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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 20 minutes ago, Justfine said:

    Objective studies v random stuff on forums.


    You don't know many people.


    Well, that was not a very objective analysis, was it? How on earth do you know how many people I know, how many friends I have, how many women I have dated, where I have lived, and what I have been exposed to?


    This started out as a reasonable debate, between two level headed people. Now, you are making yourself nothing short of obnoxious. with personal statements, of an ignoramus nature. I am out of this discussion. I prefer to have debates with people who maintain an open mind, and a cool analytical quality. No reason to make this personal. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Justfine said:

    You're the dreamer. Apart from hookers most women have not slept with more than 20 guys. 


    They have LT relationships.



    Perhaps your use of the term most is most telling. I know alot of guys who would insist that what you say it true. However, I have known many American women who tell me tales far to the contrary. 

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  3. This chump, who is more than likely a somewhat fake Muslim, one who is pretending to be pious, and holy, and pure, is attempting to do the same thing the leaders here are doing. Instill a sense of puritanism in the people, in the name of spirituality, when in fact he has no inner life whatsoever, and spends only the required amount of time kneeling five times a day, in order to avoid being cast out of society, or flogged. Good work minister. You are really setting the example.

  4. 57 minutes ago, blazes said:

    I live in a jurisdiction where cannabis is soon to be legalized.  I can't imagine any good being added to the world's total by the free use of cannabis.  The effect on vehicle drivers is not much different from that of alcohol, to name only the most obvious negative effect....


    I completely disagree. Sure, it one is totally blitzed. Many years ago I smoked recreationally. I never, ever had a hard time driving. I cannot say the same thing for drinking. I was far more impaired and far duller with a few drinks, than a few tokes. Not the same on any level. Alcohol is infinitely more destructive to the individual, society, and to motor skills, than pot. The most threatening thing about pot, is the possibility of losing one's ambition, and overeating. Thousands die every month from alcohol. This chart establishes some science behind what I just said. And these numbers are just in the US.


    How big is the problem?

    • In 2015, 10,265 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (29%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.1
    • Of the 1, 1,132 traffic deaths among children ages 0 to 14 years in 2015, 209 (16%) involved an alcohol-impaired driver.1
    • In 2015, nearly 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.3 That’s one percent of the 111 million self-reported episodes of alcohol-impaired driving among U.S. adults each year.4
    • Drugs other than alcohol (legal and illegal) are involved in about 16% of motor vehicle crashes.5
    • Marijuana use is increasing6 and 13% of nighttime, weekend drivers have marijuana in their system.7
    • Marijuana users were about 25% more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers with no evidence of marijuana use, however other factors – such as age and gender – may account for the increased crash risk among marijuana users.5





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  5. 32 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    No, Brit women don't do sex very much.

    It's why we went out and conquered half the world.

    Funny. Most American women under the age of 25-30 like to get busy quite a bit. After 30, it is only about utility, for the most part. Sex needs to serve some sort of function, like holding a marriage together, or attracting a man to marry her, having a kid, etc. Same holds true for younger women in areas like Los Angeles. Sex is all about getting something in return. 

  6. 1 hour ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    If a girl is pretty, I assume 2-3 guys a week since she was 14.

    (Thai girls, different much lower estimates for most Brit women)


    That is about right for alot of American women. Probably Brits too. Funny, your chauvinistic remark about Brit girls. I assume that was humor. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


    You can't blame Trump for this one. Obamacare was misconstructed. It was bound to fail. The sooner it does the better the chances of replacing it with something better like single payer. It's too bad Obama never had the stones to push for that originally.



    I tend to agree, that Obamacare was a disaster for most. I know a few couples who's premiums went from $400 a month, to $1,600 a month! For two people! Silly.

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  8. I know alot of "good girls" who have slept with 200-1000 men in their lives. So, it depends on your definition of a good girl. These are "civilians", who have never charged for sex. They just like to get busy. And alot of guys who date them, would have a very hard time comprehending it, if you told them the facts. I know alot of guys who claim their women have only slept with 5-20 guys. Yeah, right. In their dreams. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, riclag said:

    Could you please explain how America is taking care of it's disadvantaged? You might want to start with the extreme homeless population in your own state. 


    Billions in the USA


    Only someone who lives within the top 10%, can make a claim such as this one. Billions in the US? What does that mean? What is that backed up by? Where does that number come from? Your jaundiced views on welfare and food stamps?


    America’s homeless population has risen this year for the first time since the Great Recession, propelled by the housing crisis afflicting the west coast, according to a new federal study.

