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Posts posted by ChiangMaiFun

  1. Wow, you are quite dodger and weaver, aren't you?

    I only raised it as it was outside of Thailand - and just about the worst of those 'historically red indian or whatever Universities' are ten times better than most in Thailand! I thought it was impressive that she had studied outside of the coconut

    So now who's being racist and elitist? Prince of Songkla University is #324 in the world by some accounts. Chulalongkorn is #418. Two more among the top 500. Eight more are among the top 1000. (Dependig on how well you trust such rankings).

    KSU is not among the top 1000 as far as I know. Is it ten times better than any Thai university? Are you sure? Perhaps in some significant ways it is for a Thai student, but it's not quite that simple.

    And you can't have it both ways -- you point out her graduation from that university as in her favor but then complain that people talk about the quality of the university? Can you spell hypocrisy? familiar with intellectual honesty?

    did you actually READ my post? where did I say 'better than any Thai university'??? then you say 'Can you spell hypocrisy? familiar with intellectual honesty?' would you do me the courtesy of not twisting and mis-quoting? I'd be grateful... I said 'better than most in Thailand' an apology for the misquote would show your 'intellectual honesty' but I doubt you will be humble enough to give one.

  2. My point is, which you seem to have missed, is that it is irrelevant whether it is a 'historically black university' or a 'historically white university' to define it as such introduces racism.

    What you are effectively saying is she has inferior degrees BECAUSE she went to a 'historically black university' - otherwise why mention it? it's a typical yellow elitist thing to do

    The reason I raised that she had two Masters degrees was not that they were US, UK or anywhere but they were from an established 'farangland' university not a Thai one. A poster introduced the 'black' thing as a 'put-down' of her degrees - pretty below the belt I would say.

    My point is, which you seem to have missed, is that it is irrelevant whether it is a 'historically black university' or a 'historically white university' to define it as such introduces racism.

    The university itself defines it as such. Tell them (the black administrators) they are racist. The most widely used ranking of US universities is done by the major news organization, US News and World Report; be sure to let them know they are racist too because they are the ones who ranked it in that category (as I said it doesn't make the overall 200.

    What you are effectively saying is she has inferior degrees BECAUSE she went to a 'historically black university' - otherwise why mention it?

    Oh, bull. You are deliberately twisting things now. It has been explained to you why it was mentioned. No one has said it's inferiror because if's historically black. If they are inferior it's because it ranks a mere #32 of a small subset. A subset which by its very nature is ot going to be the best because the best schools will be those that EVERYONE wants to go to and doesn't have to attract students who are looking for racial homogeneity. If a "historically black" college was amongst the very best in the country, you can be sure it would be touting it's rank among such and the historical aspect would soon be a footnote.

    Personally, I'm sort of bothered that there is still a situation where black people voluntarily want to segregate themselves a bit and/or have racist attitudes themselves -- but that's another subject.

    My point is that it does not matter... I only raised it as it was outside of Thailand - and just about the worst of those 'historically red indian or whatever Universities' are ten times better than most in Thailand! I thought it was impressive that she had studied outside of the coconut and achieved two Masters - which is rare! Give her some credit pleazzzze - she is not responsible for the 'sins' of her brother.

    Yes Abhisit went to the best and got his bachelors (converted to Masters) and that is impressive as well - and of course it's 100 times better than KSU. That was not my point.

  3. But it seems important to yellows posters that she went to a historically 'black' university and this demeans her two degrees - smacking of racism? or at the least elitism.

    See, that just you talking. Whybother has explained quite sensibly and no one has said that the history of the college or what category it was rated in diminishes it's value. What brings in to question (for some) is the relative worth of her 2 degrees is that she went to a far less than prestigious university by any measure.

    Elitism? Maybe. If she had gone to a very impressive university, you can be da_n sure that would be trumpeted by her people -- would that be elitist? (If one gets a degree from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge et al most would think that significant. Likewise if your degree is from the local vocational college that would be significant too. The only important thing? No. The most important thing? No. But part of a person's qualifications? Yes.)

    is it as bad as you say? and why are people wanting to decry her degrees? motivated by Goodwill? or Politics? go figure

    KSU ranked 39th among Southern Colleges and Universities, according to the U.S. News and World Report's 2008 Best Colleges Edition. U.S. News divides institutions of higher education up into specific regions and evaluates each establishment on set criteria. When searching for the top school in academic quality, best value or reputable faculty, U.S. News looks to established points of evaluation, which include peer assessment, retention, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial resources, graduation rate performance, and alumni giving rate.

