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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. If they're imports then the price is quite low.. Same as a Toyota Corolla et al. And that for a 4x4 vehicle is quite competitive. I assume service and parts is harder than just getting a Fortuner or something.

    For the life of me I can't understand why Suzuki doesn't import the 4x4 Vitara. Blasphemy against their own DNA.

    this is one of my points - the 4x4 Suzuki is well loved by many - but they don't import it! bizarre but it may be more to do with the Thai owners of the import licence? not sure

  2. A few days without golf? Do you some good.

    Anyway isn't golf on a par (pun intended) with morris dancing (sad English folk jigging that makes line dancing look cool) and incest - simply not done my dear!

    never linked (pun intended) golf with incest before nor Morris Dancing (that good old Pagan ritual!) - but cricket is for those sad folk who enjoy going along to 95% empty stadiums like watching paint dry I'd say old chap!

  3. Chiangmaifun. I don't dispute expatj's methodology - it may well work for him/her. But I would say that taking that across to someone "who wishes they knew what they were doing" would almost certainly guarantee a negative outcome - and that's no disrepect to you. Based on what little you have indicated about your personal circumstances then I would say leave the trading alone and do your homework on mutual funds. Google on something like "mutual funds Lipper Thailand awards of excellence" to get started with some ideas .. also google on "thailand association of investment management companies" to see some previous results for the many many different funds on offer.

    thanks - good advice

  4. Yes, don't try to play golf there!

    That's a silly complaint (except that you might have to be careful not to run over a few overethusiastic drinkers in the parking lot when you enter or exit. You can play an enjoyable six holes three times. That adds up to 18! Mai phen rai!

    Or, better, don't play golf, enjoy the cricket. It is often pretty hilarious. At this meet, a lot of old farts in yellowing whites try to hit, run catch and bowl like they were in school. Oy!! But there are some (not many) decent players who show up. Not exactly world cup, but a lot of fun! Besides you can ogle the cute Thai nurses wearing their tight whites and high heels there on on emergency medical duty!

    The juniors are quite good!! The weather is fair, the air is "clear." Go out and enjoy! Just go under a tent and say "hello," if you haven't been there before or don't know the game. You'll probably get a drunken explanation from someone who has been drinking linament instead of beer, but never mind! But most likely they will give you a beer.

    its not a silly complaint - its a pain in the **** for those of us who want to play golf - it may bring in some money but... many of us would rather it didn't take place!

  5. you tried to imply it was Singaporean - anyway a couple of years ago ICICI was an 'at risk' bank - maybe not now but it was during the banking crisis

    no, i did not try to imply any such thing,, read my post again ,,, it says .."international banks in Singapore..."

    as for at risk,,,, what about all the other 'big' banks that were or are at risk,, or have gone bust...

    I am stating my experience and opinion only..and with ICICI Singapore branch,, it is good.

    ok thanks for sharing - my original thread was about a slightly different subject but it's always useful to know savings rates but I am more after dealing in mutual funds 'within Thailand'

  6. if looking at 7-8% returns this can be ahcieved by fixed deposits / foreign currency deposits in international banks in Singapore,, why would anyone take the risk of "trading" in thai stocks to get the same results...

    Care to name any names...HSBC Singapore is currently offering about 4.5% on 12 month AUS dollar accounts. All other currencies range from .5 to 2.5 percent. Didn't see anything even close to 7 to 8 percent. I would assume other banks in Singapore are similar.

    Sure look at this link...fixddeplink

    Been with them for years.

    ICICI is an Indian bank

  7. If you have not seen then

    MITSUBISHI - PAJERO MINI - GDi 1.8 Auto or manual - 3 dr or 5 dr....... Brand New 728,000 baht + 2nd hand ones but 3 or 4 years old still are around 600k....... about the same size as the Vitara


    5 door


    or the 3 door


    Not far from where I live they sell them new and uses. the above are from this place.

    also here http://www.one2car.c...34&Model=S1243

    Hi - where's the place they sell them new and 2nd hand? I'll go take a look - many thanks for great information

    The place where I visited as per photo's is about 30km south from me, so would be about 30km west of BKK, but have seen many places selling them + other never seen or heard of before cars/MPV's/pickups.

    I am sure somewhere up there someone is selling them.

