good fortune to you. Nobody deserves to be with someone so unworthy, and so bitter. 

    • Like 2
  2. Just be strong, and stick to your convictions. Do not grovel. Walk away. If you are not in a relationship where you are making each other better versions of yourselves, what is the point of being there? Just to pass the time? Whining, groaning, always moody. Who needs that? Why subject yourself to that? Her decision is a great blessing for you. It allows you to move on, and find someone who is worthy of your attention. Even if you give it a break, is she going to change, and become a better version of herself? Is she going to become someone who is delightful to be around? I seriously doubt it. Get out. Get out now, while you still have your self esteem. 

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  3. These actions are positive, as it embarrasses the super cheap local officials. They see this going on, and it is a glaring testament to their incompetence and unwilling to spend money, rather than hoard it. Cleaning up the beaches costs nearly nothing. Clean up crews are inexpensive, show pride in the place, and encourage tourism. Who wants to spend a bundle on a vacation, and sit around looking at other ridiculously ignorant and inconsiderate people's trash? It also embarrasses the local people, and brings them some much needed perspective on the environment.


    One contradiction in Thai society that I have always found amusing. You ask the average Thai person how do you feel about your country? Oh, I love Thailand. How do you feel about the land? Oh, Thailand is so beautiful. OK, so why do you throw your trash out the window of your car, why do you dispose of trash on the street, rather than looking for a bin, and why do you throw your cigarette butts on the street, and trash the beach? Just a dumbfounded, blank stare. People need to become more conscious about the environment here before it is too late. 

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  4. 58 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

    But often it is just the ambulance driver going home for lunch. I saw a row of four fire trucks in a commuter jam on the expressway all lights and sirens. The guys in the cabs did not have their gear on, just yellow T shirts. Going to a fire my ass!


    Just sayin....

    How would you know, generally. Are you going to block the way of an emergency vehicle, because you presume the guys are going home for lunch? Where does that even come from? Why would you even consider denying someone the right to live, due to a preconceived notion of that sort? We are talking about an inconvenience of seconds. Does that matter one iota, in terms of your day. You may have helped save a life. Society is getting way too callous. Where is the compassion, and concern for each other?

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    Spoken like a committed single man. I feel so sorry for you.  You do understand James Bond was a fictional character? Good luck getting the Aston Martin serviced in Thailand

    Wrong. I am very happily married. And part of the success of the marriage was due to my desire to hold my ground, and not become an emasculated waste of a man, like I see so much in the West. We are doing quite well. And you know something. She actually respects me. Amazing. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Not that our preference means anything to the eventual outcome, but of the budding contenders to replace the US, which would you be ok with?  Speculating on Joint Venture partnerships is reasonable. 

    The only conceivable contender right now is Biden. He is a really good man, with scruples, integrity, and he is smart and experienced. I would trust him as a leader, and I think he could earn back the respect of so many nations, that have virtually cast the US aside, and now consider us useless. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. 38 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

    Korea has his own tradition in getting to know a woman for relationship. It is horrible, in my eyes. Guess also that guy, Thai is way easy, so he did, having no knowledge about anything in relationship. 

    Bond is single and just cares for 3 holes in the woman then he leaves.

    UK , has quite some women in prison, coz the man "stood up" , finally women shoot their beloved husband as the only way out.

    A woman always change in time and mostly not  for the better. Lived, heard,saw it. 

    I think the story in the bible says all. Not im a believer, but Eve cursed Adam by giving him the forbidden fruit. See the woman changed ! FElt unhappy and changed. Costed Adam paradise. Guess it is  a story, just to tell beware off the woman. 

    I believe Kenia, the woman seeks fights, so the man can slap her. It means he still loves her?! Ok

    In India if your wife doesnt comply anymore, you set her on fire and leave.

    In the middle east, only by suspicions, you can have your wife executed by stoning to death. 

    What you mean by manning up, all those things? Maybe then be better BOnd, single and just hop on to the next holes.

    Not at all. Manning up means maintaining possession of your cajones. Drawing the line in the sand. Showing her the door, if need be. Telling her about the usefulness of the door, and it's multiple purposes. Sticking to your convictions. It can be done here. Many of us have found wonderful women, and have amazing, long term relationships, with women who are comfortable with their femininity, not afraid to manifest the dignity and elegance within that femininity (something so few women in the West know how to do) and are really comfortable in their role as a strong, kindhearted, smart, funny, light hearted, supportive, loving spouse or GF. And many of them love being with an equally kindhearted, supportive man, who is strong, sets the tone, does not allow himself to be pushed around, and manipulated, and they respect the hell out of their man for that strength of character. 


    This is not the West, thankfully. We are not required to suffer lives of spousal abuse. A man can be a man here. There is no such nonsense as toxic masculinity here. Reject the nonsense with all the power within your being. Reject the con women. Push them away. Give it time. Then you will know what you are dealing with. Moving too fast almost always plays right into their hands. You need to set the agenda and the timetable. 

