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Posts posted by mouse

  1. Hi

    One of my Thai female friends had a brief encounter with an English man and this lead to her getting pregnant and having a child, a baby girl. Condom allegedly broke.

    Now this woman has the responsibility of bringing up the little girl. She is ok with this, but the little kid had some medical problem and needed an operation which I ended up paying for.

    Now I am thinking she should try to track down this guy and to ask him to assist with some of the costs.

    I guess this sort of thing is rather common with all the sex that happens in Thailand. I feel sorry for the guy, as it was not planned, but an accident. But the poor woman has to bear the costs of bringing up this girl.

    What can we do to try to track down this guy? I have a first and surname, approximate age, and he is supposed to be from London.

    If we do track him down, and he refuses to help out, is there anything.



    First of all. It is the child that needs help here not a "mere woman" or "lady of the night" as so many of your imply without any basis or fact.

    Secondly, the fact that money was exchanged, has no bearing whatsoever on anyhting. Yes there are old experienced hands that disagree. I think those that are the same members that are quick to jump with the defense that this was a work related mishap. Such a statement can only come from old crass cold and uncaring human being or insensitive person that has been here too long. Imagine if the girl was your dearest friend or even your sister. Your tone would certainly be different.

    I suggest that every effort be made to find this gentleman and give him an opportunity to disproove paternity through available scientific tests. If prooven to have been involved in the childs conception, he should be given a reasonable opportunity to make it right through financial means aligned with the income levels of Thailand. A monthly fifty pound note (do they have those) would go a long way for this child. If he refused, I would suggest that the law be invoked to right a wrong. Then it would certainly costs substantialy more to the alledged father and even give the child rights that could make a difference to her for the rest of her life.

    If you think that I am too much of a softy on this matter then I would like to say in my defense; I have been here 11 years. It is true I have seen so many scams and stories here, so many in fact, that I could write a book about them and sell it vey sucessfully. Yet, I still have the decency to give every person the benefit of the doubt and the dignity no matter what they do or have done.

  2. The towers will warn public members of potential flooding conditions 30 minutes or one hour before they occur.

    First they mention that the seas will not rise as Thailand is too far from the glaciers and now we are talking about "slow moving water" What is next lightning lookout posts that warn us 5 minutes in advance to disconnect our appliances. I have been here so long I am starting to believe this stuff.

  3. So you say that Immigation monitors this website. Great! Let me then get this off my chest to them !!

    I am particlulary upset by the fact that there are so many VISA violators/overstayers, people working without work permit and other violators of the 90 day rule. Why am I upset........Well consider the added expense, trouble and time, that my family and I have given to be here, for me to have the proper VISA, be working legally, when others do so while flaunting the system and saving themselves a considerable amount over what I have had to spend.

    I see people that operate Bakeries, Restaruants, Pizzerias, Bars, Coffee Shops, a variety of other shops and of course some that are employed as even employed as School Teachers, all working illegally without Work Permits. In one case the person has been here on a 6 month overstay (without any VISA) and he is teaching at local schools.

    What are my suggestions to Immigration?

    1.) Start using those fancy computers to match up those that enter the country and those that depart. Those that are left, may likely be here illegally and those residences should be visited. A very simple process of connecting all Immigration points to a central database could make this possible.

    2.) In addition to punishing the violator, also make the businesses responsible for hiring these violators and soon the businneses and schools will no longer hire the illegals. This can be done by vigerous inspections and of fining institutions, in addition to the violators heavily. It is something that the schools would certainly understand and comply to quickly.

    3.) Change the system and the fines and punishments to reflect the violation of the system. Do not make it cost effective to be a violator.

    4.) Give the Immigration Police an incentive of some sort to catch these violators. Say 25% of the fines levied by the court.

    5.) Even consider passing rewards to reporting these misfits to the general populace. Every Thai knows what is going on in his or her village or neighborhood.

    Only once Thailand gets rid and cleans itself of these type of misfits that cannot or do not want to confrom, wether here or in their home country, only then will the quality tourist come here.

    OK! now I have said it, I will shut up, for I feel better for having said it.

    Edit done due to spelling errors

  4. Mazda without any doubt. The parts are more expensive but it's worth it.

    The parts cost more to make up for the long storage they experience without any sales or need to use on sold vehicles.