    The study has found that 553,742 people were homeless on a single night this year, a 0.7% increase over last year. It suggests that despite a fizzy stock marketand a burgeoning gross domestic product, the poorest Americans are still struggling to meet their most basic needs.




    The GDP of America is an astronomical $18 trillion. To put it in perspective, if California seceded from the United States, it would have the eighth largest GDP of all the countries in the world (just beating out Italy).

    When you start to consider just how much money exists in America, it makes the fact that we even have homelessness seems all the more absurd.

    Depending on where you live across the country, you may have different ideas about how prolific the homeless situation is in this country. That’s why stats can help make the realities a bit more clear.

    So the question is: how bad is homelessness in America, really?


    The great shrinking of the middle class that has captured the attention of the nation is not only playing out in troubled regions like the Rust Belt, Appalachia and the Deep South, but in just about every metropolitan area in America, according to a major new analysis by the Pew Research Center.

    Pew reported in December that a clear majority of American adults no longer live in the middle class, a demographic reality shaped by decades of widening inequality, declining industry and the erosion of financial stability and family-wage jobs. But while much of the attention has focused on communities hardest hit by economic declines, the new Pew data, based on metro-level income data since 2000, show that middle-class stagnation is a far broader phenomenon.



  10. 8 hours ago, farcanell said:

    Lol... nice post.... after my previous, I figured it only fair to read it


    and... I’ve said it before...... the minister for police should be held accountable for the national embarrassment that is Thai road safety, and is negligent in office, to allow this to not only continue, but worsen


    Lock up one minister for negligence... lock up all negligent ministers 

    What you are stating is impossible. The police are never held responsible for anything. When a former head of the national police can get away with "borrowing" 300 million baht, anything goes. Only ex officers, or ex politicians, or ex army officers are ever held responsible for anything. Never current. Never. And if and when the former officers are charged, they rarely ever pay the price for it. It is a completely rigged system. Nobody is ever held accountable. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    Mike everything you say is spot on In ubon last night we had a horrific accident Head On I did not see  but by the number of ambulances and  other services rushing past us it was big. I only hear later it was a head on crash. But i only blame one people for what is happening in Thailand. THE POLICE   After 6 its idiot time here in Ubon when all the idiots come onto the road speeding, racing each other, doing wheel stands on bikes at speed noisy mufflers, and there is not a cop in sight. Its like the bloody wild west show. One car that came past partners shop was going so fast i just shit myself at what speed he was doing.


    The police only show up after the accident takes place. There is nothing in the way of traffic safety on the roads, or on the highways. Those traffic stops are all about weapons, drugs and handouts. Nothing to do with safety. I suppose there is no money in traffic safety. However, if they levied real fines for speeding over 120kph, for reckless driving, making severely quick lane changes, etc, there would be some money to be made, and the highways would be safer. 


    Just a few days ago, I was driving along at about 110kph, on a good, straight stretch of highway. A safe speed. And some joker cuts in front of me with his pickup truck. Within two meters in front of me, then slams on his brakes. I guess he never stopped to look at the lane he was cutting into to see that there was no room for him! I slammed on my brakes to avoid the numnut, and barely missed him. Would have been a horrific crash. Why? What was the point of him changing lanes? Why didn't he look first? Who changes lanes without looking first, when they are doing over 100 kph? Why so little regard for his wife, and for others? Where does that mentality come from? Why do Thais seem so polite, yet when they get into a car, everything they have ever learned in life goes right out the window? Why so little in the way of common sense, reason, and the ability to be careful and maintain some vision? Why such idiocy? The apparent lack of skill and peripheral awareness on the road here is very scary.

  12. 9 hours ago, riclag said:

    The economy is doing just fine .America is still feeding off of Mr. Obama's tenure. America will continue to be even greater. We brought 5 trillion dollars back from other countries .We are taking care of American's first. We will take care of our disadvantaged first before we let in other disadvantaged,come from other countries. We aren't perfect,we are recovering from 40 years of globalism gone viral 


    Could you please explain how America is taking care of it's disadvantaged? You might want to start with the extreme homeless population in your own state. 

    • Like 2
  13. Now Trump is experiencing severe amnesia. He cannot recall getting five deferments to serve in the military, when his country called on him, to put himself in harms way. And he claims he would have run into the school in Parkland, Florida whether he was armed or not? He is a coward. He would pee in his pants, if he was ever faced with a loaded gun pointed at him. He was too afraid of fighting in Vietnam. Now all of a sudden he has a burst of courage? Just another lie, from the deflector in chief. He is so accustomed to saying whatever he wants, and making up alternative realities, in his own mind, he sees himself as a superhero. Dastardly Don to the rescue! 


