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Everything posted by marin

  1. Perfectly stated. Everything that Chuan built up Abhisit destroyed exactly the way Mojo said.
  2. For adolescents its fast food but add to that the sugar laden diet. All sorts of sweet carbonated drinks, bubble tea, the sweet "Western" deserts. Diabetes is becoming a major health concern here directly linked to sugar. They do not exercise unless actively involved in a sport.
  3. In the context of debate. In my opinion as you also said, you should look up the Thai term "Salim" as you personify the word. Yes you are entitled to your opinion, probably more so with the new government coming in, but that is how you would be viewed by progressive Thai's and myself for your political stance.
  4. BS. Some of us call the place home. We have money invested here. No we can't vote but we can express our opinion and revel in the fact that Prayuth, the military and the family clans that have dominated Thai politics for countless decades have finally been put in their place.
  5. WTF? the previous government was military controlled, and dictatorial.
  6. Ultra-royalist group Thai Move Institute's worst case scenario. 250 junta-appointed senators not voting for Move Forward PM candidate Pita (due to his party's policy to amend the lese majeste law), thus enabling caretaker PM Gen Prayut to stay on indefinitely Wont happen, MF and PT have the votes to negate the senate.
  7. Same thing happened in Don Muang. Karun Keng" Hosakul was defeated by a MF candidate. Ending right at 30 years of controlling the district under various party banners.
  8. Oh boy did you open the door up with that one. Be able to take a joke, you just made a big one.????
  9. I use Pinto beans and use a spicy Cajun recipe. For me much better than the sweet "baked beans". Has just what you said.
  10. Transpac yes, I have stopped many a time in Taipei, But you do not fly backwards mate. TPE/BKK/LHR.
  11. Rawai will also have the best Thai food. Most of the other is made for a western palate.
  12. Anyone else notice the OP likes to start these goofy threads then never post again. Must have four or five at least now.
  13. Enough of you. You have never been to BKK hospital its quite obvious. Yet you go on and on on and on with nothing.
  14. You said Bangkok Hospital, you mimicked a Thai doctor speaking English poorly in your post. Bangkok hospital is a leading International hospital in all SEA. They speak over 10 languages there, in fact they may well have more international patients than Thai. One reason might well be the prices, but a good insurance company will cover all. There are at least 4 other hospitals here in BKK that provide right at the same level of service. I am sorry if you have not had the same experience but going by your posts I dont believe you ever were in Bangkok hospital as even the doormen speak English well. Its a damn good job for all employed there.
  15. Going to call you out on this. At Bangkok hospital Bangkok all the staff even orderlies speak English well. Its part of the job description. Yes private hospitals are now way overpriced but you do get a quality service. For me its been in patient with a couple of colonoscopies', for the wife she has seen both the ICU and regular in care rooms. Never once has there been a communication problem. In addition to nothing but professional service with the most up to date of equipment. Luckily we are both fully covered with insurance. I suggest you do head to Malaysia with your attitude.
  16. Could it be sleep? Do you notice any correlation to less sleep and mood? I do, for me I write it off as the aging process.
  17. Prawit or Prayuth's party no problem. The military now knows most soldiers are going Future Forward and this is a huge headache for them. Pulling out all the stops in vain.
  18. I believe my post said more flights to Suwanabhum than U Tapao
  19. Bummer, you need to find a better source or sources.
  20. I believe Viet Jet and Air Asia also serve this route.
  21. Perhaps take a look back through Thai history. You will find out you are well wrong. Lots of coups but count how many after an election.
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