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Posts posted by cusanus

  1. 11 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    I was there for an "appointment" to get a visa conversion.  Imm set the time specifically for 2pm.  I think the poster that talked about 6:30 was there to queue for a retirement extension (the queue that mixes students and retirees). 


    Just a note about "frail, elderly", Imm seems to have "priority lines" for this (see picture of sign I saw at Promenanda).


    Sorry your quote of my post got you busted ?

    Haha, THANKS, I'd forgotten. Will be there this morning. 

  2. 3 hours ago, NancyL said:

    Something about arriving early in the dark...

    my post was removed because of the quote, oh well, but just how early were you talking about? And if a frail, elderly lady with a walker might get a break? Someone recently posted that he arrived at 6:30 and all went well. Khosimada went in the afternoon, I don't quite understand that, but it's a different route for visa conversions I guess. 

  3. 8 hours ago, amexpat said:

    "First, if you're already in Thailand, you MUST have a TM30 stub stapled near the last page of your passport."

            I don't have one. Never in 10 years.


    "you MUST have a photocopy of the owners Thai ID card and owner's house book (his/her proof of ownership)"

            Never had that but I did get a certificate of residency twice.


    "if you don't the OWNER must accompany you ASAP to Immigration"



    I MUST be a lucky guy. 

    Read the instructions. So you don't have a TM30 stub? Many don't, and the law wasn't enforced 10 years ago, but now it is. Times have changed. I've been through the TM30 procedure many times. If the owner is registered such as a hotel, it doesn't need to be in person. For me and my friends, the owner (my wife in my case) had to go in person with their Thai ID and fill in the form as many have found out. Again, read the document, this is what he's being told to do. If you don't have the TM30 then you could be denied the visa and most likely will be fined 1600 baht. You're not a lucky guy, just arrogant and not very bright. The TM30 MUST be stamped within 24 hours. Read the law. So often as in your case it isn't, and many people don't bother, but when you're applying for a visa you are likely to be turned down if it isn't. The owner has to show proof of ownership. Read the instructions, then read Kohsimada's post, and maybe save yourself a hassle when you get your next extension. For him, the TM30 was required. But not for you, you're a lucky guy. Damn. 

  4. 23 hours ago, Kohsamida said:
    23 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    Ya know, if you guys who are replying in such a negative way don't want to provide any useful information, that's fine but please don't insinuate I should not be concerned by this information sheet that IMM gave me when I made my appointment.  It is DIFFERENT than what they told me and showed me while in their office.  So, naturally I am a little concerned!

    All right, I've really offended you, not remembering your problem as thought it had been answered well. I've done the conversion several times myself, just not within Thai borders, but it shouldn't differ. Let us focus on the #2 and #3 of the Residence Document instructions that you seem to indicate is the cause of your confusion. First, if you're already in Thailand, you MUST have a TM30 stub stapled near the last page of your passport. Now I remember, been here, done that. Next, for a permanent visa more is needed. You MUST have a lease/rental agreement for a permanent residence, RIGHT? Get one if you don't. That will NOT necessarily suffice, so you MUST have a photocopy of the owners Thai ID card and owner's house book (his/her proof of ownership). Go to your owner and GET THOSE NOW. The owner should know exactly what they are and supply them readily. #4, the TM30 you're supposed to have, but if you don't the OWNER must accompany you ASAP to Immigration upstairs at Promenada and bring those same documents. Savvy? And if you don't have the TM30 stub stapled in your passport, you will pay I believe 1600 baht. This is abundantly clear in the instructions, so I'm not sure if I've done any better. Everybody has to jump through those same hoops. Try it now. 

    • Sad 1
  5. On 6/9/2018 at 10:10 AM, Kohsamida said:

    Exactly.  Both of my sticking points make no sense to me and probably will turn out to be unimportant.  Nonetheless, I can’t afford to have my application rejected because im missing something.  

    By now the thread has gotten stale, though memory seems that you're questions were answered. You sure don't need a house book for a visa extension, just a TM30 stamp, which you said you had. Have signed copies of your passport, a couple of photos ready, whatever else has been mentioned, then relax.

