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Posts posted by bprinceuk

  1. From that other respectable British newspaper the DailyMail:

    "During a brief court appearance in Bangkok, Savage said of his ­previous life: 'I have signed the Official Secrets Act, so I cannot make any comment. You will have to ask the big lady herself.'"

    As politics in Thailand is just the normal, boring, unbelievable bull...., this makes a nice change.

    who does this guy think he is James Bond ??? definately living in his own little dream world

  2. :)

    I have seen that a few of our members have sunset photos and since I do enjoy them, please post them here if you wish.

    Kan - Panoramic Photo


    Kan - Panoramic Photo - same place different sunset.


    Patong Beach




    Kan - Panoramic photo


    Yours truly, :D

    Kan Win :D


    Agree, amazing photographs Kan Win

    • Like 1
  3. I raised a Golden Retriever in my youth.

    One thing you cannot start too early is training using hand signals. People thinking their dog or dogs can understand what they are saying are insane.

    First hand signal- with index finger pointed out and a little knock on the nose is "no" !

    For potty training, show your dog the poop, may have to rub her nose in it, give her the index finger on the nose and a "no", and toss them both outside. Once she smells the poop outside, she'll get it. Also, be sure first thing in the morning and last thing at night you take her out to pee and for sure a "good dog" petting when she pees outside. She'll get it after awhile.

    Hand signal-closed fist for sit- give her the closed fist,push her butt down to sit, give her a little snack treat.

    Hand signal-open hand toward the dog "stay" (this one will take awhile,have to walk away, give her the "no" signal if she moves).

    Never too early to start leash training. Snap your fingers call "heel" and pull the leash so your dog is walking beside you at a heel. This is really great because once she's trained there you can chuck the leash.

    Teething-do they have those leather bone chews here in Thailand? I dunno.

    Anyway, good luck and start training your dog right away, once they understand the hand signals, Goldens are really smart.

    Believe that you are old school with your advise, one should never hit a dog on its nose, this is a dogs main tool of sences, and definately never rub his nose in his business, These sort of tactics went out of the window many years ago.

    For house training, this takes a lot of patience, keep the door open so that the dog can go out into the garden, watch it and as soon as you see him attempting to squat inside of the house, pick it up and take it outside, when it does its business outside give it a lot of praise.

    For chewing remember these are a very inteligent working dog and will become bored very easily. Give him lots of toys to keep himself occupied, try not to leave the dog in the house for long periods my its self.


    I said "little knock' there Brian, I didn't say hit the dog on the nose, your words in my mouth are irritating.

    My main point was hand signals and any dog trainer will tell you that's the best way for your animal to understand you.

    You want to take forever with the house breaking, up to you, a couple poopy noses and the dog will understand.

    Sorry, never joined PETA, just wanted and did have a very happpy and great dog.

    My apologies if I miss read your post/meaning, I have always managed to house train my dogs within one week. Yes there are the occasional misshaps. As Nienke rightly put it one must watch the pup like a hawk and be very quick off the mark.

  4. I agree with the handsignals. Dogs are excellent in reading body language, and understanding of handsignals goes much faster than verbal cues.

    Tapping or knocking a dog on the nose or putting the nose in the poo or pee are really outdated techniques, though. First of all, doing so comes often too late. Too late for the pup to make the association between him/her doing the actual deed in the 'wrong' place (the wrong part is in the mind of the owner and not in that of the pup. All the pup knows is that it is doing something very natural, and then got punish for doing something completely natural). If one chooses to punish the pup, which I do not advise, than one should do so 'in the act', meaning at the moment the pup is defecating or urinating. Punishing only 1 or 2 second after the act is done is too late for it to make the proper association.

    Better is to keep a hawk eye on the pup when it roams around in the house. Right at the moment it gives any indication it has to relieve itself you pick it up, bring it outside, and at the moment it relieves itself praise it into heaven and give a delicious treat. Yep, even when the pup is still busy emptying itself. You can also choose to add a cue to the act, such as doodie, chi-chi or whatever suits you best.

    If you're just too late and the pup is already doing it, then pick up the pup, you can say in an unpleased voice with an unpleased face "uh-uh", and take it outside to finish its business. And, of course, praise and reward for doing so.

