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Posts posted by hellohello

  1. Hey Bluecat, Great question-

    I look at it like this. Since I live in Thailand , I have a Thai partner, if I lived in another country for a length of time I would probably have a boyfriend from that country, unless of course I came there already attached.

    I think having my boyfriend has made my experience here from great to absolutely fabulous!

    I always liked to have lots of fun, known as a party girl before, but I have completely engaged myself in Thai culture of Sunuk Sunuk. I've never laughed and joked so much with a boyfriend before, I would say that I am happier. He doesn't speak much English but my Thai has gotten very good, hence the ability to enjoy the simpler ways of life (and lots of slapstick). After 10-plus years in corporate jobs in the west, living and loving simply has been a biggest piece of the puzzle I was missing, but didn't really know it until now.

    We too, have had our problems culturally and so, but I try to teach him my ways and he the same. The only big problems were raised when we had to be apart.

    I think he said it best last week. He likes me because I don't need a captain. What he meant was most Thai girls he knows NEED a man (good or bad) I, being from the west, don't. Never have. He spent most of his adult life as a monk so engaging in a real relationship with a Thai girl meant, bread winner, father and many family commitments. A big responsibility for someone with his background and I guess for any man. Which is why he preferred to be single - unattached. When I met him he even had his own personal heath insurance (and I heard from this forum that Thai men were un responsible!) I don't need him he to be any of those things but honest, loving and fun! I don't expect him to provide for me, but carry his own weight. So I guess I am a good catch too!

    Now after 2 years there is talk of marriage... but first I will go meet the parents. The only thing I miss here in the LOS are my girlfriends and perhaps air con when the temperatures rise. :o

  2. Thanks all for your comments.

    I thought some of these girls were a bit O.T.T, but really "J" and I just laugh about it now. If anything it seems to have brought us closer by talking and laughing. I did learn a new Thai Phrase though: "J" taught me Kee-get I believe it means Envy. I think that says it all. :o

  3. I'm planning a big trip to drive all over the LOS for a few months. What's the best guide books to get here in Thai and in English?

    i have the lonely planet and a Thai hi-way map. Do you know of a Thailand guide book in thai for my partner? id rather get off the beaten backpacker track. So the lonely planet is my last resort.

  4. I need to store some watercolor paintings over the low season ( very delicate paper ) so I need protection from both heat and humidity. What would you recommend?

    I just bought a big styrofoam cooler ( it's so big I can lay them out flat.... a big plus ) and I am looking for some little anti-mildew packets. What else is on the market here in the LOS? Thanks everybody :o

  5. Thanks DR PP

    I'll make it Pet Pet... :D

    Why is it such a pain in the arse for Farang Men here? It dose seem that if a gal like me can find a good one ( A thai man ) which are far and few between from what i've seen. It is real easy to take care of all this visa/work/life stuff that we farangs need to do to live here. Maybe I'm still green, living here only 2 years, but it sure doesn't seem fair to my farang brothers. :o

  6. My Thai boyfriend doesn't trust Thai girls what so ever. His last relationship she (Thai) came home and happily announced she was pregnant. He on the other hand after living a monastic life for 10+ years left his priesthood and had gotten a vasectomy. :o

    He has seen a number of Farang men get completely burned by Thai woman ( especially on land deals) even his own cousin worked a Farang over good, whom he refuses to talk to now, and he says many are no good.

    He is very quick to say he doesn't trust Thai's. Even his family just like you Nam Kao.

    And if you think Thai ladies get bashed on this forum. Thai men are by far more disliked/distrusted on the site. Perhaps for good reason. But not from my experience with my partner.

  7. Woke to the sounds of roosters and 3 wild puppies fighting under the house, 6am - luckily we have acquired a sling-shot to scare them away, to little or no success, but my B/f still thinks its fun. The national anthem was prompt as usual. 8am. I didn’t rise. The tide came in, and then it went out. The neighbors passed us a dish of moo over our joining fence and the chaa lady sold me some tea through my window. My landlord’s father (the man with no front teeth) came over and we gave him a half open bottle Chang, in turn he fixed the cement in the bathroom.

    Had to go to the bank today, 1-hour trip via motorcycle. On the way we passed a big Muslim funeral with the coffin in the back of the truck. She was very old and very rich my boyfriend told me. Her coffin looked small. The whole Muslim community was there. So we stopped and had a chat with friends, Luckily I wearing suitble clothes. Banked and rode home. Made the B/F spaghetti - (he smothered it in chili as usual, but sweetly said it was delicious- even though I know he dosent like Ahan Farang) Drank some Sangsom and now we are going to watch a Thai VCD about Ghosts. I'll try to stay awake this time, Last night it put me right to sleep. Gecko shit just splatted on the floor. Just missed my head. Chok Dii- Eh?