  6. 21 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    Just an update for those who are curious about applying for a change of Visa (Tourist to Non-O) with intention to get 1 year extension for retirement at Promenada Mall.  This is my experience (yours may vary).  

    Exactly what I was asking for, a recent report and a good one. Thanks a lot.  

  7. 23 hours ago, NancyL said:

    You should apply to use the "Priority Lane" for your very frail friend.  Perhaps you can go out to Imm. in advance during the day and inquire as to how to access it.  The rules seem to change from time-to-time.  You may need a letter from a doctor, but in general, if someone looks very frail, in a wheelchair, very elderly, Imm. has been pretty understanding about letting a friend request the "Priority Lane" for them.  At least they have in the past.  Things seem to have changed since Songkran.  New sheriff in town at the office.

    Thanks, a decent answer. Guess it's not possible to predict the current wait time. Should have known better than to wade into <deleted> territory.  

  8. 17 hours ago, Sparkles said:

    Well if you have been following this thread ,which I presume you have,there are no 2 days the same at Imm so doubt you will get a definitive answer it will be  purely speculation.Your options, that have been also well covered before on this thread, are either rent a line sitter or an Agent.The former will be far cheaper.


    21 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    Im wondering too.  Is this your first application for an extension or are you renewing an existing extension?  The post I read about arriving so early was referring to renewing an extension I believe.  Not sure if there’s a distinction in terms of how long the line is.  Just trying to sort out the facts because I am converting a tourist visa to non-O and will be facing this in a few months too.

    This year was my 13th renewal, very familiar with the procedures and good friends with some of the officials, have never had any problems. But will soon be assisting a very fragile person to get her extension and don't want her to sit all night or strike out. The lines in my experience are far from random but go in cycles. I'll have to bring her about 6:30 I guess, see how it goes. I've never had need of an agent and see no advantage to it for anybody, but different strokes for different folks. If there's any serious problem I expect I'll get help, probably foolish of me to plumb the forum.   

  9. 3 hours ago, Thailand said:

    Oh dear no wonder he is confused.


    100% he has to get an appointment , it's the most important part of the process to change tourist visa to "o" pending application of "extension of stay" based on retirement.

    Yeah, that's changed since I came. The blue page of instructions is for after the O is received. Just take the passport and copies and make an appointment to change to Non-O. What's so hard about that? 

  10. 24 minutes ago, Kohsamida said:

    I probably am making more of this than there is but Promenada is far away (I'm over at CMU during the daytime).  The whole thing that's got me messed up is know which things I need to simply make the appointment.  I know what the full requirements are for applying for the "change of Visa"(see attachment), but I don't know what I have to provide when I apply for the appointment, and what I don't have to provide until the date of the appointment. Complicating it further is that various people on Thai Visa have different definitions of what fulfills the TM30 requirement.  Some say I have to have the actual TM30 and that the "receipt" is something IMM gives me with a stamp on it once I present them with the TM30 (which makes no sense to me really).


    I think I can help if the blue instruction page is official instruction. Don't fret the TM30, all they want is the receipt which should be stapled near the back of your passport, so let that go. Nancy I think mentioned that you do NOT have an appointment yet so you MUST go in ASAP or wait up to 6 weeks.  Maybe, but it looks to me like you don't need an appointment, I sure didn't, just get there within 30 days of your visa expiration to make the application. In any case, I'd go in NOW to be on the safe side. My first year I did use a bank letter for proof of foreign income meeting a certain level, but you could save yourself that trouble by going to the embassy and paying about 1800 baht to make a notarized declaration of monthly income. If that is less than 800,000 annual, then also take your bank book to show that you have the difference in your Thai bank currently.  If you don't have a letter from the bank do that ASAP and if not, get to the Embassy ASAP for the income statement. You have to book Tue or Thu online, you can't just walk in like once you could. Just down the street from the American embassy about a block or so there is a photo shop where you can drop in and get that photo done. Then scoot over to Promenada and see if you can do the application on the spot or beg them to book an appointment ASAP.  I'm pretty sure that's all you need, and I rather expect that Immigration will gladly fix you up with what comes next. If you don't have copies or photos when you get there, you can do those at Promenada, just takes a bit more time. If this is just to convert to a 90 day and you need an appointment to bridge the gap, they'll surely explain it to you. Oh, oh, for how long is the bank letter or income verification good? Could be you'll need to do those over, but at least get to Promenada and find out where you stand.  