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  8. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If he does "making America less relevant by the day" come true, that would probably be a good thing for many other countries in the world.

    Always look on the bright side of life.

    Well, I think it was inevitable regardless. No doubt America is becoming less relevant by the day. It may or may not be a good thing. When we had past presidents with even tiny moral compasses, there was somewhat of a counterbalance between the truly heinous agendas of both China and Russia. Now? There is no moral compass. 


    But, in the long run, the decline of American empire will benefit the planet. It has already been happening for some time. 

  9. A horrific conclusion to this election. The people voted and made their choice known. Prayuth, and the army get out!! Yet, due to the heinous re-writing of the constitution, the army gets to steal another one. Nobody wants them. They are despised. There is no respect for the army, their abilities, and their competence. None. Yet, the nation gets stuck with these hapless goons for five more years.


    1, One thing is certain, many men will get super rich, and the nation will be a greatly diminished version of itself, five years from now.

    2. No corruption will be tackled. The primary issues of illegal fishing, human trafficking, and sex slavery will not improve.

    3. They will continue to issue proclamations, declarations and crackdowns based on nothing but false puritanism, containing no substance whatsoever.

    4. They will not focus any effort on traffic or public safety, because they do not care.

    5. They are only here to protect the elite, those in power, the police, the super wealthy, and those that are connected.

    6. They will not be able to improve the economy as they only hire based on cronyism, and merit is never a consideration, so they are not able to attract real talent.

    7. The tourism sector will continue to suffer, as they will focus only on China and India, leaving out higher quality Western tourism.

    8. No doubt the ex-pats will suffer too, as this group is racist, xenophobic, and full of fear of the outside world.


    They are small, insular men, and know little about anything. This army is moving the nation backwards at a pace that is astonishing. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 19 hours ago, losworld said:

    It really depends who you roll with... if you are in the isaan rice farmer's daughter/bargirl brigade you will be hard pressed for any intellectual stimulation outside of sick buffalo, candy crush, sang som and selfies.  I dated a couple thai doctors and and these girls were absolutely marvelous with interesting conversation, curiosity and lovely friends.  Maybe I got lucky or maybe there is a connection.  Sure there are diamonds in the rough but there are also a lot of rough diamonds:)

    I think school completely knocks the curiosity out of most Thais. University is different. The teachers are not afraid to be questioned, and curiosity is again encouraged, so the ones fortunate enough to go to University, especially ones out of the country, become living, breathing humans again, with the desire to know about life and the outside world. FB does not become their God. They are able to establish a life. 

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  11. 22 hours ago, Proboscis said:

    What have you been smoking? All we know is that when he was crowing about how many billions he was worth (when he "wrote" the Art of the Deal book), he was losing more money than ANYONE ELSE IN THE USA AT THE TIME. He was broke.


    We do not yet have any evidence as to his taxes in more recent times but I am sure they will come in over time. We do not YET have documentary evidence as to Russian money involvement in his business affairs but there is circumstantial evidence (out of the mouth of his son).


    No evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign was found. That is all. That does not mean that there was no collusion between Trump and oligarchs in Russia that are close to the Kremlin. Again, there are strange issues here to do with meetings with Putin with no officials present and so on. And there is also the matter of enrichment in office issues that the journalists have not even had time to dig into.


    But Trump had better hope that he does two things: one, he wins the next presidential election because if not he will be indicted for obstruction as per the Mueller Report. Two, he had better start listening to legal advice as they are the folks who stop him from comitting crimes and misdemeanors. He better hope that no one gets to challenge the line of the Justice Department that "a sitting president cannot be indicted" too as that could be overturned in time and he could be indicted in office.


    So, if you are a true Republican, can I suggest that you hitch your horses to a better vehicle, one that does not try to overinflate the US economy and upholds the good oldfashioned principles, such as law and order, civility and international stability. I live in Asia and everywhere I go there is now only one game in town - China. It is as if the USA has floated off into space somewhere.

    You make a good point. The campaign slogan should have been "making America less relevant by the day". He is pushing the US off the map, making the country considerably less great with ignorant policies, extreme xenophobia, the destruction of important and long held alliances, and the coddling of dictators, every one of which is able to take him for a ride, due to his gullibility, the ability to extract anything one wants out of him with well placed compliments, and his hubris. He is the most dangerous man on earth, and needs to be contained, by whatever means possible. 

  12. For some reason, alot of Thai men seem to have very low self awareness. Maybe they just do not know how to reflect, introspect, look within for the source of the problem, take responsibility for issues they have caused, or how to examine their shortcomings. This is something alot of real men learn to do. Most of these are Buddhist precepts, yet there is little of it in practice.


    So, we are often exposed to men just losing it, when they simply do not have the emotional maturity to deal with it, or process what is going on. Alot of work needs to be done, to allow many of these men to become well developed human beings, and real men. 



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