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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. 4 guys were arrested for playing guitar. Did they take it in turns or was it an orchestra. 4 guitars on stage???

    Interesting is what is considered "Working"

    Many I know have Wages and OS Jobs that allow them to work remote. (IBM Staff and many others such as software developers)

    If your salary is paid into an OS bank account and you just take money out of an ATM here in Bangkok whats the point?

    No need for company and work permit in Thailand based on the fact that you are already paying 37%+ tax in another country.

    If you are working on your PC from your home with an IP phone and nothing else (No office and no local business or trading at all) I fail to see the need for work permit. Asking my landlord who is an Immigration officer she also felt that a work permit is not required as we have no operations and or money etc in Thailand. Thin line I know..

    So I gave up and have setup a BOI approved company in Thailand with work permit just to be sure as I would not want to fight. My Thai lawyer still thinks I am wasting my money....

    my understanding is... because you could potentially take jobs from Thai's and mostly that Thailand has loose laws but when it does enforce them it goes 100% overboard! in Chiang Mai 4 guys were arrested 3 weeks ago for playing guitar (for free) at a pub - no wages, just jamming - all were arrested and in jail.

    the thread is in the Chiang Mai forum - I guess they were 'observed' playing - someone must have reported them - it's just not worth the risk

  2. The problem is, any company needs to be registered in Thailand, which requires 2,000,000 Baht in tied-up capitol and of course 4 Thai staff per 1 work permit. So there really is no point for someone who is working online. My main job is music. I definately have a work permit for that, as playing in bars and hotels without one would be stupid. However, I sometimes top-up my income by teaching a couple of private students in their homes. There is no way I could get a work permit for 2 professions and again, no point, as immigration are hardly likely to follow you to people's homes.

    All work by a foreign national in Thailand requires WP.

    On-line or not.

    Paid or volunteer work.

    All needs a WP.

    you would be surprised - I met a guy only this week who was teaching poor and disadvantaged kids in his moobaan (for free) and the Police came and knocked at his door one night - NO working free or otherwise - its ridiculous but it happens - God forbid but if you get caught you are likely out - it only requires a jealous 'somebody' to phone Immigration. I believe you are taking a huge risk - good luck though!

  3. Interesting is what is considered "Working"

    Many I know have Wages and OS Jobs that allow them to work remote. (IBM Staff and many others such as software developers)

    If your salary is paid into an OS bank account and you just take money out of an ATM here in Bangkok whats the point?

    No need for company and work permit in Thailand based on the fact that you are already paying 37%+ tax in another country.

    If you are working on your PC from your home with an IP phone and nothing else (No office and no local business or trading at all) I fail to see the need for work permit. Asking my landlord who is an Immigration officer she also felt that a work permit is not required as we have no operations and or money etc in Thailand. Thin line I know..

    So I gave up and have setup a BOI approved company in Thailand with work permit just to be sure as I would not want to fight. My Thai lawyer still thinks I am wasting my money....

    my understanding is... because you could potentially take jobs from Thai's and mostly that Thailand has loose laws but when it does enforce them it goes 100% overboard! in Chiang Mai 4 guys were arrested 3 weeks ago for playing guitar (for free) at a pub - no wages, just jamming - all were arrested and in jail.

  4. Oh, come on SBK, surely you realize it's a chance for the boys to discuss BGs and Loi Kroh?

    Hubby and I live within walking distance of said thanon. We go down there every so often for a big night out, to eat in one of the good restaurants (anyone tried La Terrasse, it's great!), drink some beer (we always see people we know at the Olde Bell), enjoy the energy of the street and marvel at the marketing skills of the young Thai women who work the street. It's a great night out.

    Absolutely. I was there with my wife last night. Some very nice places, and after warming her up a bit with a cocktail or two, just about any bar there is game. MANY bars there where the total focus is not on dispatching as many girls as possible.

    but I must say I am also confused as to the need to dig up a 7 year old thread.

    When people start a new topic then people yell at them telling to 'do a search! it's been discussed before!'. If they do and find an existing topic then they get yelled at for digging it up. Can't win. But I can do a new topic if that's better. (It would cover more than just one road; 7 years ago the scene in Santitham for example was rather different than it is now. )

    Santitham? am I missing something? there are bar girls there? pray tell more (for research purposes)

  5. The yellow shirts were at the airport for 8 days, after which they left peacefully, leaving (edit) no little damage. Nothing was done against the red shirts for nearly a month.

    little damage? the Thai economy? the humiliation and scorn of the international community? the stranded tourists? are you serious?

