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Everything posted by cusanus

  1. This is Chiang Mai. It's always been the same here as general national rules,
  2. I made the trip, hit by truck near the gas station. Lucky, minor damage to knee and Rebel side panel. Traffic insane. I spoke to the same man I see every year for document inspection pre visa extension. He's extremely particular about those same things. He said there is no rule change, same two bank letters as last year and prior years.
  3. Thanks. Turns out he using the fixed orange passbook; however, he uses an agent and it's the agent telling him it's a new rule. I guess I'll have to drive to Immigration and ask for myself if there's a new rule or my two letters will work come January.
  4. I've never been required a 12 month statement nor several of my friends. Perhaps the 1st letter of the two in my above post is the 12 month statement. I think that's right because it used to be only one letter required, then the 2nd which probably is just one line because there's no activity, but it is NOT a 12 month statement from Bangkok, just the local branch. My friend is upset because suddenly he's asked for a 12 month from the home office and I'm guessing it's because he has a non fixed account.
  5. Ok, so tell me if I've got it. The 12 month statement is for non fixed accounts (in some instances only), but not required for the fixed deposit. Just to make sure so I don't have a problem come January, THANKS!
  6. So when did the 12 months bank statement get added on? I've been doing two bank letters of verification from the local branch for many years, no 12 month statement required. Are you saying we do need a 12 month statement now for a 800,000 baht fixed account?
  7. From Bob, 15 October. "I went to Bangkok Bank to get verification of 800,000 acct for immigration. My agent told me there is a new rule stating we need a hard copy from Bank in Bangkok and that It would take 12 days (I assume working days) to receive it. So, I am on hold. Luckily my one year visa doesn't end until middle of November Are you aware of this or have you done it already?" Sounds fishy to me. The bank didn't tell him that, just the agent. Anyone know about this one?
  8. Any recent information, please. My Thai wife just bought a Mazda 3 with one key only. She ALWAYS loses her keys, so it's very important I get a duplicate somehow. Is The Tesco place still there? My Honda Brio key is also falling apart.
  9. This might help you or someone. I could NOT log in from my PC as it kept saying my account was CLOSED! I was having a fit and can't call help at night. So, went to the app on my android phone and it instead said the account was FROZEN! To unfreeze it, I had to use the fingerprint sensor. That did it. Now it's not closed on the PC. Other than that, I do get kind of tired of these traffic light and crosswalk puzzles to log in, but this is the first time the CLOSED message appeared and Google was no help.
  10. Didn't think a will was necessary for me. As I understood it, half of my two Bangkok bank accounts would go to my (Thai) wife and half to the children. Having just suffered a heart attack, I'm now wondering what qualifies as "children." My kids are in their forties. I don't know where two of them are myself and don't want them to get anything or for my wife to have to wait for that to get ironed out. Do I have to draw up a Thai will to make sure Meaw has quick access to the money when I'm dead? Having a will, I could also add her as a cosigner on the accounts in case I'm languishing in a hospital. If nobody has an answer here, guess I should bring this up at the branch office.
  11. I don't believe you can make an account unless you have a US resident address. I could use one of my kids, but isn't that saying your address is not in Thailand? I'd rather not take that chance. A friend has one, but he made it before moving to Thailand.
  12. Things used to run quite smoothly before covid except for rare mail issues. It should be back to normal next year unless certain politicians find a way to kill Social Security. For fifteen years I received the mailer on time, returned the SASE ordinary postal and forgot about it. I knew one person who could not receive mail from the IRS or SS for several years, but that was fixed this last year finally.
  13. We forget about the fax number. What's wrong with using that? Anyway, it's not necessary to use a fax machine. On your computer you can go to HelloFax (Google it). It works great, keeps a record of past faxes, received or not, etc. Been using it for years, even for SSA a few years back. Not sure if it works with Android. The fax number I used back then was 410-966-6782, no idea if it still works. Thanks for the new number.
  14. Mine was sent 15 June, processed 29 June. Record time.
  15. Too early? If you call outside the EST window that's all you would ever get, so how does *67 cause them to beam up all dressed up and instantly appear at work in the middle of the night? if your POTS number was assigned to Montana, you'd have to make sure it was in the EST window, no problem. Well, that used to work until recently, but no longer I find. The SSA senses it doesn't originate from the EST area even if the time is okay, yeah, weird, so I had to use a VPN, but that didn't work until I used a New York server. Using *67 might work, but you didn't explain how. Maybe tell us that. Maybe you should try again and see if it still does.
