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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. what about the many internet (farang) workers you meet? working from home but on a business which is not based in Thailand? isn't that still. technically, working?

    Yes but we do it from our home , not in public.

    My business is in Europe. If the police wants to knock on my door to find out , I have no business anymore, I have to move out, and Thailand will get no more money from me.

    We will both lose.

    Don't forget to close the door. :)

    on the way out

  2. Why have you gone quiet ChiangMaifun??? Have you lost interest in YOUR own thread??

    Considering the 70% off topic posts, I'd lose interest too.

    The answer he is looking for is probably that technically, ys, a WP is needed for online work.

    In practice however, if said work is done from home, it is unlikely to get busted, and neither is it guaranteed thai police will be interested in the case.

    Just keep it quiet and say you're getting rental income from abroad.

    yes I did - and went for dinner with a far more interesting 'subject' - and yes i agree - keep it quiet and hope for the best but I would not chance it personally as the one of the 4 musicians had their Facebook 'hacked' by the Police... good luck to all and keep your head down

    Hope the food and company were nice and that you had a pleasant meal!!

    Police hackers on facebook!!!! Did the police actually own up and reveal this information - pretty high tech 007 stuff if they did, don't you think? (carelessly spilled the beans as to their devious methods on facebook maybe).

    Perhaps they are monitoring this thread so we'd all better be careful wot we say about dem (the rozzers - that's sure to throw them off the scent) as there might be a knock on the door from the dreaded 'KGB' Thai facebook enforcers if someone slips up with the dreaded consequences that that might bring with it, god help them if they do and have mercy on their souls!!!!

    I know you think this is very funny - go look at the thread - they DID get the info from Facebook - don't be a jerk please?

  3. Why have you gone quiet ChiangMaifun??? Have you lost interest in YOUR own thread??

    Considering the 70% off topic posts, I'd lose interest too.

    The answer he is looking for is probably that technically, ys, a WP is needed for online work.

    In practice however, if said work is done from home, it is unlikely to get busted, and neither is it guaranteed thai police will be interested in the case.

    Just keep it quiet and say you're getting rental income from abroad.

    yes I did - and went for dinner with a far more interesting 'subject' - and yes i agree - keep it quiet and hope for the best but I would not chance it personally as the one of the 4 musicians had their Facebook 'hacked' by the Police... good luck to all and keep your head down

  4. Internet maybe different, unpaid must make a difference surely ?

    Else an unpaid Thai based Farang moderator of an internet website risks arrest and deportation for working without a work permit ?

    I find that hard to believe. Nobody would do it if that was the case.

    I'm afraid not... unpaid farang were turned away from helping after the Tsunami for this very reason - unpaid or paid is not allowed.

  5. At the risk of sounding critical, your question is like a roost to call attention to those in good position you don't have. Am I correct?

    I know people in a remote work situation. If LOS gives them trouble, they can be on a plane to Cambodio, Laos, Vietnam,The Phils, or Russia the very next day.

    Technically, a work permit is needed. It is about WHERE you actually work and NOT where you get paid, but considering known of the street vendors, the bar girls, etc. pay a bath in taxes, nor do most Thais who find and are allowed to lie and cheat on their taxes (most businesses have TWO books; the one they show the govt and the one with their real income), it is a joke to pay the taxes. What do you get? clean road and police protections (laughing), their terrific pension plan (a joke compared to the West), and their 30 Baht health care program?

    Most guys don't work with offshore accounts. They actively chose to take the pay back in their home Western nations, where they have access to working pensions.

    If you actually work in Thailand in a job that requires you to go into an office or peddle something door or door or are another bar biz guy, than get a work permit. Good luck making a decent living. Maybe you can go teach english too.

    I know many people who 'think' working online does not count - it is good to clarify for everyone's sake to avoid problems.

