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Everything posted by stubuzz

  1. A declaration renouncing all claims to the property will have to be made at the Land Office.
  2. It would have been a good idea to integrate the new system with M-Pass/Easy pass.
  3. As the Mor Prom app is going to be used as a "vaccine passport" as sorts, what is the procedure for returnees that were vaccinated abroad? Does the app accept uploads or will returning expats be barred from places that require vaccination proof?
  4. Is it possible to upload foreign vaccination certificates into the Mor Prom app?
  5. Both the seats and the valves will need to be re-cut. If it is an old engine, there might be valve seat regression, so new valves and seats should be considered.
  6. I sometimes get a scratchy voice using the aerosol inhalers. Now, i always gargle with water after a dose.
  7. Most subjects will be taught in English, but don't worry young kids will soon pick the local language up.
  8. I use the Seretide aerosol. It is about 600bt from my local pharmacy.
  9. Blue is 15-15-15 (NPK) White is 10-10-10 (NPK) Brown ?
  10. I forgot to mention that etch primer must be followed by a normal primer as you cannot paint directly over it.
  11. Thanks. That looks like a zinc rich cold galvanizing primer, not an etch primer. Where do you buy it ? Here is a link to a source of automotive etch primer.
  12. This is what you need. It is specially blended for high mileage vehicles. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/valvoline-maxlife-10w-40-41-i1024328448-s2268936040.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.40.537a2b52HRdkiy&search=1
  13. Could you post a pic of the etch primer you are using, please.
  14. This can help with pricing. https://www.dotproperty.co.th/blog/ราคาที่ดิน-ตรวจสอบแบบ-online
  15. There a FED meeting in the US tomorrow.
  16. Here are some options. 1. A piece of glass. 2. More epoxy (mixed correctly) (Do a Google search in Thai as there are companies that do it) 3. Remove it all and buy a granite top.
  17. Thank you. I have just found this one. It claims to have an IP65 rating.
  18. This is from https://ledlightinginfo.com/do-led-lights-need-a-special-photocell Standard photocells require a small current to operate during the daytime when the light is off. Because LEDs run at such a low voltage, this small current causes interference, flickering, and premature degradation. Therefore, LEDs require a different type of photocell than conventional bulbs. The one above has nothing about it in the literature. It is always on at 30% power and increases to full power when it senses motion. Lamptan has a motion sensor bulb that only works in the dark, maybe i could use one of those and add another Lamtan dusk to dawn light.
  19. Could anybody recommend a photosensor for a LED tube like the one below. It already has a motion detector built in but i would like it to start working automatically from dusk to dawn. https://www.evelighting.com/product/53790/led-t8-motion-sensor-9-18w-daylight
  20. Here is slimline surge protector if you are stuck for space. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001750310350.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7005647adYQBxx&algo_pvid=09ab7af3-803f-4303-ac78-f09165d69b56&algo_exp_id=09ab7af3-803f-4303-ac78-f09165d69b56-53&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000017427370870%22%7D
  21. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england#type-of-test
  22. The UK will also accept the cheaper Covid tests.
  23. Are mutual funds ETF's? https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Mutual-Funds
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