    "I really believe I'd run in there even if I didn't have a weapon," Mr Trump told a group of state governors gathered at the White House.

    Mr Trump also said it was "disgusting" that officers reportedly did not confront the suspect on 14 February.

    The massacre was the second-deadliest ever shooting at a US school.

    "I think most of the people in this room would have done that, too," said Mr Trump on Monday of his assertion that he would have rushed into the school.

    He added: "You never know until you're tested."


    Well, you were tested Don. Back when you were drafted. You failed the test miserably. Five times you failed. Five times! Five deferments. Four major bankruptcies. Almost poetic, but certainly the definition of a man, who is a failure. 




    Tiny DT- Continuing the trend of decreasing the quality of life, for the average America. Moving America backwards. Re-populating the swamp with his own brand of alligators and crocodiles. The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life!



  14. 3 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

    None of those institutions arrived with Trump. But he is singularly suited to highlighting all these interfaces that have been happening for decades now. Sure, spew your vitriol at Trump, he deserves it, but all these institutions which both parties have been co-opted by are going to get some on them too. Even rabid partisans have to see that their own preferred party is engaged in exactly the same type of activity, all of the time.


    I am partisan. But at the same time, I can admit that the party I have voted for my whole life is completely broken, was run by gangsters such as Wasserman Schultz, put forth the worst candidate since Mike Dukakis, and failed on every level. Has anything changed? Has the democratic party learned anything, reformed itself, or improved on any level? Let us hope. I do agree both parties are completely broken and completely devoid of ethics or morality. 

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  15. 15 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

    No, I'm referring to the swamp, which I define as the permanent assortment of institutions that feed in Washington. The NRA being one such example. Hundreds of others too.

    Though my feelings might be deemed as extreme by some, I think all lobbyists for the NRA should be shot on sight. Or, at the very least, kept at least one mile away from the very white house, the congress and the senate. And all lobbyists should be banned from operating. It is one of the most corrosive forces in American politics, and one of the reasons why the system is so terribly broken. All lobbying is, is legal corruption. Make it illegal. Get rid of the crocodiles! Drain the swamp! Deny Trumps friends. 

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  16. He could be doing alot more. Any seen to be doing nothing is going to be scapegoated. So, deflectors like Tiny Don, and Scott, have to appear to be doing something. In reality, the insistence, by very powerful lobbyists that automatic rifles, and many types of assault rifles be made available to the American public, is definitely making America very, very unsafe. In addition so is the watered down version of background checks, that this terrorist organization known as the NRA supports. 


    None of us have a problem with a law abiding, and sane individual being able to buy a handgun, or a rifle for hunting. But, 3% of the gun owners own 97% of the guns. The NRA makes this possible and is supporting terror in the process, by diluting the process and the laws. That is only part of the reason why they are such a despised and vilified organization. I realize they have 5 million members. But, they don't have another 325 million Americans as members. Their time has come. They are going to have to face greater and greater scrutiny, and hopefully a complete shutdown, at some point. They do not benefit the country. They are a very, very destructive force in American politics. And Trump is their whore.


    It has become increasingly clear, that the NRA is a terrorist organization, plain and simple. By continuing with their policies, they essentially support the massacre of civilians, and will stop at nothing to continue their insane support for automatic rifles, the ownership of rifles by 18 year olds, and are resisting calls for deep background checks.


    The NRA are perhaps the most corrosive and dangerous organization in America today. They need to be stopped. They need to be taken out. Period. End of story. The time has come. They have outlived their usefulness. They are a boil on the face of America. 


    The best way for Americans, who profess patriotism to their nation, to express that so called loyalty, is to not vote for any politician who accepts even one dollar from this heinous organization. They are a mafia. I am fine with someone being able to purchase a hunting rifle, or a pistol for self defense. With a deep background check. Gun shows need to be stopped tomorrow. 97% of the guns in the US, that are owned by civilians, are owned by 3% of the population. That is the very definition of a broken nation.


    And did anyone notice that Trump was visited by an NRA lobbyist the day after the shooting? Those fools should not be allowed within 10 miles of the very white house. Trump has sold his soul to the highest bidder. That much is clear to anyone with any vision or understanding. Drain the swamp? How about re-populate it with his own crocodiles. The master of BS continues his crusade of lies.


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