    At the times you can not keep an eye on your pup when inside, keep it confined in a crate/bench, but keep in mind that it has to be let outside not more than every two hours.

    And then still, sometimes there is an 'oops' somewhere. If you are just too late, still pick up the pup and put it outside. Then go back and clean up the mess without the pup watching you doing so. And last but not least, make a note to yourself for not watching your pup good enough.

    Cesar Millan or the so-called dog-whisperer is well-known under the dog behavior experts, including the three major American veterinarian behaviorist organizations WSPA, and ASPCA, for his complete outdated training techniques. According to CM pretty much all (problem) behaviors are dominant related, where the owner has to show s/he is the leader of the pack (in a forceful way, not in a protective way), and the underlying motivation of the dog for acting the way it does and the way dogs learn are often ignored.

    Not only over-feeding can harm the hips, also pushing a pup's butt down in a sit and slippery surfaces can contribute to bad hips. Furthermore, the distemper vaccine can affect bone development and the rabies vaccine can influence hormones such as the thyroid which in turn can have a (negative) influence on ligaments and tendons.

    First class advise Nienke

  5. To teach your dog to sit, hold a treat in your hand above his nose and slow move your hand back a little towards the back of his head while saying sit. The dog will automatically lean backwards and sit while following the treat in your hand.

    Treat your dog with kindness and it will reward you with its loyalty, think about it if some one hit you would you come back to them when they called you. Kindness and reward system is a proven way of training

  6. I raised a Golden Retriever in my youth.

    One thing you cannot start too early is training using hand signals. People thinking their dog or dogs can understand what they are saying are insane.

    First hand signal- with index finger pointed out and a little knock on the nose is "no" !

    For potty training, show your dog the poop, may have to rub her nose in it, give her the index finger on the nose and a "no", and toss them both outside. Once she smells the poop outside, she'll get it. Also, be sure first thing in the morning and last thing at night you take her out to pee and for sure a "good dog" petting when she pees outside. She'll get it after awhile.

    Hand signal-closed fist for sit- give her the closed fist,push her butt down to sit, give her a little snack treat.

    Hand signal-open hand toward the dog "stay" (this one will take awhile,have to walk away, give her the "no" signal if she moves).

    Never too early to start leash training. Snap your fingers call "heel" and pull the leash so your dog is walking beside you at a heel. This is really great because once she's trained there you can chuck the leash.

    Teething-do they have those leather bone chews here in Thailand? I dunno.

    Anyway, good luck and start training your dog right away, once they understand the hand signals, Goldens are really smart.

    Believe that you are old school with your advise, one should never hit a dog on its nose, this is a dogs main tool of sences, and definately never rub his nose in his business, These sort of tactics went out of the window many years ago.

    For house training, this takes a lot of patience, keep the door open so that the dog can go out into the garden, watch it and as soon as you see him attempting to squat inside of the house, pick it up and take it outside, when it does its business outside give it a lot of praise.

    For chewing remember these are a very inteligent working dog and will become bored very easily. Give him lots of toys to keep himself occupied, try not to leave the dog in the house for long periods my its self.


  7. it's not your conflict.

    Pity someone didnt tell that <deleted> of a cockney gobbing off on the BCC or the Skippy SAS man who was wounded by a "dirty bullet"... :)

    Hope the immigration managed to get the cockney's photograph for future reference when it comes time to renew his visa. He needs to remember that he is a guest in Thailand and should respect the cultures and laws. If he is not happy with the laws of the Country he can always leave.

  8. It will never ever happen that thais turn on farangs.

    But if it did,we would have to rely on the Embassy to get us out quick or book a flight to anywhere.Would be horrible to leave my gf,but if i had too i would.The only sensible thing i can come up with is make certain your name/address is at the British Embassy unless you have something to hide

    Somtampet, are you drunk already.....

    1. It will never happen that Thais turn on farangs....really..... :) .....what do we base this on ??

    2. British Embassy in Bangkok helping its Citizens/subjects..... :D .....

    if the poo poo really hit the fan...Quinton Quayle and his band of merry civil servants will be sitting at Raffles in Singapore sipping champagne cocktails watching proceedings on the BBC....point being they dont give a sh*t about the British plebs who might be in trouble in Thailand...and would be out of Thailand like there ar*e's where on fire.... if it really kicked off here

    You got that one right, very well put

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