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Posts posted by mouse

  1. It is strange that they would arrest someone that has the work permit and is in full compliance, unless he is working in one of the prohibited fields. Maybe they found something else when checking out your friend.

    After all they have so many totally illegal people to choose from that it is ridiculous. In Kamphaeng Phet province, where I live, I can think of more than a half a dozen farang when trying to think of people working without a work permit and earning a living, or even working in prohibited professions such as farming or the alltogether nightime lumber industry.

    I must admit that sometimes I feel foolish that I chose the legalized method of running my business, when see others than even go as far as to flaunt their status.

    Oh well, at least I can rest easy knowing that I am in compliance and hoepfully safe from the grasp of the enforcement agencies.

  2. I got one of the last 2007 models and all I can say is WOW! What a car. Fast Fast Fast, Sunroof Leather. 6 CD, MP3 connection, oh did I mention it was fast?. I looked at the new one yesterday and must say that they have turned to being a lesser car.

  3. After routine visit to our doctor, my wife (Thai) was handed some forms explaining about registering the baby at the hospital.

    We went up to see the hospital admin, and they said that they need a copy of my passport, confirmed by my Embassy (UK). Meaning some sort of stamp..

    This sounds a bit strange, as surely my passport IS an official document proving who I am.

    And, I've already been through the affirmation to marry process - so my credentials have already been checked.

    Anyone else had this experience?


    If you give in, next time they will want a letter certifying the letter, that certified the letter, that certifed the passport. Be polite, firm and stand your ground. Due to them being Thai, give them a chance to escape and save face.

  4. At what age do children have to be to own land ? my son Thai is 4 year old i would like to buy him a piece of land put in his name for his future .

    Mini-Mouse, my 7 year old daughter owns the land and house we live in. It can only be sold, if a Judge thinks it is in her interest, or she reaches the age of 21 years old. Doing the same with a second property for my sons who will own 50% each and both have a house on their share of the land.

    Leaving money in the form of cash or Insurance in Thailand is like leaving a thimble of water out in the sun during the dry season. Gone instantly and noboby actually got a real drink!

  5. Has anything changed? I have three children that are born in Thailand of a Thai Mother and are in the family House book. They go to private school here and enjoy all benefits of being Thai. They also hold U.S. Passports and obviously the citizenship of both nations.

    Now I am getting this story for the local drinking hole, that at age eighteen my children must deceide which citizenship they want and that they will have to loose the other one.

    I have been through the Constitituion, the Thai Nationality Act and numerous outher sites and can find nothing of substance.

    I know that the U.S. recognizes both citizenships and will not act to revoke unless that particlular citizenship is used to defraud or break federal criminal laws.

    Could someone please shed some light on this with some reference to official things that can be downloaded or obtained through the web?

    Moderators please remove from http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=11356&hl= as I placed it there by accident.

  6. Has anything changed? I have three children that are born in Thailand of a Thai Mother and are in the family House book. They go to private school here and enjoy all benefits of being Thai. They also hold U.S. Passports and obviously the citizenship of both nations.

    Now I am getting this story for the local drinking hole, that at age eighteen my children must deceide which citizenship they want and that they will have to loose the other one.

    I have been through the Constitituion, the Thai Nationality Act and numerous outher sites and can find nothing of substance.

    I know that the U.S. recognizes both citizenships and will not act to revoke unless that particlular citizenship is used to defraud or break federal criminal laws.

    Could someone please shed some light on this with some reference to official things that can be downloaded or obtained through the web?

  7. Who exactly told you that and how did they know?

    You only make 90 day address reports to Immigration Police only as far as I know. And there is no charge for this service.

    There is residence of foreigner reporting that is done at local police stations so fear that there may be a misunderstanding.

    My friend was told in person by local Police Officer that works in one of the offices in the Kamphaeng Phet Police Station. I knew it sounded too good to be true.

