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Posts posted by hellohello

  1. Help!

    After waiting a few years until yesterday when ADSL (ToT) finally made it to our house and its not working!

    Modem was bought at the TOT office, model: <deleted>-Tech TW001CN

    As instructed, I added the user name :admin & password:xxx and it's not enough.

    So, my next step is Im looking for some numbers that were not given to me yesterday- the guy knew nothing about macs.

    I have the IP address:

    can anybody give me the

    Subnet mask:


    Router address?

    Or tell me where to find it ? any other ideas?

    These can not be found in the user manual: Trying to call Tot- but they are closed today for a holiday. Greatly appreciated any help you can offer. HH :o


  2. love it ! life in thailand... i think a little bbq gai for dinner 2night?

    funny as i was reading this post i told my hubby lets make tom yum gai tonight- luckily the neighbors have a nice patch of stuff across or street- where i will pillage for lemon grass and ginger. but its ok... coz they all come pick our prick!

  3. We are designing a big Bali-Thai style bathroom. Im considering a wooden Thai style tub, like this.

    What are your thoughts? material, cleaning of, longevity......

    Btw the way the house is a Thai / farang wooden house with "cotman" cement bathroom. The style of this tub would fit, but im worried about the material.

    AND any ideas where I can buy one -- perhaps in the north?

    Kindly, HH


  4. I think it depends on where you are. The island (in Krabi) I live on is exploding- with Swedes mostly- A large majority who dont mix with the thais (ie No wife/husband) none of them seem to care and are buying 30 year leases and electing a Thai friends to purchase a house for them with simple contracts- condos haven’t even reached us here. But they are coming. Prices are up 20-50% in the last few years..

    go figure...

  5. A question for Americans w/ Thai spouses.

    How do you handle your US income taxes when your married to non American Citizen?

    I get this mesg. “The social security number(SSN) or individual taxpayer identification number(ITIN) must be in a valid range and all digits must be numeric”

    My spouse dose not have a number or want one at this time… heck we haven’t even set foot on US soil. yes---we are legally married.

    Signed confused HH

  6. try using google- there are a few sites out there for krabi- krabi info - krabi direct something.

    prices 3k- 60k

    i live on a island so phones are a long wait- my house had one, and when we bought ours down the street we brought the phone line with us. depends where you are. broadband is in krabi town- its gotten mixed reviews. in krabi town you should have no problem.

    once you settle here im sure you'll find beaches with out any garbage, i have. gotta get off the beaten path.

    good luck!

    The gf and I are exiting Chiang Mai in about June (air pollution here has become intolerable; traffic jams are getting larger; etc).

    Krabi town is the nicest place we found in a tour of southern beaches late 2006. (All of the actual beaches had too much garbage on them, even in the remoter islands, disappointingly.)

    Can anyone help with the basics:

    • How easy/hard/expensive is it to rent a house in or around Krabi town?

    • How long does one wait to get a phone connected?

    • Internet service okay? (Have had huge problems with TT&T in Chiang Mai, as does everyone.)

    Make it public so all can benefit.

    Thanks a lot.


  7. Hey Meme!

    Congratts-- So happy for you.

    Got married here last year- its lasted 15 hours! Since it was high season and lots of farang attending (about 30) we did a little bit of both. We skipped the one in my home country.

    We did Thai style in the morning with 10 monks till noon (a full 8 course Thai meal with lots of sangsom)- then a farang buffet and island boat trips mid-day ( to cool off - sober up) and later when the full moon came up we invited the chowley's (sea gypsy's) for traditional dancing around the fire pit.

    Hubby was kind to build the monks a high enough platform so we didn't have to kneel for 2 hours and we could sit in low chairs.

    Kept my name for now- just too lazy to get everything sorted. BTW I live near Trang- Best of Luck!


  8. I'm with Momo8

    Hubby is always running around scantly clad - my gay friends cant keep their eyes off him- the Thai girls seem to look away - but the other farang chicks well... it makes me smile. He dresses proper when we are off the "island" but around here he’s constantly in his "pants" doesn’t bother me- just a little jealous that I have to cover up, if I walk outside and venture to far away from the Baan.

  9. I am wearing a string t-shirt and a towel today- Island Life! For going into the big city, It’s capri’s and a blouse. I would wear something more reveling if I was in my home country but i learned quickly to fit in and cover up. Haven’t been back to the west for shopping in years - instead its Malaysia- they have some nice British India style shops there- that I can fit into - I’m 5-11 like you Boo.

