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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Alot of the responsibility falls directly on the shoulders of the hapless and incompetent army. They have no business running the government. They hire based entirely on cronyism, and merit is never a consideration. So, you end up with people occupying important offices, who have no idea what they are doing. When it comes to public safety, occupational safety and handling of dangerous materials, it is a miracle this does not happen more often.


    Blame Prayuth. It is entirely on him. He wanted the job so desperately. Now, he has to take responsibility for the people. 

  2. Complain to Prayuth, and the TAT. It was their idea to become totally dependent on India and China, for tourism. It was a disastrous move, an inane idea, and has decimated the tourism industry, cost hundreds of thousands of people their jobs, if not millions, and reduced the earnings of those that remain in the industry drastically. In the long run, discouraging Western tourism, and not paying any regard, or showing any respect toward the ex-pat community, will go down in history as one of the greatest mistakes of this generation of incompetent fools and nitwits. 

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  3. There is something about the Thai culture, that causes alot of Thai men, to be emotionally stunted. They appear to be far older, but they have the development of a 13 year old. I am sure it has alot to do with the incompetent parents constantly telling their sons how special they are. What they really need to be told is:

    Your sisters are far more special than you.

    You are nothing in this world, until you preform acts that benefit society, and your fellow man. 

    Your sisters are smarter, more ambitious, and basically run the country. Without the women of Thailand, this nation would grind to a halt in 48 hours. 

    So, prove yourself. Prove yourself to your family, your community and your nation. Until you do that, you are nothing special, on any level. 

  4. 20 hours ago, Ozman52 said:

    Defiance??? He was invited.

    He was banned from participation in politics and representation as a member of FFP, as a political move on the part of the goons, who know how popular he will be. This represents total defiance of the hapless army. It does not seem to matter now. The army got it's wish granted, by their bought and paid for cronies:


    After that, Mr Chai asked the House secretary-general to read the order of the Constitutional Court for Mr Thanathorn to stop performing his MP duties until the court delivers a ruling. Earlier, the Earlier, the EC asked the court to decide whether Mr Thanathorn was qualified when he applied to run as an because he was holding shares in a media company, a ground for disqualification. It also asked the court to suspend him from performing his MP duties until the ruling is made. The court agreed and Mr Thanathorn now has 15 days to submit a defence. After the order was read, Mr Thanathorn walked up to a microphone amid protests. Mr Chai explained that although he was already an MP, he did not have the right to speak at this stage. 

    Mr Thanathorn finally managed to speak. It turned out he simply asked the acting speaker for permission to leave, saying he would stop performing his duty until the court delivered its ruling. Future Forward MPs and those from the anti-regime alliance to which FFP belongs gave him an extended standing ovation as he walked out even as Mr Chai tried to stop them, saying the venue was not a "theatre". 

    Outside the auditorium, Mr Thanathorn told reporters that being an MP doesn’t involve only parliamentary work. “I’ll work outside by talking more to people to learn about their problems and convey them to our fellow MPs,” he said. 


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  5. Of course it is appropriate, considering the setting. Cosplay is fun, and sexy, and there is nothing sacred about a teachers outfit or uniform. Get over yourselves. Be real. Fake puritanism is not appealing or believable on any level. It is insincere, and nobody with self esteem, who is comfortable within their own skin, would ever make a big deal about this. Always beware of false puritans! 

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  6. This guy is obviously a self entitled moron, who appears to be around 50, but never matured past 13. The guy who is the victim had a camera. Case closed. The police will review the footage, and should be able to make a quick decision.


    Unless the BMW driver is connected, has a government job, has a policeman in the family, or pays off the cops. That will be a different outcome.


    But, from what I hear, when you have this kind of thing on tape, it is a far more challenging thing, for a moron to buy his way out of it. He screwed up. For once in his sorry life, he needs to take responsibility for his actions. 

  7. 8 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    I hope you’ll excuse me if I don’t get all bent out of shape over any alleged corruption here in Thailand. After all, if it weren’t for the political corruption in California it is an absolute certainty that I would have had the financial means to continue living there. However, after those politicos in Sacramento let UBER out of the garbage can thousands of men and women in the taxi industry, who played by the rules for years, became destitute-----many of them going bankrupt and losing their homes. In fact, the city of San Francisco sold taxi medallions that soon became worthless and still refuses to return the money to those they swindled.


    Sorry if I disagree that allowing Uber to operate in California is not necessarily a sign of state corruption. It benefits all except the taxi drivers, who have gotten away with overcharging for decades. It is called progress. Taxis are outdated. I have no compassion for the drivers who are losing business. Move on. Find something else to do. As society has progressed millions of jobs, and skill sets that were once high paying, are now obsolete. That happens. In this day and age if you cannot be flexible and learn to dance on your feet, you become homeless. 


    So, how exactly does that relate to the massive corruption of the army?

  8. 5 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yes anal with an HIV+ girl would be the same risk as a ladyboy or guy. The only thing is guys can be secretive when shagging guys or LBs.  Anal with a girl is not really pushing it.



    Plus the relatively easy mistake of anal with a post op LB someone thought was a girl








    Well, it could be debated whether or not anal with a woman who is infected, is dangerous behavior. I say it is. Of course you do not know. And that is what makes it risky. 

  9. The crackdown on foreign criminals continues. Well, that could be read in alot of different ways. It does appear to me that this administration and the army is racist. Are they cracking down on Thai mobsters, those engaged in human trafficking, drug smuggling, illegal fishing, slave trading, illegal logging, and the myriad of other crimes that the Thais are committing? Are they cracking down on corruption within the army, and the administration? My guess would be no. After all, they were installed to protect the elite, the powerful, the super wealthy, the police, the army, those that are connected, and those that are in power. 

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