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Posts posted by kasi

  1. I hope you realise that land ownership by foreigners is not permitted?

    There are numerous ways around that.

    Otherwise there wouldn't be be a any foreigners buying land and building houses.

    I seem to recall noticing one or two foreigners living in Phuket!

    Check the bulletin board at Don restaurant in Nai harn. There are also several realtors around that area.

    Take your time keep your eyes open and don't sign any contracts without having someone you trust go over them. You would be amazed at what sometimes gets slipped into some of the contracts.

    This site has a good classified section and just some generally good information

  2. I see the Saudi's splashed out $10 million,what is it with these muslims,most of the victims are muslim.Once again they stand by while the west pulls out all the stops

    Kuwait $10million <deleted> Even Portugal beat that amount.

    The Saudis gave $50 million to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers.

    Wow ... I might become a bomber. Virgins and money ... sounds good

    They got the virgins thing wrong. On the other side they meets up with 72 Virginians. And they are PO'ed!

  3. I haven't left yet either so this poll's not very comprehensive.

    Don't ex-pats who live here count?

    I'd say things are coming back remarkably fast. Beaches like Naiharn Kata/karon and understand Patong are all useable. (I was at Nai harn this morning and there was only a dozen or people there, water calm clear beautiful)

    Most of the bars on Bangla rd are open. Most of the hotels are up an running.

    I kind of like the light traffic the empty beaches and having all the girls to myself.

    May the herds stay away a little longer.

    Though I feel bad for the local businesses and the people who depend on them.

    I'd wager the tourist throngs will be back sooner than later. I've heard cancellations for this month are high but are still booking for february.

  4. If I understood the comment correctly (and I'm not saying I did) the issue was that USA's contribution was much less than other countries in terms of percentage of GDP

    A large chunk of change is also coming from private charities in the US. Perhaps that says a little something about american society.

    Regardless of how much the US government gives or does we will always be seeing critics who look only for ways to find fault. Perhaps that isn't the most constructive attitude.

  5. Aside from a couple off clumsy efforts at pickpocket by the same katoy on Rat-u-tit rd my experience with petty theft in Patong has been nonexistent. And I've gone to sleep many times with a girl in my room and have awakened with the same money in my pockets.

    I've heard the odd story from time to time. From what I can tell petty theft is fairly uncommon.

    Many years ago back in the bad old days when you had to take a boat to Phuket. You had to watch your stuff like a hawk.

    On the busses in Bangkok the thieves would use razor blades and deftly cut a hole in your bag or pocket and remove you valuables.

    I'd say things have changed in this regard very much for the better.

  6. I was amazed to see most of the bars on Bangla rd open on new years eve. Subdued atmosphere for sure (which is only fitting), but you know a huge effort went into the cleanup.

    Patong, Kata-Karon, Nai-harn, Rawai, Chalong all cleaned up very fast. The new construction of my favorite restaurant in Chalong is already going up.

    I'm sure the sadness for those affected will linger a while. But life goes on. I took a swim yesterday after nearly a week off.

  7. Totally agree with you Mr.Vietnam, I have been totally disgusted and ashamed at the americans attitude in response to this horrific disaster, unfortunately I am more conservative with my comments, but my feelings are the same.

    It seems to me that their latest input of $350 million is a face saving measure and puts them in a position whearas they now have control of all aid efforts.

    But as history tells us the americans are always late arriving WWI & WWII .....It makes everyone else feel more grateful in the end......LOL

    Sad part is that they do have the best resources in the world and if they used them effectively and timely..... many more lives would be saved.

    That's right those american idiots should have not only only foreseen this disaster that happens once in a 100 years they should have also anticipated the scope and magnitude of it as well.

    Isn't that right?


    A kasi is a toilet isn't it?

    Only in your house IT manageter!

    Why don't you put your head in it? :D

  8. Totally agree with you Mr.Vietnam, I have been totally disgusted and ashamed at the americans attitude in response to this horrific disaster, unfortunately I am more conservative with my comments, but my feelings are the same.

    It seems to me that their latest input of $350 million is a face saving measure and puts them in a position whearas they now have control of all aid efforts.

    But as history tells us the americans are always late arriving WWI & WWII .....It makes everyone else feel more grateful in the end......LOL

    Sad part is that they do have the best resources in the world and if they used them effectively and timely..... many more lives would be saved.

    That's right those american idiots should have not only only foreseen this disaster that happens once in a 100 years they should have also anticipated the scope and magnitude of it as well.

