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Posts posted by kasi

  1. You'll find more and hotter white women vacationing in Mexico.  Why fly all the way to Phuket?  Are you looking for Ozzie women?  I get this image of Chef screaming don't get out of the boat, don't get out of the fking boat!!!

    Me a me buddies here make every effort to run single white women out of Patong. They are for the the most part unhappy opinionated <deleted> with a mission to make white men miserable. Who needs them? Especially in Patong. Not welcome here. If that is what you are hunting for I suggest avoiding Patong. :o

    I'm off to enjoy some oysters and a bottle of white wine in the company of a lovely slim brown skinned lady. :D

  2. Or you could stay in canada drink a few moose head and cornhole your "mate" after he passes out. :D  I'll bet he's got a nice white a$$.

    Kasi we don't drink moosehead back in Canada, we just export it :D

    The only people who drink it back home are real wanke...... oh.... nevermind.


    I'm quite fond of molson golden ale and labbatt 50. But "moose head" had the right roll to it for what I wanted to express. :D

    And a "Moose head" is better drinking than a "buttwiper". :o

  3. are the prostitutes really bad in patong...........do they come up to you and approach you or do they wait for you to approach them.....i am visting patong beach in jan 2005, and i dont think my parents will be too happy if prostitutes harass them.....

    I wouldn't worry too much there are plenty of tourist families wandering up and down Bangla rd.

    Just don't let them wander into the "Crocodile" after midnight. They might not make it out alive! :o

  4. just a few questions...what does ST and LT stand ?

    ST= short time= couple of hours

    LT= long time= all night

    and also what do the girls look like...are they good or bad looking

    Depends on how beer you've been drinking. :o

    Seriously you've got all shapes and sizes.

    There are plenty of beauties. Happy shopping!

  5. how much do the girls cost??

    Depends on where you pick them up. Bar fines vary from 200-600 baht.

    Playschool and rock hard gogos are 500-600 respectively.

    Girls will go ST for 1000-1500, LT 1500-2500.

    Don't pay more! Sometimes they ask for 3000. Forget that! Unless you're japanese!

    Some girls are spoiled by them and expect more. Remember the average monthly wage of an educated thai person is 10,000. 1000 baht is a lot of money for them and most will be very happy with that. Remember paying more doesn't always get you more. Sometimes it just marks you as a sucker and get treated accordingly.

  6. You can do a lot cheaper than the Merlin.

    Serious long term punters will be found at the Andaman sea guest house, clean, cheap and very very very friendly. Canadian owned. If you save money on your hotel the more you will have to spend on the girls, and there are so so many right now. :o

  7. the mafia have control over what get sold in the tourist hawker shops and the tuk-tuk baloney.

    Petty theft with the BG's is uncommon. Especially the regular girls they don't want to loose their jobs pissing off customers. They know how easily they are replaced.

    Avoid wandering around drunk in the wee hours. Don't let the katoy's paw you on the street they are always trying to stick their hands in your pocket. I've had to remove a hand from my pocket twice now. Mainly be aware of freelancers and the katoys.

  8. Are  you English ?

    Makes a big difference to what you think is a good  tea

    American with strong Welsh and Scottish heritage.

    I like a descent quality tea brewed fairly weak.

    An Irish buddy of mine brews a cup to tea that could remove paint from walls!

    What they sell at Tesco stinks I'll try that central store. thanks

  9. One of the most endearing aspects of life in thailand are the little lizards that are everywhere.

    My pet in my bedroom dropped a large wet one on my arm the other day.

    A week or so ago one dropped a "little seasoning" in my squid salad!

    I love how they just suck those mosquitoes down. They are my friends!

  10. Thai language teacher Patong. 20,000

    straight thai massage girl...20-25,000. More if performing extras.

    stunner BG at the rock hard..140,000

    Maid in guesthouse..6500

    night guard at guest house 8,000

    day shift GH manager 8,000

    my part time maid 5 days a week half days...5,000

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