  6. good comment - what I meant was they will use the 'excuse' about Thai jobs - we all know that's not the real reason

    We all know that?

    oh welcome JD to my thread jap.gif yes I think we all know that a 'farang' is a Caucasian White but this thread is about WP for online working jap.gif not criticizing a perfectly good comment about WP's because she made a small error in definition jap.gif

    Ummmm your remark that I quoted didn't have anything to do with the word farang :) I am glad to know that you think of this thread so possessively though ;)

    ah I see I used the same term twice... a mistake for which I was rightly punished sad.gif

  7. I was merely notioning that to describe Chinese as farang's as in the context of what was written was wrong and inacurate. It doesn't seem to me that all people ARE aware of the differences, as ascribed by you and it was not meant as a lesson to display my knowledge on the subject . In fact I don't mind admitting that I had to look up what a non-Western foreigner is in Thai by 'Googling' it.

    she meant 'foreigners' can we get back to MY threads subject please?

  8. good comment - what I meant was they will use the 'excuse' about Thai jobs - we all know that's not the real reason

    We all know that?

    oh welcome JD to my thread jap.gif yes I think we all know that a 'farang' is a Caucasian White but this thread is about WP for online working jap.gif not criticizing a perfectly good comment about WP's because she made a small error in definition jap.gif

  9. Everyone has to remember that there are people in Thailand that hate farangs, period. They not necessarily have ever had any dealings with them and will take the first opportunity to report them for any perceived misdemeanour. It has absolutely nothing to do with taking a job from a Thai it's purely that they do not want any farang in Thailand. I had a girlfriend with Chinese lineage and her father hated all farang. That he was born in China and was one of those with his parents, offered a home by Thailand at the time of Mao, therefore a farang too, made no difference to his opinion.

    Consequently we all have to be doubly careful not to upset the local populace, be seen doing something that is considered illegal or advertising the fact openly in public or by making it public knowledge which may be indirectly by gossip on the Thai grapevine. That Thailand is the 11th most corrupt country in the world has no bearing on indiscretions by farang who may well be helping people at their own expense. Furthermore in the instance of teaching English privately then it may be down to a spat or jealousy between the parent and a third party.

    good comment - what I meant was they will use the 'excuse' about Thai jobs - we all know that's not the real reason

    Technically Chinese (Asians) are not 'farangs' as they are not Westerners. The term used for any foreigner such as a Chinese immigrant is 'Khon tang prathet' and this type of 'non-Westerner' is seen in a much different light with respect to how they perceive (us 'farangs') .

    jeeze... we all know that... but the broad thrust of her comment was accurate I'd say mr. pedant laugh.gif

  10. Interesting is what is considered "Working"

    Many I know have Wages and OS Jobs that allow them to work remote. (IBM Staff and many others such as software developers)

    If your salary is paid into an OS bank account and you just take money out of an ATM here in Bangkok whats the point?

    No need for company and work permit in Thailand based on the fact that you are already paying 37%+ tax in another country.

    If you are working on your PC from your home with an IP phone and nothing else (No office and no local business or trading at all) I fail to see the need for work permit. Asking my landlord who is an Immigration officer she also felt that a work permit is not required as we have no operations and or money etc in Thailand. Thin line I know..

    So I gave up and have setup a BOI approved company in Thailand with work permit just to be sure as I would not want to fight. My Thai lawyer still thinks I am wasting my money....

    my understanding is... because you could potentially take jobs from Thai's and mostly that Thailand has loose laws but when it does enforce them it goes 100% overboard! in Chiang Mai 4 guys were arrested 3 weeks ago for playing guitar (for free) at a pub - no wages, just jamming - all were arrested and in jail.

    Everyone has to remember that there are people in Thailand that hate farangs, period. They not necessarily have ever had any dealings with them and will take the first opportunity to report them for any perceived misdemeanour. It has absolutely nothing to do with taking a job from a Thai it's purely that they do not want any farang in Thailand. I had a girlfriend with Chinese lineage and her father hated all farang. That he was born in China and was one of those with his parents, offered a home by Thailand at the time of Mao, therefore a farang too, made no difference to his opinion.