  11. 1 hour ago, Kohsamida said:

    I thought I was all set with what you told me before but now I am told I do NOT need to get the TM30 or submit a TM86 or get photo or copies of passport pages, and should just go over and que up with only the Receipt of notification that my landlord filed the TM30, a copy of my lease, and my passport.  Just trying to understand what to show up with, and it seems that nobody seems to agree on what's required to "make an appointment"

    Whenever I go to Immigration for any reason, I take signed copies of my passport. Usually, that's what they want, if not I can use them for the next 90 day report (which is more convenient by EMS unless you prefer the trip, like I do). The TM30 receipt (stub) should be stapled in your passport, anyway. Is taking a copy of your lease a problem? If so, you have your TM30 receipt, don't you. It seems to me that you're worried a lot about very little. The first few years I was here I carried a bag that had all sorts of records that I didn't need but was anxious until I got more comfortable.  Maybe being well prepared will help you relax. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Kohsamida said:

    Well, there is absolutely no question that you can convert from Tourist Visa to Non-O from within Thailand, and specifically in Chaing Mai.  If you glanced at any of the other posts of this thread, that should have been obvious.  Thanks for the reply though

    So it seems to be the case now, but it wasn't always. The Immigration link wasn't clear on CM, so good to double check, thanks for the curt reply, you obviously know exactly what you're doing. Anyway, I'm concerned about the status of wait time for retirement extension and want to be monitoring that situation, so someone help me out. The last 3 years I've gone in about 6:30AM and been out by near 10:00, but recent posts indicate you're likely to strike out even if coming as early as 3:00AM. This isn't exactly my concern, but I'll be helping a disabled, very fragile person get this done in a couple of weeks. She uses a walker and I can't see her waiting all night. How long can we expect the traffic jam to last?  I suppose I could sit on a stool for her and arrange transportation for her later. Thanks in advance for any recent reports or suggestions. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    No, I have not gone to apply for appointment yet.  Up until today I was pretty confused about the details.  I still am actually.  Please tell me if you think I finally understand this correctly:


    1) Day #1:  I will get a copy of the TM30 by presenting the receipt given to me by my landlord (proof that he filed it) on Day 1.  I will be given an actual copy of the TM30.  I do this at Promenada on 2nd Fl. (I'm not sure if the actual TM30 is necessary or if the receipt that proves my landlord filed it is sufficient, but I need the TM30 anyway because I need a Certificate of Residency since I will also be applying for a Thai Drivers License.).


    1) Day #2:  I return to 2nd floor office at Promenada by 8:30am to queue in line for an "appointment" to convert a Tourist Visa to a Non-O.  At this time, if I am granted an appointment date, I will provide a completed TM86, a copy of the TM30, show my passport, and provide photocopies of all passport pages.  Bank letters are NOT required at this time.  I leave Promenada with a appointment date


    3) On date of Appointment, I provide two banks letters (one a guarantor to verify I have an account with 800,000 Baht, and another letter that proves that the funds came from outside of Thailand.


    At conclusion of appointment, my application will either be approved or denied.  If approved, I will leave Promenada with the Non-O Visa attached to my passport


    Do I have this right?  Am I missing anything?

    I'm not always right, but suspect you're wrong about the conversion. I first did exactly that 13 years ago and believe the same rules apply. You couldn't then convert tourist to non-O in Thailand, you had to go across the border. I'm certain Penang (Butterworth) still does this, but the easiest is Vientiane. I'm just not sure now that Vientiane can do this still Now IF you've had a non-O previously, I'm pretty sure you can go to Mae Sot instead, a lot closer. I made a mistake on my retirement visa in 2008 and had to go through the procedure again, but was directed to just to go Mae Sot, cross over to Burma, and return with the non-O. As sure of all this as I thought I was, there are a lot of others here who might have a clearer understanding as of now, so let them speak up. It does appear that things have changed. Indeed, Siam-attorney dot com says you can convert in Bangkok, , and this prior Thaivisa thread on this subject says you can do it in Thailand, but only in Bangkok or Pattaya, so, somebody who's more up on this speak up....  


