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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. They need to rid the teachers of those ridiculous uniforms that make them appear to have some sort of rank within the military. It is a false sense of authority. It is inane. The best way for the country to progress, is to encourage the kids to start asking questions of their teachers. Challenge them. Otherwise you are stifling creativity at an age when it is natural for kids to manifest it. It is a huge detriment to society, and turns an inquisitive mind, into a dull mind. No wonder many Thai people are some of the least curious people I have ever encountered anywhere in the world. It is knocked out of them in school. Unless they go to University, or leave the country, they do not get it back. 


    I think uniforms for the kids are simply a way for the government and the army to keep people from showing any personality, or character. Keep them all looking the same. Make them all think the same. Do not allow the kids to be creative or show individuality. 

    • Like 2
  2. Of course. I think most objective polls would show that the vast majority of Thais oppose army rule, their draconian policies, their stunning degree of incompetence, the fake corruption crackdowns, the lack of initiatives to benefit the nation, the sabotaging of both the economy and the tourism industry, and the continued false purification campaigns. Not to mention the stunning lack of planning toward the future, the lack of progressive policies towards the eradication of human trafficking, illegal fishing, and sex slavery. Add in the lack of policy with regard to the environment, and the air quality issues, and you have one of the least effective and perhaps the least visionary, most apathetic, and least competent administrations on the planet.  


    Nobody likes incompetence. Soldiers are trained to obey orders. They are not trained in politics and have little regard for the will of the people. 

    • Like 1
  3. A good friend of mine was recently in Bangkok and Thailand for a couple of weeks. He befriended a massage gal. One working in a straight shop. No extras. He asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner. Says she was a sweetheart. He then asked her if she was interested in a vacation in Hua Hin. She agreed. He took her to HH for four days, stayed in the Hilton at a bargain rate of $100 a nite, and had an amazing time with her. So, yes it is possible. But, I think the chances of success are higher with a civilian, than with a bar girl. Both are possible. Just do not know how you would be able to vet the bar girl without spending time with her first. 

  4. 11 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    I think Biden or Bernie could beat Trump. Biden is the safer bet. I think Bernie's message can reach Trump supporters, but Fox will run 24/7 that he's a communist and that is worrisome.

    Trump will use any dirty tactic available to him, as he is not a man with a conscience, and his lifelong m.o. is to slash and burn. He is the modern day Genshis Khan of business, and politics is the same for him. But, Biden is a man of honor and great dignity, and he might be hard to beat. Remember, the deflector is coming off a massive failure with China, and the American people are starting to see how terribly ineffective he is. 


    Trump negotiating with China, is a bit like Justin Bieber in a science debate with Stephen Hawking or Alan Guth. Or Pauly Shore negotiating with Bill Richardson, the former ambassador to the UN, and governor of New Mexico. It would be like Shia LeBoeuf or Lindsay Lohan playing chess with Boris Spassky, or Bobby Fischer. The lowliest member of the Chinese delegation would outclass Trump, Bolton, Miller, Ross, Mnuchin, Kudlow, Lighthizer, or Navarro, by 30-50 IQ points. Not to mention skill, vision, and fortitude. As is typical of this president, he always picks from the bottom of the barrel, and due to both his temperament, and his willingness to throw those loyal to him under the bus, at the first sign of challenge, he is simply not able to attract real talent and intellect. That is perhaps one of his greatest failings as a leader. Add to that the fact that the man himself cannot negotiate his way out of a paper bag, and you have a disaster in the making.


    At least Kudrow had the integrity to expose Trumps lies yesterday, about the tariffs being good for the American economy. They are an unmitigated disaster. They are a huge tax hike on the average American, and most American corporations. Lie number 10.001 failed, as have the rest of his low quality, low class, simpleton tactics. At this stage, only his most hard core devotees, are continuing to drink the kool aid. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    That is such utter rubbish as to be dangerous to the ill informed.  A cheap plastic helmet is as much use as a Big C paper bag.  Worse still, in an even minor accident,  it  can fragment on impact and the resultant shards of plastic will do serious damage all on their own. A high quality helmet is the only option for anyone sensible.  

    There is alot of truth to that. Yes, if you fall off you bike a 15kph, a cheap helmet might save your noggin. But, in any sort of high impact crash, a high quality helmet will make a huge difference. Even a Real Helmet, which are only 2,000 baht or so, is a pretty well made helmet. Made to far higher specs. After all, the head is a valuable thing. 


    The way I look at it, is that my life is complicated enough without a brain injury. 

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  6. 9 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

    The world order changes in front of our eyes. The days of Caucasians ruling the earth are over.

    And I believe that is probably a good thing. This whole white supremacy thing is such a myth. Perhaps a great campaign idea, to drum up support amongst the nostalgic, who think everything was great, when America and Europe was more white. The reality is, and I say this as a white man, people of color generally bring more to the table. White people commit alot of crime. When I am back in the US, it seems alot of white people are boring, listless, empty suit types, who do not have much to say. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    That's because US trade negotiations have gone beyond just trade issues such as trade balance.

    It's more to do with foreign policy issues wherein the Trump administration wants a change in China's governmental control over Chinese production that is controlled by the State (communism) to production controlled by democratic capitalism (uncontrolled free market).

    While Xi has shown a willingness and apparently close to agreement to negotiate details of exports and imports, he cannot agree to wholesale destruction of the very system of government that empowers his political status. It is a wonder then that Chinese negotiators can't fully agree to the trade deal that Trump wants?


    With regard to protection of intellectual property and trade secrets, the solution already exists and can be implemented apart from trade negotiations!

    It's called an investment treaty:

    • it gives owners of intellectual property another way to protect their ideas. That's because the 2012 US "model" treaty — the template Washington uses for such agreements — covers ideas as an investment; expressly prohibits forced technology transfer; and, in terms of enforcement, gives investors the ability to seek compensation for Chinese misconduct through investor-state dispute settlement, including in a neutral venue like the World Bank.
    • The United States has more than 40 investment treaties already in place with partners across the globe. Since at least 2008, Washington has been mulling over investment treaties with China and India.

    Trump knows about this solution as he largely did away with investor rights in the US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement.


    So why not use a investment treaty with China to provide parity with IP?

    I suspect because again it doesn't lead to change in how the Chinese government is structured.





    Great points. We encouraged the formation of democracy in Egypt, Libya and Algeria. How is that working out? We did the same in Iraq and Afghanistan. Do they even want our democracy? Are they ready for it, within the region? Is it worth the $7billion or so we have spent, the thousands of American and allied lives, and the hundreds of thousands of civilian lives that have been lost in the battle? Long term prospects for the region? What are they? 


    Even Israel, which calls itself a democracy, is at best an apartheid state, that suppresses it's non Jewish population with an iron fist. We encouraged democracy in Cambodia and Burma. How is that working out? Autocratic, multi billionaire serial killing strongmen in both nations, though Burma still poses as a democracy, and most liberals buy into it.


    The US has horrific foreign policy. It has for decades now. And with bullies and dimwits like Bolton and Pompeo in charge of foreign policy, and Trump at the helm, the US is completely lost. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. The whole trend in the US right now, is to make fat women appealing. The industry has changed dress sizes, in an attempt to legitimize fat, and huge women. They are attempting to do the same thing with older women. If you watch the average awards show, it is astonishing how large American women are these days. 


    Sorry. Not buying into it. Some desperados in the US no doubt do, and will. Not this homey. 

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