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Posts posted by cusanus

  1. That one looks easy, computer plaza, Pantip plaza even better, even the Big C near Sanpatong. But I could use a little help with an internal computer USB3->USB2MB adapter. Had to buy a new computer case which had, of course, the front USB ports which I can't use because the MB plug is for a USB3 and I have USB2 on the MB. The guy at the puter plaza told me where I could get one, but I didn't catch it exactly. I'd check around but live in Sanpatong. If you don't know exactly, don't answer because I'll eventually get to Pantip and back to the Computer Plaza. They're about 270 bahts in the states, but it would be 700 baht shipping, ouch. Here's what they look like..  


  2. Chiang Mai = Elite Dental, I got five Osstem titanium implants and seven zirconia crowns, not fees for x rays and visits, the fee was 46,000 per implant but I think I paid 5,000 baht extra for zirconia. I would NEVER get implants anywhere else, superb work, the guy is as good as they come. I had to wait five weeks for the lower teeth before the caps were done, three months for the upper. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, EricTh said:

    The main shops don't sell these types of motorbikes. Try the second hand shops near Ruam Chok mall, you can find many used bikes there.

    I'll head there if the Honda dealer near the Airport Plaza doesn't have them. How did they get the 2nd hand onex in the first place? They were new once.

  4. Hello. I live in the Sanpatong area and don't get to CM that often. I'm trying to find a dealer who sells small three wheel motorbikes such as the Honda Gyro. You'd think I could figure that out, but I need specific directions. Yes, I know they are sold somewhere, just can't get a fix on it.  Not for me, I'm happy with my Grand Filano, but a friend is too frail for that. 

    Thanks for your help. 

  5. 9 hours ago, NancyL said:

    After a difficult day of explaining to yet another 75+ year old on long overstay in a hospital why he has to leave the country and then working with the Consulates on yet another "managed deportation". 

    Dang, it's hell to be getting old. Even though I barely made it out of the USA alive, though, I'm very fortunate with great health and plenty of bucks/bahts and a good Thai wife and family to ensure that I live out my days in comfort and finally spread my ashes over the flower garden out front.  Mostly, I'm hoping I haven't blown the deal I made with the big fella 38 years ago.  Also hope my dental implants hold out. Most of my enemies are long dead from alcohol and cigarettes, and I do figure I should be able to do better than my sad, bad old dad who should be 91 this year. 

  6. On 2/16/2018 at 7:29 PM, JimGant said:

    First I've heard of that......


    When I've done the TM47 by mail, I've been told to include the existing TM47 receipt in the package.....

    When you go in person, that's what they do with the new TM47 after tossing the old one. A photocopy of that page with the old notification unfolded has always been acceptable, but then you might be following directions a bit closer than some of us. The directions I used to see seem to be gone now along with the Chiang Mai Immigration web page so I can't reference that, while the newer Immigration web page supports your understanding.  I'll have to do it your way from now on to be on the safe side.  http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/90-day-reporting-immigration.php

  7. On 2/15/2018 at 5:03 PM, JimGant said:

    Did they ask for your TM30? How about proof of residency? Was the "one entry I had missed" something the rest of us might overlook too?

    The TM30 "stub" is supposed to be stapled into your passport and a TM47 receipt (90 day notification) is also supposed to be stapled in towards the end of the passport. Then you're supposed to have a photocopy of your passport with those items unfolded so they can be seen. Now, only certain pages are required, but I'd rather have them pull those out than risk missing a page, so I copy the whole thing, never had any complaints or questions. I also mail the 90 day report, TM47, and when the receipt comes back I take the old one out, fold the new one and staple it in AFTER scanning a copy into the computer. I keep a PDF copy of all the pages of my passport, inserting and/or replacing ones that need updating from time to time, such as re entry permits, visa extensions, new TM47 or TM30 receipts, then print that out for mailing at the deadline. If I didn't have a computer, of course, I'd have to visit a copy shop nearby and make the copies that way. If anybody has a computer, though, you might find it easier to use a scanner/printer and a PDF file. There is also a fillable TM47 in PDF format for that purpose, so you don't have to fill it out every time, just sign the printout. 

  8. 4 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Then I sat there while one girl highlighted everything then passed my file to the IO. After another wait, then a photo taken by another guy, and I was told to go to a seat and wait. Must have been ten minutes or so before I got my extension in my passport. Out by 3.30 pm - a nine hour turnaround. 


    One IO, less than 30 wanting an extension, but still a lengthy process for me. At least no Visa agent fee. 