    Will try to see the people 5 houses down in the Village, they have bought a new one last week. replacing there Land Rover Discovery.

    oh not in Chiang Mai then? :(

  8. Whatever day they choose to give you 90 days from is inconsequential because the maximum number of times you will need to report is 3 per calendar year regardless.


    Because they give you the same leeway being late as early. Actually if you never leave the country you need to report 4 times a year unless you can do it during your annual extension visit which I do in MHS.

    yes 4 times not 3 jap.gif

  9. If you have not seen then

    MITSUBISHI - PAJERO MINI - GDi 1.8 Auto or manual - 3 dr or 5 dr....... Brand New 728,000 baht + 2nd hand ones but 3 or 4 years old still are around 600k....... about the same size as the Vitara


    5 door


    or the 3 door


    Not far from where I live they sell them new and uses. the above are from this place.

    also here http://www.one2car.c...34&Model=S1243

    Hi - where's the place they sell them new and 2nd hand? I'll go take a look - many thanks for great information

  10. If you have not seen then

    MITSUBISHI - PAJERO MINI - GDi 1.8 Auto or manual - 3 dr or 5 dr....... Brand New 728,000 baht + 2nd hand ones but 3 or 4 years old still are around 600k....... about the same size as the Vitara


    5 door


    or the 3 door


    Not far from where I live they sell them new and uses. the above are from this place.

    also here http://www.one2car.c...34&Model=S1243

    This looks great too... I thought all these were 1.1? if they do the 1.8 I may get one

  11. CRV Mk 1 were made in Japan

    CRV MK 2 made in ThaIland and had build issues ( ones made in UK were apparently much better). I had the front shocks changed 5 times. Honda stopped replying to emails at the time. They are not very forgiving in corners, average about 10kpl.

    CRV MK3 Anyone?

    Yes I went to Honda to look at the CRV and hated it - saw a Suzuki Vitara 4x4 and loved it (but it wasn't for sale)

    Suzuki Vitara is this was the new version ? Also love it and hate the CRV, Here in Thailand the newer Vitara is 2 wheel drive, they do not import the 4x4

    The one i saw was the old version - fell in love with it but the guy who owns the Suzuki dealership owns it the staff told me mad.gif the new Vitara is too long and ugly - the search continues but I love the old Vitara OR the Mitsu 1.8

  12. CRV Mk 1 were made in Japan

    CRV MK 2 made in ThaIland and had build issues ( ones made in UK were apparently much better). I had the front shocks changed 5 times. Honda stopped replying to emails at the time. They are not very forgiving in corners, average about 10kpl.

    CRV MK3 Anyone?

    Yes I went to Honda to look at the CRV and hated it - saw a Suzuki Vitara 4x4 and loved it (but it wasn't for sale)

  13. well... I recently sold a property and have approx. 5m or so in cash - I was looking at Bangkok Banks Mutual 'Infrastructure' Fund as I can't see Utilities etc. failing over the Medium Term - I guess I'm a Medium to High Risk investor - splitting my funds 50/50. Aiming for as close to 10% as I can get.

    If you are aiming for 10% returns, dont invest in utility companies, these are perhaps the most stable of stocks i.e. they dont tend to increase or decrease much.

    My advice- be prepared to trade frequently- weekly or so. Get a list of the top 20 SET growth stock companies then monitor them daily and buy those with RSIs @30-35 and positive buy MACD signals- then be prepared to sell them in 1-3 weeks taking the profit. This is my basic strategy. But be warned the temptation is too hold onto a stock once its increased 7-8% hoping for more returns- in every case where i have done that the stock has dropped down to - XX% within a few weeks and i have ended up having to hold it for months until its price recovers. So make sure you sell when you hit @7-8% return using this technical analysis strategy.

    thanks - I am used to trading in Europe but how to go about it here?

    I use Kim Eng securities, and SCB bank securities plus bloomberg.com for the technical analysis tables.

    Thanks very much - Kim Eng looks very professional! I just wish I knew what I was doing! in UK it was fairly easy as I was familiar with the RBS's and Barclay's of this world cool.gif I'll join up and assume they do offer an advisory service to newcomers to the market.

  14. > all the other jeeps seem far too big for city driving

    No issues driving the typical small trucks that are so common in Thailand, or SUVs based on those. Plenty space, plenty parking spots.

    Maybe (MAYBE) it would be different with a normal truck, but these tiny things in Thailand.. come on. You're not from Rome or Paris are you? ;)


    maybe I should take another look at the CRV

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