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Posts posted by kasi

  1. I'm getting ready to apply for a retirement visa. I talked with someone at the thai counsul in Denver who told me I had to apply with the embassy in DC. I previously got my tourist visa's from LA.

    The counsul in LA has a more comprehensive info on thier web site.

    Does anyone know of any avantages or disadvantages in dealing with either the LA counsul or the DC embassy.

    I also noted the LA counsul requests you send your passport while the instructions from the embassy site just resquest a copy of your passport.

    I'm leaning towards using the LA counsul as my expeirience with them has been positive so far.

  2. I would like to hear more about wine availability in phuket as well.

    Most restaurants in patong sell the virtualy undrinkable thai wine or a watered down italian swill.

    The house wine at the Islander restaurant is the only really pleasantly drinkable wine I've found in a restaurant for a reasonable price. The food is good there too.

    I havent been in it yet but I saw a little wine shop next to a german restaurant. It is in a newish development a block up the street from Cristins massage behind the Corsican restaurant and a new pizza place there in patong.

  3. You've probably seen these before, still fun though. From a bkk link thats is a little too racy to post.

    Beware of whores who say they don't want any money. It just means they want all your money.

                                                                                    - William S. Burroughs

    There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women. Chief among these is the Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible.


       -P.J. O'Rourke

    Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet.


        -Robin Williams

    Sex is one of the most wholesome, beautiful and natural experiences that money can buy.


                -Steve Martin

  4. All the above plus:

    Be very carefull crossing streets and riding motorbikes.

    Always wear your galosh!

    Drink lots of water.

    Dont wander around drunk at 3:00 am. (please mug me!)

    Eat at street vendors with the locals. ummm grilled squid!

    Be nice.

    Learn some of the language.

  5. Crack is bad I know but this is fun. nonsence but fun :D I just got done razing a bunch of Micheal Moore fans on a mac forum so I'm all lit up. :o

    I love thailand( 12 days and counting) after that I'll be too busy to post silliness like this.

  6. :o Could you rephrase this? :D

    :D So when one gives freely and subsquently receives freely in return, can that be considered free. For "it" that is. :D

    I'm sorry if attempted to make it any clearer the thread would probably be closed. And there is more than one thought going on here at the same time. Actually I'm trying to draw out some existentialist thought, albeit somewhat disjointed and perhaps even murky!

    Where can I get the little blue wonders for free? :D

  7. That last thread turned out to be fun. So the topic here is very general and broad(s), so as not to get turned off. I was commenting how I got jealous when my pals tell about getting the little blue wonders for free. But then we digressed to a dissusion of "it" and subsequently "it up".

    And all this was really brought about from the horror of being 22 again

    Good now that everyone is following, being twenty was more about getting "it" as often as possible. Being in my late 40's now I can see that getting "it up" will become a growing concern. :D . Now as far a getting anything for free. Well whats free anyway? :o

    I think that perhaps the more you give the more you get and that seems like free. Everybody with me :D

    thats all, gotta run thanks. :D be cool stay in school.

  8. Ambien and valium are very short term remedies. Long term side effects are quite nasty. Cramps, insomnia, depression.

    Some melatonin and a copy of Bill Clinton new book should put you right to sleep.

    Also try ear plugs and an eye cover if you are getting awakened during the night.

  9. The terrible 20's, the tulmultuous 30's, the self obsession, who where what why, the horror, the horror.....

    I'm glad I survived to my 40's and now looking at 50 shortly. I'm starting to be concerned about the cost of viagra. :o I get jealous when I hear people get it for free. :D

  10. You know what, I just don't like the way this discussion started... (Not just the original poster) Lumping bargirls in there with the entire female population, making assumptions about education levels, making assumptions about what Thais read or don't read...

    I mean if you have some lazy dyslexic little retard at home who just watches TV or the Thai Rath provided there's good gory pictures in them, then by all means say so and ask queastions based on that situation.

    For those thinking that Thais don't read: Go visit any book store.

    For those thinking people are under-educated: Go visit any university.

    For those thinking anything else: Stop using bars and the people there as your sample for Thai society.  Any of the resulting comments really say more about yourselves than about Thailand or Thai people. 



    I was enjoying this thread right up until I got to this snotty little jingoistic post.

    Chanchao, do you feel better now that you have put down the farang who associates with BG's?

    Personally I think the comments on how and why some thai people may be more comfortable with spoken language very interesting. It would be interesting to see how this equates accross a broader sampling of education.

    That average farang in thailand does have limited contact with thai culture and society goes without saying. But that is no way diminishes his or her observations of the thai culture he or she by default have contact with.


  11. Well the Micheal Moore fans should have something to think about now.

    I've lived in Europe, traveled in Europe and I would be less likely to travel there right now than any other time. No, not because of fear but at least when a TBG tells you she loves you, you know it's a mutually beneficial lie. When Frenchman tells you he loves Americans you know he is doing everything in his power to keep from vomiting. 

    I dont think I will ever return to europe again either. And I will keep coming back to thailand over and over and over.

    The french can have all the 25 minute standing ovations for Micheal Moore all they want. :o But the laugh is on them when I choose Chilean wine over French wine. Pretty soon the french economy will be hurting so we wont be so many french tourists in thailand anymore. They will be replaced by americans. :D

  12. I would watch anything by Micheal Moore with considerable reservation.

    "Bowling for Columbine" was an intentionaly very deceptive piece of work.

    One might not agree with Moore's views or his politics, but to call "Bowling for Columbine" deceptive is laughable. Moore is not known for being subtle and I would doubt he is capable of being subtle. He is very much in your face all the way. You either agree with him or not.

    Interesting! Deceit has no correlation with subtlety. Deceit is a lie, a fabrication.

    Bowling for Columbine" was an intentionaly very deceptive piece of work

    I made no remark on Moore's subtlety. It is his honesty which is without question nonexistent. You either believe lies or you dont!

  13. Seeing how successfull you were without even trying you might be able to make alot of honey. I've never had a source of honey so I've never tried it but from what I understand making mead is a long process (it needs 6-12 months in the bottle to age) . I hear the results are often rewarding.

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