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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. oh right so if his name was tree and not Bush he'd have been in? get real (er)

    joking aside - you don't have to make the point - we all know why she's been nominated - it happens throughout Thai society - kids get promotions, get jobs because of their family not just this lady.

    Hang on a minute. You are continually on here going on about how the people are fed up with the establishment, and their corrupt, nepotistic (if that's not a word then it should be) ways, and supporting the reds and voting PTP is the only way that can change, yet when the reds put a jailed leader's wife in charge, and the PTP look at putting a bail jumping criminal's sister in charge, with no input from the little people, then that's okay, because everyone does it here? Either the PTP/reds are the solution (in which case they wouldn't be doing it the same old way), or they are part of the problem (currently the largest part oif the problem in my opinion). Which is it to be? How can voting for the same tired old politicians (and their appointed proxies), with their same, tired old corrupt nepotistic ways be a "cultural shift"?

    `and supporting the reds and voting PTP is the only way that can change' never said it - if you think I have please copy so we can all see it

  2. This is much more extreme. Why should the entire country have to pay so much for this one power mad family's benefit? Like I said, nauseating. If the Thai people fall for this, they certainly deserve what they get.

    my friend - you don't know everything and you do not speak for the country - we shall see the elections soon where PTP will not be in power and Thaksin will not be back in power - but they will gain millions of votes and the problems will continue because many believe Thaksin did a world of good for this country (and himself I grant you) and was deposed by a Coup. That's the truth of it plain and simple - I know many farangs are yellow on TV and that's fine - I expect constant drip drip yellow comments - but its up to the people of Thailand not you and me.

  3. If the same lady's name was Yingluck Baksheesh, would she be in the fast lane towards PM? It seems she was drafted by Brother. Nauseating, really.

    bit like Bush junior?

    Much much worse!

    Bush Sr. wasn't up on charges and trying to corrupt the system to have his charges dropped so he could return to power. Bush Sr. was NOT running W's policies. Get real, please.

    oh right so if his name was tree and not Bush he'd have been in? get real (er)

    joking aside - you don't have to make the point - we all know why she's been nominated - it happens throughout Thai society - kids get promotions, get jobs because of their family not just this lady.

  4. I have no idea but they mainly dish out 30 day suspensions (had a few myself) so he/she may be back after serving 'time'

    When it says 'BANNED" on one's membership status there is no coming back in this lifetime . ghost-17.gif

    Ohhh no reincarnation via another laptop?

  5. I wouldn't kill it.

    If I could safely catch it, I'd chase my wife with it for a bit, have my photo taken with it, then let it go somewhere it should be safe :)



    David are you showing off someone else's catch? or did you really catch it? kudos dude if you caught it! my fellow was grey and looked like yellow patterning - guess none of my Thai girlfriends will come to the Sala for a week or two now... laugh.gif

  6. I was impressed she had TWO Masters degrees - but all you yellows are just trying to downgrade her achievement

    Most of my collegues here in Thailand have at least a B.A. including secretaries. I'm not impressed. Management seems to be selected on family name and / or connections rather than pure skills. Of course after a while in management positions it doesn't really matter much ;)

    I'm not impressed either! we agree!!! in fact they are next to worthless... which is why I WAS impressed Yingluck gained TWO Masters in the US - but now all the yellow apologists have their collective knickers in a twist - sanuk!

  7. its obviously important to the yellow posters that she 'only' went to a historically black university - quite telling and not surprising

    The fact that she went to a 'historically black university' isn't the issue.

    The issue is that she went to a university that was rated fairly low in a particular grouping. Where would it stand if it was rated against all US universities?

    Indeed. It's no different than mentioning that KSU was also ranked #49th amongst southern universities.

    The only thing being addressed was chiangmaifun's being impressed by a low-ranked school.

    I would be FAR more impressed by a graduate degree from Sasin for a Business degree. (Sasin is right here in Thailand, very high ranking, associated with TOP ranked US schools etc!) To be impressed merely because it is a US school only shows a lack of understanding about US unis and being impressed because someone can afford to travel (is elite) for their education.

    I was impressed she had TWO Masters degrees - but all you yellows are just trying to downgrade her achievement

  8. Master's Degree Kentucky State University

    MBA Kentucky State University

    You impress easily...

