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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 18 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    So you will be suing the BBC then Mr Cohen?  After all you are a lawyer aren't you? 

    Well, he is currently a lawyer. Good chance he will be disbarred. Or given a choice, of losing his license to practice, going to jail, or being fined millions, if he does not rat out Triple D (draft dodging don). Most likely he will spill his guts. He has alot of dirt to dish. Trump is going down hard. He worked for that. He earned that. He is headed toward the humiliation of his lifetime. 

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  2. 22 hours ago, yogi100 said:


    Don't you mean $200 a day.


    Is not $2000 a day in the region of 65,000 baht a day. Surely no one in his right mind nor even someone as rich as Donald Trump could spend that sort of money a day in the LOS.

    Not true. I knew a number of western tourists who used to come to Samui, when I was living there and spent upwards of $2,000 a day. They spent $1,000 a day on their villas at a five star hotel, and at least $500-800 a day on the restaurants and spas. Plus gifts, high end massage, etc. That was not uncommon. It is now. Those guys have a dozen reasons to pick another country. And many Chinese only spend $50-70 a day. Most are very low budget tourists. Face it, for so many reasons Thailand just does not attract many high end tourists, these days. Concierge service is marginal, wine service is horrendous, english skills are lacking, etc. 

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  3. This would be very typical of Little P. and his merry band of greedy nitwits. Universal health care was one of the few things that any Thai administration had done, to benefit the average Thai, and now they want to take that away. One can only wish them complete failure, with this bone headed move. Also, this could be the last straw, for the people. It is a move that could betray their true intentions, which is to protect the wealthy and elite. And the people could rise up, once and for all.


    Kick them out. Get rid of them. They are not wanted. They are not popular. They are not needed. They are sucking the blood of their country.

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  4. It is due to a complete lack of vision, and the fact that Thailand is more of less "owned" by China. The current regime would rarely say no to anything the Chinese ask. And the TAT is obsessed with numbers. It is not about the well being of the average Thai, and never has been. There is no doubt in my mind, that Western tourists bring far more money into the country, than the average Chinese tourist. And most western tourists are not sex-pats, as some here will claim. That is nonsense. We are talking about relatively small numbers. Most are families. Gone are the days of the $2,000 a day, rich Western tourists. Welcome to the $70 a day Chinese tourist.

  5. 12 hours ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

    I agree with your sentiments 100%, Spidey. These cats are off their heads.  But don't forget, since 1932 there have been 25 general elections and 19 coups. Nearly 1 coup for every election. 


    The amart/PTB have a stranglehold over the people, education system, economy and hence the nation. 


    Leaders are "selected" by the amart. Fair and free democratic elections are just window dressing to avoid int'l trade sanctions or red/yellow cards. Call it the "Siamese Candidate" or whatever. But if the choice of the elite is not elected they stage a coup. 


    Sadly, Prayut (or any other suitable frog-whispering, ass puppets who are in line to get their snouts in the trough) are not going anywhere. The elections (whenever they will be held) are already rigged and will be a farce. 


    It has been 86 years of election then coup. I think we can expect more of the same unless things really boil over. 


    As for Prayut. He is a big zero in the greater scheme of things. 


    People should be targeting those that pull his strings and have rammed through draconian and authoritarian laws (and a farcical new constitution) to mute the masses under threat of severe punishment for simply voicing what they believe to be their right to choose their government and live freely. 


    Welcome to Medieval Times (or Thailand 4.0).

    You may be right. But let us not forget one detail. Ever since the late 1940's, the army has had at least some moral authority, as they had been sanctioned by the great man. That is no longer the case. There is no moral authority now. None. So, that changes the equation. Next time (if there is a next time), there will be nobody to provide that moral authority, and the result could be ugly and violent. That may be part of the reason these desperados are hanging on for dear life.

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  6. Not surprising that Cheating Cohen, would be involved in this. He sold access to Trump. Plain and simple. That has to be illegal. No doubt that he will rat out Captain Chaos. It is the only option left for him, at this point. He is going down. And he has alot of dirt on the deflector in chief. He may take Captain Chaos with him. Hope so. The majority of the world hopes so. 

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  7. The army and it's tiny leaders are absolutely desperate, and fearful, like never before. They see their power waning by the day, as the approval of their rule is plummeting. Is the gravy train coming to an end? We certainly hope so. 


    So, they resort to ridiculous and overly oppressive tactics like forbidding public demonstrations, and declaring participants to be guilty of sedition. Sedition,  crime against the state. Though sedition may have the same ultimate effect as treason, it is generally limited to the offense of organizing or encouraging opposition to government in a manner (such as in speech or writing) that falls short of the more dangerous offenses constituting treason.


    The enforcement of such draconian laws, is showing a level of desperation and weakness on the part of the tiny man. People have a right to be fed up with him, his constant delays, and lame excuses for not turning over power to the people, and democratic rule, whatever that means here. This administration is incompetent beyond the reaches of one's imagination. 


    Get out. Leave now. You are not wanted. You are not popular. You are not chosen. Leave, leave, leave. 

    • Thanks 2
  8. 1 hour ago, maxcorrigan said:

    You seem to have forgotten Mike the little fellow has cloaked himself in a blanket amnesty (worthless in my opinion) which means he is totally untouchable in his little childlike brain, but time will tell, should be interesting! 

    Who knows? Maybe he will be forced into exile, once the billions he and his top guys have stolen are revealed. Imagine him being forced to surrender his Thai passport? Or being forced into exile? How sweet would that be?

  9. Avoid the flavored chips, at all costs. They are all filled with junk ingredients. Plain lays in Thailand is now made with rice bran oil, which is a very high quality oil, with almost no unsaturated fat, and no added junk. But, when you add in the ingredients they put in nearly all of the flavored chips, you are adding alot of poison to your diet. Leave the flavored nonsense to the Thais. Eat the original ones, and live a few years longer.

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  10. Anything and everything that comes from this government is fake news, and a fake narrative. Do not believe any of it. So, this growth forecast is just more nonsense. The incompetent leaders are assuring that growth is muted. Their level of incompetency is astonishing.

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