    The then government did act against the yellow shirts at government house.

    jeeze... that's ok then!

    But it clearly refutes your statement that the government didn't do anything.

    The red shirts saw what the then government did to the yellow shirts at government house. They also saw what the current government did to them in 2009. In 2010, they came prepared.

    The red shirts were given the option to leave Ratchaprasong peacefully, as the yellow shirts did, but they refused that offer. They just kept raising the stakes until the government had to act.

    did you read m y posts? about I agree they made a HUGE blunder and should have left?

  6. the best thing they can do is close all the girly bars down move them to an area on the outskirts of town

    then normal decent people can enjoy a night out with out hello sexy man i go with you the kind of tourist we get in cm are less and less inclined

    to be after that kind of thing in resent years

    the scum mostly goes down south thank god as they are the kind of unwanted trash that spoil it for the rest of us

    then the few we do get can go to the new areas and drink them selfs into a gutter and get a hooker

    they are the ones that course all the problem of noise and fighting so let them do it in there own little hog heaven

    loi kroa road is a boil on the backside of c/m and needs cleaning up anyway so lets start with that

    walking down it is like being in a cheep zombie movie with a clp of lady boy extras ready to pounce on you do people on holiday

    that have saved up all year to come to thailand really want to see that ?

    so don't walk down it...

  7. So I should have phrased them as questions.

    I never pretend to be impartial in this.

    So does this mean you were in favor of the Reds holding Rachaprasong indefinitely?

    you have read my posts - you know my view - that I believe the reds made a HUGE blunder by not leaving peacefully after Abhisit gave way on an early election

    Regardless of how it hurt other thais trying to make a living?

    same same yellows and nothing was done

    You can try to say the yellows gave them the idea they might get away with it, for a week, but no more.

    Regardless of what the yellows did, that is not an excuse or carte blanche for them to do it again

    or the reds to do it. And once they did, it was inevitable most people would eventually become fed up with it.

    authorities should have cracked down on the illegal occupation of the airport - and did nothing (not even cut water and food supplies etc.) which encouraged others - you imagine it happening at Kennedy? or Heathrow?

    The rest of us comment was perfectly clear to others, but maybe not you.

    *sigh* how biased can you get?

    The yellow shirts were at the airport for 8 days, after which they left peacefully, leaving (edit) no little damage. Nothing was done against the red shirts for nearly a month.

    little damage? the Thai economy? the humiliation and scorn of the international community? the stranded tourists? are you serious?

    The then government did act against the yellow shirts at government house.

    jeeze... that's ok then!

  8. I seem to remember some poster comparing the reds to the labor unionists in Europe and saying that violence was needed by the labor unions ....

    I have only ever postulated the paradigm shift that is occurring now and has occurred in the past - including Europe and just about everywhere else - but this has not been understood by many posters (I think you understand it but just don't agree) but I have never advocated violence.

  9. The latest round of 'street' protest was started by the yellow's airport take-over - and then the authorities lack of action spurred the reds. My view has consistently been - both actions were wrong but I understand the reds more.

    No. It didn't start there. It started in 2005/2006 with protests against Thaksin's corruption. There has been something at least every year since.

    I was referring to the yellow/red recent street protests (as well you know)

    What about a sub group of the Reds, Rak Nakkon, breaking up a rally by PAD and beating them till the had to run off?

    The yellow rally's militancy was a direct affect of repeated red violent attacks on them.

    The violence up north has always been coming from the side that wants

    no dissenting voices against their propaganda that controls the people of Issan.

    you know, we disagree on quite a lot, but please try to remember my constant, vigilant and continuous anti-violence stance - from whence ever it comes and not try to insinuate that I in any way support it - it is below your normal intelligent posting style - thanks jap.gif

  10. What the yellows did has nothing to do with the necessary clearing of Rachaparasong.

    You say not at all,

    so that means you were in favor of removing the illegal occupation of Rachaprasong.

    "The rest of us..." clearly means;

    others than the Reds holding the intersection and their supporters in doing so.

    you would say that wouldn't you and you are way, way past being impartial on this subject - and you are simply wrong

    So I should have phrased them as questions.

    I never pretend to be impartial in this.