  14. 20 hours ago, Kohsamida said:

    Re COPY OF TM-30:  Can somebody tell me if I need to get an actual copy of a TM-30 when I apply for a "Change of Visa" (changing from Tourist Visa to Non-O...TM86) OR is the receipt my landlord gave me as proof he filed the TM-30 all that is required?  The receipt was generated from https://extranet.immigration.go.th/. and I am attaching a snapshot of it.


    I really do not want to stand in line at Promenada for hours to get the actual form if the receipt is all that is necessary.  The whole process of applying for the change of visa is complicated and time-consuming enough without adding another day to retrieve this form if I don't have to.

    I can't give a firm answer, but a stub from Immigration is required to be stapled into your passport. You should go to the trouble to follow the rules even if unclear what problems may result. This is what mine looks like.. 


  15. 23 hours ago, jeffandgop said:

    2am. Arrived at CM IMM to process my retirement extension of stay. 6 chairs ahead of me with bits of paper on them indicating seat holders but they’re nowhere to be seen.

    3am. More seat holders arrive. 2 guys add 5 more stools to the line. The seat holders in front of me no one has shown. So 14 stools in line and except for me no one else is actually here tho a few sitters are walking around elsewhere. 

    4am. 16 stools lined up. Still no seat holders actually at their stools but some are outside where there is air flow and are laying down or sleeping on the stairs and grounds. 
    Wow, that's really crazy. I usually show up about 7:00AM and am about 8th in line, one time even first, out by 10:30. But a few years ago it was mobbed and I was told 2:00AM. Wife and I came at midnight and didn't get home until 4PM the next day. I thought that was just confusion setting up Promenada, but apparently traffic jams still occur from time to time.  


  16. 23 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

    I mailed mine last week and checked the tracking yesterday.  No problem with the tracking.  I stopped using the EMS return because it was a bother to be home to sign for it. As someone said above, as long I can show Immigration received it and I have the receipt, that is good enough.

    Yeah, I think I'll do it that way next time, but I'm gonna save the last one that was covered in stamps. 

  17. On 3/8/2018 at 10:27 AM, atyclb said:

    I have had a porcelain crown also in Bangkok at a smile dental office in a mall. normal price about 5800 baht. what is price u paid?

    Elite Smile here in CM will charge 15,000 for a zirconia crown, 10,000 for porcelain/metal mix, I believe, so you did well. The gov hospital is charging me 8,000 for zirconia, 6,000 for porcelain and 4,000 for porcelain/metal, so, yeah, you got a great price though you might have been charged for x-rays and visits. 

  18. On 3/6/2018 at 2:16 PM, elektrified said:

    Has anyone else been able to track their 90-day post recently? In about 9 months now, I can no longer track the return (new date to report). It always shows up at my house but is never scanned so no way to track it. Now, the last 2 times (6 months), even the outgoing report is not trackable anymore. ....  That makes things a little difficult, not knowing if it got there or not??? ... "always keeps your P.O. receipt."

    Ideally, you should use EMS for mailing in and for the return envelope, anyway that's always worked for me and I've always been able to track. Sometimes I wait as long as 12 days to get the return stub, but this last time it only took THREE days, wow, just bang. Also, this last time the clerk was not on top of it and sealed the envelopes before recording the EMS number inside  He started then to tear open the flap for the 2nd time and I said, never mind, good sir, mai pen rai, if they got it that's plenty good enough. I was amazed at the return stamps put on the envelope, I should scan and upload a pic of that, every available space covered with a stamp. Anyway, I've known people who have been mailing their 90 day report for 10 years, never had a problem, but do keep your postal receipt that is proof you mailed it just in case. 

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