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Everything posted by marin

  1. I would get my head around the Thai land lingo before making a big purchase..
  2. Yes she is older as am I. Great mom to twins as well. She also has some class, something you totally lack.
  3. I have been happily married for 33 years to just what you describe. No successful business woman would even give you the time of day mate... 555555555. Fact.
  4. And in the pure BS it could never happen in a million years the winner is...................................................................bob smith.
  5. Yup this forum is the top one in SEA for lawyers. We all know our stuff to the max. 😂 Next discussion will be strawberry "torts".
  6. You are the joke with all your generalizations. Waste of space.
  7. Its all speculation until you try it. Does it pack a punch? Am I invigorated and clear on this Sativa? Am I giggling and reliving my past high's on the sofa for a good Indica? Come on finish the review!
  8. What happened to small case bob? Yes you do you are an admitted alcoholic.
  9. Its your MO in posting birdy. Different views on the same subject. I have a problem with lies, you obviously dont.
  10. A story..... noun 1. an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment. "an adventure story" A lie.... to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone: Are you lying to me Don't trust her - she's lying. I suspect he lies about his age. bob tends to tell "porkies" which are in reality lies.
  11. Very sorry had you mixed up with another poster.
  12. deleted by me, sorry Mika...
  13. Aesop's fables bob. One cry too many. Go back under your rock.
  14. Generally the wife makes it at home. I like her version.
  15. He is speaking of trying to get the very best quality. The best. Its hard to do. But as he said it does and has always depended on who you know. He often offers to share both knowledge and product as well. In my speak a "true head". IMHO...
  16. You will not last long here. Which going by your posting history is not that bad of a thing at all.
  17. Wait a minute here. You are paying salary to a woman who is sleeping with other men, "men plural"? Are you out of your mind? Don't even think about mama and her million anymore. You have way bigger active problems than that. Damn Dude!!
  18. First where are you located? There are 5 districts with 5 different MP's in the province of Kanchanaburi. As Frits said you better speak read and write Thai.
  19. Go to a good shop and look at Electrolux, the good models range from 5,000-10,000 baht and come with good warranties. Dont buy inferior products.
  20. Any chance you smoked a little killer Indica and got a little paranoid? 🙃
  21. I have a feeling right about now bob regrets this "tall tale" he has spun. ðŸĪŠ
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