    So does this mean you were in favor of the Reds holding Rachaprasong indefinitely?

    you have read my posts - you know my view - that I believe the reds made a HUGE blunder by not leaving peacefully after Abhisit gave way on an early election

    Regardless of how it hurt other thais trying to make a living?

    same same yellows and nothing was done

    You can try to say the yellows gave them the idea they might get away with it, for a week, but no more.

    Regardless of what the yellows did, that is not an excuse or carte blanche for them to do it again

    or the reds to do it. And once they did, it was inevitable most people would eventually become fed up with it.

    authorities should have cracked down on the illegal occupation of the airport - and did nothing (not even cut water and food supplies etc.) which encouraged others - you imagine it happening at Kennedy? or Heathrow?

    The rest of us comment was perfectly clear to others, but maybe not you.

    *sigh* how biased can you get?

  11. The latest round of 'street' protest was started by the yellow's airport take-over - and then the authorities lack of action spurred the reds. My view has consistently been - both actions were wrong but I understand the reds more.

    No. It didn't start there. It started in 2005/2006 with protests against Thaksin's corruption. There has been something at least every year since.

    I was referring to the yellow/red recent street protests (as well you know)

  12. What the yellows did has nothing to do with the necessary clearing of Rachaparasong.

    You say not at all,

    so that means you were in favor of removing the illegal occupation of Rachaprasong.

    "The rest of us..." clearly means;

    others than the Reds holding the intersection and their supporters in doing so.

    you would say that wouldn't you and you are way, way past being impartial on this subject - and you are simply wrong

  13. not at all but i don't think any poster speaks 'for the rest of us' and you forget the yellows started all of this with the airport take-over and if that was dealt with strongly and effectively the red thing possibly would never have happened.

    Aren't you forgetting the red shirt violence in 2007?

    Aren't you forgetting the coup of 2006? unless this circle stops there will never be peace.

    So why are you saying "the yellows started all of this" when it started a long time before that?

    Thaksin's corruption. The coup in 2006. The 2007 violence by the red shirts. The yellow shirts at government house and the airports. Songkran 2009. April-May 2010.

    Where will it stop?

    The latest round of 'street' protest was started by the yellow's airport take-over - and then the authorities lack of action spurred the reds. My view has consistently been - both actions were wrong but I understand the reds more.

  14. The rest of us are very clear that the reds were necessarily cleared off the streets last year.

    the rest of us?

    So you were for the indefinite take over of Rachaprasong intersection by the red shirt mob and the denial of access for all other Thais until the reds got their way?

    The rights of all other Thais could be held hostage by the reds on the streets of Bangkok because 'they have a cause'?

    That even if it was an illegal occupation of the streets, no one else had rights except the reds to ignore the laws and do as the wished?

    not at all but i don't think any poster speaks 'for the rest of us' and you forget the yellows started all of this with the airport take-over and if that was dealt with strongly and effectively the red thing possibly would never have happened.

  15. Over and above the deaths, 2,800 people were injured and seven had gone missing during or since the crackdown.

    Just curious if there's info on the type of injuries and spread over those 2800.

    The seven missing sounds alright for Thai circumstances. Like those drivers fleeing the scene. Mind you, it's nice to see the number has been brought down from an original guestimate of hundreds ;)

    If I'm not mistaken, the Red Shirt Bomber that blew himself (and several innocent tenants) up in that blast that destroyed the Nonthaburi apartment building was reported previously as "missing" by his wife.

    Hopefully, that's not indicative of other "missing" Red Shirt Bombers still out there waiting to demolish other apartment complexes.


    The rest of us are very clear that the reds were necessarily cleared off the streets last year.

    the rest of us?

  16. I would not trust these people as they are listing the incorrect age on many of the cars advertised, they are listing a 2002-2003 car as 2010 and that in my opinion is criminal.

    They import cars from japan and only mention the date that they were registered in Thailand, and then lie about the actual age.

    In my opinion if a vendor cannot even tell the truth about the age of a car then they cannot be trusted about anything. They even lie about the age if you call them and ask them to confirm the age, even though they list models as 2010 that have not been manufactured anywhere in more than 5 years... check for yourself.

    Listing the incorrect date is one of many scams used by sellers of Imported Japanese cars in Thailand. Imported Japanese cars can be good value for money, I recently bought one myself, but beware that there are a lot of scams used by some sellers and if a price looks too good to be true then you know that it is!

    yes i spotted that - but its the year of registration here in Thailand and when asked the question they did say the correct date - and how many kilometers they have done (I got Thai friends to phone them) so all is not lost (yet)

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