  8. We are being told by a local Constable (sorry could not resist) that we do not have to go to Immigration offices in Bangkok or Mae Sot, to file our 90 day residence report. We are being told that we can accomplish the same procedure at the Kamphaeng Phet Main Police Station for 30 Baht. If this is true it will be truely welcomed, as it will save a lot of time travelling, gasoline and/or the insecurity of knowing wether your 90 day extension reprot has in fact arrived in Bangkok by mail.

    Has anyone else heard of this new method to meet the 90 day reporting requirements?

    It would make sense and that is what scares me.

  9. Should not have a problem there mate, Pattaya's always full of clowns.

    Dunno if i would want them round my kids tho!

    And it addition to that,none of them know how to use rub.... ehhhr I mean balloons!

  10. For the sake of the story, I have lived in Thailand for 10 years and have three beautiful children. My wife, whom I love very much and I have had our regular marrige squabbels.

    Recently after an argument she left to visit her sister. While doing so she left me to care for the children and lightenined our accounts a little to offset her expenses in Bangkok.

    Needless to say I was somewhat upset, however, when my Brother in Law, flatly stated that I should go home and not even stay in Thailand if things did not work out, I feared what the future might bring.

    In any case my wife came back and after having worked things out through talking and changing the way we communciated with one another, we resumed a normal life until this morning. We were notified by the Village Chief (her Uncle) that our property had been selected to be upgraded and that we had three days to pick up the Chonote at the local Land Office. This was quite a suprise as we had been told for years that our land, which has been in the family for more than 50 years, was part of a national Forest that never allow us having total claim over the land.

    We hurried to the Land Office and my wife was in fact issued the Chanote for the land. In a exploratory statement, I asked my wife why we did not place the land into the name of one of our children, to which she readily agreed. 9,000 Baht and two hours later my 7 year old Daughter became the proud owner of the land and house. My wife and I both agreed that this put some of the axiety of land and house in the background, allowing us to proceed with a normal life without having to worrry who is the Hen and who is the Rooster when the hen house was considered. This also avoids the potential squable between our kids when we depart as I have seen over and over and even experienced when first my Father and then my Mother died.

    Naturally, our plans also call for buying and then building a house for each of the other two children, so that all will know in advance what they get when older.

    Just thought I would share this as I hear so many negative things here on the forum. This was a bright day for us and a quite simple solution.

  11. Consider a full color Laser by Fuji/Xerox Model number C525A for 9,000 baht. An excellent buy and high quality that we print our proofs with. Can be purchased at Pantip Plaza and also at the IT Plaza in Chiang Mai.

  12. Not only that, I also suspect that many times when we discuss things on the varied forums, within weeks, sometimes even days, varied rules seems to appear that fix circumventions that are mentioned on the net in the first place. Makes you think!!

  13. I see that we are at it again. I am willing to bet that some people use the same arguments when talking to authoirities in the states about their taxes there. Oh! I should not have to pay taxes cause I work and live abroad.......they proably say. That is what this is all about or not??????

    Unfortunately since they will not be able to proove that, as they have no record of foreign tax being paid, work permit etc. etc. thus they will be forced to pay all the U.S. Taxes no matter how minute the income is. Of course the other method would be to not declare the income at all. But that is a dangerous game. Look at this

    With time the autorities will catch up to people skirting the issues in Thailand and they will be asked to leave. In the USA, if found out, they would additionally pay a lot of taxes and penalties.

    Think about it, when the Thai authorities made the law they did make provision for those working for a foreign company with you working from here. That is why you have to proove the employment with a firm rather than being a mere consultant etc.

    I hasten to mention that have formed my Amity Company and have the applicable work permit, my required Thai workers and am paying my 30% like a good little citizen.

  14. If you are going to set up a company the capital (3 m or whatever) doesn't really have to be paid up in most cases that I know of, including my own (almost 10 years now). If you are thinking about that route you should get the straight dope from the folks at Sunbelt. You can get good info here, but you will get a lot of bad info too, and you will have trouble knowing the difference.

    start saving as that is going ot change effective Aug of next year. 2 million in the Bank!!

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