  8. What's the scoop about a Thai/ farang legal marriage? I pose this question as it seems to me the farang woman has more to gain with a visas, possible property ownership, secureing a Will, residency if wanted, perhaps Thai prices?

    (depending where you shop :o )

    Are there any other hidden bits in Thai laws about marriage for farang living in Thailand?

    What are the risks? I'm talking just legally now here, please!

    What's the difference in the law for a Thai Lady vs a Thai Man? Or is it all same same :D

  9. I am an fine Artist living in the LOS for almost two years. Could I acquire a business license to sell my work here? Is a Thai national required to have a business license to sell his/her art or handicraft? I was told that Americans can own business here 100% without a Thai partnership due to the Treaty of Amnesty. if so, could you put property in the business name? What kind of business dose it have to be to buy land? Can it be something as simple as an art gallery in my home? If the business was to close, where would the acquired property go? Would it be worth the hassle? I heard it cost about $1500 US just to obtain all the paperwork (to open a simple bar / restaurant) and that's without getting a work permit. Seems a bit high priced in comparison to everything else here. Anybody know of a lawyer that could help me with this and my particular needs? Thanks! bye bye hello hello

  10. I have a wonderful Thai boyfriend for 2 years; he is very good-looking. I say that because my Thai girlfriends whom have Farang boyfriends always tell me so over and over and OVER. My western girlfriends also say he handsome, but then they leave it at that.

    So here’s my question about their and other Thai woman’s actions when we are first out together (or probably when he’s not with me, I don’t know).

    I know it’s polite in Thailand to be helpful but some of these girls are practically throwing them selves at him. When they first meet “J”. They serve him, try to feed him, and rush to his every need. (One even tried to dig a splinter out of his foot!) Since being with him I’ve learned and its fun to serve him bits of food, as he dose it for me constantly. It’s a sweet and romantic action between us. And now I know it’s a nice way for us to show how much we care for each other and build intimacy. But when these Thai girls whom we have just met, are gushing over him I find it a bit much. I’ve never said anything to him nor care too, but I want to know how much of this in normal polite behavior in Thai culture and when or is it crossing a line?

    Anyway much of this gushing over “J” as I would call it seems to stem from the same kind of Thai Girl, she is very pretty, but with a super nice but not so handsome Farang partner and after a few weeks it begins to subside and we all become friends, but whenever a new Thai woman on the scene shows up it’s the exact same thing. I find it a bit disrespectful to me, his girlfriend, and even more to their partners. Although I got to admit their partners dont seem to notice it as it seems to happen when they are not present.

    Has any other of you Farang girls had this experience?

  11. I have a wonderful Thai boyfriend for 2 years; he is very good-looking. I say that because my Thai girlfriends whom have Farang boyfriends always tell me so over and over and OVER. My western girlfriends also say he handsome, but then they leave it at that.

    So here’s my question about their and other Thai woman’s actions when we are first out together (or probably when he’s not with me, I don’t know).

    I know it’s polite in Thailand to be helpful but some of theses girls are practically throwing them selves at him. When they first meet “J”. They serve him, try to feed him, and rush to his every need. (One even tried to dig a splinter out of his foot!) Since being with him I’ve learned and its fun to serve him bits of food, as he dose it for me constantly. It’s a sweet and romantic action between us. And now I know it’s a nice way for us to show how much we care for each other and build intimacy. But when these Thai girls are gushing over him I find it a bit much. I’ve never said anything to him nor care too, but I want to know how much of this in normal polite behavior in Thai culture and when or is it crossing a line?

    Anyway much of this gushing over “J” as I would call it seems to stem from the same kind of Thai Girl, she is very pretty, but with a super nice but not so handsome Farang partner and after a few weeks it begins to subside we all become good friends, but whenever a new Thai woman on the scene shows up it’s the exact same thing. I find it a bit disrespectful to me, his girlfriend and more to their partners. Although I got to admit their partners dont seem to notice it and it seems to happen when they are not present.

    I should also add my boyfriend dose come from a low to middle class’s but he was a monk for 10 years if that makes any difference.

    Has any other of you Farang girls had this experience?

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