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Everything posted by marin

  1. Seems by answering your own question you to the answer you wanted.
  2. ^ Something tells me the meds might be out of date after 11 years.
  3. Well, what has happened she was supposed to be back in the US and in Michigan by Sunday. I have seen no reports at all. Anyone?
  4. Why is a two week old report being redone?
  5. Krabi for me as well. Flew down just about this time last year just as things were opening. We had been many times before with the kids but to beaches, specifically Raillay. But this time we did the town itself and the hot springs, water falls, and mangrove swamps. Again just an eye opener. Krabi town was really lovely with great food and walks along the river. Whole new world as we had been used to all tourists. Well there still were many but mostly just friendly Thai's enjoying the whole Travel Together experience. Really nice to hear others are really taking advantage of good cheap travel.
  6. Not long as you get what you pay for. Check the size as well. Often they are quite small "Asian" style.
  7. He has stated in this thread he is not yet married and does not have a date. Hence wanting to get 60 days on a tourist visa.
  8. Exactly! Each trip has been a delight. I finally discovered the joy of Issan towns dotted along the Mekong. I really cant believe I had never experienced that in all my time here.
  9. This program has been going on the 3 years now. Most expats if married know about it and have taken advantage of it. You simply did not know and thats cool. But upon finding out why not enquire more and be happy? For the next 5 months or so you too can take advantage of this as long as you have a Thai make the booking. Most all restaurants not only in the hotels offer this 40% discount. It really was the one good thing the present government has given to the people.
  10. Wow, people can find almost anything to complain about. This is the Theoo Thai Program where the Thai government subsidizes 40% of your stay. It was started during Covid to encourage travel when the industry was dead. Thai's get 40% off the hotel and food domestically. The government pays the difference. March 1st brought in phase 3. More rooms available but you can no longer claim 40% of your airfare. My wife and I have used it many times and its great. Works seamlessly and a great experience.
  11. Yo Jose, He is not flying Viet Jet, he is not flying out of BKK, but DMK. Sorry you had a bad experience but it has nothing to do with this thread.
  12. She was on her way to work at a supermarket. The kid was coming home and had just been kicked out of an Uber. Unknown why. Why do you make stuff up?
  13. Hey Rodger. She ran from American justice, not Thai justice. Hard night last night?????
  14. 00500 is the AIS long distance prefix I use. 2.5 baht per minute. Don't use it often but its a good clear call everytime.
  15. A good dog, not a moron. We have used well trained dogs for 30 years. Never a break in and happy dogs doing their job. Your pup has an acute set of senses and is not bothered by using his loving, loud voice to notify you when he isn’t a fan of someone. But is persistent barking and the threat of a less-than-playful pup enough to keep the burglars at bay? Here’s what a few sources had to say: The Guardian posted an article which highlighted a study of 12 burglars. Those interviewed “named loud barking dogs, strong heavy doors, a TV being switched on and locked UPVC windows as the next most likely to put them off breaking into a home.” An investigative report by KGW8 out of Oregon surveyed 86 burglars. The study concluded that if “a homeowner had a big, loud dog most burglars would stay away.” One of the convicted burglars even said, “dogs are a deal breaker for me…Big breeds, home protectors are the best to keep people out.” Career burglar Jack Black revealed in his memoir that dogs wreak havoc on a burglar’s well-laid plans: “Dogs, young or old, are the bane of the burglar’s life.” A story by the Miami Herald touted the benefits of dogs for burglary prevention in a report which interviewed a K-9 services expert. Tony Guzman, a specialist with three decades of experience said, “For deterrence, there’s nothing like a canine. It’s the fear factor…They just fold up when a canine shows up.” Rest easy knowing that all the love you have for your canine companion is well-deserved!
  16. Taew is line, so its two rows of seats, not two seats. ???? Originally always a pickup with two rows of seats along the side. It has now morphed into Si Lor Leks also being called songtaews. These are the little things with a daihatsu motor that roll up and down the soi's of say Thong Lor.
  17. Perhaps you should have read one or more of the articles published about her. 1. The FBI said a driver suspected in the hit-and-run killing of a 22-year-old in Oakland Township on New Year's Day has fled the country. In a criminal complaint filed this week, the FBI alleges that Tubtim "Sue" Howson from Oakland Township fled to Thailand two days after the crash. 2. The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is working with the FBI and calling on the Thai government to extradite Howson back to the states. 3 The FBI contacted the Royal Thai Police on Feb 12 to track her down as Thailand and the US have an extradition treaty.
  18. I hope I am wrong but... I only know you can waive duty on household items brought here from abroad. https://apps.customs.go.th/list_strc_simple_neted.php?ini_content=pbc_01&ini_menu=menu_pbc&left_menu=menu_pbc_01&lang=en&root_left_menu=menu_pbc&left_menu=menu_pbc_01 I think my wife knows every tax deduction known to man and believe me I have not heard of tax allowance for home appliances bought here,
  19. marin


    Where did you hear that?
  20. I have lived here for 40 years and never heard that. Sounds like the same person who said if it rains on your head you will get sick. Folktales.
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