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Posts posted by mouse

  1. My understanding is that a person cannot collect USA social security unless they are a US citizen, presuming it will be available in 30 years. If she pays nothing into it, she will get a portion of yours, if you preceed her in death.

    Actually not true, difference being that persons that are not citizens are charged at a higher U.S. tax rate when deductions of any type are made.

    Duel citizenship is allowed under U.S. and Thai laws.

    My recommendation would be to get totally informed and then make a sound decision.

  2. Not too long ago I saw a post about someone taking two Internet sources and then joining the two through a device designed for that pupose. However, to matter what terminology I use to search both on this forum and Google, I cannot seem to locate such a device or the original post.

    If you know of the post I refer to or of such a deivce that I could purchase and use here in Thailand, please point me inthe right direction

    That device is named: Loadbalancer! Ypou can find them for app. THB 4,000 in Bangkok!

    Thanks Reimar...Found the post... Now to get TOT to extend their present line another 1.2km and then try it out with ADSL and IPSTAR. It will certainly give me somehting to tinker with. If it does not work then I will split Internet access within the office to the two sources, in addition to running a LAN amongst all machines. I have nothing but time.!!!

  3. Not too long ago I saw a post about someone taking two Internet sources and then joining the two through a device designed for that pupose. However, to matter what terminology I use to search both on this forum and Google, I cannot seem to locate such a device or the original post.

    If you know of the post I refer to or of such a deivce that I could purchase and use here in Thailand, please point me inthe right direction

  4. Wow! GirlX! I thought that by now you had either given up, registered an Amity firm or gone back to the big Apple.

    Seems you continue to try to burn the candle at both ends. Tsk..Tsk..! No work permit?, no Thai Taxes? Many of us have chosen the proper route and done other than you.

    One thing for you to keep in mind is that the IRS tracks foreign residents and shares their tax data with the countires they reside in, if a Tax treaty exists.

    Guess what...A Treaty does exist between the US and Thailand and you just might find yourself busted here and there.

    I would strongly suggest a Work permit and Amity company registration. It is a pittance to set up and maintain and you will be given additional credit for your Thai taxes when you claim and get the $84,000 USD annual exemption, which requires that you are properly set up over here. If you already claim that exemption, which I am sure you do, then they will eventualy talk to Thailand about you. Just a matter of time. There is no statue of limitation with the IRS. I would never want to piss them off or try to pull the wool over their eyes. I am sure they have heard it all. Shame cause you do such good work.

    Oh about your post.............know nothing about the Uinited Kingdonm and their rules.

  5. In order to support Thai politics, Pfizer Corp announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer.

    It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink".

    I bet you work in Marketing

  6. Hi, my wife and I are interested in studying Mandarin. Wonder if anybody knows a teacher or school?

    Actually, we'd like the teacher to come to our apartment (near Lumpini Park) to provide lessons for us.

    If anybody can give us some info on this, it would be appreciated.


    Between growing rubber in Kamphaeng Phet (note spelling) learning Chinese you sound like a busy person.

  7. Get a lawyer, go to court and show the Judge that you wish to raise the child in Thailand so that the child may be raised in a proper home enviroment in a land of it's origin, but, file just before she leaves for wherever and viola you have custody and the right to stay and support the child. Just do a like a Thai man. Ever see a Thai woman pull that stuff with them. Now way! Stop wimping and get busy.

  8. I am looking for a Thai person that can teach two of my employees InDesignCS2 in addition to the finer points of PhotoShop. Anyone that is up to the task should PM me with costs requirements and what they can offer in 3 days at our offices in Kamphaeng Phet. A mention of their qualifications would also be desirable. The two employees that will be your students, are not beginners and advanced knowledge is desired.

  9. I sleep with my maid so no games necessary. That said, I doubt that my wife would appreciate me calling her the maid. If you need a maid you have too big of a house.

    I have found in Thailand that those are the most expensive models.

  10. It is the glucose and preservatives that are being added to the foods that are causing this problem.

    Yes sugar in the diet does not help but, when will they realize that colonization has many faces i.e. Coke, Pepeso, Snickers, Peanut Butter, Doughnuts, Jellies, varied Breakfast cereals and all the other trash that the large corporations manage to import to Thailand.

  11. Going to Kho Chang soon for a much deserved vacation for my wife 3 kids and me, but, due to contract comittments must check email at least twice daily and even create and transmit a PDF file or two in addition to staying in touch with my office per SKYPE. Bought a spanking new Laptop just for the occasion, that works with any LAN connection, BlueTooth connection to my Nokia phone and the unit will also read WIFI. All configured ready to go.

    What is suggested for a connection? As we will not be making reservations rather travelling to the island and picking an appropriate place to stay once there.

    Is there a strong GSM signal on the island? If so what service is recommended for access? Where to obtain?

    Do some of the Hotels have WiFI there?

    Or do some Hotel even have a LAN connection that I can tap into?

    I know stupid questions but, many of you have been there and done that. My frist trip to Kho Chang.

    Spending 3,000+ baht a day will not be a problem, but, the beaches must be pristine and th singal strong.

  12. Had an excellent year publishing books and am now ready to enjoy some of the fruits of our labor and get away from the village life of northern Thailand for a couple of weeks.

    I am looking for a location where I will see as few people as possible, eat well, sleep comfortably and be able to provide our 3 little children with beautiful sandy beaches and crystal clear water, long walks and relaxing massages and bedauty treatments for my wife.

    Unfortunately life goes on and I must be able to check email at least once a day and will have a laptop with me for that reason only. So a GSM phonelink, at the least is required. WiFi is aalso an option as is a Internet Cafe that will allow me to connect my machine.

    I have heard of Samui, Kho Chang, Phuket and never been to any of them. What do you suggest? Please provide some images if you can. Looking at keeping this little two week outing between $1,500 to $2,000 total. We will drive wherever we choose to go to.

  13. If he is guilty, he should be punished accordingly.

    What concerns me is that according to the article (please read it carefully) there could be arrest warrants that have already been issued on crimes that have not been committed yet. The dates are messed up and the story is distorted.

    "I am half tempted to have my lawyer prepare a statement that all my prospective intimate partners will have to sign in the presence of a Police witness, namely, to state their true age, verified by the Policeman and the fact that they are entering into the consumation of a private act on their own validity and their own free will. Police will get the standard 200 baht adminsitrative fee. :o

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