    Kentucky State University

    Ranked #32 amongst historically black colleges and universities

    But thanks for clarifying it was not Kentucky University [sic]

    (it's actually the University of Kentucky) which is ranked very much higher.

    you mention of 'black university' is slightly disturbing as if this makes it LESS valid as a university!

    Read the links in Post # 22 and inform yourself regarding the terminology and the main evaluator of American universities.

    it doesn't matter - it's irrelevant... move on

  9. I am not someone who wants to kill anything (well not usually) but I got a huge shock this morning... a thin grey snake chasing a dragonfly or butterfly on my garden path! I went to get a net but it had gone - he was going at quiet a speed - not sure who was more shocked me or him!

    Would you normally kill it? if I had caught it I guess I would have found somewhere outside of town to let it go - but it IS quiet a shock if you have never experienced it.

  10. I'm afraid you are wrong - I was the poster who tried to bring some balance to the 'we hate Yingluck' brigade but mentioning that she had two Masters degrees and I thought that was in her favour.

    I made NO mention how good these degrees were - I just said it was impressive (to have two Masters degrees) and I still would say the same. It was others who introduced the 'these degrees are crap' arguments to discredit her achievements (ungenerously and unfairly in my view).

  11. PTP won't get in - all the others will collude and sell their souls and seats to ensure it - and the badwill and troubles will continue unfortunately huh.gif

    So, there'll be no collusion and selling of souls to the PTP?

    The troubles will continue either way. If PTP get in, the yellows will come out in force as soon as the PTP start trying to change laws to whitewash Thaksin's crimes. If the Democrats get in, the reds will complain that the others colluded and sold their souls to form government with the Democrats.

    I suppose that all the Thaksin and red shirt supporters could vote for PTP. If they vote for someone else who then joins with the Democrats, they can't complain, can they?

    Let's hope we get some resolution.. but it's doubtful alas... I just want the party in power to have a REAL mandate - but there's too many parties!

  12. My point is, which you seem to have missed, is that it is irrelevant whether it is a 'historically black university' or a 'historically white university' to define it as such introduces racism.

    What you are effectively saying is she has inferior degrees BECAUSE she went to a 'historically black university' - otherwise why mention it? it's a typical yellow elitist thing to do

    The reason I raised that she had two Masters degrees was not that they were US, UK or anywhere but they were from an established 'farangland' university not a Thai one. A poster introduced the 'black' thing as a 'put-down' of her degrees - pretty below the belt I would say.

    My point is, which you seem to have missed, is that it is irrelevant whether it is a 'historically black university' or a 'historically white university' to define it as such introduces racism.

    The university itself defines it as such. Tell them (the black administrators) they are racist. The most widely used ranking of US universities is done by the major news organization, US News and World Report; be sure to let them know they are racist too because they are the ones who ranked it in that category (as I said it doesn't make the overall 200.

    What you are effectively saying is she has inferior degrees BECAUSE she went to a 'historically black university' - otherwise why mention it?

    Oh, bull. You are deliberately twisting things now. It has been explained to you why it was mentioned. No one has said it's inferiror because if's historically black. If they are inferior it's because it ranks a mere #32 of a small subset. A subset which by its very nature is ot going to be the best because the best schools will be those that EVERYONE wants to go to and doesn't have to attract students who are looking for racial homogeneity. If a "historically black" college was amongst the very best in the country, you can be sure it would be touting it's rank among such and the historical aspect would soon be a footnote.

    Personally, I'm sort of bothered that there is still a situation where black people voluntarily want to segregate themselves a bit and/or have racist attitudes themselves -- but that's another subject.

    My point is that it does not matter... I only raised it as it was outside of Thailand - and just about the worst of those 'historically red indian or whatever Universities' are ten times better than most in Thailand! I thought it was impressive that she had studied outside of the coconut and achieved two Masters - which is rare! Give her some credit pleazzzze - she is not responsible for the 'sins' of her brother.

    Yes Abhisit went to the best and got his bachelors (converted to Masters) and that is impressive as well - and of course it's 100 times better than KSU. That was not my point.

    So now who's being racist and elitist? Prince of Songkla University is #324 in the world by some accounts. Chulalongkorn is #418. Two more among the top 500. Eight more are among the top 1000. (Dependig on how well you trust such rankings).