    Wow, a lot more hassle than I've experienced. the last two years My last time around I also got there at 6:30, number 11, and done by 10Am. Year before same time, number 3 and done about 9:30. But the year before that I came about 8AM and was turned away, came back at midnight, sat all night, wasn't done until about 3:30PM. But I see no reason for your long wait. BTW, is the new Immigration building near the airport to be in operation by end of this year?Anybody have an answer for that?

  9. 6 hours ago, Changoverandout said:

    My wife has now had all upper teeth removed and will have either ‘all on 6’ or all on 4. The cost in India is between 90,000 and 136,000 baht equivalent and will take 12 days, a 4/5 month gap then 12-14 days.


    Visas, fights, hotel and food etc add about another 120,000 which is still cheaper than here. Also India gives 10 year guarantee but Thai dentists I’ve asked only give one year.

    The question in my mind is what brand of implant she will get and what material to be used for the caps. That's awfully cheap, or inexpensive might be a better term. And for the equivalent brand and material in Thailand what is the cost of that? Hope this works out, you'll have to keep us posted.

  10. 24 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

    Why post something if it is not meant to be read. 

    Did you not want anyone to read it?  Sorry if I invaded your privacy!


    PS;  I've just remembered; this is a Public Forum isn't it?



    Get some counseling, fella. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean everyone didn't. 

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  11. 20 hours ago, scottiejohn said:



    I am really pleased you enjoyed your "ego trip".

    A one paragraph synopsis with a conclusion at the end would have been even more helpful!

    You didn't have to read it. I thought it was all in good fun, but maybe you're suffering from some hangups in this area. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Gruff said:

    I did not think i would ever say this but there are completely herbal tablets out there that really do work. Don't know if you can get it in Thailand but 'DriveMax 'is one example. It may wll be worth giving a few of the herbals a try. Would be about 60 baht a tablet.


    Thanks. I did try Horny Goat Weed, but it didn't really do anything expect after about 10 days my blood pressure fell hard and my heart rate shot up too high. I nearly passed out a few times before figuring it out. Anything you order is likely to come courier and if it's herbal or mineral or vitamin it will be snatched by customs, and you'll have to go to their office and argue. You might be waived through but more likely it will be held for ransom or destroyed. Not pleasant. Yeah, there's one plant that grows here, forget what it's called, has a strong reputation for that, darn, can't remember the name, but I looked high and low and couldn't find it. 

  13. Hopefully, I can clear up some confusion on this topic. I've used Sidegra (Thailand's generic viagra) for a while. It's quite cheap at about 200 baht for four 50mg tabs, about the right dosage for an average bloke like me. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work and has caused progressively worsening stomach upset. Taking a good dose of bicarbonate of soda helps, especially in advance. Still, the last time I took it, I'd had a beer a few hours before and was quite ill for two days. 
    So, checking out Cialis. Uh oh, four 20mg tabs is a bit more or less than 2000 baht. Ouch! I'll save anyone the task of finding generic Cialis. Watch out if you're offered that name, because it is still the same active ingredient as Viagra/Sidegra. From a real authority on Thai drugs, it is NOT possible to find real generic Cialis in Thailand, at least not legally. I've checked at least a dozen drugstores in Chiang Mai and nada. I have seen a couple of websites claiming that they can deliver it at a modest price, but I wouldn't take that chance because it's a given that customs would squash it. 

    Let's put a bit more thought into it. A 10mg dose of Cialis is equivalent to 50mg Sidegra, so the adjusted price of a four pack of eight dozes (split the tabs in half) is 1000 baht. That's still 5x the price, surely still not as much bang for the baht, but if it works and doesn't make you sick, then it might be worth it depending on your situation.  Having married a stunning Thai woman with a marvelous shape, I'd hate to lose that aspect of our good times, ; however, as I grudgingly approach 70, the old taliwhacker has gotten terribly weak. Even the wife's skilled fingers have trouble waking it up. 

    So I bit the bullet and got a four pack of Cialis. I understood a 2.5mg daily dose should work fine, so I took 2.5mg about 3pm the first day, then went to my grand daughter's birthday where I foolishly drank two cokes laced with a good bit of whiskey, ate a large amount of shrimp, squid and fatty pork. Even on a normal day that should have put my digestive track into deep trauma, and 50mg SIdegra would have surely put me out commission for a few days. However, I was pleasantly surprised that I felt just fine, even after popping another 2.5mg about 7pm. By 9:30 we were in bed, and I was still feeling terrific, except that I couldn't stay awake. I went into a profound slumber for nearly an hour, but still painfully aware that I had probably blown the chance with too much food and alcohol.  In any case, it didn't seem like it would have mattered because Kilroy wasn't going to budge, even though a half sleep can sometimes rouse him a bit. 

