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Posts posted by mouse

  1. Now I am no politician or expert on law, but, from what I understand during the PUTSCH the Constitution was declared nulll and void, so it would seem that all Laws and Acts enacted under that Constitution are also null and void. The new laws created after the Putsch and as a result of the new Constittution will not be retroactive. Or am I confused here. After all the country was under martial law without any other laws.

    If this is the case there is also no valid and enforcible Immigration Law.

    Somebody please make me smart about this or am I dreaming?

  2. Here is the information you will need to get a response on your question. No, I do not get anything and I just placed an order through her for other stuff.

    Pannee Wanichwattanavorachai (Ann)

    Account Manager

    Dell Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

    Bangkok Line: 0-2670-7200 Ext. 2650

    Bangkok Fax : 0-2670-0029-30

    Direct Fax : 007-604-633-9650

    Toll Free : 1800-006-006 Ext. 2650

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Website : www.dell.co.th

  3. It is not that dificult to do a NCIC check on an American and check if he is wanted. I do not know if this is possible for other nationalities but, suspect that may not be the case. Maybe a national hotline or a website where dodgy characters could be reported and then checked out by the appropriate agencies. This would certainly help as a start. Then I advocate the each Province hire a farang advisor that can help in the slection process and even give advise of other govermental matters as to how it is done in other nations. Requirement for such a position would be a government retiree that would be willing to work at Thai governmental rates. Or solicit other nations to provide an exchange program where a Farang comes here as part of a exchange progams for a Thai going to their nation for a 3 years period to learn, observe and assist. Just thoughts! Cetainly better than what is in place now!

  4. I think that it would be in Thailand's interest to invest in other means of having the population support itself. Tourism should not a be primary means of income for any nation making it too dependent on the whims of conflicts, the climate and a host of other uncontrollable problems. We will definitely see tourism wane as a primary means of income for many nations within the coming years, in light of climate change, rising seas and other calamaties that we have created. After all toruism itself and aircraft trvel are the two major contributors to pollution.

    Just like working, everyone wants to be a businessman and no one wants to work the land, be a carpenter or practice an other honorable trade any more. Everyone just wants to make that fast buck. Tourism has a price. Look at the landfills created by islands and their visitors.

  5. I have bought three here:

    Pannee Wanichwattanavorachai (Ann)

    Account Manager

    Dell Corporation (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

    Bangkok Line: 0-2670-7200 Ext. 2650

    Bangkok Fax : 0-2670-0029-30

    Direct Fax : 007-604-633-9650

    Toll Free : 1800-006-006 Ext. 2650

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Website : www.dell.co.th

    Also just got a promtional email from them........ drop me your email if you want it forwarded

  6. I would think that if they start checking records on everyone they stop or have visit the station that Thailand would be a very lonely country and they would have to raise taxes just to keep all the people inthe monkey house. What Law Envrocement in Thailand needs is training......... I think that they UN was recently approached on that matter.

  7. Then there is the other way. You can accuse the chickens of being invested with bird flu and threathen to sue for attempted murder of your very rare bred pets. :o As a matter of fact chickens are now required to be in an enclosures and dogs are not. So unless there is proof the dogs entered the chicken's pen you are clear! :D Sorry could not resist. Happened to me also.... pay 250baht per chicken and about 500 for each bunny. Good luck and keep us informed!

  8. I see that Kerryk mentioned Vietnam. I wrote and published a story about Vietnam called "In Search of Fear" (Google In Search of Fear (The Fear Fix)) for which I won a writer's prize....blah blah blah. Anyway seems that KerryK adjusted his "Search of Fear or FearFix". If you ask around you will find many Vets that actually seek the thrill of danger, failing in business or some other undertaking, subsituting that for the fear they learned over there. Sounds weird but, very true for many that I know or knew. Wonder if he has one of the below. That would explain the story.


  9. Is it possible that he is playing the money markets big time with his many millions, trying to manipulate the Baht in an effort to show economic weakness within the current regime. He has the most to gain by having the present economy fail or even just suffer. It would point to the success or perceived sucess of his past Thaksonomics and would reinforce all the negative stuff he is spouting to Newsweek, Time Magazine, CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Just a thought!! but think about it. It would certainly allow him to return as a saviour to Thailand later down the line, just in time to build another badly needed (by then) airport.

