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Everything posted by stubuzz

  1. I will be flying from the UK to Saudi for a 2 day seminar and then onto Thailand, so I applied for a Thai E-visa from the London embassy. I supplied my ticket showing a flight from Saudi to Thailand, but i have received a request to show a ticket from UK to Thailand. As i can see, i have 2 choices. Send them my ticket from the UK to Saudi and then the Saudi to Thailand ticket with a short explanation, or use a booking company to get a throwaway ticket from UK to Thailand to meet the visa requirements. Any ideas?
  2. Yes they ask for a lot of documents and only allow 1 document upload per question, so multiple items need to be consolidated onto 1 document.
  3. I have just realized that i only submitted 1 half of my air ticket on my tourist visa application (I have flights with different airlines). Will the application be rejected or will extra documents be requested?
  4. I have used them a lot. They didn't really care when they lost my luggage.
  5. I think the app is Geo locked as it claims not compatible with any of my devices. The web based site also seems to be down. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/ I will try again with a VPN.
  6. Was the bathroom re-tiled?
  7. 10 days to the UK from China with the free shipping option.
  8. If you have and ELM 327 lead, download FORSCAN and program the key yourself.
  9. Yes. Most can clone your original key.
  10. Many of the street key cutters will help.
  11. Yes, it can. However, the chip will probably be a inferior Chinese clone.
  12. If renewing a 5 year licence and you have 5 years teaching experience, you can apply with a bachelors and evidence of 5 years experience. I think it is clause 1.8 on the online application.
  13. Eligibility 1. Age between 1 - 85 years old 2. This insurance policy does not cover who infected or suspected of being infected "Coronavirus (Covid-19)" (including complications) that exist before #2 The recommended Covid cover doesn't cover you??
  14. Thanks. One more thing, once the e-visa is approved i understand you get a print out to give to immigration. Does immigration then give you the normal arrival stamp or do you get a one page sticker?
  15. I will be applying for a 60 day tourist visa soon. However i am slightly confused as my Permanent Residency / Current Location are different. I am British, but currently in Saudi on a Business visa which has a 3 month validity. If i put Saudi as my current location, i am not eligible to apply, but using my permanent residency gives me eligibility. Should i just use the UK for both categories?
  16. 7. This is part 7 of a list of items and it asks that all documents must be in pdf format but i don't understand the (หากรวมเอกสารครบถ้วนไม่ต้องแนบในข้อ 1 - 6) All document รวมเอกสารทุกอย่าง เป็นไฟล์ pdf. (หากรวมเอกสารครบถ้วนไม่ต้องแนบในข้อ 1 - 6)
  17. The cleaning staff at the place i work live in converted shipping containers onsite and are paid 1000 SAR pcm. This is equivalent to the the Thai minimum wage.
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