    KSU is not among the top 1000 as far as I know. Is it ten times better than most Thai universities? Are you sure? Perhaps in some significant ways it is for a Thai student, but it's not quite that simple.

    And you can't have it both ways -- you point out her graduation from that university as in her favor but then complain that people talk about the quality of the university? Can you spell hypocrisy? familiar with intellectual honesty?

    Now that I've corrected my error and apologized for it (which believe it or not I would have done anyway, as soon as I saw it), perhaps you can actually reply to several points in this and other posts. Or not.

    yes I believe it would be ten times better than most Thai Universities (apart from the excellent ones at the top of the pile you mention and maybe some others) - I have been VERY unimpressed when chatting to Thais (who have a degrees) about their knowledge - and I won't even mention the corruption etc. So, yes, I think if I asked many Thai graduates about WW2 or about other 'big' subjects they would have little or no knowledge - I would hope KSU might fare better! Most rich Thais send their kids outside Thailand for education - and that's about it.

    Now can we get back to the thread please? my intention in raising it I have outlined - she has TWO masters degrees - I believe that is impressive and good for her. Let's move on?

  13. The Immigration officer informed me that I would require a TM7 and a new income letter from the consulate

    The need for two income letters -- and the hassle and expense related -- really puts the damper on going the conversion/extension route. Particularly so for those who require a lengthy journey to their embassy or consulate. Will be interesting to see if Korat follows Bangkok and Chiang Mai Immigration with this practice.....

    I wonder if you can get two original income statements from your embassy the same day? Both would be less than 90 days old at time of conversion and subsequent extension -- so that shouldn't be a problem with Immigration, who just seem to want originals for their file. And, even if the embassy charges double, you'd still be in the same financial position -- but you'd save yourself time and energy by not having to revisit your embassy or consulate...

    Oh well. Best to get a Non Imm O before leaving home, I guess (or an 800k bank account).

    Iberk - forget it - go swear at the Consulate you have 65k coming in

  14. She has no chance of that - and I'm not even saying it would be a good thing - I have no idea of her character or experience or suitability but I hate it when people pounce on someone and start kicking without knowing those things too!

    You don't think she will be the PTP PM candidate, or you don't the PTP will get into government with her as the PM candidate?

    PTP won't get in - all the others will collude and sell their souls and seats to ensure it - and the badwill and troubles will continue unfortunately huh.gif

  15. Wow, you are quite dodger and weaver, aren't you?

    I only raised it as it was outside of Thailand - and just about the worst of those 'historically red indian or whatever Universities' are ten times better than most in Thailand! I thought it was impressive that she had studied outside of the coconut

    So now who's being racist and elitist? Prince of Songkla University is #324 in the world by some accounts. Chulalongkorn is #418. Two more among the top 500. Eight more are among the top 1000. (Dependig on how well you trust such rankings).

    KSU is not among the top 1000 as far as I know. Is it ten times better than any Thai university? Are you sure? Perhaps in some significant ways it is for a Thai student, but it's not quite that simple.

    And you can't have it both ways -- you point out her graduation from that university as in her favor but then complain that people talk about the quality of the university? Can you spell hypocrisy? familiar with intellectual honesty?

    did you actually READ my post? where did I say 'better than any Thai university'??? then you say 'Can you spell hypocrisy? familiar with intellectual honesty?' would you do me the courtesy of not twisting and mis-quoting? I'd be grateful... I said 'better than most in Thailand' an apology for the misquote would show your 'intellectual honesty' but I doubt you will be humble enough to give one.

    Well, I wonder why you would doubt that given that you know absolutely nothing about me. It happens that on the other board that I used to post on I had a reputation for that very thing -- being as objective as possible and always admitting when I was wrong. Now you wouldn't know that, of course but given that you don't know anything about me why do you cast such an aspersion?

    Ad hominem much?

    In spite of the fact that this has gotten a bit acrimonious I do sincerely and unconditionally apologize. it was an honest mistake -- I may be a lot of things but I'm not so stupid as to quote someone and then deliberately say they said something else. Now let me try again...

    Thank you - it is appreciated very much - and very rare - apologies if I presumed you would not do so as I am tainted by experience - good for you! I would do the same if vice versa

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