    Isn't that right?


  9. What's crazy about taking a positive mental attitude?

    What is crazy is to wallow in negativity in some frozen euro wasteland and not partake in the joys still available here.

    I would refrain from going to Sri Lanka or Indonesia but then again I always have!

    Phuket is coming back fast and is fine even now.

    I don't really mind the thin crowds but I hate to see my pals in business here sweat out another crisis.

    Keep it on the sunny side! :o:D

  10. I was out on Bangla rd last night and was amazed how quickly things cleaned up. It was definitely a subdued crowd compared to what a new years eve should be but most of the bars were open and life was going on as best as we all could.

    There is still a lot of fear and sadness. Life goes on. I doubt this holiday will ever really be forgotten.

  11. Want to try estimating the costs of the mobilization of a carrier group etc in addition to this?

    Carrier task force?? Are they planning an invasion?

    I dare say this face saving measure is all in response to being called on the carpet for the puny initial contribution. It needn't have taken 5 days for the "American assessment teams on the ground" to realize the extent of devastation.

    Why anyone would be surprised at the responses of the world largest and ponderous government largely staffed by poorly educated provincial ignoramuses is beyond my understanding.

    Taking shots at the USA is hardly a challenge! It is a huge target. Bravo for the direct hits!

    You really have to be a cut above average to get that done. :o

  12. I really don't the think the reactionary knee jerk find someone to blame attitude it appropriate here.


    research it!.

    If your first inclination is to blame someone then I think you are .....

    Offensive remark removed

  13. Chalong:

    Very wild day.

    Our power was out most of the day.

    I felt the bed shaking in the morning and was about to tell my girlfriend to knock it off when I realized she was sound asleep.

    While driving past Rawai beach on the way for a swim at Nai harn I noticed the water much farther out than usual and an odd frothy wave boiling in.

    I stopped and watched as a guy in a long tailed boat was floundering around in it.

    The water was rising quickly almost to the road (maybe 2 minutes). Many guys were rushing out to thier boats. Water rising fast I look out and see even higher water coming! time to go!

    I get to Nai harn: Total devastation. All the chairs and umbrellas already washed out!

    Back to Chalong to wake girlfriend and beat feet.

    Went down to beach to see if it was affecting here. Water was rising fast too and people starting to panic. Time to go. Gathered up and went for breakfast at Flinstone bakery. All still calm here.

    News starts to trickle in. Bakery in rawai under water! Patong hit hard! Water still rising in chalong, restaurant closes we head for higher ground.

    Watching Chalong bay form the hills: Many have gathered up here mostly germans and thais.

    After an hour or so we can see the water retreat.

    Head back to the house. House is 100 meters from beach. Flooding is all around. House escapes due to slightly higher geography.

    Power is off. Cell phone service to Patong is jammed!. SMS works! My pals are OK but it looks really crazy!

    I looks like a lot of people will end up dead.

    I was running an hour late for my swim. If I'd been at the beach at my usual time I'd have been caught!

    What struck me in hindsight is how no one really realized what was happening as this weird wave was coming in.

    My heart goes out to those who were less lucky!

  14. Attended the boat show, poked around the marinas, and learned much about the yachting scene in and around Phuket.  It appears the selection of used boats in this part of the world is very limited.  Both harbors in Phuket are full, and the moorage is a little pricey.  Didn’t see anyone at the boat show that was doing quality custom boat building of the type of vessels I’m interested in – diesel trawlers.  It appears that I will be best served by importing a boat myself.  A friend who has done it in the past, says forget Thailand, and import into Malaysia.  Due to the lower moorage and duty free status, Langkawi sounds like it might be the place to keep a yacht.  A little more work to get there though.  Thoughts?

    A diesel trawler sounds interesting. Any more news about where to have one built? Also I've heard a little about Chinese "junks". That they my be a reasonable way to get around in the Andaman Sea.


        your usual ere,

    HOW do so many of you you expats manage to get to the los,live and work without getting kicked out?

       Have been for many hols to Thailand since finding out my soulmate!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in Blighty was diddlin my bro`and god knows who else while i was busy grafftin ma t**s off for ma family....

    An erudite and articulate chappie here :D

    He should fit in well round here then......... :D

    Just as soon as he learns to speak english. :o:D

  16. The Family restaurant in chalong has excellent pizza. 1/2 block from the circle towards phuket town.

    The also have fantastic Mediterranean cuisine. Fairly cheap too. The "chalong plate" by itself is worth the visit.

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