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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 8 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    Ok if you think a business enforcing written contracts is classed as being a scam artist up to you.

    the title of the thread should really be ...i broke my contract now landlord says he is keeping deposit...........as basically this is what has happened,some landlords would return deposit as goodwill gesture same as some tenants might say keep the 2 weeks rent as I move out early as again a good will gesture.

    certainly no scam.confusion between husband ,wife and tenant but definately no scam.

    Again you did not read his post. He discussed this with the landlord, and the landlord agreed to change the terms of the lease. The original lease no longer applies in that case. This is so simple. Don't know why some are still coming to the defense of this creepy landlord. The tenant did everything carefully, with respect, and gave the landlord notice and they agreed to a change in status. The landlord defied the new agreement, when it came time to man up, and return the deposit. All this is about, is a fool being a fool. 

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  2. 25 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    The landlord incurs a loss if the room remains vacant for the period covered by the lease that has now been terminated. That's why many western leases explicitly state that the tenant is responsible for the entire period of the lease and if they want to break the lease not only do they pay until a new tenant is found (unless the end of the lease comes first) but also the landlord's advertising expenses for finding new tenants

    All of that is correct, from a legal point of view. However, exceptions do occur, as life can be unpredictable. As long as the tenant approaches the landlord, discusses the changes that he wants, and the landlord agrees to these changes, and agrees to a refund of the deposit, it is all good. It allows them time to rent out the room, they are compensated due to the tenant moving to another room, which was vacant, and everyone is happy. Except when the landlord refuses to honor the promise they have made. That is when a complete and total lack of morality and ethical behavior come into play. A verbal agreement carries weight. It is a bond. If a man or a woman does not honor their word, they have committed a transgression. 


    In this case, the landlord dropped the ball, became an absolute fool, when it came time to return the money, and went into that bizarre place of fear and convention. They messed up, plain and simple, and if their reputation is sullied as a result of that, then they deserve what they get. It is only money after all. Life is much bigger than just cash. There are so many other principals that are so much more important, than the dollar or the baht!


    Approaching this from a legal point of view, there is no benefit for the tenant to fight this legally. The system is stacked against them, there is not enough money at stake, and the time and effort and expense would not be worth it. However, in this day and age, with social media, one can shame someone mercilessly. Sometimes that is well deserved. I would not worry about libel. Those are laws written by cowards, to defend cowards. 

  3. This is a big sugar cane growing area, there is a tremendous amount of burning done, and the air quality is horrific for a few months of the year, as a result of that. And yet, they talk about quality of life? 


    The cane trash (the part of the cane that is traditionally burned, can be used for biofuel. This would be a tremendous improvement to the environment. If the army was serious about improving the quality of life here, and the air quality, they would focus alot of time, effort and money on making this happen. This is not rocket science. The air quality in Thailand could be improved dramatically by focusing on reducing cane trash burning, and regulating poorly maintained diesel engines, and diesel burning power plants. 


    Recovery of cane trash implies a change from traditional harvesting methods; which normally consists of destroying the trash by setting huge areas of sugarcane fields ablaze prior to the harvest.  There are a number of major technical and economic issues that need to be overcome to utilize cane trash as a renewable energy resource. For example, its recovery from the field and transportation to the mill, are major issues.


    Alternatives include the current situation where the cane is separated from the trash by the harvester and the two are transported to the mill separately, to the harvesting of the whole crop with separation of the cane and the trash carried out at the mill. Where the trash is collected from the field it maybe baled incurring a range of costs associated with bale handling, transportation and storage. Baling also leaves about 10-20% (1-2 tons per hectare) of the recoverable trash in the field.

    A second alternative is for the cane trash to be shredded and collected separately from the cane during the harvesting process. The development of such a harvester-mounted cane trash shredder and collection system has been achieved but the economics of this approach require evaluation. A third alternative is to harvest the sugarcane crop completely which would require an adequate collection, transport and storage system in addition to a mill based cleaning plant to separate the cane from the trash.


    A widespread method for cane trash recovery is to cut the cane, chop into pieces and then it is blown in two stages in the harvester to remove the trash. The amount of trash that goes along with the cane is a function of the cleaning efficiency of the harvester. The blowers are adjusted to get adequate cleaning with a bearable cane loss.

    On the average 68 % of the trash is blown out of the harvester, and stays on the ground, and 32 % is taken to the mill together with the cane as extraneous matter. The technique used to recover the trash staying on the ground is baling. Several baling machines have been tested with small, large, round and square bales. Cane trash can be considered as a viable fuel supplementary to bagasse to permit year-round power generation in sugar mills.


    Thus, recovery of cane trash in developing nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America implies a change from traditional harvesting methods, which normally consists of destroying the trash by setting huge areas of cane fields ablaze prior to the harvest. To recover the trash, a new so-called “green mechanical harvesting” scheme will have to be introduced. By recovering the trash in this manner, the production of local air pollutants, as well as greenhouse gases contributing to adverse climatic change, from the fires are avoided and cane trash could be used as a means of regional sustainable development.