    The Mazda3 is a joy to drive and rivals many a sport car available on the market. Do I own one, YES!

  5. I have a few things to say about this topic:

    1.) Thailand should keep in mind that it is not healthy to concentrate on one large form of income for the nation, such as they are doing with tourism. For tourism could stop suddenly based on war, disease of the countless other problems we face daily throughout the world.

    2.) Tourism is the largest polluter in the world. Ask those on the islands in Thailand, ask those that know about aricarft fuel jettisoning and the list goes on and on.

    3.) Thailand's Toursim Authority should instead of concentrating on any type of desired tourism, instead work within the service sector in Thailand, teaching, controlling and even training and possibly inspecting, how to please a tourist based enviroment and for the people to provide a top product or service at a fair price. The word WOULD spread by itself and eliminate the need for marketing.

    4.) Thailand should rid itself of the alcoholics, prior convicts, drug dealers, overstayer and other rif raff that come here under the guise of tourism, many of which remain and give this wonderful nation a bad name in one form or another.

    5.) By staying here, I am subjected to and am tired of being placed in the same bad light of those that refuse to maintian a proper visa, do the required 90 day reporting and those that actually run businesses without a work permit. No excuses, get rid of them once and for all.

  6. I found of the posts here as ridiculous. and that is an understatement.

    posters who were posting predictions that the referendum will not go through are now finding excuses as to why this democratic vote is not such a sucess or trying to review the results as a "samll margin" comfortable margin" etc....

    I looked at what happens in other countries

    it seems that in most countries that have a democracy the win or loose is determined by a few percent.

    why should thailand be different??

    or is this thread just a pile of ecuses forthose who had wrong predictions?? :o

    Here a few percent had nothing to do with it. Let's work it out. Approximately 57% of th epopulation voted for the Charter but no one seems to care that barely half (57.6%) of the population showed to vote at all. At a total polulation of 61.5 million that means that only 35.4 million showed up and then only 20 million passed the measure and to me that is not a majority but a third. I hope that the other two thirds never complain

  7. I've got my butt covered. Almost all of my company's business comes from MY five websites. They are in MY name in the US... screw me and you might as well close the doors. That, coupled with the fact that I'm the only person in the company who knows how both marketing and operations work should make me irreplaceable.

    If something stupid happens, I've always enjoyed Malaysia. But hopefully, I'm just airing my distrust and nothing really harmful will every happen. If it does, you won't see me jumping off of a high-rise. :o

    I too am in a position to relocate and be up and running again within 72 hours should it come to that, but, I hope it does not. My employees are good people that can however be replaced worldwide. My products are not made in Thailand but merely designed here, the product is not sold in Thailand, we do not have any Thai customers, nor do the profits enter into Thailand, unless I deem it so. But, I do pay sunstantial taxes (by Thai standards), based on the fact that I live here and they are a pittance of what I was used to in Italy.

  8. The way to overcome this is to pay them well (by their standards) and take 50% of the income and force it into a savings account. They will be under the impresison that they will loose this money if they leave and will stay put. Then once every 6 or 12 months, give them 50% of what is in the Bank savings account. This will build a relationship so tight that you cannot imagine. Worked for me!

  9. Found a dealer in Kamphaeng Phet that offered me a 12,000 BTU "NO NAME" unit for 12,000 baht installed. Got one! That was 6 months ago and it purrs like a kitten. I have to save money on all my purchases, as I have a Thai wife. Nuff said!

    When I say NO NAME, I mean no labels other than the royal energy labels etc. Asked around and found that all the units use the Miisubishi insides and then slap their own name on it.

  10. The land office told us that the law states that "said land can only be sold if a Judge rules that it is in the interest of the child without outside influences".

    We have done so for one of our children and plan to also do so for the other two also. It is my desire, as I remember the squabbling, when my Father and then my Mother died. I do not wish my kids to go through that and want them to know up front what is to become theirs.

  11. Former Vice President Al Gore did not snub Thailand, he merely came to the realization that Thailand is in fact too far from the melting Glaciers to be affected by the potentially rising seas. Thus he saw no need to visit here. Thailand is safe. Keep those shrub and other things burning especially the plastic refuse. :D:D:o

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