  4. I assume you all have degrees from Oxbridge or Ivy League as only the brightest are yellows right?

    I hate to disappoint you, but ... wrong. I studied at the University of Technology in Delft, the Netherlands (Mathematics) I found out I'm not really in the same league as Albert Einstein. I didn't finish the third year, so not even a B.A. Does this mean I don't even qualify as a 'yellow' any longer ?

    probably... laugh.gif

  5. No I don't think it is common to have two Masters from a validated University. It is quite rare I would say and I have come across it only twice in my career (apart from me) - bachelors is common, masters less so, two masters rare I would say. But it seems important to yellows posters that she went to a historically 'black' university and this demeans her two degrees - smacking of racism? or at the least elitism.

    It seems important to red posters that she was educated at a US university. Being educated at a university that rates low in a subset of US universities isn't so "impressive".

    The university is a "historically black university". The ranking amongst other "historically black universities" is the point that is trying to be made. Nothing racist about that. As I said, which you seemed to have missed, being a "historically black university" is not a bad thing.

    My point is, which you seem to have missed, is that it is irrelevant whether it is a 'historically black university' or a 'historically white university' to define it as such introduces racism.

    What you are effectively saying is she has inferior degrees BECAUSE she went to a 'historically black university' - otherwise why mention it? it's a typical yellow elitist thing to do

    The reason I raised that she had two Masters degrees was not that they were US, UK or anywhere but they were from an established 'farangland' university not a Thai one. A poster introduced the 'black' thing as a 'put-down' of her degrees - pretty below the belt I would say.

  6. its obviously important to the yellow posters that she 'only' went to a historically black university - quite telling and not surprising

    The fact that she went to a 'historically black university' isn't the issue.

    The issue is that she went to a university that was rated fairly low in a particular grouping. Where would it stand if it was rated against all US universities?

    thank you for clarifying - then why mention 'black'? and should we hold this against her? all sounds very elitist from the yellow posters - I assume you all have degrees from Oxbridge or Ivy League as only the brightest are yellows right?

    Black is mentioned because the university is a 'historically black university' and it rated at #32 in a list of 'historically black universities'. Being a 'historically black university' is not a bad thing.

    Red posters like to highlight the academic achievements of the people they support, but is it really that impressive getting a Masters and MBA from a lowly ranked university? I thought it would be fairly common.

    No I don't think it is common to have two Masters from a validated University. It is quite rare I would say and I have come across it only twice in my career (apart from me) - bachelors is common, masters less so, two masters rare I would say. But it seems important to yellows posters that she went to a historically 'black' university and this demeans her two degrees - smacking of racism? or at the least elitism.

  7. its obviously important to the yellow posters that she 'only' went to a historically black university - quite telling and not surprising

    The fact that she went to a 'historically black university' isn't the issue.

    The issue is that she went to a university that was rated fairly low in a particular grouping. Where would it stand if it was rated against all US universities?

    thank you for clarifying - then why mention 'black'? and should we hold this against her? all sounds very elitist from the yellow posters - I assume you all have degrees from Oxbridge or Ivy League as only the brightest are yellows right?

  8. Thank you rubi for answering on behalf of Bucholz. I am fully aware of racial segregation in the states and elsewhere - I still have the same question though, are the "historically black universities" different in some way - I mean why mention the fact that there are 'historically black universities" if they are the same as "historically white universities" y'all know where I'm coming from?

    To be honest, no idea. I would assume there's still a bit of prejudice against 'hist. black uni's', like people would look down on someone having studied at a 'red-brick university' rather than Oxford/Cambridge. Human bias will slowly erode, but mostly that takes a few generations. IMHO

    no one 'looks down' on people who went to 'normal' Universities in England - never come across it - yes there are rankings based on academic performance (mine comes 14th) but so what? the scores needed for a degree are based by academic boards and apply to all degrees. The only difference is that Cambridge and Oxford give Masters degrees automatically after a few years even though only a 'Bachelors' was studied for - so ALL Oxford and Cambridge graduates have Masters - traditional for some reason.

  9. Master's Degree Kentucky State University

    MBA Kentucky State University

    You impress easily...

    Kentucky State University

    Ranked #32 amongst historically black colleges and universities

    But thanks for clarifying it was not Kentucky University [sic]

    (it's actually the University of Kentucky) which is ranked very much higher.

    Yes, quite so.

    its obviously important to the yellow posters that she 'only' went to a historically black university - quite telling and not surprising

  10. Master's Degree Kentucky State University

    MBA Kentucky State University

    You impress easily...

    Kentucky State University

    Ranked #32 amongst historically black colleges and universities

    But thanks for clarifying it was not Kentucky University [sic]

    (it's actually the University of Kentucky) which is ranked very much higher.

    you mention of 'black university' is slightly disturbing as if this makes it LESS valid as a university!

  11. Thailand can't be a true democracy if people get paid to vote. Coups? how many? 2006? banned political parties? Censorship? Military intervention in elections?

