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Everything posted by marin

  1. Thanks Jack that is what I thought, but no mention of marriage until later so.....
  2. How can you do that? Sorry I am curious as you mention your intent to apply for the marriage visa.
  3. You simply need to have your landlord register you as living in his house or condo. Once he does that you can record your residence. I dont think you would have to do a 90 day report as you dont stay 90 days. But you do have to register where you live.
  4. Do you always get upset so easily? They had their tm30. So when you took them to immigration they were carrying the completed TM30 forms along with their screenshots from the hotel or resort? Why do they have to leave?
  5. By far the best answer for sure. You will be hitting the worst of the morning commute, and its better to be safe than sorry. Those mentioning rail links, red lines and the such forget. If you have luggage it is next to impossible especially with the commuters using the Rail Links.
  6. I now see the problem. The end result is not the same at all in either circumstance. I will admit to not minding the good brick weed I have always been able to get. It is lightly pressed, dried and cured before pressing and presents a nice almost chocolate smell. But it is a much heavier and lazier high, which is why I smoke it before sleep. A good sativa high is very energetic and I miss that as hybrids and Indica tend to rule the market these days. So I generally go for hybrids that have a higher content of sativa to Indica.
  7. You forgot the part about " failure to stop at the scene of an accident resulting in the death of Benjamin Kable, 22," A young man was killed, she did not just flee the scene of an accident. She hit him and killed him then fled.
  8. Sorry to tell you there is no train to Phuket. You can get your gear BKK/Surat Thani, but its going to be by truck and overland after that. You should look into the logistics of doing it all by large or small truck depending on your needs.
  9. He is simply lying through his teeth. Sadly the National sport, taught from birth. A very strange element of Thai society.
  10. Over 8 days? Yes you can trust BKK Bank, make sure both ends are connected and make the transfer.
  11. So millions of Thai's have done this for 10's of years, and here comes Mr. DooGooder saying the population is ignorant. Perhaps its you. I give you another couple of months here. Most visitors are charmed by the ingenuity of the people. Have you noticed they deliver on motorcycles. My God!!
  12. I bought their Squirrel tail as buds for like 250 baht for 20 grams. Nice smoke, dried and cured well with a nice smell. Its what I use before bed. They have been out for 3 weeks with more coming in soon. Perhaps he decided to try the brick while waiting. Something I personally would not do. I would recommend this vendor. Great follow up and straight up sales. Just waiting for more to come in.
  13. No I have not, nor has anybody else I would not imagine. Love your theory though. Perhaps try to publish it. ???? You at least would meet an interesting cast of characters.
  14. Of course not, driving while intoxicated in anyway is and should be illegal. But to connect together a guy getting stoned in his guesthouse room to one out driving blitzed is just silly and you well know it.
  15. Or are you being silly questioning something that has been going on since the invention of the plastic bag? The Thai's have done this forever and it seems to work quite well. I can remember 40 years ago at getting a hot coke in an iced bag in the middle of nowhere and being blown away. Its better to be amazed at times rather than question it. Did it taste good or not?????
  16. Give me a break, you dont like the smell, dont get carried away.
  17. I really feel for the family and the deceased who died a horrible death. But dang they have big jockeys here. Add that to the small horses and well..........
  18. Your title reads a lot different. You seem to like to stir things up on a number of threads. The mods are letting you and deleting posts right left and center. Good luck in the long run.
  19. You asked. Some replies you may not care for, but another parable you might like. "Take the good with the bad". The posts that I read were polite but went to the point. One which you dont seem to like. As to your question. I am a long time "head", but would not even consider the proposal you have been offered.
  20. I love how when its Thai's working totally illegal in Korea its called "informal" workers. What a joke.
  21. Maybe three years of little to no exercise, and possibly a bad diet it would be a possible cause. That is a side effect of covid.
  22. Even easier online now. No paper to lose in your passport. You print your own conformation out, so A4 for me. You then get a notice to do it again two weeks or more before your due date. This service does work really well. Just be sure you have your address registered is the only requirement.
  23. You will report 90 days from Nov 23. There is currently another thread running with the same problem and the OP is late filing his report. Because he thought the same as you.
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