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Posts posted by hellohello

  1. Hello!

    It appears that some other members on this fourm are in the process or recently completed building a new home.

    I am curious. What did you build and what did it cost you?

    Of-course you can be general and Im not really interested in the price of the land but the building it self. So come one, tell me...

    All braggers welcome :o

    Thanks, Hello Hello

  2. Once I made it past 17 years old, I LOVED being tall!

    I never minded dating men shorter than me. It's all the same laying down.... :D

    My love here in Thailand is probably only 5'8". I think he likes having a tall farang on his arm. Similar to the Thai ladies whom prefer a bigger Farang man.

    Rainman in your picture you dont look 6'2" :o

    Seriously, RM is your pretty lady tall for Thai standards?

  3. I agree, Men are bigger down here. But I'm 6 feet tall so finding a taller one than me is doubtful.

    I dont mind if my man is a bit smaller Im used to after all these years. But I dont wear my heels any more. Never figured out to walk in them anyway! :o

    But I too, have never seen a lets say 50- 60- 70-ish Homer simpson-ish farang ladies here with any young looking Thai man. NEVER. Sorry Blue a 40ish woman and 30 ish man really isn't that age much of a difference at least not to me. Not that there's anything wrong with it -I just aint seen it.

    You go SBK. I too, am older that mine by 4 years.... Doesn't bother us a bit!

  4. Ps. I forgot to mention.

    I did ask a Lawyer in the US before I began my process, and he said that what ever country that your are in as long as you follow the rules/laws of THAT country it is legal.

    Of course if she gets sticky over assets, A no-fault can't be an option. Good Luck

  5. I am a US citizen, my husband and I got married in Mexico -100% Legally- (He too is a US citizen)

    After 8 years I wanted to part. But we had no proof of our marriage in the states (we never felt it was necessary to register it in the US - We didn't want to send in the $25! :D )

    But I filed for divorce anyway. So I have a divorce on file in California- but no marriage on file. I didn't even have to show anyone the marriage certificate. They took my word for it.

    No one seems to mind.

    He is remarried, so it was perfectly legal. :o

    Divorce can be easy and cheaply drafted in California.

    If both parties file a MSA. That says you have nothing and want nothing from each other ( or you agree on what ever and sign it) . I signed it ..I even drafted it. Then i took that piece of paper to a legal clerk and filed for a NF divorce. It cost me about $200.

    6 months later-.. finished.

    But- If you live here why not just go down to the Amphur? If of-course she agrees.

  6. Ive been reading this post for a while and I have to agree when reading allot of posts on thai visa, I do feel allot of the men "slag" off Farang girls. But allot do not. I don't take it personally as I think the Farang man has a much different experience living here than I do. ( I must imagine it is great with all these gorgeous ladies flirting with you)

    But as a farnag girl living here, I dont see any of that in real life. I came here by choice to volunteer teach and I fell in love with this country and a wonderful Thai man. And he loves me because I am different.

    He is also very kind. Ive never had a man take care of me so well. Its the little things that he does for me everyday that has taught me more about this wonderful country and culture. And he has taught me through watching him, how to take care of him as well.

    I come from the west where women are not taught to do any of theses things anymore. And the tendency is to look down upon those who do. I know, I was one of those. Because western culture has told us that is what is right. Woman have to be strong, self supporting blah- blah. But here I am living halfway around the world from my home and getting a whole new perspective on life. Now I cant change who I am ( and I am most thankful that I have a good education and had a successful career) but I am extremely happy that I am learning the simple characteristic of treating others with much more care and compassion.

    Its never to late to learn, Just need the right teacher :o

  7. Where dose one buy a ( scratcher) card to get minutes for a Wireless connection at the Airport? I tried to set it up on line ( last year) with my visa card but I was blocked out. :o

    When I was in Phuket I asked around some of the usual places and all I got was blank stares. Could someone please explain the process to a newbie like me?