    The problem, partly, is some don't have the breadth of experience and/or education to fully comprehend the argument - the argument is just too subtle and this will be my last post on this particular aspect - laugh if you wish but some posters here actually understand and most don't. It's all fine we are just visitors and it makes no odds either way.

    Last Thought (from an experienced Thai commentator in Bangkok Post)

    Let's not talk about Thaksin or Ahbisit but let talk about whether we could really give birth to real Democracy in Thailand and how long do you think Thailand will give birth to true Democracy?

    No more from me on this so no point in flaming or criticizing

    Have a nice evening and a Happy Songkran!

    Can you name a democratic country that doesn't have censorship?

    no more comments from me on this one as I'm fed up being your football - but yes many do not have the Lèse majesté laws they have here which defines this as not a true democracy - no more replies from me jap.gif bye bye

  12. :)

    ALL is an absolute and this isn't harassment. It is pointing out extremely flawed logic (in its best possible reading) or outright deceit since there are stable organized democracies that do not fit into your "all"

    Democracies with coalition governments currently or recently include ......

    the UK

    Denmark (no single party with 50%+ since what .. 1909?)




    etc etc etc etc ...

    I would call them all stable and organized. In fact, coalition governments are the norm in the EU aren't they?

    Can we put the 2 party winner takes all idea to rest yet?

    China? Russia? USA? UK? and you say Denmark? Australia? Sweden? don't talk about the UK - this was a one off fluke and still falls within my 2/3 party system definition -conveniently forgotten by you (again) - get it yet? 2/3 party includes UK? and the EU is hardly 'stable' - think BIG Dude? USA, Russia, China

    PS India etc.

    never said China and Russia were democracy's - you are making it up


    Post 27 sure does.

    'stable and organised' not democracy's you are misreading the post - I only make this correction no more comment - have a nice day

  13. What's to be worried about anyway? Possibly having a prime minister with no previous experience as a politician/MP whatsoever (well, she probably would have slept through most sessions anyway)? The fact that she is Thaksin's youngest sister and surely will help the Messiah to finally find his way back home and save the country? The idea that all top positions in Pheua Thai's election list are occupied by relatives of Thaksin with Yingluck at no. 1?

    All is right as long as it serves the purposes and intentions of the Big Benefactor and Financier, without whom this so-called party would not even exist.

    Hail, Yingluck, the Graceful, the All-Knowing, Shining Beacon of Democracy, Protector of Her Family's Truth...

    ...and role model for everyone who is used by a relative to represent what they are not.

    maybe they are following the USA model of Bush and his son?

  14. Rubl only ever posts in yellow ink so difficult to understand

    Correct, my dear chap. With most default settings you won't see a bloody thing if I write in yellow. Let try:

    totally obnoxious text in yellow!

    Mind you in red it works:

    this is the nightsoil of a well-fed male oxen

    you see? we do agree at last!!! everything is CLEARER when it's RED

    dear JD, Animatic, whybother et al will all be thrilled laugh.gif

    I'm sure they will agree that it's all red bull sh_it :D

    (edit: add link on manure: http://www.gutenberg...s/manures3.html )

    Luckily no one cares!

  15. Thailand can't be a true democracy if people get paid to vote. Coups? how many? 2006? banned political parties? Censorship? Military intervention in elections?

    The problem, partly, is some don't have the breadth of experience and/or education to fully comprehend the argument - the argument is just too subtle and this will be my last post on this particular aspect - laugh if you wish but some posters here actually understand and most don't. It's all fine we are just visitors and it makes no odds either way.

    Last Thought (from an experienced Thai commentator in Bangkok Post)

    Let’s not talk about Thaksin or Ahbisit but let talk about whether we could really give birth to real Democracy in Thailand and how long do you think Thailand will give birth to true Democracy?

    No more from me on this so no point in flaming or criticizing

    Have a nice evening and a Happy Songkran!

  16. I don't think Thailand's democracy is much better and certainly less organised.

    Again --- per the topic and your remarks about Russia and China .. and my remarks saying that I thought we were talking about democracy (and you adding China and Russia into the discussion of democracies... and your statement above! ......)

    I would say that Thailand's democracy is much better because it is ... wait for it .... a democracy :) You may want to look at the link above --- Russia rates far below Thailand in democracy (both flawed democracies) and China isn't a democracy at all. So " I don't think Thailand's democracy is much better and certainly less organized" tells us all we need to know, now doesn't it?

    edit -- see post 37 (and the post it replies to and post 40 :)

    I don't think it is much better but that's got nothing to do with my support for democracy - because Thailand isn't really a democracy is it? that's my point - in a democracy their is no censorship. You see this is your problem Dude - you take things out of context and deliberately twist and turn them - Thailand IS NOT a democracy where there is corruption, buying of votes and censorship - get it?