  10. Mouse, none of the others here are putting affiliate links in posts we use to help people, why is it that when you do, its something you're making a $$$ on?

    Actually I am making nothing on that link, but a registered charity called the "Argentina Brunetti Foundation" run by a dear friend of mine is. Take a look here! Be sure to look at the bottom on the main page where it shows his registration information etc. also to be found here And to make the matter clear for you and any other person that may be interested. Such an affiiliate link does not cost the eventual purchaser any more than the normal product price. With such a link as in this case, only a donation of XX does not go back to the Charitable Foundation that was set up to help children worldwide.

    And since we are helping people I thought that I would kill two birds with one stone. However, if you want to paint that as something evil, then so be it.

    Feel free to PM me on the matter if there is really a problem here.

    Sorry to lash out, but, I am tired of always being critized for SPAM and other things when I do not partake in such actions, condone them or act in an improper manner toward any forum members or visitor. There now I feel better!

  11. Try this link. I bought the software through this link and use it througout my office. Works great! Be sure to exercise the free 30 day tryout option. The license is for up to 5 machines and what I did not use I gave to friends. That comes to $6 a computer. A very good deal allowing for various type of backups scenarios that run automatically whenever you schedule them for.
  12. The person that I want is being pressured by his fiancee to accept a position with us. My wife met with her today and it certainly worked as she is hungry, but, too cute to work for me.. This guy is good but wasting his skills teaching Music at a private school for 7,500 baht a month. It is his Mommy that wants him ro remain at that school due to a false sense of security provided by the Chinese owners.

    He should be starting with us in mid March (I hope to sign him within days) so that he can leave with plenty of notice thus getting all of his bennies. In the process we also found a young 16 year old girl that wants to train for a position with us on weekends and then finally on Saturday we have a young lady coming over on an appointment she made recently. So it seems we are out of the woods for now. That 90 days bit should have been removed by me as things have changed rapidly and we have a lot of work. Just got the parts for a third computer to assemble and will order a 3rd DELL WideScreen next week. Now for a 1TB Network Storage Device and we are set. Followed my motto "Always hope for the best and expects the worst" and it worked.

    Of course there will be others coming in based on all the publcity we genrated and those we will hopeffully hire within 90 to 120 days if they are still available. We are at the stage of business, where we must be careful not to grow too fast, but, also be ready for some expected surges in business.

  13. I only use DHL. They are great. Had a recent 500lbs shipment from Asia to a small town on the U.S. East Coast get there in little less than 40 hours.

    Experience with UPS and FedEx always left me with the feeling I was being robbed. Especially when dealing with their LOS branches. In one particular case had a single book sent to me from Europe (Express) at approximately $100. I balked at the extras fees for a Pro Forma Invoice, as this was a private transaction and although I paid for the shipment minus the disputed part, they are now trying to collect the entire amount again, from the sender in Europe, even after I agreed to pay an adjusted amount agreed upon by me and their LOS office.

    I have instructed the contact in Europe not to pay any costs and at this point, have taken up the argument with their Headquarters. Why deal with the Smittys when you can talk to Mr. Smith. I do a lot of shipping, so if they want my business they better treat me right or I will take my marbles and play elsewhere.

    Just wanted to mention that TNT is also an excellent service. Just got a letter from them that I had overpaid a shipment and they were refunding me 2,400 Baht. Wow! that is a first for LOS!

  14. that is able to provide either 1TB, 1.5TB or more storage for my network. Found a fantastic example by both Iomega (1TB Triple InterfaceUltraMax Hard Drive) and then a company called LaCie. (LaCie Ethernet Disk RAID 2TB) Both systems are not cheap reaching into the $1,000 or above area, but, I want to avoid the 100% duty on the item coming into LOS, so I need a dealer in LOS. Checked all to no avail and with contact information I am getting the famous "we no have"

    Can anyone tell me what is available in Bangkok or elsewhere.

    Never mind....found something close enough at Thanni.

  15. that has a working knowledge of PhotoShop, Pagemaker, Corel Draw and Windows. Ability to learn more advanced programs a must. Must speak, read and write English perfectly. Will provide seperate living quarters, fair salary with high annual bonuses. Position is located in Kamphaeng Phet province. Some one that has graduated from a Design Institute or University is preferred. PM this poster if interested and he will provide an email where you can send your resume to. Selected applicant(s) will be contacted within 90 days

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