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  4. 8 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    How do you know?

    He has truthfully shared all the dirty details of his sexual activities with you?

    Still probably the biggest lie of those who obtain HIV.

    Yes. He is straight with me. I think he did quite a bit of back door activity, without protection. Risky behavior. He is definitely heterosexual. But, this is something that can be contracted by heterosexual sex. Not easily. But, it can happen. Not typically through normal sex, though. 

  5. 10 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    And what if the hotel has a policy of no refunds issued on cancellations?

    should the customer not take some responsibility and be liable/accept any penalty clause.......again I don’t really see any scams here ...just a slight disagreement between the husband and wife on how they wish to run/operate their business.

    Wrong. It was a total scam. If you read the post correctly he stated:


    The owner was happy with this arrangement and even kindly offered to pay back the 2-weeks rent...


    When we checked out we were told by the owner's wife that we'd broken the contract moving out early. She conveniently made up a 'check-out early fee' (not in the contract) which meant that we lost the deposit, and also wouldn't get the 2-week's rent promised.


    So, the money was never returned, after a promise and agreement from the owner. A promise is a promise. The word has to be good for something, right? 

  6. When driving here maintain eyes in the back of your head.

    Watch everyone. Expect craziness, insanity, lack of reason, and a complete lack of courtesy and respect on the roads, at all times. 

    Expect cars and trucks to be coming at you in the wrong lane.

    Expect people to overtake you with the slimmest of margins.

    Expect trucks to be driving very slowly in the fast lane of a highway.

    Expect people to be driving very recklessly, and do not expect the highway patrol to do anything about it. They never, ever engage in traffic safety. 

    If riding a motorbike, only do so if you have many years of experience. Especially on the southern islands, where huge numbers of foreigners leave Thailand in a wooden box. Wear the best helmet you can afford. And drive like a grandmother. 


    Always use your Thai drivers license. This helps you to avoid being fleeced by the local police franchisee. When they ask for a fine, I like to just say no. If they give me a hard time, I ask for the top officer present. I say no to him. Usually, if you give them a really hard time, and push back hard enough, they just let you go. They like an easy mark. 

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  7. I have a close friend who contracted HIV. It seems to be under control, but he has to take meds for it, and see the doctor frequently. He is heterosexual, but admitted to me he was engaging in alot of unprotected sex, and was kind of pushing the envelope, if you know what I mean. Great guy. Needless to say, it has had quite an impact on his life. 

  8. I am not sure if this approach would work here, but in the West, sometimes if you go into a job interview and ask a lot of questions, it piques their interest. If you do research on the firm in advance, appear very knowledgeable, and assertive, and qualified. Make it look like you are interviewing them, and trying to decide if you want to work for them, or not. Do they qualify, to have you work for them?


    Sometimes, you just need to shake things up, if something is not working. Slightly unconventional thinking, so you would need to coach her, and embolden her to do this.

  9. On many occasions, I have found that it is hard to get money back from the average Thai. They readily accept the money. But, prying it out of their hands can be an enormous task, even when it is fair, legal, ethical and the right thing to do.


    The best way to approach this, is to take every opportunity in the book to shame them. Facebook, twitter, instagram, any local forum you can find. Whatever it takes to sully their name. The ones who treat us without respect, and defy a contract and a promise to return funds, deserve that.

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  10. Well, the inlaws sound like low class, low quality, disrespectful sorts. It is totally up to you how you want to raise your kid, and their dissatisfaction with that is on them, not you. Nice that your wife is supporting you in all of this. Cannot be easy for her.


    I always tell my Thai wife you have to be prepared to say, mother you are wrong. Father you are wrong, this is the way it is. Parents here in Thailand are overly entitled. They seem to have little respect for their offspring, and expect them to be totally obedient. That is just wrong. What your father in law probably resents, is the fact that you can and will say no to him. He probably has low self esteem, and just cannot handle being disobeyed. Keep it up. You are a real man, and you are dealing with children, that appear to be adults, but have never matured beyond 13. 

  11. 13 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Respect is not in the Thai dictionary, Thais take you for granted. I on many occasions have said to my Thai G.F. where does my money come from. I am on a UK State Pension with a small Private Pension. She always says yes but your salary was better. I can’t disagree but so is the cost of living, wasting my breath to be honest. 

    Nope I worked long hours and managed too accumulate savings o nearly 50 years of my working life.Thais from my experience don’t ever try and save, spend it as they get it.


    Well, despite all the bluster to the contrary, many Thais I have encountered have very low self esteem. It is hard to respect another, if you do not respect yourself. Something inherent within the culture? Perhaps the nature of a tribal based culture, where there is little sense of self? Perhaps the feeble educational system which forbids one to question their elders, and drums all of the creativity out of one's soul? Perhaps the decades of allowing an incompetent and greedy army to rule the nation, without putting up a fight? Who knows. I suppose this is a discussion for another forum, at another time. 

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