  16. Maybe I can help clear up some things if you haven't read my last message or two. Most everyone whose form was processed seems to be getting a second notice that they shouldn't. There was never a problem for most before covid, so try to be patient. Also, if you have a VPN and set the server for New York (try another if that fails) you will get answered by a human who can tell you if your form is processed. Use Skype, Google Voice, all work fine if using the right VPN server. The special operations number wasn't taking calls last week so I used 1-800-772-1213 . If your 7162 was NOT received, the SSA changes your address to match your last IRS 1040, YES they do, so it's a good idea to file a 1040 even if you don't have to, also so you can collect stimulus payments by direct payment to your bank. When you call it takes several minutes wait listening to boilerplate BS before a person answers. If you're not hooked to the right VPN server, they'll say it isn't during working hours, so change servers and try again. I'm not defending the system, but it works super well normally, PO is 99.99% reliable, no need for tracking, no need to bother, but it's easy to call if you know how. My friend I care for is good now, too, finally receiving mail even though the last form sent is wrong, I'm sure her's was processed along with mine since I sent them in together. Don't let this get under your skin. If you don't have a VPN or know how to do that, find a computer geek friend who can help, sit down about 8PM over a cup of coffee while calling up using Skype or Google Voice or Magic Jack and you'll get confirmation. If you send in a filled in blank 7162 w/o barcode, don't forget to add your SS# in the box at right and COC code 929. This about covers it.
  17. Ok, got through finally using Google voice and VPN server in New York, 800-772-1213. Guy was very helpful, confirmed that my form was logged June 29. Must assume my friend's was, too, though w/o barcode since they don't send her mail. Apparently no way to fix that problem since nobody knows why. Oh, yeah, Magic Jack works, too, as long as connected VPN server in New York. The guy told me he was in the Wilkes-Barre building at the time, that there are boxes of thousands of 7162 forms waiting to be processed.
  18. Well, SOL with both Google Voice and MJ. SS knows the call is originating out of the country, so the guy will say they aren't open. If I'd kept my Google Voice I could still use legacy mode and route the Google call through MJ, but I let it lapse and the new version won't let you do that anymore, damn. Using a VPN doesn't seem to work, either. A cell call costs a fortune, so it appears there's no way to talk to a rep anymore. IRS calls are probably also set up that way now. Has anyone got a cheap way to call the US gov anymore? OH WAIT! I'm finally on hold using Google Voice w/o having to route it through Magic Jack. Son of a gun. Blew 200+ baht. But Google Voice does work. Maybe it's because of the time, but it's 10:45 in New York and they open at 8:00, so I don't know why it's working now. Oh, yeah, sure. I changed my VPN server to New York. But my charge doesn't have a VPN. Oh, sht.
  19. Boy, what a mess. SS no longer honors Magic Jack calls except tagged after hours, so you can't talk to someone. The Operations number works (if you have VPN), but they aren't taking calls tonight. There's a way to bypass the country block with Google Voice, but I let mine lapse, hardly used it. So, you have to use paid cell bahts or a Magic Jack Google Voice trick, not sure I even remember how to do that. My first try with cell tonight used 100 bahts or so, then the call was dropped... Doesn't look like a personal call will go through tonight, but will fill out the form and type the remarks in red about not getting mail, not having eight forms already mailed tallied, and well, could be no benefits come February. I don't see the point of using EMS or such because there's almost zero chance it won't get delivered, the problem clearly is the backlog. For the guy who said they don't always honor them without barcodes, I've never had that problem Make SURE you add your SS number in the field at right or they won't know who you are. Also put in the COC for Thailand, 929. Meanwhile, I've been paying 12call now for about fifteen minutes waiting for a rep. Will probably get dropped again. YEP! I started with about 250 baht, ran out of bahts a few minutes ago after about a half hour. Tried changing VPN servers, no go. Screwed.
  20. Will again call the Office of Earnings & International Operations 410-965-0160 in an hour and give them an earful. Will post the outcome for you. Then I'll send the forms again with a copy of the postal receipt for the June 30 batch and complain about lack of mail for my charge. Eight forms sent so far in four batches and none tallied. The office said it was received via phone, but now the letter says it wasn't. In five years nothing sent to my charge despite hours of phone calls and numerous mail queries. Looks like SS wasn't too hot to start, but it's a real mess post covid.
  21. In June I mailed a copy to FBU Manila, another to Wilkes-Barre PO Box, a third to Wilkes-Barre street address, then in July got the form and mailed in the enclosed SASE. Did each of those again to the disabled person I'm responsible for, so that makes a 100% chance mail is received going by 17 years experience, but less than 13% mail to SS is received. Very unsettling. Should mention that the person I care for lost her benefits in 2018 even though she hadn't been here long enough to trigger a form so it wasn't right for her to lose benefits. And more... despite hours and hours of phone calls numerous times, she has NEVER once received anything from SS except test mails when talking on the phone. Nobody responds when asked why.
  22. Bad news. I sent filled out 7162 forms to three places meant to handle them in June, then got the first mailer early July, sent that in with the return mailer, then called the number and was told it had been received. Now I get the second one today which indicates it wasn't received. VERY UNHAPPY!
  23. Believe the CM Photo Group is no longer on the 3rd floor of the airport plaza. Great printing, but couldn't find it today.
  24. Office representative of : Social Security Administration Office of Earnings & International Operations Telephone number: 410-965-0160 ------------------------------- Acknowledgment confirmed for me. Less trouble than tracking IMHO.
  25. Why not call the special number to find out if it's been acknowledged? I provided the number a couple of weeks ago. Who wants me to dig it up again?
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