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Posts posted by Evilbaz

  1. ^^^

    That's a great site for continually upgraded visa extensions etc.

    Although, each Immi centre can still vary their own requirements.

    That was a file not a website.

    The file contains the order directing all immigration offices to allow 6 month old income letters. There already has been a case where a member showed a print out of the order to an immigration officer that said it had to be within 30 days and the officer agreed to the 6 months.

    A file from the Pattaya City Expats Club website ...

    You wrote site.

    Did you open the file to notice that if contains the immigration order in Thai.

    Yes - I accessed it from the PCEC site last year and copied it, including the Thai Police Order - I didn't have to use it

  2. ^^^

    That's a great site for continually upgraded visa extensions etc.

    Although, each Immi centre can still vary their own requirements.

    That was a file not a website.

    The file contains the order directing all immigration offices to allow 6 month old income letters. There already has been a case where a member showed a print out of the order to an immigration officer that said it had to be within 30 days and the officer agreed to the 6 months.

    A file from the Pattaya City Expats Club website ...

  3. If the banged up Aussie wants to see a dinky-di Consular assistant he'll just have to wait until the MIB transport him to the Bangkok Hilton.

    Good choice by a drunken, jingoistic mysogynist.

    There are some qualified Aussies here - none I know would touch the job with a barge pole.

    I hope Larry is well and truly " on the relax ".

    Onyah Michelle - now I wont have to travel to Bangkok in a wheelchair for my pension certification (I hope!).

  4. ^^^^

    It's martial law - not martial rule (yet).

    The Army haven't taken over the (caretaker & partial) government - sure, they may be ignoring them.

    Yes - they have taken over authority for the civil service who must be squirming as they'll actually have to do something.

    Yes - they've taken over authority for the police "force" who will be hastily learning what is in their job description

  5. You may be well intentioned but you are very naive Thai-wise.

    By the time you get here everything that is not in his Thai partner's name (excepting perhaps a reefer jacket and a faded tie or two) will be in the possession of his partner in her house on her land.

    No UK authority will wrest back any Thai based assets.

    As for any UK assets(?) that is the executors' duty - not yours.

    Save your fares - unless you are interested in ...

  6. It's posts like the OP that has Thai Immi officers now asking for corroborating evidence to your affadivit - the sworn statement is your testimony and if required to be proven needs to be done by you - not the Embassy/Consulate witness.

    Be aware that an Embassy or a Consulate, once inside, you are legally liable to that country's laws.

    Swearing a false affadivit before a Federal official under U.S. law is liable for a penalty up to 10 years imprisonment.

    The last two annual extensions I have been asked for corroborating bank and pension statements at Phuket Immigration.

    • Like 1


     I said to myself the moment she asked for it my faith in her would waiver.     So I want to test her with a suggestion that was made here.............

    I say to her " sure I'll give the 30k but we'll use it to hire the best lawyers in Bangkok and we'll do a contested divorce, that way your husband you no longer love will be out of pocket mak mar and you'll still achieve your freedom"           If she says it a bad idea well then I know its time to call her bluff.


     I will put this suggestion to her tonight on Skype, if anyone has a good way to word it please feel free to contribute.

    Or you could not mention the 30k at all- just tell her you've hired good Thai lawyers ("the best!") who'll be able to get her out of the marriage without handing over any money and see how she reacts. If she's delighted then you can relax and rest easy, and know that the people who were telling you it was a scam were well-meaning but wrong. 


    Of course then you will have hire top Thai lawyers, but at least you'll know where the money's going... smile.png



    And then the lawyers will recommend you pay the husband his million baht (plus their fees) and you'll be back at "minus square one" for probably the same result.


  8. It means that you have a wife but not a real relationship. facepalm.gif

    Go ahead and pay her but give her a rent bill for living in your home, and dont share your food with her.

    Sorry to say but you're wrong.

    Most likely she have been told by her instructor to charge everyone for massage.

    As it is a profession, she "has" to charge something, but the instructor left out she could do her husband without charge or the instructor assumes she is with him for the money so he just gave her the initiative to charge.

    I'm very sure there were no explanation to why, or just a blatant lie from the instructor.

    Some people here in Thailand also belive when doing massage on someone, you actually massage out sickness like, cancer, different kind of deceases, skin problems and even liver and kidney problems.

    Thus exposing the masseuse to those sicknesses.

    Whata ya do in a country like this. I haven't made my wife to stop believing in stupidity, so why expect any farrang to be able to do that.

    My wife still believes she can dream about lucky numbers or see numbers on a frog.

    Apart from that, she is quite educated and middle class like.

    Yes you are right, generally Thais are as dumb as a brick.

    Nah - dumb like a fox.

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