    I’m also very fortunate and get to go to Bali once or twice a year- Now... Bali! There are some GREAT shops there down near Jalan double 66. European designs with an Island flair & Asian prices if you know where to go. I highly recommend it if you cant do a long trip "home". cheers... HH

  10. I came here solo as well, and I volunteered in the South. I never had any problems myself. But I should add, we received a phone call one night that one of our other volunteers (a young Canadian) was attacked. She fought back, but she did receive a nasty gash in the neck, and luckily, fully recovered. She was staying with another single woman teacher (Thai) and they caught the guys, whom were known drug criminals.

    Needless to say, I was flipped out for a while, and I felt pretty creepy living in a big house alone. The feeling passed and Ive never had any problems. I'm now married to a Thai, (one year today.. happy valentines day girls! :D ) and sometimes I 'm little uneasy when hubby is out fishing and Im alone all night. But, All in all I still think Thailand is very safe.

    And once you start teaching Seirra, you will have a huge network around you. Thai's really honor those who come here to teach IMO. Best of Luck!

    HH :o

  11. feolindo,

    yes, I agree!

    Thanks for posting- i like your work.

    I've been living and painting/illustrating here for 4.5 years, one thing I miss is mixing (no pun :D ) /hanging out with other artists- as I live far from the "city".

    It’s been a good/weird experience as the local people i meet (i live in the country sticks, on a tourist island) dont really get their head around "art", until they saw there was some cash to be made from it.

    If I can, I try to spend some time in Bali where there is a large expat/local art community, which I can feed off to a certain extent.

    Are there any good Bangkok/Thailand (not to miss) art websites/links?

    Anybody else out there.. ?

    come on... dont by shy.



  12. hi nawtilus-

    In our case --Since the tsunami- our village (All the land) has received secure tenure land rights with the help of the UNDP and locals and costal commision. But yes, you can’t get proper channote here. And can only register for 3 years if you do a lease. Our place is registered with the local office we pay tax- have water,phone&electric. Most of my neighbors have been around 30 to 150 years. And they are not going anywhere... Our thought was, why pay for high price of land down here-? Just make a nice house... so, now we are making two. ;-)

    But you are right- you can’t build anything new - just on the existing footprint.

  13. Here is our house....

    A fixer upper... rebuilt 2005.

    1600 sq. feet. 100 ft long-Two story-all Thai hardwood with some carved wood brought in from Bali. sits on 3 meter posts above the sea in southern Thailand fishing village. street side office/gallery is made of cottman (sp.?) cement- no need for air-con as it's over the sea. We put in an outta the box Ikea kitchen and lighting (from malaysia). Cozy bedroom upstairs is bungalow style with bamboo walls and 100's of islands to view. Our boat is parked next to the house. :D

    Over all very, very happy-

    :o hellohello ka


  14. BA HUMBUG! This year I didn’t miss it at all! Never heard a Christmas carol -didn’t step foot into a tesco's (its 3 hours away!) - Bar girls- none here -no gifts- didn’t have my annual Xmas party - but we did spend it with some old and new friends. Haven’t had the guts to cook a turkey since the tsunami and I haven’t gotten to enjoy any left overs since that day in 2004 Coz it went bad in my fridge when we lost the house! Hubby and I joke now that Santa brought the wave... so there ya go. But New years.. well we had a ball- all my neighbors families have been home - eating- drinking- singing- LOVE IT! Everybody wishing us a happy new year.

    So, happy new year to you Ladies! HH :o

  15. Thanks- I picked it up , solo. But the visa officer- the low one of the group- asked me repeatedly that my husband had to stop in or call before the 31st. The actual date my visa was to expire? :o We live very far away on an island and hubby was working that day. The said officer was yelling this to me ( In Thai) across the room, which was very strange, I found? Anyway i'm in for another year, but not sure if we BOTH have to make another trip back to Immigration?

    My girlfriend whom was with me said she thought he was just trying to throw a little power/authority around. Anybody heard of this? PS. Yes, We have tried to call but since the new visa rule- they never answer the phone.

    * Another note- this was the first time I had to have an interview with the Captain of the office. He was very kind, just wanted see who I was.

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