    Consequently we all have to be doubly careful not to upset the local populace, be seen doing something that is considered illegal or advertising the fact openly in public or by making it public knowledge which may be indirectly by gossip on the Thai grapevine. That Thailand is the 11th most corrupt country in the world has no bearing on indiscretions by farang who may well be helping people at their own expense. Furthermore in the instance of teaching English privately then it may be down to a spat or jealousy between the parent and a third party.

    good comment - what I meant was they will use the 'excuse' about Thai jobs - we all know that's not the real reason

  11. Look good - it's girl friendly? no extra charges?

    Edit: Ah forget this - I just read the hostel's 'rules' - visitors only allowed in lobby etc. obviously she want's to open a nunnery!


    well, it's dam_n near across the street from Soi Cowboy and if she was guest friendly it'd be filled with mongers and no one would get any sleep :P

    I did consider telling her to open up a short time place :)

    haha - her 'Rules' are pretty strict! NO sex tourists, visitors only allowed in Lobby bla bla bla

  12. I believe the reason they got arrested is that the landlord could be paying them, but telling the cops that they do it for free. That's the only reason I can think of. So glad I have a musicians WP. I only get 6 months at a time, but it's worth it for peace of mind.

    The whole point is that it's not WORKING it's a LEISURE activity, like I said, playing pool, having a sing song, karaoke, taking photographs, or painting

    you cannot work, play instruments or teach, even for free without a WP

  13. Sorry sir, I was only joking. Won't happen again. The reason Immigration arrest even volunteer musos is that they could be being paid by the landlord, who could just tell the cops that they're doing it for nothing. So glad I got my WP for playing drums. On the downside, musos only get a WP for 6 months at a time and only 4 month visas, on the upside I am allowed to work anywhere as long as the venue informs the Labour dept first.

    That's not my point. No-one has FOUR guitars in a band, even Iron Maiden have 3, and that's excessive. Sounds like an overblown version of the truth.

    please don't be pedantic - they were caught jamming in a pub ok? ALL were arrested - go read the thread

    write 100 times... 'I am a naughty, naughty boy and need my WP' ph34r.gif

  14. Hardly taking any risk at all. It's one-on-one and away from where I live. This guy that got nicked probably advertised the fact "summer camp" style and attracted publicity. Cops bursting into someone's home, running upstairs, would just see a Thai talking to a foreigner with no books around. Cant get arrested for that. They've got much bigger things to worry about for God's sake. You have as much chance of being struck by lightening in the next 2 seconds.

    The problem is, any company needs to be registered in Thailand, which requires 2,000,000 Baht in tied-up capitol and of course 4 Thai staff per 1 work permit. So there really is no point for someone who is working online. My main job is music. I definately have a work permit for that, as playing in bars and hotels without one would be stupid. However, I sometimes top-up my income by teaching a couple of private students in their homes. There is no way I could get a work permit for 2 professions and again, no point, as immigration are hardly likely to follow you to people's homes.

    All work by a foreign national in Thailand requires WP.

    On-line or not.

    Paid or volunteer work.

    All needs a WP.

    you would be surprised - I met a guy only this week who was teaching poor and disadvantaged kids in his moobaan (for free) and the Police came and knocked at his door one night - NO working free or otherwise - its ridiculous but it happens - God forbid but if you get caught you are likely out - it only requires a jealous 'somebody' to phone Immigration. I believe you are taking a huge risk - good luck though!

    not at all - he was very discrete and was probably reported - you go ahead but don't come back complaining if you get caught! and you CAN get arrested if you are teachings kids and are reported - a foolish risk in my view

  15. This from the Ministry of Labour website:

    1. Definition

    "Alien" means a natural person who is not of Thai nationality; " Work " means to engage in work by

    exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits.

    So as long as you are not exerting energy or using knowledge you are OK.

    haha so Thai politicians should be ok

  16. Its tiredsome these days , I think I'll try it by post this time .

    I googled the address , 71 Moo 3 , airport road , Suthep .

    Can someone confirm to me its the correct address , or something should be added ?

    I'll send it by registered mail tomorrow and hope it will return , just keep my receipts just in case .

    Correct address is :

    71 Moo 3

    Tambol: Suthep

    Amphur: Mueang

    Chiang Mai


    Keep a copy of the last 90 day report that is pinned inside your passport. Hope that helps.

    stupid question - who pays for the return? do you include a SAE?

  17. Drop Inn & Baan Sukhumvit, both in Suk soi 20, in a little side soi 50 meters in from Suk, on the right hand side.

    You should be able to bargain both down to/or below 1300,-............

    I usually do. :D

    thanks I'll check them out :)

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