    Thanks. Hellohello :D

  8. Thanks Ill try it!.. I forgot to mention I'm on a Mac (OS 10.3) . I downloaded a copy of Xten SIP phone. Which is compataible with Mac's but a wee bit confusing setting it up. But I wont give up yet! Anyone out there into Macs?

  9. Kantiang Bay Resort... Far southern beaches. 200-500B I guess? :D

    And they are open. I saw a few guests there a weekor so ago. About 70% of the places are closed.

    The farther south more travelers, less tourists.


  10. If you want a stunning beach then Railay is your place. The Westside more resort like- there is "sand and sea resort" and "railay bay" East side is backpackers. but Railay Sunrise Tropical is nice. Everybody gathers on the westside bars in the evening for happy hour.

    I wouldnt recomended it in high season. TOO MANY PEOPLE! But right now its real nice.

    You can park your car in either Krabi or Ao nang and take a long tail over. Shorter trip is from Ao nang. Watch the weather though....

    Other than that I would suggest Ao Nang. Krabi Town has no beach. :o

  11. HI Sojourner-

    I just took a month long trip to many National Parks all over the Kingdom with my Thai boyfriend. When they asked us for the 200B from me. He said "no" she is my wife. I got in every-time for 20B. No residency or Thai Drivers Licenses. Perhaps because woman in Thailand are not the bread winners and we are all 2nd class. :D More fair-ness in Thailand? :o

  12. I’m a 42 y/o American and I’m returning to the US for a few months for business/pleasure.

    I have travel insurance while living here in Thailand. But I am NOT COVERED when I return. I’ve looked at a few policies that cover me for one month+ but they were astronomical. Last year I went without and I was lucky. What do you other Yanks do when returning to the good o’l U.S. of A.? :o Thanks, HelloHello

  13. I've had good luck at Panipa 02 233-9255

    Sathorn area, near citybank. Not real cheap but they do know Farang hair. It's been a while since I'm living in the south.

    Ps. Do you have a copy of the Bangkok Guide presented by the Austrailain/New Zealand Woman's Group? It's a GREAT resource. You can pick it up at most farang book stores. Chok Dee Ka! :o

  14. Have a teacher friend whom just got a place in Krabi town for 4000k a month for a nice BIG townhome. But he had connections with fellow teachers.

    Dont know of any letting agency's.

    Another friend just drove around with a Thai and looked for Let signs.

    Good luck

  15. Hi Girls (and I guess Boys) and Bluecat :D

    Ok- it's low season here, Im the only farang female around these days, and every day a new Thai acquaintance wants to sell me some land or clean my house (or something) I just smile and say no Thanks!

    I have a great laundry service. Everything washed and ironed for the month for peanuts and delivered to my house. I'm happy about that.

    So few minutes ago the laundry lady stopped buy wanting payment 2 weeks EARLY.

    I pay every month in advance the same time I pay my rent.

    So here the question:

    Do I smile and let the money flow or do I say no sorry I dont have it until its due.

    It's not the money -I have the money, its the POINT. Im afraid if I pay her, my landlord will be knocking next and whomever else.

    I've seen it many time before how everything changes when the money stops in Thailand.


  16. Hi Blue Cat-

    Well, I wish this section was a little more active. But until then I will continue to read about farang guys looking for 2 Thai girls to rent for a month!. Some of the guys here make me embarrassed to be a farang. I can see WHY some Thai's could have such disgust for us. Perhaps its because Ive only been here 2 years, but I must say I am constantly shocked and amused by this place.

    Ps I havent seen a farang for two days, and that's ok!


  17. I agree with you SBK.

    I read the other posts allot (and laugh allot) but aside from a few business and visa questions most of the Farang guys posts don't apply to me. I also live in a small village (We have no bar girls!) on a small island so allot of my experiences here are different from those who live in the cities.

    So bluecat why are you always in Farang ladies area? What do YOU want to know about us? :D

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