    Thailand isn't a democracy now? Amazing!

    I am not taking things out of context, I am merely pointing out that your arguments are severely flawed such as around post 37 where you added China and Russia into your list of stable organized democracies.

    Again might I point out the link in post 40? There is corruption, and buying of votes (legally with campaign promises) and censorship everywhere. Thailand certainly has all three and is still a democracy. I am not the one that made the statement "organized stable democracy" and then included Russia and China. I would assume that The Economist would be fairly unbiased and after reading the raw report (not just looking at the ranking chart in Wiki) it seems that way to me.

    In fact now with your statement that Thailand is not a democracy you seem to be contradicting your earlier statements that it is a democracy.

    I will not argue that Thailand doesn't have corruption and vote buying and censorship. I would just argue that Thailand is about middle of the road for democracies. I would also add that many of the parliamentary democracies of the EU, rate at the very highest end of the range on the democratic scale. I would argue that if you want to cope with corruption, and vote-buying, and even censorship that you must start with corruption laws that have teeth, particularly when dealing with politics and civil servants. Banning of political parties wasn't strong enough. Lifetime bans and real jail time might help.

    never said China and Russia were democracy's - you are making it up

  17. I don't think Thailand's democracy is much better and certainly less organised.

    Again --- per the topic and your remarks about Russia and China .. and my remarks saying that I thought we were talking about democracy (and you adding China and Russia into the discussion of democracies... and your statement above! ......)

    I would say that Thailand's democracy is much better because it is ... wait for it .... a democracy :) You may want to look at the link above --- Russia rates far below Thailand in democracy (both flawed democracies) and China isn't a democracy at all. So " I don't think Thailand's democracy is much better and certainly less organized" tells us all we need to know, now doesn't it?

    edit -- see post 37 (and the post it replies to and post 40 :)

    I don't think it is much better but that's got nothing to do with my support for democracy - because Thailand isn't really a democracy is it? that's my point - in a democracy their is no censorship. You see this is your problem Dude - you take things out of context and deliberately twist and turn them - Thailand IS NOT a democracy where there is corruption, buying of votes and censorship - get it?

  18. update on the miracle whip situation would be nice and where is gotlost?

    Gotlost is banned. :(

    :( Unlike. :(

    Also that people are disappeared without any notification. (Or maybe I just missed it as I was abroad the last two weeks). RIP Gotlost, enjoyed your posts.

    I have no idea but they mainly dish out 30 day suspensions (had a few myself) so he/she may be back after serving 'time'

  19. Good morning dear JD... there are 'some' parallels between China and Thailand actually - censorship? not being able to discuss certain things? I don't think Thailand's democracy is much better and certainly less organised.

    LOL .. I am sorry, if you think China (an authoritarian one party regime) is a democracy then talking with you about democracy is just pointless.

    I didn't say that dear JD... I said 'there are SOME parallels' but I know you lurv mis-quoting - it's become your trademark

  20. an MBA and Masters from the US? impressive...

    If you endow a chair in a discipline with a trust fund of hard cash,

    or donate a building to a department you can buy a degree

    and neglect to do your oral dissertation,

    and forget to use the word 'Honorary' before the Degree.

    His english is pathetic, he might have had a ghost writer for the thesis, he could afford one, but it beggars belief that he passed a high level oral voi dire with a USA Uni's Master Board with his low level of english linguistic skills.

    you say 'his'? you mean 'hers'? she got her degrees at Kentucky University unless you know otherwise? accidence?

    Yes I meant his Thaksin, that he trumpets so loudly.

    You didn't specify hers. Though I will grant you the thread is about her,

    but also about his installing her. I have heard her speak english, so no reference.

    In general yes she does sem competent in general. She would have to be.

    I notice Payap was no where in the running.

    sorry I'm baffled... the thread is about Yingluck? I mention her degrees and you start talking about Thaksin the man? SHE took her two Masters at Kentucky and I mention it only to point out that she is not a stupid girl! not sure how you conceived I was referring to Thaksin:


    Master's Degree Kentucky State University

    MBA Kentucky State University

  21. an MBA and Masters from the US? impressive...

    If you endow a chair in a discipline with a trust fund of hard cash,

    or donate a building to a department you can buy a degree

    and neglect to do your oral dissertation,

    and forget to use the word 'Honorary' before the Degree.

    His english is pathetic, he might have had a ghost writer for the thesis, he could afford one, but it beggars belief that he passed a high level oral voi dire with a USA Uni's Master Board with his low level of english linguistic skills.

    you say 'his'? you mean 'hers'? she got her degrees at Kentucky University unless you know otherwise? accidence?

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