    Finally, I shook off the drowsies and gave it a try. To eveyone's amazement, the alter ego rose to the challenge and performed like a champion. Holy Guacamole, Batman, I even came a hair's width from hitting the Golden Buzzer. Thankfully, it's never a difficult or unwelcome chore to pop that cork.   
    Conclusion. Tenatively, it seems 10mg of cialis will do the job just fine and cause no upset stomach or other nasty symptoms that Sidegra/Viagra does, at least not in my case. Is CIalis worth it? I have a couple of Sidegras left and will give them another chance, but doubt I can tolerate them anymore. My wife is winding down as well, being only 9 years younger, so we're both resigned to fading out, but we're not dead yet. She's also tight in more ways than one, so she probably wouldn't agree, but she's still got a delicious shape and I can justify using Cialis once in a while.  I'd take the 2.5mg a day some do, but that's just too much moolah.  I'll have to check out the Kamagra jelly. 

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  14. 14 hours ago, NancyL said:

    The POA form that is intended for a spouse's use can be produced in the same format using the word "friend", "caregiver" or "brother/daughter, etc" (if that is indeed the relationship) instead of "spouse" or "wife".  No problem.  The person who is representing the applicant must list their complete name as on their passport or Thai ID and bring this identification with them to Immigration.


    Right after the coup, Immigration tried to institute a policy that the Medical Certificate or Doctor's Letter had to come from a gov't hospital.  Clearly this isn't realistic.  Now they recognize major hospitals and clinics.  However, in the past they'd had problems with doctors practicing in fly-by-night clinics writing Doctor's Letters for Immigration.  

    Well written, thanks, but not sure I've got it down. So, the disabled person doesn't have to be a spouse, that's the impression I got from the Immigration officer last week. Ok. Also, no need for an MD certification if the person isn't in the hospital but simply quite frail? Right? Seeing a doctor can involve a lengthy ordeal as well if that's the only reason. In this case she could brave the queue and wait at Immigration, but it is a burden. I was told it was easy to Google up the form but alas I haven't tried, so can you post a link or advise on where best to obtain the form? There is no problem with the 800,000 baht issue, but I sense anxiety in older people, even Thai, over possible future medical expenses, but the harsh reality is that Medicare may pay, but there is no support structure in the home country, nobody willing to pick up the slack for paying bills, making repairs, buying groceries, etc. For the time being, my one friend can use a walker and sit comfortably on it while waiting at the queue. Feedback on the expedited option isn't that good, either, it's up the stairs and has its own hassles even if some time is saved. I have to try to find that form...  

  15. 44 minutes ago, cusanus said:

    Doubt you can find a manual in English. I'm not sure about the remote button either, but it should become apparent with a little more experimenting. You can lock the steering which I've done a few times. Only 50 k so far, 50.4 mileage give or take. 

    Ok, got it figured. The "Intelligent Smart Key" is an Answer Back gimmick. Say you've forgotten exactly where you parked or can't pin down your location in the mass of cycles common in Thailand, or perhaps it's been stolen and you're on the hunt...  If you click the smart button on the key, the lights on the cycle will flash so you know where it is. Got it. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

    I'm delighted with mine. I still don't know what the remote button on the key is for and still don't have a manual in English

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Doubt you can find a manual in English. I'm not sure about the remote button either, but it should become apparent with a little more experimenting. You can lock the steering which I've done a few times. Only 50 k so far, 50.4 mileage give or take. 

  17. 1 hour ago, AllanB said:

    Mine was already set, ask the dealer.

    I tinkered with it for a while and finally got it set. The trick is hitting the button twice at the right time to trick the LCD into showing hours or minutes, then using the same button to advance the time. When the numbers were right, I just switched off the key. You have to get a bit lucky if you don't have it down yet. 

  18. 2 hours ago, VIBE said:

    Hey, if she is happy with it than thats great.  But I did not like you quoting the incorrect prices, when you admit you did not remember.  There is nothing wrong with a topper from BigC, but, it will not be the same quality as Latex Innovations, and I don't really care if you believe it or not.  Funny that you say you had to drag her to shops and cause her suffering when you could have saved her all that pain by just ordering online and waiting for it to be delivered.  Oh, and pure latex is NOT just a word, its an actual commodity with a global market and prices.  But ignorance is bliss, is it not?


    So are you calling everyone that purchased Mams products a fool?  All the happy users and positive comments mean nothing?  Its comments like yours and your attitude that has pushed me away from posting in this forum on a regular basis.

