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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. I have had great success with an 18,000 BTU Samsung inverter, that I bought as soon as they came out, about 10 years ago. Still going strong. And recently, I bought a panasonic inverter. A bit expensive, but worth it. Whisper quiet. Very efficient. I hear Daikin are as good as they get. I do not think Mitsu has done enough innovation. They appear to be resting on their laurels.

  2. And the public urges this tiny man, who is completely lacking in wisdom, vision, compassion for the common man, or competence, to consider alternatives, like hydro electric, solar, and wind turbines. Has that ever even entered his small mind? Is anyone considering the future of this nation? Is there anyone at the helm? 

  3. 1 hour ago, neeray said:

    Nicely commented to me. It would be nice if you could teach Trump some of your gentle diplomacy. While I don't disagree with "some" of his policies and ideas, I find his brash ways very distasteful. "When America sneezes, Canada catches a cold". Our economy is suffering a very serious cold" right now. One way or the other, I'll be glad to see his NAFTA hard-on settled. The indecision is murdering our economy (and my business).

    I too see a tremendous lack of consumer confidence in my business. And many others. Trump has been devastating to the US economy. Of course the large corporations have done well, as he has managed to transfer a massive amount of wealth from the poor and middle class, to his buddies, and the corporations. But the common man once again, is taking a hit. And they are not spending much money. They are scared what this village idiot might do next. Captain Chaos leads the day. And tomorrow, nobody can predict what Mr. Unstable will do.

  4. 2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

    And here we have it, because of Trump, you, a right wing republican -  the ones who always scream for punishment of criminals is saying that a woman who was a drug TRAFFICKER in Cocaine says she got too long a sentence. A woman that was trafficking drugs that kill people, that make people commit crime, that cause untold misery was given too long a sentence. Under Bush you would have been screaming for this woman to be locked in jail and have the key thrown away. BUT, because Trump wants to free her then that's cool with you. It is more than the country that has fallen.

    It is literally like witnessing the Western Roman empire, a few years before Odoacer marches into Rome. The US is on it's way out, as a major player. It is just a matter of time. It is a perfect storm. 30 years of gorging on reality TV, a wanna be fascist conservative so called leader, a congress and senate that has lost all moral authority, a corrupt and broken judiciary, well over 20 trillion in debt, more tax raises by Trump (the tariffs this severely misguided administration has just imposed, are a tax raise on the middle class and poor, no matter how you look at it), fabulously incompetent appointees like Ross, Sessions, Mnuchin, and Pruitt, and a White House without a chief of staff (it appears Kelly has been living in a coat closet lately). 


    I do not really have an issue with pardoning drug offenders. Personally, I think ALL drugs should be legalized. Certainly if cocaine were to be legalized the cartels would seize to exist. 3,600 murders in Juarez in 2011. That same year across the border in El Paso, there were five. Our ridiculous war on drugs is largely to blame for that.


    There were 25,339 homicides in Mexico last year, a 23% jump from 2016 and the highest number since at least 1997, the year the government began tracking the data. Overall, murders in Mexico had been declining in recent years, reaching a low of 15,520 in 2014. But officials say a surge in drug-related crime reversed that trend.





    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    That'll be great mate till the police insist on seeing the original for some reason. No passport - no problem. They'll put you in a cell until someone brings it for you.

    I seriously doubt that. In all the years I have been here, on the few occasions the toy police have asked for my ID, my Thai drivers license, or my color copy of my passport has ALWAYS been satisfactory to them. I do not buy into hysteria. One guys posts, and says carrying the passport around is necessary. BS. Is this nazi Germany? Sorry sir, I refuse to carry my papers!

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  6. 2 hours ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Real men deal with adversity. When faced with a relationship that has gone south, they deal with it. You try to work it out. If it cannot be worked out, you move on. You wish her well, and send her on her way. 


    Small men, and men without a sense of identity, self esteem, or love of self behave like these morons. They behave like simpletons, and get all desperate when a woman wants to leave them, and things do not work out.


    Killing a woman because things have not worked out? 13 year olds, who occupy a mans body do that kind of stuff. That is the domain of dumb, idiotic, moronic, undeveloped, pathological, insane, tiny minded little boys, who have had parents who have utterly failed them, on every level.


    Life is short. There are alot of available women out there. Man up. Just ask yourself, how would Bond behave in these circumstances? 



    Oh the irony - i stopped watching 007 around 12 years old!

    You base your life on a fiction character then, good luck.

    It was simply an attempt at humor. But, if you think about it, it kind of gives you a little perspective. Would Bond kill a woman over lost love, or a broken heart? Would he even let his heart be broken? Would he get involved with a poor choice of a woman, to begin with? You see, this kind of imaginative exercise can lead to great fun!

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    • Haha 1
  7. Real men deal with adversity. When faced with a relationship that has gone south, they deal with it. You try to work it out. If it cannot be worked out, you move on. You wish her well, and send her on her way. 


    Small men, and men without a sense of identity, self esteem, or love of self behave like these morons. They behave like simpletons, and get all desperate when a woman wants to leave them, and things do not work out.


    Killing a woman because things have not worked out? 13 year olds, who occupy a mans body do that kind of stuff. That is the domain of dumb, idiotic, moronic, undeveloped, pathological, insane, tiny minded little boys, who have had parents who have utterly failed them, on every level.


    Life is short. There are alot of available women out there. Man up. Just ask yourself, how would Bond behave in these circumstances? 

  8. Rule #1. When in Thailand, avoid Western women at all costs. Most are trouble. Many are militant, angry, bitter, and just plain nasty, in their disdain for men. Very few possess any feminine qualities whatsoever, anyway. Do not allow yourself to get me too'd, when you are in a position to easily avoid it here.


    When it comes to foreign women these days, it is he said, she said. And usually she said is what the judges and the media listen to!

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