    You may not like it, but I said I didn't remember. It's obvious you have a liking for Mam, but 13k or 20k the point is the same. Taking her to the shops was a necessary chore to ensure she got the things she needed and wanted, try to have mercy on the consumer and not accuse her helper of unnecessary cruelty. Ordering online and not knowing for sure what will arrive ensures a painful outcome. And pure latex is a just a word unless I have certification from an independent lab, and even then that doesn't translate to better quality, nor is there any proof you can provide that she didn't end up with pure latex or a safe, non-toxic, equivalent, nor is there any certifiable documentation that the Big C shop wasn't selling the same quality, only your word for it. What really isn't good etiquette is implying that the buyer here was ignorant, that's the kind of talk that gets people excited. What I said was, before you twisted my words, is that I would be a fool to buy something unseen just based on advertising claims, especially one third the amount for half again the price. Did you say you were related to Mam, have an interest in the business, or are a salesman, because you sure do talk like a salesman. I saw the comments from satisfied customers, but I'd rather see for myself, especially when I don't personally know them and can't confirm they are real. 

  19. 12 hours ago, Mapguy said:

    Cusanas' post is defnitely one of the more thoughtful and useful of many observations on recent experiences at Immigration in Chiang Mai, which I have been monitoring and commenting upon for more than ten years. I don't agree altogether with his advice, but I the general gist of the post is useful.

    My sincere THANKS! Let me make a correction, NOT a POW form (haha, Prisoner of War), but a POA form (Power of Attorney) that I was told could be used for a proxy for a seriously disabled person to save them the trip to Immigration. He told I could find it on Google, but I'm having my doubts and haven't tried to find it yet. In any case, a POA I would think would require a notary, but even so only a brief trip if it works. Stand by and I'll let you know. 

  20. 11 hours ago, VIBE said:

    You can't remember but then state a price of 20,000 THB and say its expensive?  The largest 7.5cm topper Latex Innovations sells is a kingsize, and costs 13,199 THB.  Twin size is 9299 THB.?  Why don't you poke your head into all the shops around Chiangmai that are selling REAL natural latex products and check their prices and compare them to Latex Innovations?  They are way way more.  Mam has not raised her prices for over 5 years, even though the factory has.  She still sells extremely high quality natural latex for a great price.




    Quality of latex ranges.  A cheaper topper is cheaper for a reason.  Nothing wrong with a cheaper topper that is not 100%, but it is NOT the same as sleeping on pure latex.  If you have never experienced it then yes, you would not know that it is better.



    So you say, and maybe you're right, but what real difference does it make? I have to take your word for it that it's better quality than the one I see at Big C and wait until it arrives by mail to find out otherwise? In any case, the mattress at Koncept was listed for 19K+ and on sale for 9k for a full king size 10" thick mattress, a whole lot less than 13k for a measly 7.5 cm topper, pure latex is just a word.  Sure, you'll insist that Mam's is far higher quality, but that won't mean anything to this disabled woman who has been resting peacefully on this one for three months, is delighted with a great bargain and thinks nothing could possibly be more pleasantly comfortable. Ok, I could drag her around with her walker to several more shops than the three we checked out before stumbling onto the one at Koncept, but that would have surely landed her in the hospital. I could also have gambled that you weren't peddling hyperbole and ordered Mam's topper sight unseen, but I'm not that much of a fool. What it boils down to is that the woman who needed something badly found more than her heart's desire for a very modest price and has been happy with it for a few months now.  Sorry, but throwing around words like experiencing pure latex doesn't mean much. You have to have demonstrate the fact. 

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  21. Got mine yesterday brand new. I'm delighted, great for an old man and I feel like a kid again. Had my Fino for ten years and it was great, the Filano is a bit smoother and classier ride. Two big questions, though. Can't figure out how to set the time (yet) and that leads to the next, how to find or download an English manual. 

  22. Time to exercise my civic duty and report on my retirement extension at Promenada. Last year arrived at 6:30, received queue number (I was three) about 8:30, had my visa by 10:00 AM. Of course, I had prepared ahead by printing a PDF copy of my passport that I update with every change, filled in the TM 7, had the relevant income verification. This year  was the same except I was number 11 and didn't finish until 10:45. I went upstairs as always and did some fun shopping at Rimping, a little bank business that's convenient there, and did a few other things that are handy at that part of town, always a great pleasure. I took in the Airport Plaza before the change. Also, as always, for 14 years now, very much enjoyed the services and the people I meet at immigration, emphasis always. I'm in great health and love Thailand, love people, and have nothing but time, so I've never experienced any displeasure, hardship or difficult people at Immigration, not that some don't I understand.  I've been tempted to arrange an agent for a friend who is badly disabled and very fragile, but so far can't see how there's any real advantage. If you're not waiting here, you're waiting there as long as your heart keeps ticking, but I'll use the agent to help someone else if it works. I understand there is a POW form that can be used to allow a disabled applicant to remain home and use a proxy. That's something I'll look into further.  Good fortune to all. 

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